HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-10. J') MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD M.=1 IMG HELD MONDAY , DECMISMR 10 , 1290.3 @ 7: )0 FM Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Gordan C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Donald E. 0wirdngs, Councilman Carl F. Haynes, Councilman Jack Fitzgerald, Attorney Also p2�esent: Leland Cornelius, Monica Carey, Lyle Raymond, Gaxy Wood, Repxesentative;t, from SPCA, Don McBride Moved by MI:. Haynes, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, that the minutes of November 5th be approved as mailed, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Claim NOS. to of the Highway Fund in the amount of and Claim Nos. to of the General Fund in the amour[t of were presented for audit, [loved by Mar. Sovocoal, seconded by Mr. Cummings, that the bills be approved for payment, Ayes - Sovocool, Var,Eenschoten, Cuffmings, Haynes, Robinson. Board discussed Capital Ressxve Fund :names and bill submitted by McFarland Johnson in the amount of $4,172.80 which they claim Town still owes them per contracts, Supervisor Robinson will check to see if this is correct. Monthly reports from Town Clerk, Judge Heffron and Bookkeeper Sept. & Oct. were reviewed, Lyle Raymond reported an status of Natural Area, Study and also Undergrournd Tank Study, Large maps will be made available Town to Towns. SPCA representatives were present to answex questions and negotiate a contract. fox' 1991. They are asking $3,65o, a z5 inorease ovex $6,907 for 1990 rontraat. They are willing to negotiate a 5 - '7,258, 10 - $7,598, 15 - $7,943 or a 20 - $B, contrast, for 1991. After much dzscussiorl and negotia.tjons} the Town and SPCA agreed to a 15 increase. RESOLUTION NO. - 1991 MG CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Sovocaol, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Savocool, VanBenschoten, Cumffiings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton will contract with the Tompkins County SPCA for 1991 Dog Control Searvices in Accordance with Ag Markets Article I thru IV in the amount of $7,943: Moved by Ear. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Cummings, that a Public Hearing be Yield on Monday, January 7, 1991, at 8:00 R.M. to consider amending Lbg Ordinance by increasing license fees to $7.50 for a syayd or neutered dog and $12.,50 for an un�puyed or unneute2�ed dog. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, F{ayneS, Robinson, 'Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mx. Cummings, that a public hearing be held on Monday, January 7, 1991, at 8:15 P.M. to considex amending Local Dog Control Law by increasing impoundment fees to $15.00 for the first offense, $30.0 second offense and $k5.00 for any subsequent offense. Ayes - Sovocool, Vax$enschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Haynes, to schedule January Organization Meeting for Monday, January 7, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. at the 'town Hall. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Leland Cornelius reported that new snow contrrast with County has increased 47 �- pa2�tially due to large amount of salt used lart year and also what State payer County and also roughly 30 Miles of road. 0 RESOLUTION N0. 56_ - APPROVA.d OF 1991 SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton enter into Agreement with the County of Tompkins for removal of snow from County roads and sanding of same for a period of two years. Payment for same shall be $3298.00 per two -lane mile for the first year. The amount paid per two -lane mile will be adjusted each year by the percentage change in County billings to the State for snow and ice removal work performed during the preceding winter season. Leland Cornelius reported that the Village Electric Board has received bids for a new woodchipper to replace existing chipper owned jointly by the Town • and Village. Trade in Value is $2500. New chipper cost is $11,4870 RESOLUTIOF N09 7 - PURCHASE WOODCHIPPER JOINTLY WITH VILLAGE Moved by Mr. Cummings, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the purchase of a woodchipper jointly with the Village of Groton at a total cost of $11,487 to be shared equally by both parties. Charles Rankin,.Bookkeeper, reported on payroll status with ADP. Just logistical problems. Have most.things straightened out -- it is a pretty functional type system. Dennis suggested we run everything thru General Account -- separate payroll account would be good. Chuck would like to eventually see payroll software like in the Village. Town elected to go with ADP. We have no contract. Quote was on a per payroll for a trial period of one year. Chuck still needs a printer. Chuck doesn't feel we need maintenance agreement on his computer. He won't have yearend numbers until sometime in February. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, to approve payment of $711.00 to the NYS Retirement for paid up retirement insurance. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. RESOLUTION N0. _ 8 - ENTER IN'T'O AGRFM4ENT WITH FAMILY AND CHILDRENS' SERVICE OF ITHACA FOR 1991 Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton enter into Agreement with Family & Childrens' Service of Ithaca to implement and supervise Town and Village of Groton Youth Commission, RESOLUTION N0. _ 9 - 1991 YOUTH RECREATION AND YOUTH SERVICE PROJECTS Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton will participate jointly with the S Village of Groton in the Youth Recreation and Youth Services Projects for 1991 with the Town share being $5000 and $3200, respectively. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Cummings, to reappoint George Totman to serve on the County Planning Board from January 1, 1991. thru December 31, 1992. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, too reappoint Michael Post to serve on theEconomic Advisory Board from January 1, 1991 thru December 31, 1992• Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Supervisor Robinson is the only Board Member planning to attend the annual Association of Towns meeting in NYC this coming February. Discussed bids received by the County for removal of John Anderson's garbage. Supervisor Robinson attended meeting when County accepted low bid. However, our County Representative was not at the meeting. Crispe'll Construction and Landscape Company was low bidder at $45,500. High bid was $107,284. 262 Scott Heyman wanted to kriow what share the Town was going to pay. He wanted roughly half or $15,000, At,toxney Fitzgerald advised that the Town should let, the County tame lead to recover costs. Consensus of Board was to wait and see what happens. Gary 'good - Clerk -af- the -Works - 1) Discussed invoice received.from M J in the amount of $4,172.80. He will sit down with Don BroLSn and try to resolve problem. ) Reviewed his draft of a letter to Bonding Co. detailing costs to new building. Would Board consider giving $10,000 to Bonding Co, if Claim is closed by January? Discussed at length with Attorney -- Need a release of all leins before settlement. Need to negotiate with Banding Co. ) Outstanding violations in highway garage - Floyd Ferxis the Electrical Inspectox and Gary will resolve problem with Freije. Gary Wood Code Enforcement Officer � have issued 98 bldg, perr�7 is in 1990 compared to 77 in 1989. Junk caxs - 150 letters were sent out at .50 at a time -- 51 responses in 4 categoxies, 15 problems gone, 3 never existed, 2 bad apples and will go after, 31 don't know how to deal with. Rosen has been before ZBA, Clarence White has f'ann licenses on vehicles now, Lockwood in McLean has cleazi,ed up some. Gary wants to krnom what provisions axe made for those vehicles used seasonally, Consensus of Board was that you wexe allowed to have one unlicensed vehicle. Gary says currerkt Cade and State Code says none. Mr. VanBenschoten read lettex received by Mr. Jacobs of Jeslen Trailer Court from Gar', Wood regarding building to close to unit. No such regulation and its been thexe 1 years. Second item taken care of. Third item - Stxee�t names not provided. Gary said first item comes bram Bldg. Cade and maybe street signs confused with anothex ordinance. All is okay. Supervisor Robinson said that a shelter has been made for recycling center in Peruville. Town will be getting bill, Also Blue 0`ross Blue Shield will increase 11 on' Feb. 14. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by 11r. VanBenschoten, to schedule a Special Town Board Meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 26t 1990, at 10w3o AM to close out yeax -end business and perform annual accounting of all Town records. Ayes - Sov0000l, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. A Check in the amount of $11,759.73 was received from the IRS as a F941 refund. Supervisor Robinson contacted the acoountants to see what it was fox' and was advised not to cash it.. Town also reoe ved a notice from Social SecUrity regarding quarterly report underpayment. and penalties due. This also was ref erred to the accountants by the Superva. sox. Town Clerk discussed with Supervisor and Town Board Members some Internal personnel problems that needed to be 'Laken care* of, There being no further business, Mr. VanBenschoten Moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 11:30 Poma Unanimous, �-� Colleen D, Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEET ING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, DEC ER 26P 1990 AT 10w3D A, M. Those presents Teresa M. Robinson , SUperVr is4or Ellaxd L. Sovocool, Councilman Gordon C. 'lanBenschoten, pouncilman Carl E. Ha :mes, CouncI pan Absent: Donald E. Cuniinings, Councilman Absents Jack Fitzgerald, Attoimey Also present. Leland Cornelius PuIrPOse of meeting w-.s to close out yearend business and perform annual accounting of all Town xecords. 0