Those present: Teresa M, Robinson, Supervisor
El la.rd L. Savo coo1 p Councilman
Cordon C. VanBenschoten, Counc.11man
Donald E. Cummings, Couneilrman
Carl E. Haynes, Councilman
Jack n tzgerald, Attorney
Also present: Leland Cornelius, Gary Wood, Dan Brown
Moved by [fir. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, to approve minutes
of August 14 meeting as submitted. Ayes - Sovacool, VanBenschoten, Cummings,
Haynes, Robinson.
Claim Noy. 211 to 236 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $23,258.80 and
Claim Nos, 375 to 415 of the General Fund in the amount of $10 }824.41 were
presented for audit. [loved by Mr. Haynes, seconded, by Mr. Cummings, that
the bills be approved for payment. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBen�,7choten, Cummings,
Haynes, Robinson.
SPCA and Nuisance Wildlife Control were present to discuss their proposals
for 1990 dog control services. Nuisance Wildlife has been in business for
eleven years. They use shelter owned by Lorraine Bari of Danby which can
handle 125 doffs at one time. They will be contracting with Newfield on
Ja3muary 1. Theia� proposal is to provide the Town with basically the same
service as now pro
vided for a fee of $6,727.08 for a, one year contract.
The SPCA proposed to provide same service as they are now providing the
Town for a fee of $6,90.00. This is considerably lower than their
original proposal of $1 ,' 5 .00. Board decided not to take any action
until next month.
Supervisor Robinson provided Board Members with the following inforima.ti,on
uminary of Capital Project
Revenues 456 }242,04
From General 2 5,D00600
Frori Highway 225,000.04
Rcom Interest 6r242wO
T 456,224,04
Expenses 433 , o41. 52
Engineer 5 }24.61
AdminiStratl.V8 833.4
Contraotors 373r 11467
Clerk of Works 2x775.81
4Q } 041.52
, 2ADO. 5
Balance Left
Cracking 25x900.72
Savings 299.8p //y �j(�
Board digacussed above revenues and expenditures of capital project at length.
Gary Mood, Clerk -of- the- lilorks and Don Brown of McPa laid JohnsOn provided
Board!'viMembers with a, con�tr�aector status li '8t including electrical, plumbing
and heating /air conditioning, In addition, they provided an estimate of
of incosm;plete work on August 2, 1989, under the General Construction Contract
which totaled $1 ,963,0(. Un' Cox left job on August 22. Mr. Wood and
Mr, Brown recommended paying F`reiji, S&:S and Auchinachis contingent upon
job being completed, Also} they recommended to guarantee roofer his pay in
order to get job completed,
Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool
Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson
RESOLVED that the Town Board does hereby authorize payment of Claim
63 to 65 from the Capital reserve Pared in the amount, of $2,214.04, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Claim Nos. 66 to 69 of the Capital Reserve Fund in
the amount of $19,883.)4 be authari, zed for payment as requested by
S & S, Freiji and Auchinachie contingent upon Gary Wood's authorization to
release check after completion of work.
Gary Wood reported on zoning activities as follows: 1) Sherry O'Brien has
made much improvement on his property; 2) Donald McBride - Temporary permit
was issued for a trailer addition to his home on Pleasant Valley Road. Gary
could find nothing in -the ordinance indicating this was not allowed. Several
complaints were received regarding unsightly trailer next to residence and
junk around home. VanOrder subdivision was granted by Planning Board.
VanOrder put deed restrictions on subdivision which required mobile homes to
be atleast a double -wide. Gary stated this was an addition to his residence
and a single family dwelling. Supervisor suggested we turn over to Planning
Board for their consideration of .changes in zoning prohibiting this type of
thing in the future; 3) Lacey Griep put two trailers together on West Groton
Municipal Officials are having a dinner - meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at
6:30 PM at the Lehigh Valley Restaurant.
Moved by 1oir. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Haynes, to authorize Leland
Cornelius to attend Highway Superintendents Conference Sept. 19 -22. Ayes -
Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson.
Tompkins County Health Department is holding a hearing for John Anderson's
garbage business at their office on September 15. Supervisor Robinson
will attend.
There being no further business, Mr. Cummings moved to adjourn meeting,
seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 10:30 P.M. Unanimous
Colleen D. Pierson
Town Clerk