HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-142 T. ROBINSON: Yes, it does. Why do you thank they should do it? G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: I don't think they should do it but they could tell us what they want. I know we need a bunch of furniture. I assume we need a fancy bench and whatever else. If it goes out for bid it is going to take another 2 to 3 months. T. ROBINSON: You can buy parts of it, it depends on which company you're going to go with. G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: I can take that project on. CARL HAYNES made the MOTION the Board approve the March 19, 1990 minutes as presented, second by ELLARD SOVOCOOL; ® VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED DONALD CUMMINGS made the MOTION the Board approve the March 22, 1990 special meeting minutes as presented, second by GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEN9 VOTE: D. CUMMINGS - YES C. HAYNES - YES G. VANBENSCHOTEN -YES E. SOVOCOOL - YES T. ROBINSON - NO MOTION CARRIED. ELLARD SOVOCOOL made the motion the meeting be adjourned; DONALD CUMMINGS second the motion and the ,meeting was adjotirned. :far et A. Palmer Stenographer TOWN OF GROTON JOWN BOARD Monday, May 14, 1990 BOARD *Teresa Robinson, Supervisor *Gordon VanBenschoten *Donald Cummings * Ellard Sovocool *Carl Haynes (*present) PUBLIC PRESENT Carol Marks, Deputy Town Clerk Leland Cornelius, Town Highway Supervisor John Fitzgerald, Town Attorney Teresa Robinson, Supervisor, opened the Town Board meeting. Donald Cummings made the motion the Board approve the minutes of the April 9, 1990 meeting Gordon Van Benschoten second the motion, and 711 were in favor, motion carried, minutes were approved. Review of Bills Highway Bills: Gordon VanBenschoten made motion hi Oapproved as presented, Ellard Sovoc General Bills: TERESA ROBINSON had a question on t from ZEE Medical Service there migh duplication and wool d like to c_hecto the bill. It was 'for medical kit r ghway bills be ool second motion. he medical supplies bill t be a possibility of a I nto it before we pay efills. GORDON VANBENSCHOTEN made the motion the general bills be paid except for the ZEE Medical Service until it can be checked, ELLARD SOVOCOOL second motion. All were in favor, motion carried. Committee_ Report. Courtroom furniture G. VanBenschoten reported meeting with the judges, Teresa and Floyd Fuller of the Lake Como Wood Shop on last Saturday. Mr. Fuller came with a tape and drawing chart and took measurements and he was given insight an what IS was wanted fnr the judge's bench and }nary boa . Mr. have no problem metching the exisiting o,'j�F; tables. tNOLLld submit pl4�Lr7s and a proposal for- r- Onstruction. was also looked c vyer and chair's for the board and � tentativP,ly selectf.ad. Mr. Fr.rller also diagramed a jr_rrylcon- Terence iii an octagc nai shape due to the si build a wnod table -For the rOmpar °Gih1 e price of bu i Rav_:iew of �Cor=r_t!1QondenceU rt-rller stated he would In a week to ten days he Literature on chairs ury rpgm were table +or the ze of the ream. He can nth a steel tebl e. Letter 4rom Ben_ D'Amato concerning the HUD application and he is enthusiastic anc ready to support tss. Letter from Rep. Boehler °t stating he is ready and willing to help the Town in any way on the HUD application. Peceived letter frow Patricia 6a�tlbraith L Senior Probation 6ffieerj Tompkins County, l aq�;i ng to establish a Service /Work Alternative native program for viark crews to work with varxC:tLrs towns ;in the County and wants to know if we are i ntereated. Received a phonee call asking us if we would call Sen. Jnhnscrn and Assem. Hinchly we were against the bill for mLLning fees to be established for excavati {one and miE7es which F/jould apply to towns as well as cofnmerciatl enterprises. Lettw_r from the County Girl i d Waste cc�noerning t�se waste disposa,L costs to he charged in 1991. Reference to the cost of the tage, the cost to the haulers,: etc. The total amount budgeted for solid waste this year is $2 *363,432 excluding recycling program. Teresa commented this is something we shoQld be concerned about. Point of i of ormati on j' 5eorge 1990 meeting to be held Schecht , Surveyors & Engineers announced Noel Desch is now associated with the firm arks a Senior Engineering ConsLAl tant. Card of th inks from the f"i r t, National Bank of Groton, for the if l owers and the 19c70' s was received County and revi owFh l plaque presented to the Bank qr7 their 123th year anniversary, for Letter from New York Gtalte Electric & relferencing their reorganizeition plan with a copy of the official news release. Letter concerning the Management. Training May 15, Workshop 1990 meeting to be held of the NYS Flood Plain at the '"own Hall in Groton for Building Inspectors and Code Enforcement of f i cars from the ;urroundi ng areae. proposal for the Letter from from the Youth Bureau with the Municipal County VoL4th Service proposal for the Town cif Groton far $700 and for the Village of Croton for- $1400 4 ndi,ng for the 19c70' s was received County and revi owFh l and complied with the County's guidelines i n for the progr4nrm and a contract was enclosed +or the Signatures of the 4�tppropr i at e of + i d o l s to be returned to Nancy Zu l:e f LELi, sore . Letter from the County Budget and Firni�tnce in refer°ence to Town and County taxz+e being paid i n installments, update on the 4130190 meeting. A5sus5ment /GriRvancps_ Town Grievance day held May 81h 1990 from 4: CIO to 9u CPO p.m. with 52 grievances heard. Priv_i1egf_p ,the�Flooro Brian Lacey reported Qn the condition of a neighboring property, Art Whalen on Lafayette Rd. and wool d like to Itnow what to do to get i t a1 eaned tap. There has been earth dumped in the frond yard,. building deb I is IayiTIq around, and appliance. OLIestigned whother the TDwn can din anything abo�it i t . Teresa Robinson told him the i n *orr )Rti on would be turned over to the Code Cnf orcemerrt Off f i cer to 401 l pw Lrp on . 1'❑WN OF L3POTDN 'yrol l RTs�t: CARL HAYNES made t�5e motion the Trrwn of Groton give the firm Ciaschi 8r Dietershagen, EPA, a limited Power of Attorney to re*salve the issQes with the IRS and New York State for° the reporting years of 1966 to 19894 compensation /fee riot to exceed $1,000 and authorize the Town Supervioar to sign the limited Power of Attorney; DONALD C1JMMINGS second the motionn Fkol 1 Cg -�' acts;. CARL HAYNES made the Motion the f.11r�wing polling places for the Fall primary and th W. Groton Church, District 2 - To4n Hall District 4 - Mclean Fire Hall' ELLARD SOVO Notion carried. Voter.Regi strati on_ designat e Novemb Distri COOL !i�ec: ions be er elect rt 3 - I and moti made +or the inns; District I [awn Hall, orb, all in f atvor ELLARD S13VUCUDL made the motion the Town Combine the Voter Registration Districts at the Town Hsl l at 101 Conger- Blvd. for the Qctober, 1990 r-egi5tration d,ky; GORDON VANBENSCHOTEN seCOnd the motianfr all in favor, Motion carried. ReinrbLtrse IRAN of V iriance motion fees: the $15.00 each for Variance applicaticris GGRDGN IRAN BENSCHOTEN made the motion the $15.00 each for Variance applicaticris fees necessaryP CARL HAYNES second the motionr Ga _Wt C1er_k=gf;the�Workgq_RepLxrt Town reimburser Metzler and Sheei th�?Lt were determined not to be all in favor, Motion carried. Sary distributed a rkk,,smo to the SoRrd membE!rs iri reference to the Addition to the Tovin Hall and r~ n i -Cor Contractors - Seneral Construction Contract, A tabulation of the post that have been or well .be encumbered in completing and/or correcting the work on this phase of the project. CARL HAYNES made the Motion a ropy of the memeirandum da Groton Board to the bonding release $3,500 to them upon OUtl i nod. (rnemo attached to mots oli. All voted in favor r that upon advice of counsel, Gary Woad forward ted 14 May 1990 from Gary L. Wood to the Town of company to convey the Board's wi 1 l i nr#ne s to their explio:i'ty agreement to the charges these minutes): ELLARD SOVDCCQL second the motion carried. itI �i 11_� �1�tL� and= Jq_hrte_- Dork Brown, from McFarland- Johnson accounting department reported ,a problem with the tax on voucher submitted on March 19, 1989. The tax of _$192w9i was suhtracted twice by the town. If the Board cht1 c};s all thO checks madam dgai n st tI'41 S particular ar-count you will find they add up to $433 9e5. :35. Mr. Brown asked the Board 'to pest on their l i 3t +car paymvint after they have ver i f z ed tho discrepancy. CARL HAYNES made the Motion the Board pay the b�Llaiice due McFarland- Johnson of $182.91 on the March 173 1989 invoice contingent an verificatic;)nE% GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEN second the motionq All voted in favor, motion carried. McLean -Fii :e _Deportment �SiL .UatijuC_ Gary mood reported that his decision has been to write them a letter- and aayg 'gentlemenp follow the rules and the rules are that you hire an engineer and show me how you are goirtq to comply with tho L IIood control r wl,ation s. r Gary said he was going to do that aftpr the first of the month and meantime z seminar an f 1 oad control was pl ahnuad for Tuesday, May In and he has opted t* wait until of ter tho somi oar to address the* issue. unless the Board has any other recommendation =;, that is what Geary plans to do 0 Hertford_ 4rrecgmmendation5 Letter frciin insurance company that recommends wood stove instal 1 cIti on be t)bserved by both the Code Enforcement Officer and the Town Atterneyn Sary Wood �;tated the code requires a building permit fflr wood 15tove installation. It xs the polity to inspect and iss"e a letter of approval. Sometimes they are fully installed before they are inspected. % 7 18 The Board referred the is,ue to the town attormney and Code Enforcement flff i cer for i�in5wer. Removal 0-f nF;�carS Cary Wood reported he hard J LLst relocated the gaintl eman who rernaVes cars and will Le getting together with hire with a sample contract. Gary Wood was a%pprisod of Brian Lucey's complaint, .�LlsticN[2 vlaugkl Town Attorney, Jack Fitzgeraldm gave the ward of the wages for the justices' past increa nL*5. a letter covering the issue CARL HAYNES made the motion the two ,justice recei represented #or the increase in 1989 and for the 1 ected of f i ci al %r the difference hetwseen that an received, be c€ l cul aced and spread over the bi5Ll an DENSCHElTEN second the motion; All voted i ri favor Recycling ve the amount of money i ncr° ease i n 1990 for d 'the actual increase C2 A+ 1 990, B13RDON VAN and motion carried. 0 It wai% discussed that the Town should do pomething about having recycling bins .et up ;or the r` siderkts of the Town to use. At present L. Cornelius is in the proceas{5 of setting uP a location for the bias and discussing the situation with the proper County per-sonnal. The Town can rent recycling bias tut nerved SLLPC�rVision for hours and wahere does the Town tren5port the goods. CARS. HAYNES stated answers to these queetiens should be brought to the next meet I nq U A I cant _ or_Yk)ukkeep r � position D nnYlrs Jones proposee an experience accQuntnnt as opposed to a bookkeeper and wrote Qp a proposed job description for the Boatr'drs review, Dennis Jone�9 Jack Little arid Carl Kimberly reviewed the applications rooeived for the advertised hookkeeper position and ranked the appl•icante. CARL HAYNES made the motion the Board check with civil Service for a ,fob description and advertise mFor a Financial Accountant and have the accountants and Carl Kimberly reviews the applications and recommend the top three to t•he Board members for interviews, i sc {sai on e Carl Haynes asicLud why not i n•tervi ew the top four applicants already received and i•f 00t ssti,fied then readvertire, Gordon VanPan schoten agrees with that pr•emi se. CARL HAYNES withdrew hi Ea moti car,. CRRL HAYNES made the MOTT p. m for intervi owl ng the t decision after the i ntervi the five Aoard members and to be there fqr their inpu voted in favor, Motion Car ON the op thr ews_ Denni t 9 6138 rigid. Board set, Wednesday, M'" iy 23%, 1990 at 4:00 ee applicants and they would make their These present for the interviews will be S Jones and Carl Kimberlyr will be requested DUN VAN BENSCHOTEN second the fnoti•an; ALL UDRD13M VAN BENSCHOTEN madam the motion and ELLARD SOVE]COOL Second the inoti ran. the Town Board meeting he adJourned Meetif)g waS adjourned at 10):15 pom. RespectfUlly submitted Margaret A. Palmer o Stenographer