HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-12136 Cvntxlbutiens for Gary Ballou, a meinber of the Toim Planning Board, who was fatally in jured along Kith his daughter in an automobile accident will be sent to the Groton Ambulance Fund is their memox'y, 1'r. Tom Mu=ay, President of Pen -Can Oil passed away last week. Contribut+ ions can be made to the hanlius Fire Department, Discussed proposed amendments to the Kobile Home Ordinance. Consensus is that the Zoning Board of Appeals should be the administrative agency the 146bile Horne Ordinance, not the TOwn Board, The Town 13oard Trill request the Plarming Board to consider proposed changes and report back any concern Or recomLendations, Moved by Mr. Sovvcooi, seconded by Mr. Haynes, to hold a public hearing to amend the Town of Groton Mobile Horne Ordinance on Monday, 3ep'L`embe# 12, 1988, at 8:0D P.M. at the Town Hall, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings. Haynes, Robinson, There being no further business, Mr. Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by M2% Haynes, at 9;20 P. H. Unanimous. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MIKUTM OF TOWN BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY, SP;PTENBER 12, 1988, AT 7:30 P &ME Those present; Texesa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Gordon C. VanZenschoten, Councilman Donald E. Cummings, Councilman Arrived sate: Gail E. Haynes, Councilman Jack Fitzgerald, Attorney Also present: Leland Cornelius, Cary Wood, and about 16 members of the public. Moved by Ur. VanBensohoten, seconded by Mr. Sovacool, to approve minutes of August 8th meeting as nailed. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson Absent - Haynes), Claim Nos. 224 to 262 of the Highway Fwd in the aillaunt of $80,871.28 and Claim Nos. 393 to 427 of the General Fund in the amount of $3,687,88 were presented for audit.. Moved by DLL. Cummings, seconded by Mr. Haynes, that the bills be approved for payment, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Monthly reports from the Town Clerk and Town Jus'tioe heffron were reviewed. Correspondence consisted of: 1) Report of Groton Youth Servios year end Academia Report from P & CS of Ithaca; ) Minutes of Municipal Youth Service Plan Workshop hold at 'Tompk�.ns County Cooperative H tenF3ion on July 2 ?; Copy of le't'ter from Scott Heyman to Attorneys for Groton Housin Redevelopment Company regarding tax exemption for Main Street TC3 Project; 4} Notice that Association of Tbwnps dues for 1989 will be $481.00; Notice from. Tompkins County Planning Department of meeting on Sept, 2 7,n Rochestex 'to discuss ' Public Private Financing of Tz:ansportation Impx'ovements; ) Gopies of Code �hforcement Officex'`s letters to violators; 7) Letter from Thmpkins County Planning to DOT regarding recommendations to go with Alternate #2 for Bridge Construction on Route 38 over Owasco inlet; 8) Notice of Resolution no. 233 - County Commitme?nt, to Municipal Youth Services; 9) Letter from DDT aeknowledging receipt of request to study light at intexsection of Route 38 and 34AW Di8oussed Tompkins Counties proposed local law relating to the regulation and licensing of outdoor public rnusica,2 entertainment, amusement and assemblies, Speed contests, races and aimilalr special events. A public heax`ing on this ptopoa gi ed leslation is scheduled fox` rj:301'M on Oc'Cobex 4. Comments axe welcome from all Dt wns and Villages in the County. Town Board meeting 2`ecessed at 8:00P(7 fox Public Hearing to amend Mobile Horne Ordinance, v • � f 5� TOWN OF GROTON TDWN BOARD Public Hearing,. Plonday. Septombq��r 12,m 1966 60*00 PUMU PROPOSED A!*ENDMENT tQ, the Mobile Home Clr-tiinance,' 196£39 i�lt. E3:00 P Ma �� %A7 stitute thp: Town Bo Ftrd cif responsible Toni nq Appeals #car the +or c.!tovernancYc: the Tawas of the Board Mobile as the Howe Town Ordinance. agency BOARD *TR11-oaa RQbinnnn. Supervi,5or- 1*E1 1 a rd Savoconl. *6ordon VcAn Benschoten *Donald Cummi nth i *Carl Haynes *Co i .L eQn pr , er nn , Town C1 er 4: *Lol,,:rnd Cornelius. Highway S3uptn *Jack 1"it ger�ttld. Town Attorney ti PUBLIC Town of Groton,, PRE ENT t�rr � at Ynrk„ on the September Town Hal l , 12, 196£39 i�lt. E3:00 P Ma for the Chr i gi:ophp.r +!� of P. Fox,, 37 Stevens Mobile Rd . Ordinance ,%,;Lii� 0 1 1 1c wsw Larry Converse, Z7 Stevunlri� Fed. Hal. rWn Diztugl as. ,.�49 Old Stiwqe Rd. Betty Figgolari, 362 Old tape Rd. Albert Figgolari 1. -,562 Old StagE Rdn 1,etLir k J. Piddoczkq RD 21 C;irotor7, NY Anthony Astarit,-:�, 725 ChampliRdn n Rdn C� r�xl d L ne A�staE i k,a, '725 Champlin Rd Joslyn Harveth;, 67 Cayuga Sta HDfnor Dori.ta Bancroft, 662 Salt Ind. 1)nnald Banc:riDft,, 662 Salt Rdn DePere5t F- all 721 'Malt Rd E , Beverly Todd.. 40 C h i pman% Cr'n +::t Rd. i..orennp Cornell., 735s Salt Fed, C ",hri�tina Webster, 521 Alid Stage Rd Steven Webster, 521 Old Stage Rd. TERESA ROBINSON, Super-vi 5or, cxpenDt d- the public hearing by reading the legal notice dated Augi+y�t:, 19. 198S� PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a PLLb .1t i c Hear i vig will be held by the TQwr3 Board, Conger Boulevard, Town of Groton,, �rt:� New t�rr � at Ynrk„ on the September Town Hal l , 12, 196£39 i�lt. E3:00 P Ma for the purpos +!� of considering a propoised amendment to the Mobile Home Ordinance ,%,;Lii� 0 1 1 1c wsw Amend the MobilA Homp Ordinance to u,- *ub5titut4m the Town Board Df Zcining Appeals For the Town Board EA;.i the Town agency re ,ponsi b3 a rfor- the gQv*;,�rr trance of the Mobile Home Ordinances All persons in't,er'e{.sted in the rnatt;;,er uaihc�tl l bab hear db Colleen D. Pi er-�on Town Merl. Da.tedr August 1,91. 1988 D. IIALLj 721 Salt Rd.: YOU efrty YOU ar•e 'taking it out of the 3 Board of App4�+al5 or they wart the Board o+ Appe4lls to have it? T. ROBINSDN: We want the Board of Appeal ii 't{i� have it T}_ HALL: Who does the Town dcpei�57 Tm REJ sYNSLI : Yesr 'the Town Board. D. HALL"M Whir dc.)e�;�n't the Tawas Board wAnt to be this authoritv'n T m ROB I NSOIq u Dec a use it is are app em I t the Town Board # eels it is better that the deci 5i vn �omp.5 from the Appei�i l � Roard. Du HALL o Galt' put the Town of f i C i al �i 2 I�t {S c3 #f { ee and then they pass the huckc to some other board. T. R13BINSIDN: It all. coin+�s b�,�c k. tca thi } Board in the end_ Ore timtere any 1i'ther- cDmmi�_;nt5 or quest].0F) r C. FOX.. ;7 Stevens Rd. m I was here last month for the Board meet'i ng with ar gr-i,pv nr zzu about a mobile home that was just installed. Worm is thiE� going -to affect my grX�Fuanca? -ti Do I have to D. IIALLj 721 Salt Rd.: YOU efrty YOU ar•e 'taking it out of the 3 Board of App4�+al5 or they wart the Board o+ Appe4lls to have it? T. ROBINSDN: We want the Board of Appeal ii 't{i� have it T}_ HALL: Who does the Town dcpei�57 Tm REJ sYNSLI : Yesr 'the Town Board. D. HALL"M Whir dc.)e�;�n't the Tawas Board wAnt to be this authoritv'n T m ROB I NSOIq u Dec a use it is are app em I t the Town Board # eels it is better that the deci 5i vn �omp.5 from the Appei�i l � Roard. Du HALL o Galt' put the Town of f i C i al �i 2 I�t {S c3 #f { ee and then they pass the huckc to some other board. T. R13BINSIDN: It all. coin+�s b�,�c k. tca thi } Board in the end_ Ore timtere any 1i'ther- cDmmi�_;nt5 or quest].0F) r C. FOX.. ;7 Stevens Rd. m I was here last month for the Board meet'i ng with ar gr-i,pv nr zzu about a mobile home that was just installed. Worm is thiE� going -to affect my grX�Fuanca? Do I have to 'take it to the Zonir�c� Board of Appeals now? T4 ROBINSIDNm Nom we, the ToWn Bnard4 have the Zii rming Officer s a3nzwer to that gr i,evance and we wi 1. 1. givP it tiD yoLl .l ater" i, n the meet 1 MCI . Th i 5 amendment has nr�t gone into effect vet, Anything prior- will have to be the r'&5pQr1sib111ty of the Town Board. Jv FITZ (BEIRAL.D: In anl;�wer to the geviticaman "s gLtestioj&j. the Purpose of 5WjtCh3LLMg the gQvern;ing au'thora,ty from the Tiawn Fo,ard to thti Zoning Pcnard of Appeals y.,5r i,) ttoe same BQarcl is rrtnaw }ring goF_1,�t:Lonn dealing vilth reaq;'Ldentlal i..tnits.. be they mobile homes car- regular- horne.5. The zonj.'ng pagi� . 2 , 1 ordinance that we have row, the en+orcement board is the Zoning Ba ird of APPPm,�;s i. So in tead of havi r ng dif +Ev°ent thoucilit her+, (TQwn Foard) dealing with mobile home a and regular- sFt .1i c P built hqu3�,2 rit, the Zoning Board of Apppal n we thought it would be better for the people of thu Town of Groton to he cgovernecl by orte,5 hoard dealing with all residonces. Tt is not an {�tte�npt b this l ear-c� t t+xr }; ita buties but rather tq report what is going an in mo,5t towns in New York. 'itaty. the Zonin FrEard caf Appeals hcth llos questions oaf that nature, net the Tcmn Boardu T; is morce or less updating Lin into thP, 1980's. LFr HALL a Wf) G, PPOi nts the other boards? T, ROBIN ONm The Town Poard dru)&5, E }. HALLO There again, the Tow) Board is passing the buclk. T'. ROBImEaNuff No we are not passing the bucle. D_ HAIL. YCDLt alr P. elected t]f it i. al =, Why are YOLL paS�SiT-i�j the buck, to avmtho�r hoardp :1 T, ROBINSON: I•Je jto�st egplainod it to you. }. HALL Yes, 'they are better- abl o to do it than you ;pro, it sounds to mer X. ROB1NSIDNR The ZBA deals with variances all the time, the Town Br)ard deer not. D. HALL: We arle not dealli.r}a with tt'tia Zoning E�ocL:�rd of Appeals and #_I7o oMing E -4oard all the kirrte e?itho�- but with the, Town Board We are sealing with mat.terz� thatrs why We PLLt YOU into office. Fags, - 3 'i T. ROBINSON2 Are there any other questions or comments7 deEl mE! the RJblic Hearing closed. If nit. I et A. FelmLor Page — 4 I. MARGARET A. PALMER. DD CERTIFY that at the Public Hearing held in and for the Town of Groton on the amendment to the Mobile Home Ordinance held at the TBwn Hall, Town of er0ton! on Monday, September !2, 198E at e =00 P.M., did teke the minutes of said Hearing and the foregoing is e tree and exact copy of said Hearing to the bort of my ability. et A. FelmLor Page — 4 T )� I /,/ o�rf(Ly iri �y �s f r I � ± OF t F &+ i 71.x' IA6 IIZ Alc� ANN _7t` e5:, r' li 7rn f 4 V /%I��r0 �,ti • �y( [A[CT[O !ac 19, 1817 `x. I; .. s 'h..00Uo Town of Groton LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF GROTON Supervisor (607) 898 -5102 Teresa M. Robinson Town Clerk (607) 898 -5035 Colleen D. Pierson Superintendent of Highways (607) 898 -3110 Leland E. Cornelius Councilmen Ellard L. Sov0000l Gordon C. VanBenschoten Donald E. Cummings Carl E. Haynes PLEASE TAKE NOI.TCE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board, Town of Groton, at the To1sn Hall, Conger Boulevard., Groton, New York, on September 12, 1988, at 8;00 P.M. for the purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the Mobile Home Ordinance as follows: Amend the Mobile Home Ordinance to substitute the Town Board of Zoning Appeals for the Town Board as the Town agency responsible for the governance of the Mobile Home Ordinance, All persons interested in the matter shall be heard. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk Dated: August 19, 1988 P. O. Box 36 9 101 Conger Boulevard 0 Groton, N. Y.13073 - 0036 l Town Board, meeting reconvened at 8:30 P,M. (see next page) 0 0 "r TOWN OF GROTON TOWN BOARD September 12, 1988. B* 00C.) P.M. )=BOARD *Terer>a 1- Robinson, Supervisor *Ellard Sovocool *Gordon VanBenschoten *Donald Ct.rmminns *Carl Havnes *Colleen Pierson. Town Clerk *Leland Cornelius, Highway Supt. *Jack Fitzgerald, Town Attorney (*Present) ALLINGTON RESTAURANT PETITION: T. ROBINSON*. Mrs. Donene Landon. PUBLIC PRk`SENT C hri st.opher• Fox , 33 Stever►s Rd. Larry Converse. 37 Stevens Rd. Helen Doua 1 a s. 348 Old Stage Rd. Betty Figgolari. 362 Old Stage Rd. Albert Figgolari, 362 Old Stage Rd. Laura?. J. Piddor_I., RD 2, Groton. IVY Anthony Astearita, 723 Champlin Rd. Geraldine Astarita, 725 Champlin Rd Joslyn Harveth, 67 Cayuga St, Homer Dora totancraft, 622 Salt Rd. Donald Bancroft. 622 Salt Rd . DeForest Hall, 721 Salt Rd. Beverly Todd, 40 Chipmans Crns Rd. Lorenne Cornell., 735 Salt Rd. Christina Webster, 521 Old Stave Rd Steven Webster, 521 Old Stage Rd. S. WEBSTER: I am Steve Webster, Mrs. Landon was unable to be here tonight, I would like to speak in her place. What we have is over 160 names on this petition against allowing the restaurant/bar to operate at 750 Cortland Rd. in Groton. Here is a copy of those names (presented the petition to the Town Board) . I was here last month when it came up and when I left I couldn't sleep that night. I heard all the complaints and I won't reiterate them•• The issue that came to my mind is one that we have more control under and that is more or .less a moral issue. That issue has to deal with alcohol. Unless one has been touched, their lives have been touched by the loss of a life through alcohol, it is hard to understand wha•t•. I am about -to say. I lost my mother through alcohol which is one of the reasons I am here tonight. The Bal1ou fami1v lost a father and daughter through alcohol. You can dress it up as an accident but the underlying cause is directly alcohol related. In New York State and communities we are trying to reduce DWI and it is my belief that by placing a bar in the community, 3 or, 4 males outside of town;, it does; riot have a bus run, does riot have sidewalks, does riot have apartments to walk to, would be nothing but leaving the scene of C� DWI. I find it hard to believe -that one drinking there, cannot drive away without being drunk„ I would like to finalize this with some facts from Cornell University and then I will sit down. These facts are mvths about alcohol that lead to danger. Page ° 1 i �f E 0 T. ROBI NSONO, Does anybody Q7, ,e wi =ah to speak e"' B. F16GULARI: 1. If you drink place too inuch, cup al: coffee or a cold aa, bar, If shower aoill sober osinc{ you up_ That is not the, true. Don't ar•tinth,!�Lr COL,Lnt on it. UnIv A k ime can reiverse, the effects of Stage a:L caFts�l Nay cImaixnt enough m+ hot cof f ee� or, a cold shsswer will ki{jaa . make the decision. We r-an give �_ur�i., drunkenness. ess. 0 Another myth i s eating, r_oZxt i ng thr: ztt}il1�7�L "h will i riforrnati Qfi Rnd your Provent you from getting OrQrnk. Dr-inki,na but on a full oneso t r ieths r 'than empty sU:)Mac -h will slaw down the rate in which alcohol i s ab5orbead but it doe ci rkot prevent know absorption. If you what cat and then drink tam muchq you to wSteln is 1; &et, up, the well 1:), , oriC l I -fe d dY t.tr�4y. ncl rloc�rd held the hear-i no ;x. T you drink Qnea to only beer instead of hard liquor- a4.� d cz Ion. They make it accordin to wnn , t get drurtk. at_e'r'arding Alcohol is alcohol no ma't'ter what reOuiatiOl7s -f orm i t taloes. 12 oh„once5 rif beer contains as rL UCh ethyl. alcohol, aLrBr 5 ounces of wine and 1 1l2. ot_tnces cif hard i i gLLor' . Three beers then are ,: s potent as 3 shots of hard 1 i quor- or ti Q l asses of wine. I dc;)n "t wish 'ter hore anyone With facts but they are fact$ and I bp1i.eve. that they need to he stated and my undr:rlyinq c:c'auase q my vii +e and m +,nimi, 1 y moved 'to the country to get, away froDm bar acentn +.a. There is a PPtitrLMT1 With 160 names. I think there v4+-re J.64 people contacted and all but 4 people signed the pet;i,tlonm If we need to get more signatures wlw will boot I think i.t 5ppaks for itself that. the �heit�hbflrs do not wi5b to have an alccohol, ro?I4'�'ted establishment at that locationo T. ROBI NSONO, Does anybody Q7, ,e wi =ah to speak e"' B. F16GULARI: I uG' d rstc�r)43 'thiE5 place is SIAPPOSe to be an eating place find ;_O ��o aa, bar, If they are c l osinc{ at 1 1 0 M P. M. thc: main the, Zoning ar•tinth,!�Lr Board. I ar . A 4 route to 'the other- bars is Old Stage Road. We have had enough accidents there. �`hesr•e are t {wch many ki{jaa on 'that road. make the decision. We r-an give them H. DOUGLAS: t1�LLCk s, with traffic. The ,is a n at ur• a l slice family need a #gar -. B. TE DDm* srotom needs riot a bar . We have enaL_Lg hay trucks, wit would all head route to Cayuga westaurant would h tra4 +ic d h alt true +or Cayuga QoLtnty and be, great M own throug d'ss and we County I at I door t t A family h there with mi 1 le dr�n't neod more F. ,at FIA. ght and that hink we need it, A restaurant doe;5 not I j o.L5t, want to go can record as saying I don't They are think ones whO are I.Igir]q to have to ma6cvr LFTIIw the, Zoning ar•tinth,!�Lr Board. I ar . A buasi ne 5a of some sort would Ise nice, are the ones but T. ROBINSON: That I know that and fLho%t of you attended thgg pLLblic They are held by ones whO are I.Igir]q to have to ma6cvr LFTIIw the, Zoning WJ. 1 1 relay ay Board. ns Over to t heir They area the gn% /F;1rnin9 body of are the ones who will make the decision. We r-an give them i riforrnati Qfi Rnd your requests. but they will be the oneso t decision. I don Rt know what they told you ribout coming to wSteln is 1; &et, up, the Pl anni ncl rloc�rd held the hear-i no and Qnea to rrLa6tra tF�ct d cz Ion. They make it accordin to trhE' at_e'r'arding to the reOuiatiOl7s that we have in the Town end Itic�ar'i,nq thi so They this to inakU the . The th�y are the l aw r the: Urdinances That we have and if they pass i,t they rem•7 put. in 45ome St -LPu I at1.OnS, They are the ones whO are I.Igir]q to have to ma6cvr LFTIIw des l Si on. We WJ. 1 1 relay ay th i ns Over to t heir . Pane - ,� I: 'I ,C truly sympathize with the +amilleas of thu accident victims and I csnt ier- stPLnd V$per -e YOLL art {.owino from. But there ar-e the 1L3ws before us we h,�ve to follow them. I con't know what their daainif,3n will he but i,t will be arcor, ding to the law. H. DOUGLAS: Can these hearings 10:e they had the other ni qht a howl is the JOUbl i r, nOti f i eel of those': I did not 1;nowa anything about it until T read the Coratl, and Standeird the ether night. T. RO SINSOV: We have a�k paper we have to designate each yeas and the paper has to pubs i s� OUr notices for any public meetings or public raids, Ww have established, what waas the (3rotun Journal. what is ncxw the 110rl_aVi,3 REgy. meter. you spy well `you t,, n Put it in the Shopper i';nd everyhody would gmot it' we cos_Sld put a noti.ce in the Sh'oppwiS caf a meet;Lng like that taut wpm would have to pay to put it in the ether h3EAfaea- tmcs rind at is very c >;pen )iVe to pay for the acd er-ti.sXfIgn If was taut it in the Cortland Staar diG rd only the people in -the east piart of town w1ll, get it an# i,f wa�a pest it ire the Ithacaorn,i only the people in the west pajjrt of tougn will ,het it. NinBl times oLLt of 10 rlcakxody reads the legal notices rat all, Hw DOUGLAS: 3;s tttiiS }gaper available in flroton':' T . ROB I NSON o Yes. . We ,a r paper rind tine Moravia Regi qual i, f . We Sertid Out not a out y and wc} weren 7 t G ^equi r the word goat out and the p ster qU�ml x f ces to peep Sid to by 1 a 0, %op1fa Shows by law to have a cer i es and the ShQpper le in the area. Thi w, 6 adtii tai on�xY i�c�tx d up r twin type 01: does not S one wee sent ces. Sam6�how, D. HALL*. U i s R1 5D i n t hti ', PO4nt Gf f l r e bt t swine of Lis wacsj do °' ,t lonowa about it but some i,nnucent bvstrander vaalksm in LX.Lnd sees it. T. ROBINSONR t4 Put: nmtkc&5 of the hearings f -cp in t_he i.11cAge Office, thy+ Post Qf�ficeq the ka,�nlry the I'�cleai1 I�oat O+mFir-on ths� Town Hril,l. Eo they are up a1nd i+ YQ1A acre intLArexted yru are going to have to 100P f Ltr the.in. Do BANCROF"T: That upecial, notice 115 dated the lath of Augumt and I gist at can the 29th 0+ AugusDt sand the once #king was on the lit. Where ways it all #-h -At time'' C. PIERSDNR, As I explained to you earlier, I typc_rd it u.p on the 19th. Y mE�11 it to t,l7e Ilor�Lxvxa i ecji,ter the Same davr They r`eyceivr�ci it Monday, I called to make Sure �thev recei, veil i t a r'sd i t i s publ i eked. It Xs publ,ii"Phed can Wednesdr ,iy. I cannot mail ;anything out to you until I see the rioti ce in the paper mysel f F. Then 1 mai I t.hercr out to the pub IiC. Where they wer-i�p txetweun then; 1 dons t know. D.AfUFF 1'he IaQp1e around hsRre qet taut rind qtr going mr- then the paper dl,. A lot of peep,l,P di d :L d ncat kncpw about it unt;i,l, they warp called and their- rtiotires didn7t, come tkntil thiat day. Y don't think it Gm>hould take that long to ge-t it. Page 3 4 { I'm RODINSONO. What 'I yam trying',} to tni 1 oLi is there are rEotirm ms put out to thy public. We are not trying to hidc:a anyt,hing4 we vjatnt vcpu to know what i� happening. D. RANCROFT: I think it is sneaky on the other side_ They are pus'k u:,Fi fjg a country tr i t.chen to raver it up . Yocs have Lk {M seater i n restaurant and 2 i n bar and present i t � +� ,� f ami l y restc-��►r-an #:. Tha t i a what Mr„ Raymond said and he had a copy of the plans. I don't Undnr °!L�tand if the di,ninl; -Vnoc3m cl,oaez at R tmp, bar would clostD at ib. She wN,as trying -to say if I r_,arne thei ^o at 9 Y woL�ldrti't bc: abLe to get inp Who IL goi,rig to en- For•c:e that? She maid no truck4z wil.1 �istup on fit 222. 51­10 WOUl--��d-y5 d i, 5COUir- age .h , tr�xe�:er-�. They wi 11 1n 5 p,ar kecl orx both Y3L e'3 !7 F:'t CL�1. T till MP t�hGr[a yl7r arl nf! F,IIGI n ip +� �.�mi.mA .�..._ there yearr, ago, if uoLL Can tLkrn drawn one businesE why not tur°rr dolwn ,,mother one, {'r. Robinson showed the plan of the rerzit urant laynsct to Mr-. Bancroft) I don "t know where Mr-. Raymond gut his plan from. She says no jukehox rr° PL101 tc`kb1+= cxr no bands, that' ' 5 not to say the won't have them once she is open. I think is {aneal:y on the ot.hE!r i;;i,de, like you not 5eitidinq the notices out to u5s T. R1111INSUNm Right now they aro appl yii -)tq for an �ppl inati MIN) to s£'e i f they can do i #:. A+ ter #..hat they have to go thrO ULOh the Zoning Q # +icer. L. PIDDOCKo 1; don :' t'. +tnderstand why a har' hara to be npQn two hour 4,5 after the ro�.istaur ant clo5eis 11: it is a Lfami I restaur iL rntT Do BANCRORT: Th2r -y ar °o sa maily people c:om1018J-nins� abOL-ON, it ;C think th+•: board„ whichever beard ilt i5s, cNan Mind ,� reason to turn it downy T. ROBINSONo What t#�ey ar-N applying +or now its permission to erect a rest imrant and bar in that llocmation. What, the Esc4rd is acing to be voting is whether- they can put it there or not. Thfjm thE!y have to go throuc�l•k thLb Zoning 0- fificar and follow ali, the ir-equiretnerlts that arL, necesr)ary for a publi,{.- restaurant and bar and that is when the Zoning f.lA f i ng1r- will c�Mme 2 n f;1�id Ehec 1, a�I 1, the EgQj. �rment q a l i bf the bL{i l di, ng codes_ They area pretty strict requirements, Dn BANCROFT: It should not be gotten that far. Dm HALLON I was 'told it w nl,> almost Fmut and dr;iEL.Ad already. Two pec�plc5. _ .. {utr�rn�,ti eel 1 urpted an anyway. fhi G,t the ors wi th k.h e final say Qn it. What is the reason to hav$h a pixblio meeting tf you arLa not faoir3q to aid the neILgIbors iNi =_th1=)5 and demznds Lind whatever we say. Th1 s i s sf--�mp.#:hi ng we do I` Ut L.Lnder'stand from they 1 ast meetA ng of t!a }ti planning board and we hear the ssame -thing f roan thi lats board. T. ROBrNSON*. I told you we Cannot made the decision on this we Rave F10 poW�•r- till ma re the deElslon. I't ;i4,5 the Planning Foard's decigXon. D. HALLO ANi to What Donald's talking ah*J,At, yf)i.A turned clown nriu mar) ;'s businr "S _ss ��F�plis�,xtic�rt, why not turn dowi•i �thi,s {:)ne ts:toA pa#� -R 4 k T_ ROBINSONP I don "t know of what bu�}in "ss application you are t.al1 ping ab47a.�t. A. HALL: :[t was turned clown for p� irkng or whet. T. ROBINSON: if we had a name we could check into the application rr,f ufD -, -R;L . D. HALLS I Understood Harry Aclams warted to pt-At a r'ollEr skatinfl rink in thEren 1?. BANCROFT: That wMs ZftP=r i,t W0""iTo ZrjnF�d cQfrrmer(-=ial. We d4:)M ?t even know if it 2's zoned c_ommerc: i zi down thEire now or not. Nobodv ses ms to let-Low. Somebody aid it stopped at Pr;t.el's and snmP�txcldy said it went to the Salt did. T. ROBINSON: Right 10)nw the commercial ufionR Mops at Lice: Str D. BANCROFTE That 'i s what Raymond said bs�t Tatman tai d r,tzt t#�z nF: ;i, t was. S. WEBSTER: Being fairly now to the community could you clarify for me, this BQr�rd is the Groton Town 8nard? T. ROBINSON: YeBE S. WEBSTEROM The ho),%ir i, ng we were at when th i r> waxs First was run by the Pl ann 1 Emig E4c�ai ^d'7) T. ROBINSOlwl: Yes. S. wrJEBGTER: Y +�u a t#�e 0„5 Board Will Rrfrsent cjr_ +r ptiticxn and dpsirres acl,z .n to the Pla(IFIi.na BLr�arrj? Ta RQUINSON: yfe 5. S. WEBSTER&. So Ott least everybody knvw� where we are coming from'. thact the neighbors cli:�n't wPin't this. T. ROBINSONo We understand what you are gaayi n4, maybe we understand rrrare than you think we da. It is .21st that the Yaw i{� the lbw and the way the or d i. nrr nfz-t: is Lein, t.ten we hAve to go According to the ], ,�Nw. Do BANCROFT: WOUld it be a oflcnii idea if we hired a lawyer mr, wOUld it b2 ton late? D. HALLt l ,gym Under the Ulm)derstandinq that the man that is leasina the h�ri].di,ng is against the bar. Why can't he put it in tr7e contract a5 nucl•r i5ind that inQuld quell it tight there Dim rm&W : he do that? T. ROBINSON&, He izoul d put in anything h +�l wanted in h i leas +: that is h i s pr'erngat i ve . Page 1� 5 117 1 U i�rr:IIRMF i�laht he aztid there. That is one cif the things I done t understand 'm the other he was Ligatinst it but. he is letting them put it in D. BANCROFTo She At so.vs she just wants a Isar don't have ate} they can h�zv& asome-thing to What you could there. drink gtnt with a dinner. 51.7methinq to ;C don't tlrinti; with think dinner what rind at the Unicorn there itia no bar - T. ROBINSON: The Unicorn has s license. }. bANCROFTo Year. it has a 1 i tense hot it doe5n" t. have a big bar and stools and tWo tjol.;rs a #ter the, restaurant closes the close the Lar'A WI•fatt I ern saying is there is no rera5on why she hay to have a bar if she is going in there for �� +amily ru5tauratnt_ D. MALL: RCPINSONR At the Unicorn they have a liquor lice*n5e Lut they don't have Board, a Liar 1 i canse. Sr WEDSTER: Under' either- 1 i ct- n5f.m You can Still get di%ink;. I}. BANCROFTa At IeFA! #lt WOUld rtint he JUMPing from one b�tr• to anothtlr. T. ROBINSON: Are there any ot'.I•ier cftmments ova- cquef.=�tic,n'.,�;? I don't know who directed yinu here but in one sense I am glad oQ �;re here t[n tell. sae how you feel, . Co WE$STERa The main reainon we e,atnke Imler-O tO VOLL 'tonight was for the fact that oia did not hxsve elmlouoh time or' Eano gh not.ice to do ;anything to rxrent to tFe r,Feetirtg two weej:s agcy. We know where it s'L`artci right now but we are doing e�nytha,ng we can to put fi� stop to itm W� did not have enotigh time 'Lo prepare for anything bc5r-ztuse the notirvei came one daffy and the ci;eeting w 5 triL, ne >;t. We waUld have had the Petition ready for that. last aimet i ng but we did not h avQ enOL[gh time. T. RCPINSONR We will present vour petiti -nn and concerns to the Pl anni nq Board, ULA STAGE READ PETITION and SALT ROAD PETITION T. ROBINSON: T have at g.tition y[oa-x rffarwarded to tp)e �foard #cwr" si gna {,fie on Old Stage Road and Salt P41M This ;l!a Cur- first Board Meeting since we r'emni ved it. I feel gu'i Ity abolkt it in one sense of the word because we have 1k0 pass thie on beccmtse of 'the rules They iat.lt Rd. ias 4E� COUn'ty road srx the County has thit} sign4Rgee on 25 feet back. Whir-it) m&mns 't'h&y have the signaxge on Old Stage Rte. We can says eB we went the signage on Old Stage Rd_, and I believe tome c3� thLm GUgget_ ti onin made like `Stmp Ahead r we as a Board can fnake the recommendation for t 3 sigris and pass that on to t1tiE� County. The County will cheek it out and thuri pass it oil to the St,�te. Page -- 6 F n6 ' S. WEBSTER: We had a ineeting with the County I4a!F*t Friday I zim r7nt 100 percent sure; but T bellev-w it was prysented to County that might. We are trying to cover all the ii%r glen an OLL can Lea to help wall be appreciated. We presented it to C:OmmiSsi,an&lr 04 PUbliG Woi^ks, to her'. Jamison, and we gave a Mr. I- 4iurtleff, Our County Repr-e,}:;entative 5o he would halve a he went to the rnt�et i ng . night and the d whatever Mr . Mobb5 copy to copy when C. WEBSTER.0 The reque,t far putting a 'Gtop Ahead" an Old Stage F:d. Ciu:A Fm, about partly because the ac'czt;le�,%nt that killed -the Ballou family ric�ui�r-ed heciL4ee samebodv ran the step 5J,gn on Old Stage Rdw Every accident has been fr ;gym Old !35,t4 ckqu passing thrDkAgh Salt Rd. If the salt Friu people had a chq�ncp to stop.,.. SA WEe TERn 'They WOLLld have a second chance at life. C. WEDSTER: Old Stage its a blind spot +or Salt Rd . , corm ng down j +i ther wary i t a. n wi de open. 11: t h eir e wa tl� c� st op can Sa l t Rd . , i t tojo u l d h7Ppefully flow the tr -affic dmWi01 . T. ROBINSON: E�uL�ry interlsectifln tip through there h, -as had an accident/death except the I_irmt; ;it. ILLnNterser.,tiC)n ALLINGTON RESTAURANT PETITION T, f{CIl:kINSONEM 'Where waa a ion whether they shol,1 ,d hire a lawyer at this poi4Lit or whelther it is too late. ,I. FITZGERALD0. I can "t tell at this point vjh�ther the Public Wearinq was acl j vur rfed oi•. whether they ,j eur-ned the? r deFz i si can . If i t was closed it d,�penda�� c3ri how the 51:LcArd r°Ea�ts,j to l isteninq to mor . detail af t,eir the h�2arinq wasi closed.... l n my r'pnt en,Merz �Fnce in t, Town of Cortlarldvy,lle whonre l was petitioner., they c'loased the public hearing but thfei nest# time aruound after ZRn aid in the newspaper brought out s+:2ver -iRl pecspl *_ agairlast the propn5al , thesy cj>-ti 11 heard them. What I t -irik getting at is if the Town Zr�ninq 3aard is willing to Ti. ten tin More i,ommerit. it rlli qht he worth YOUr while to employ an attori7ey. C. HAYNES: sJ'ack. orie of the things th,Tmt is r-OnfL;Zing to me is the authority the Pl anning B4: card I9131{1F. 'The community iii� ,aving they are oppaseri to _his. The way we seen to he aans5werirt{ th :M is that the law say +s the P:iaanning Board has thin, right to decida; and as i read 'thL�iFie mi,nutsa they feel -they have the right to decide heed on building requiErement!ia and cocle5 and things of that +sort and nmt` on thv� will of the people. Is that basically tr•ue? JON. f; I TZGERALD: We c :an the town. YULE have th 1µuns the tsown . There E[Ut YOLL can't haVe2z ii9) i t:.... al r_ahoIN i n thi�e ca peso le in the Town o+ t 11,LA ve a ]r°v�.�p cif People deter mini.n� policy in w ri3m-Eht tca be heard and voLL e +lfect, whoevt-r $re a lot of things tinat people together- can dn, this countryv jQ5t C3eca %s5e nobody want i,:� rnmLLiElXty we have no control over...50 if ill the Grotinn get together and say 'we ar -e not going Ita Page 7 I t allow alcohol i,n the -I -awn izi+ Groton it can't be done. The State o+ New YDrIp has to •1;en over the control of who diepent��e> alccahol and where but your though'tiE� can be made kncwn3. Howevpar, it is known that publir, hearirgL:i bring out those people who are olnpc�sed to a prol3cs4al, rather than 'those who are fc.)r it, Therefore, you have a grnup M 1�5 or 20 people herd but that inay not mean that av rybody in the Town of Groton i a r'e ayains# t. Howover, if you have all the people+ in the neighborhood are against it, that could be something tq lae considered by the Bopird. A per-son has the right to i-tse hir* land tcw its UptiMIJin effectivene55 and if there are not other regulatii*)r3g,� pir-orfibit.ing the ri�aoonable use caf the land they, everybody together can't prevent aij)d shouldn't. be al I c)wed tta pr-event it, C. HAYNE nta't;,iC)g Rwe : SCE i4 don r t', wrint the al PifMning c'ohol c7n 13Clar'd these were to hear preini :, &51 a.nd loud voices baS�ed On that primary Tractor• were to reject the plans to go -forth with this property they 'then wc�uId be Iab1e 4 :nr ha�ving cofnini't'ted a..... J. FITZ6ERALM You would be subjecting the Dmar-d to a ,judicial rLaview An Article 713 prflceiedings to whether or not th+'yy al.1thoi^'ity simply becac.kse alr -ohol was �ioirq to be served on the' pr•L+Mi e.s. But these ��f opx,e are Iftit kind other points than the 1fact 'that ,-;mIcohal is going to be 55er-ved. Thy fact of thLa reaiotenea�s of the art*a, the Fact it i ai on thcT like to LaYUga CID. whit -.h they r-Pin consider in making their ultimate decision. But th+.�y cannot make their deci 5i,on based on the fact 'that they don't want bno�e can .1alt I?d. That has been pre- empted by the S'kr_�te 4 they i ty to determine wherp, a license will be is= tc.+ed and how long. The Towm cannot give the people the right to operate a!� restaurant t #lore hnd then restrict their hours. That ham been prp- tmnkratad by the State. The Town, with whatever c::ontrols they have, if they deem that these, people have met all tIlf, requirements to establish a bar then the Town cant p�r%t a restriction on there s'ta� t i. nq when they have t p close. . i f you have a bar the State tells you when You cars open and when you can close. D& BANCROFT: She set her own iE)DLIrc. . Jo FITZGERALD: Vol untar i l y y(;)u can cl o5p a bar 5�ny time you want be+ore the nor'inal i,Iosing hc!)mra. Do GANCROFT: Will the Planning Board investiqLte &11 the. angles be -Fore they Inat ru their dec,i si ono will they i nvesti qcz to ttn determine ii they :ihoulci bfw� {able to operate iR bar„ their record5j? T. ROBINSON: The will check the ordinance. D, BANCROFT: Dtin't they chuck their bacl; ground? J. FITZCERALDOM No, 'that is up t,cl the Stvite Liquor Authori,'ty. The Town wen "t irFvestig�te their bacPgroimnd. Tt1u Town Zoning nQard is going to determine is whe't•her or not the location of the buil.ciing and thLa propo5�ctd ues+.,} of the bUilding c0inply with the Zoning Ordinance and that i5 all they tn�n do. 'The zoning ordif-Mances have to I�c-� ger3�ra1. You can restrict where a twit &inc2ss =:&hall cnper��te hat you have 'tip be Page I 8 N {c arei ul whist bLLSi. ness3e5 you are going to restrict from an r�rea7l and there haxt.;� to be a 904nd o f i d reason for i t . Ba TODD: I think, she stated she 81.r'08dV has €,t +Ull ligWar 0. FITZGERALD: She hasW t got � r7 La stahl i shn)ti ,*nt yet. B m TODD o Maybe she saaid she har> r;%ppl ied for it. J. FITZGERALD: 'C might_ also Suggest you ci�tri ti,�ke your argument to the State Liquor Aulthority also. They don't have public hearings as much ia5 the ifart they can an notire Set something up where your c ark Irka e vour 'k hcucihti� known to the L.,L quor Authority �ts� to the location for they ar -e c_encer-ned with that ai iij .l. Hu DQU6LAS: WOLLId answer for it the Liquor poim�sihl.v Authority but 1 smaWt, see how gentlemi�kn be helpful if they isent a copy coil: that Ineti U Qn to the not lclnq ic�go where a �� �,����xr7q was held Where Liquor gi:jt aft chance Authority? the,Lr piece. there for their- J. FITZGERALD: d can "t answer for has the Liquor rai.sso Authority but 1 smaWt, see how gentlemi�kn it could hurt. was denied It a happened liquor licenffw in Cortland after in not lclnq ic�go where a �� �,����xr7q was held Where �Yerybady gi:jt aft chance to 5p ;eak the,Lr piece. there for their- drinking. S. FIGGOLARI m This is not going to help our teenagers; either, by emit*a bI.J.shinci another bar in Grcafon. D. HALL: There has rai.sso been cTOmments around Fkbout the Pressure in town that they would qu out there for their- drinking. T. ROBINSON: Are there �Rny iifurther- guaGrati, ergs? if riot. 1 would li.le to t.harlF; ysDu for" arrking dawn and we appreciate your commentm and we wi 1 1 forward therrk an to the P1 4tknni ng Ponrcl. That i c� why we itiavp a 5Ftp.nographhr here. S. WEBSTER: flay I sassy omething in U10sin,g? I saw thi 5 little atory and would l i kO tO leave you Utzth this tht:pi-ight, y The Removing Power of Alcohol. Alcohol will. r,ernovp. s,l.ains frown cla't_tling. This is quite Correct, it just goeia to prove the versatility of til cos lnI . It will remove winter clothesn spring clothes , ctr[d Rana - clothes Lfrcw w;iJa -Anil children in sns -Afficientr quantity, Alcohol will. r•emove furniture from a home, 'frown the ifloors, food from the tah;Le, lining from the sitoillach . vision from the eyed i Litdgment from the rya, rtid . Alcohol will alFao r"rW {noun r egLit'. t ons. good .,jots, good fr-i,ericlsr h)applfife4s fr orrk children's hearts., Sanity, freedom, roan's ability to adjLsst, arid live with his fellow man and it wi11 r'enhpuu Li-f itsel +. As a remover of thijmigE�, al.cchpl has rso egt1al. TP ROHINSON: Thank You. S. WESSTERO Thank you for l i c�ten:i nct. Page 9 L, ,I REVIEW OF INFO ON MCMULL III RECREATION VEHICLE IN hECUEANW Chri st.of huh F'. Fn�j. . 33 Stevens Ind. L.�rry Conver'sp. :37 Stever7ti� Rd. (rem al pub Iir„ left meet 1no at this tine) Ta ROBINSONo Uary Wand vent a memo to the Town Board Concer-ni na the recimmation vehicle in McLeano {} Tpy s unit that has been installi�td is a rerreational vehicle' IN } It h.� s z medal 1i ir3 5-Lating that 'Lt complies b) c) 2} It is F}roperly a Qcc►pv atti�Lchwd) Mr . woc d wrote try ANSI Stant -Jzrd AJ,19.5 !which is titled "PARK W! th It in registered in the StLAto cof Florida as a rPcr eat ionz,l vehicle (a Permanent registriation by t hie Dept. of rkI tor Vehicles, not an annual road 1x'UnUL . It is Ie55 than the 40 feet in length required by Buildi.nq Cocie Section 1220u i tQ be classi;ied 41s a Plob i 1 e Mime . instolledil It is }et on the lot as depicted can the %ketch that wa5 supplied with the application - �klthough i it in b Lm)d l v out Qf sc,al e so it doe_►n' t appear from the sk5?tch to he a!�s c;Lose to the rjjroper°ty lines as it really i:� (20+/-)m fa} It is well blocked Although there are no tie dis WIN) �,. C.) There is no skir-t,inq and it does: not seed Eppropriate to regLt zr_e it For a temporary 3natal,IatiC :�ILI recelved the +ollcnwina response in answer to a letter- he the State Department: Ati QUBt 1, 19136 You recentl,y inquired about the applicatriIity of P m rentthe N.Y.S. Un i f ch~m Fi re i on and Dui I di ng Code to the use Of a recreational vehi, .IP as either a tempor -ar or permanent resident ".e Sper- Liically yDt,t qu'astion whethpr tine code prc)hj,bita thy+ use oaf nuc�.h vehiclf�3 am rcsicfwnces or dofni CL lc�s if they r-annot meet the defirli.tion of dwallina Emit ender the codes I bel i. c+ve tkjat the pr raper answer to your q ue5t i on is th4it ths- Lni+orm Corie n iti•ier' prohibit 4w nor a11OwC;i the type u4: use, of a rp- creat,ional vehicle 4vhicri votA dest:r-ibP in Yaur letter. SirPIV ps,itr it appear{. thst rerzre,!q�-Izional vehicle would not meet the definition of a building as stated in the {rode, the {code °'z provi %ions WOLLI d not 15�ppl y to the uesi:-:� of a rer�reaticsr7�tiil, vehicle. Similr�;rl.y, the ecxfie's provlsion, cannint tae said t+c either allow or prohibit thtt use inf a tent a, a b) c) 2} It is F}roperly a Qcc►pv atti�Lchwd) Mr . woc d wrote try ANSI Stant -Jzrd AJ,19.5 !which is titled "PARK W! th It in registered in the StLAto cof Florida as a rPcr eat ionz,l vehicle (a Permanent registriation by t hie Dept. of rkI tor Vehicles, not an annual road 1x'UnUL . It is Ie55 than the 40 feet in length required by Buildi.nq Cocie Section 1220u i tQ be classi;ied 41s a Plob i 1 e Mime . instolledil It is }et on the lot as depicted can the %ketch that wa5 supplied with the application - �klthough i it in b Lm)d l v out Qf sc,al e so it doe_►n' t appear from the sk5?tch to he a!�s c;Lose to the rjjroper°ty lines as it really i:� (20+/-)m fa} It is well blocked Although there are no tie dis WIN) �,. C.) There is no skir-t,inq and it does: not seed Eppropriate to regLt zr_e it For a temporary 3natal,IatiC :�ILI recelved the +ollcnwina response in answer to a letter- he the State Department: Ati QUBt 1, 19136 You recentl,y inquired about the applicatriIity of P m rentthe N.Y.S. Un i f ch~m Fi re i on and Dui I di ng Code to the use Of a recreational vehi, .IP as either a tempor -ar or permanent resident ".e Sper- Liically yDt,t qu'astion whethpr tine code prc)hj,bita thy+ use oaf nuc�.h vehiclf�3 am rcsicfwnces or dofni CL lc�s if they r-annot meet the defirli.tion of dwallina Emit ender the codes I bel i. c+ve tkjat the pr raper answer to your q ue5t i on is th4it ths- Lni+orm Corie n iti•ier' prohibit 4w nor a11OwC;i the type u4: use, of a rp- creat,ional vehicle 4vhicri votA dest:r-ibP in Yaur letter. SirPIV ps,itr it appear{. thst rerzre,!q�-Izional vehicle would not meet the definition of a building as stated in the {rode, the {code °'z provi %ions WOLLI d not 15�ppl y to the uesi:-:� of a rer�reaticsr7�tiil, vehicle. Similr�;rl.y, the ecxfie's provlsion, cannint tae said t+c either allow or prohibit thtt use inf a tent a, a recelved the +ollcnwina response in answer to a letter- he the State Department: Ati QUBt 1, 19136 You recentl,y inquired about the applicatriIity of P m rentthe N.Y.S. Un i f ch~m Fi re i on and Dui I di ng Code to the use Of a recreational vehi, .IP as either a tempor -ar or permanent resident ".e Sper- Liically yDt,t qu'astion whethpr tine code prc)hj,bita thy+ use oaf nuc�.h vehiclf�3 am rcsicfwnces or dofni CL lc�s if they r-annot meet the defirli.tion of dwallina Emit ender the codes I bel i. c+ve tkjat the pr raper answer to your q ue5t i on is th4it ths- Lni+orm Corie n iti•ier' prohibit 4w nor a11OwC;i the type u4: use, of a rp- creat,ional vehicle 4vhicri votA dest:r-ibP in Yaur letter. SirPIV ps,itr it appear{. thst rerzre,!q�-Izional vehicle would not meet the definition of a building as stated in the {rode, the {code °'z provi %ions WOLLI d not 15�ppl y to the uesi:-:� of a rer�reaticsr7�tiil, vehicle. Similr�;rl.y, the ecxfie's provlsion, cannint tae said t+c either allow or prohibit thtt use inf a tent a, a residcance becaiA5e such provisions iarf_ not intf?nded to aPPIV U3 SL.irth a strUctureo However, that dme5 riot me5arr that +rtun i c i pia l i t i c'c,%� cannot prohibit the attempted use o+ recymeatii:Dnal v€hlclt��5 or tents ai5 resid + :nr_♦4s or domiciles. Dthc:r means than the Uniform Cr3de will nee ci try be uti 1 xzE?d, fioNevero nuclh Ru zoning reyulaatjon5 or tike unactmerit of a l oc. al law Prohibiting the use of lurid in 5ui:h a mariner , I ssagiynf3t that you consult s,+,iith YcQr town attorney t4:) ascertain what pe.*rtinent requl,ationr!4 or .tcfCal iergigAet,iors mrny already R+;i =rt which would prohibit the use imf r`erzreati anal vahicle!iz as r° xdezniWeys d: none at present e�;irot,s the Town Board ml�oY wish to adopt such luoislation ill: this5 i;Bsue i44 percmeivi=d to be a pmteritial problem with the communitvR Ver v trulv viniar°s , Iii charcl Dilai ov�arrrtia ��550CAaate3 C0U Ill 50, SC0I3v at:tacherl) J . FITZGERALDE Bta+ We hanv6!� no o�rdina�nce dealing with recrentiora,aI vehic;l e� that first Can I have a I know of. Co FOX: Bta+ are the first Can I have a mee -ti n+a_ when I ceLmv here, I tal a� copy of kind with Gary Wood inn the telaphanr� De,t 1, t . end he 'told me it was a house. trailer and hP had been i �SSLiE'd � vari ancme f Ljr a hcause trai l f:r , That i s {ante thine I z�rn ,ax little con+ui :wd cars. Had Girl r re_searcht;)d this be+ore it Was appr ulore�d cr before I oven Contacted him or it? T. ROBINSON&W Cari't ckns,tvj dr that i.ue ntj on C, FOX: I heal- what vau are. a salyirq but I don't L.Lnder-st.and how it can be cis nsidered a r-ectreational vehicle, Can I have a Cop fl# p� ece of property where it '�'.ho5 l ettenrs? I would al rsG► like a� copy of ��lf� �,+ar'i an. a 1'l � CfJL�Ii� De,t 1, t . d C op i es of .the 1. otters, Of ALI and a copy Qf the vaI ^ialmlC ra C. FOX; ;I; hai-ev cleaves a little reseaar oaf which is a v,ar i am FR is super used l yr i Issued goes witkl 'the propesrtyq it dcieR� not arid wit ownerashtii P. SID 11: Jack i�e1 l s tNE! Iand t',he v gLLMt'. I J01d F1UgU5t 11 r 1958 were qI'V n tin mr0 FiJY. } ch on the State Lew. One tca a pieiRie faf property and h the termination iaf ar i once qoe B with i t . T. ROBINSON; Noll, r, uuause we specified i,n the veri ance that whLan th0v ;Leave the property, the vnri anc e tprmi nat�_s. G_ FOX: 1 can't quOte you thC± S+tato� Law but it read that the vE:1ri ante stows wj, th the l aniI. To ROBINSON: OLLr variaYncca stated that i"hi�t Iza ndlu the Var-i ane-e d i scont.i, nLIes. When they dce5 not rho along with it. A variance on a is undersin:ed, then the variaancp qQc,�s with PaRgF_' - 11 minute they ,ire off the Sell the) land the variance p� ece of property where it t.ht!� propertYu P Ca FQXmw AnoUE)�;l� 3 gt.te�tit�n I hsave, ���� the hearing fpr t',I'te var'ierrGe pasted for thu public:'s C. RIERSON: Rio, it does not have to be whert it comes before the Town Bi3ar-d _ Qw FOX. That J.s another State law that I rtaad that 'L't ,L required to be pt.thl:i{ shed #ive dick r5 before the hear- :,nij. ,J. FITZGERALD.0 The State d0e5 FICA control. the local. esrdi.n�n�e . Co FDXmA I belie ^ve these it are Ry -lawm that a zonincs off;iCer told 91le about concerninq zoni,nq ordinanr_fnn�, is no l i cen #t= s3. FITZGERALD: This is not an ordir�cince. Th►e trailer ordinance i5 a e�arates err c�lrt�, n e, i'i_ in not part of the zoning ordi rt�nce. Some day it will be in c.crn�For°n;ity 4i,th the zoning ordinance so that ariv �%mbiq�titi��a_S c °reiLited try diff�reri# rules cOvt?rl -lq the same Situations will be removLad. We have a Mobile Hoene Ordi.n,�nce that hags nothing 'to d{n with the Zoning Ordinance and thole variance vjaz granted under the llnbilr, Hume Ordinanr_t;n not the Ionj i-I l Ordinance, T. ROBINSUN: Du VOU haVe ,7kny either ljueg5tifjns? O. FOX: i4D, .1 quess I wctsld yttst like uoples o+ those d cteLt(n ent s . L. CONVERSER That x 5 for a temporary rugudencee? `l'. ROBINSCINu Yesm it i15 juBt, Tor" thrt't trailer, that place, those- ;t able. fort -them to hp therm L• CONVERSE: Islest People With temporary residences take lth*: ?:ir Rai and move it off the proprsrty when thev c10 to Florida. Why Should the PV be permanently set up 'them_'? Em BO VOCOOL n Da CUMM I NGS L. CONVERSE. Do GtJI''lM I NSS : Ta ROBINSON: ,r h,cIe. La CONVERSEi pl �tes on I t . It i, F* a permanentT tumporary while they are at i 11 al i vo, T #tier do take. it to Florida w;i,th thecrr* dQn,t thev'� Pilo q they d i Ian' t . I thot.ght it was reentered in the State of Fir.]ridaT Nn that was only to verify that it was a rec�r(:}at i onaj I don :' t think it is regi ste%red there is no l i cen #t= T. ROBINSON: Nu. it is not a rocad vehiculcu�, it is a!t park trailer. Ca FOX: Just for vui_Ir Informaltion, thesv� two people are not ;invaIi+ "I'hev graves themselves to Flnric:l�� lasl° vrc:+3Ft. T tlon 't. Pnoe � 12 1p cor4aider that .....I don:' it 'th,inlr they camp+ to you with thf: true -far-its ar�d 1' don't- #eel it i.s a rec:r-eational vt�hicie either-4 nf.— when it ccsme in with s jai + load' si turf!} can t . You halve a piece, c:)�€ paper that I;�,ary Wood zhowed you that says. it te, Nine out a+ tell peapli�) could E,>hvw you it is suit a re�;:ralatiolrlal V*.Ldli,sle. T rjua&Qt =; nny lfutWwEc planes Y will {, >eek le ra�l Ekd I c e, i wzrit to Best sr,met hi ng done about it. Apparently,, I c,an7t Rio anv,thinq about it tonight. X fEJE,.l l �� it iM are eyessnr-el ;Ct c, hi n$r5 my neighbors view wherl he l no};� out his vil. rodow. I +:icon "t. want to lock ,at a tr4niler- in m4{ back yardm It be'longaa J.n a trailer par 4; . ;[ don't know what ha£, to be done, maybe should rewrite the I' obi l p Horri�� Ord i nanc;� wind make i, t a lot �t, I Fh to P] A a trai � �r {r)n a 1 of . They belong in p,ar P s itiot next to somebody's val uikkb 1 e T r ROBINSON: veh;l r_l es Y cJ to have to d C. PQX the trai 1 er ha .s a vfar i nn -1' h i on 't b eat, wi i�,% i, n q e F,5? s i{,� where vie � re conii. LEI q to becaune n1: reer-eati0r7,a1 el i eve we have anvt,h i ng can that. 'rhe I "owes Is poi ng th thi 5, thore a #:.imp} ;Limit. we have in dw,nq an% /thing with ttirtig it removed or has that rsa5zed since Isi.+ already J. FITZ6ERAL.D: None that 'C am �..)wDre o +. I dan't lenow what, if any„ the State 111nit is are Article 7B proceedings. Article 1E7 is the - judirzi..al r oview E74 whether- or not the Town Doar-d granted the Yrariance sir- bitrarily end copinu�,Iy. C. FCX 1.9 there gvlythinq about, misrepresent,a-tion of t-h*�a person reque�Ainq the vaxrics%m. -e? J. F1 7r�wn ,a n d t Wheth wheth TZ€ER€ LD: IVESq Board chid not he decision rr er or, mA the er thuy acted i+ that, could he ;shown it might establ i sh that the 10)�YLve the true #,ac_ts when they maide the decision c�ty have been made arbitrarily and Copiously. Town Board had ;All the farts might be �nm& E.videnr� �rbi tray -i l y end C:opi flu 51, V . Cr FOX: Thank yoU very much for 1 i st emi risk to us. Facie 13 ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING 200' FRONTAGE AND ONCE ACRE LOT FOR A DWELLING UNIT: T. ROBINSON: What we feel :is there should be a suggested designated piece of land -to be built on. For example. you have a farm the size of this table. I decided I wanted to give to my son the left corner section. have the part of the middle section open and dive part (:)f the right section to my daughter and give the right corner to my son. Now this is designated only on a piece of paper that this is where the area!: are going to be. It does not say how many feet it is. or anything. S"ay you, my son, built a house on -the property; the house is yours but the property is mine. If you wanted to seal the house you could not sell the property because that is mine. You could not sell the house because it is on my property. There has got to be an area designated so if it did Come up +(.311" sale it cowl d be marked out. G. VANBENSCHOTEN: I was reading on page 13 of the Planning Board minutes of August 18 and as I remember it and I don't remember seeing it in black and white but I always thought that you could build two parcels before you yet into a subdivision. But if You reiterate what George is saying Here. if you have the frontage, whether it is deeded or not, you shoal. d be able to build another house on it. YoU cou:l d always put 2 house can one lot and after 2 you go to a subdivision. J. FITZGERALD: You get into the subdivision if You deeded the lots off . If you have the same ownership,, my understand:i nq of the ordinance is you can have as many houses as the area requirement will support. Co HAYNES: What is their problem, what do they feel is deficient in the code? J. FITZGERALD: I think it is the policing aspect of it, although I am not sure. If You have the situation where you do have 2 or- 3 houses. three would be really far out, houses are awful expensive items these d ays> T. ROBINSON". Thev are going for •tr ai :l ers and houses. J. FITZGERALD: Even 3 trailers would be expensive. Maybe their problem is more :in the trailer area than it is in -the stick built houses. You lose control when you sell it. When you sell the thing 04: of voU don't- sell it off with the necessary frontage. setbacks.. etc. I think that is their concern. There shouldn't be anv concern if somebody wants to put up 3 houses on a hundred acres of land and keep title himself, you could not restrict that, to my knowledge, that would be unreasonable. T. ROBINSON: How can You sell it? J. FITZGERALD: When it is sold you are going to have a CZO and in order to get -to a bank, if you have a CZO and it doesn't meet -the set Page - 14 I backs and other zoning requirements yosi won't cZet the Certi+icat.e 0+ Cr,�inpI i ant=e. "That is where ypur erlfsrc.ement would be_ Unless they have smme other problem ire mind, I can't thinw; of anv riff handu To ROBINSONN. I thc�ukght'. Gary was going to be here tO rJiscusO"s this. C. HA` YES: I sat Si # LAati c�r7 f os.snf� .l i �t setmet c�dv aL11 d feet #',hemsel vetis into trouble. J. FITZBERALD: 1 think that is what they consmEjrrled about. I d 2 f ar-i l i ti es a l ar ar f I HAYPEG: They c .l c ��i � � :Land and its gr"ei�Lt for 10 years arid then they try to sell J,t and they run ;into problem5n J. FITZSERALOo Them ycju hfxve a self„ crpa #.Pd hardship and who knows:= whQ the bx nz�r d is not na 'to react 'to i t� You have a $100.000 000 uni t q 15 it now going to be uneless because it is away over in the corner o+ the property. D. CLkMMINGS: B11d VOLA HOW did yas.sG� he get -La bUilding permit in the fir{ist p].at;e if he didnrt meet the require- to i' ments. thel Jo F iTZGERALD 0 He did moet thc, regs,4i reme nts=F 14 he owned 100 of 1 and. want to rei,*trj t it7 I don "t know if `ou car7 ],eq.— timately rest.ric't yy I' it. D. CUMMINGS: He w ould need 200 feet of frontane or he ws�M "s;l.��n't rtiere j gotteri a building permit. W. FITZGERALD: Asruiniog th, &at you meet all the requirements For a bWi.1ding permit form n11 3 hou{�k�g -ind then 5ameq you want to put three has.a:�ws there B11d VOLA W8flt tO put yas.sG� 2 f�r.ns in there: and theil" fr�€n:LIie.}5 and voss 4�nd you want to i' etc IIN) thel title: to it. There is nothing wrong with to my knowledge. Whv would we want to rei,*trj t it7 I don "t know if `ou car7 ],eq.— timately rest.ric't it. D. CUMMINSS: I don''t sine how it cQuld be a problem i.f you inet. all 'the rO qUirements up +rlont you winul rj have to have it survey red ... _ . J. FITZGERALD: NO v0u wOu7.dn't,:. Do CUMMIN35: I'm talking aboult when, ycas.s 5e11 it cDffq YOU wqulci hjL�Jee 'to have Lrn0l_H71`7 land to go with the huu5e try make it marls_ +t�!Lhle, so where would the problem tie? To ROBINSONOW The problem xis thisq you have one ho;.s>e ,end you give it to your Son. Now you have VOLtr houn*e. and your sgi7e house on the 100 aCrfa property_ Then you build the third haixme. what do you have" A SL.sbd:l. vi" 51 at3. Cr PIEPSON: But it is not a 5mbdivision bezal se. the prgpf,�rty has not Shan . ud hands afid you are getting ,all this development velopinent withgL. {#: a !,!Iuh d i vY 5i On n !rte ©e 15 I i� I G. HAYNESO. '[s 'th'(, �m a real si tualt:A nn'? G. PISRSONt mob I e hrime Yes there now i:�tl spring and St. plan 7p for on tl'9�? 1lo }tt a MOdul ar Farmo III hey home and hgvE�h they have onQ anothpr a7vbiie complies lot home. yet that The 11obile they are noinq Home Ordi,nanuEn the only to Fill. states We +ar7a� have control mobile o+ home on the a 1.0t hrr�me 1-5 okay. p a rF:. two We cari control homey thcs on mob:i t-hL=k lu �,afne homes lot but YD u gar,' t C:Dntr a mobiles of 'the home_;. So when they come in and get the seEand mQbale home perinit respe?i*ts they meets are not qrr;: rnq to get it, why nnit" 'that true'l I'k i0:� going to by a pLirleu Co HAYNES: Thav are Put tiI&I q these up SO that each i,nd;Lvidual bLkilding complies w'lth a� :L]. the req,tirements scf the only real question is s the nation that `1iSkJl have a sor "t cj rniniatk_ll"a +31,bdivigion r_e'veloping bLkt in fact each parcel has they 00 fpi:t and Lill ether respe?i*ts meets the zs:)ning ordinance,, 'is 'that true'l Tm RDBINSONo It i5 not a spe (zi i ied are,x. C. HAYNESO eut it meetam the zoning ri ;gquirementa!57 T. ROBINSONa It mei_St-s th e ri-equirerp:ents. yem=.. but when you have a e&ritI&Man putting in five sepitic tank sq what do YOU 'Lhir�k yciLL F;aVe? You have to stop and nonsmider Everything. FITZGERALD: 'C vioul d Lie al crtCl to talk with semebOdv ifr-mfn the County P1 Q na I f you could Set up a meet i nit to # i nei a���t what the either T. ROBINSONE Geary Evans in going to ireet with Genrgi1� Totmar:. But I want the 1 m4s2%rd to be aware 04 thi 5. J. FI�'ZSERALI): You �Ir-�: tr�eadi, nn � � i ne 1 i ne. T. ROBINSON: I kncsw, bUt r a:lti�o want to be sure we are nmt stomped on. The Board continued on with the Agenda without 'the services Of a verbatim a'tenQgrapher•. Page - 16 IRespec'tfk.kl 1 y SUbMi tted F'I I —tart+ A. Palmer Y ; [.r1 f � W :mow- C�U7 ,_ - jw 1=�) F& f 2/ , 3 L3 I x GAll, $, SHAFFCA S CCR ETARY Or STATE HI:. Gary L. Wood Code EnforCeMnt Officer Town of Groton 101 Conger Blvd, Ga:oton, New Fork 13073 I ax mr, Wood; STATE OF NEW YORK DZPARTMENT OF SEFAT r ALBANY, N-Y, 12 23 1 mOOO1 August 1, 1988 AUG 1988 You recently inq+�i.red about the applicability of the .Y,S, U�riform Fire Prevention and Building Code to the use o� a recreational vehicle as e? Cher .a temporary or pe=anent residence, Speciticai.ly you question whether the code prohibits the use of such vehicles as residences or code.] es if they carrot weir the definite an of &7e.11ing 1zit tmder the code. X believe that the proper answer to your question is thair the Uniform Code neICher prohiba,ts nor allows the type ofm use of a recreational vehicle which you describe in your letter4 Simply put, it appears that as a recreational vehicle would snot n et the defilYitim of � building as s�rated within the code, the, code's provisions would not apply to the use Of a. recreational vehicle, Sxrnilarly, the code's provisions cannot be said to either allaw or prohibit the ue.of a tent as a residence because suc1-i provisions are not intended to apply to such a structure, However, that does' not mean that m�ic�.pal'tles c.amot prohibit the attetypted use of recreational vehicles or tents as residences or doud-� tiles . Other means 'than the Uniform Code will geed to �be utilized, haY.Tever, such as z.on' regulations or 6e Pnactlnent of a local. law prohibiting the use of land in such a manner. T suggest that you consult with your t attorr► y to ascertain what Pe -rtinent relations or local legIL Ion may already exist which oul(i prohibit the use of recreational v6ieles as residences. If none at prese -at exists the TM-1 Board may wish to adopt such legislation if this issue is perceived to be a potential, Problem withka the comzdty, RDfwl Very truly youxs, Richard D- Wiovam -ia ,ssoea.ate. Counsel: et& } F f°� f EkEeT[o 'ye 19 T7 August 3.1, 1988 TO: Town Board FROM + Gary Wood RE: McMullin Colei� D. Parson Tian Clerk . 10, Conger Bou].av "rd CrOtO173 New York 13073 0144 Torn of Groton i Suporuisor (607) 898 -5102 Teresa M. Robinson Towri'GEerk {607) 898 -5035 Colleen D. Pierson Supodnlendent of Highways (OO7) $96 -3110 !_eland E. Cornelius CounciEmern Ellarcl L. Sovocoal Gordan C, VariBens chin Lien Donald E, Cummings Carl E, Hey+*s 1} The unit that has been installed i a recr- eational vehicxe a} It has a medallian stating that at complies with ANSI Stalydard A119.5 (whici3 lS Litled "PARK TRAILED$ " }. b) it as registered in the State of Florlida as a recreational Vehicle {s Permanent registration bar the Dept . of �iotorL Vehicles,. not an annual road license). C) It is lesr than the 40 feet- in length required by Building Code sect 122041 to be c] asst f led as a fidbil e Home. 2) It is properly installed a) Xt is set on the lot as depicted orgy the sketch that Was supplied with the application - although it is badly out of scale so it doesn't appear from the .9ketch to be as close to the property line as it really is b) Tt, is well blocked - although there are no tie downs. C) There is no skirting and it does not seem appropj•iate to require it for a temporary installation. P. 0. Box 36 W 101 Ganger Soufeuar ' f�,rnFnn hJ V yQrimrP2 nnnc 14t RESOLUTION ISO. 30 AMEND MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by hIr, Sovorool Ayes - Sovocool, VaaBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Board sloes hereby adapt amendment, to I �, the Town of Groton Mobile Home Ordinance to substitute the Town Board of Zoning Appeals fox? the Town Board as the agency responsible for the governance of the Mobile Halve Ordinance. A petition was submitted by residents requesting that a four-way stop sigh be placed at the intersection of Old Stage Road and Salt Road due to the many accidents and fatalities at that intersection. RESOLUTION NO. 31 - REQUEST TO TOMPKINS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. FOR A "WAY STOP HIGR AT 7 "HE INTERSECTICN OF OLD STAGE ROAD AND SALT ROAD Moved by hLr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool., VanEenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the 'lbwn Board of the Town of Groton does hereby request that the T opkins Cowry Highway Depa, 7tment consider placing r£our- way�stop ; "signs at the intersection of Old Stage load and Salt Road, County highway Department has xeviewed request for reduced speed limit on Salt Road with the following comments: "It is riot apparent that posting a 43 or 50 KPH speed limit would remedy the speeding situation. However, because of other citizens interest, . (Mr. Mobbs) would encourage a professional review by the NYSDOT. MoF'arland- Johnson representatives were present to review drawings for new addition to Town Hall, Because of the excessive cost of the basement ($90,000), Board, meirzberc decided. to go with a. 20' longer addition on the _ back of the building to accommodate storage space. McFarland- Johns7on will submit new plans and cost for same, Town Attorney advised Boarrd Members that addition to Town Hall is Subject to a permissive referendum even though we have the funds. FESOLUnON 140, 32 ESTABLISH CAPITAL RLSERVE FUND Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Board adopt a resolution, subject to permissive referendiun, authoriZir7 the establ�.shmer)t of a Capital Reserve Fund for the financing of all or part of the cost of the construction of an addition to the Town Hall, the estimated maximum cost theareof not to exceed $450,000, and FURTHER RESOLVED, to authorize the transfer of $300,000 currently jr) surplus account to the Capital. Reserve Fund, RESOLUTION INO. 23 ! - AUTHOEIZE PAYP'1aT OF BILLS MW PROFES5CIOIIIAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR TOWN FALL ADDITION Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, CUnMinge, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that Invoice No. 88- 411640 -1, in the amount of 7 .Ol and Invoice No. 88- 4148.0 - I in the amount of $23,437.-50 from McF'axland- Johnson for professional services rendex'ed on the Town Hall construction project be paid. Attorney Jack Fitzgerald stated he had a. phone call from Paul Morgan, Associate Council of the Office of the State Comptroller, regarding reimbursing the Town Clark for shortage in 1987 tax warrant. Our resolution on the books will cover the situation ioecause it pre - exists and is a condtt.ion [organ's opinion employment. Mr. [orga' opinion was, if the Town so desires, to adapt a revolution to reimburse the Town Clerks RESOLUTION X O, rL4 REINBURSE COLLEIN D, PIERSON , TOWN CLERK, MR 1987 TAX SHORTAGE Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mx. jHaynes Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson WHEREAS an audit of the collection of real propexty taxes on the 198' warrant revealed a shortage of $t470.14, and WHEREAS said audit establirDhed to the satisfaction of the Town Board the said shortage arose when the Deputy Town Clerk issued receipts for payment of three separate taxes that coxre�ponding depoE3its were not made to the Town account, and WHEREAS the Town Clerk, Colleen D. Pierson, is charged by law to make up said shortage of $1470.14 from her pexsonal funds, and WHMMAS the Town of Gxoton did on December 10, 1985, adopt ReSojution No. 32 - INDDINIFICATION OF TCMl OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES and that said resolution thereafter constituted a pre - existing condition of Omploy3ment which, in the opinion of Paul Morgan on the legal staff of the New York State Comptroller, allows the Town to Eaake restitution to the said Colleen D. Pierson, THEREFORE, BE IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS, RESOLUTICN ISO. 34 that the Town of Gxoton reimb=3e Colleen 1). Pierson in the E mount of $1833.62 for personal funds she expended to make up a shortage in the collection of taxes on the 1987 warrant. Board scheduledhighway negotiations for 'Tuesday, September 20th at ;)OPM. Budget work session was scheduled tentatively for Monday, September 19th. Supervisor will notify board. Discussed hazardous waste written progxam. Super %2sor aE; overall coordinator. Written parograrn will be typed and filed Lrith other regulations, Gary Wood, Code Enforcement Officer, reported he has issued 64 building permits to date totaling 1,1 million dollars, Mx`. Wood submitted a new fee schedule for building permit applications. There being no further business, Mr, Haynes imoved to adjourn meeting, seconded by H3:. Oovocool, at 12 a lD A.M. Unanimous. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk