HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-08!J MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD A4EETING HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1987, AT 7;30 PM Thos@ present: Teresa Ellard Gordon Donald Joseph Jack F [Ile L. C. E. H. it2 Robinson, Supervisor Sovocool, Councilman VanBenschoten, Councilman Cummings, Councilman Graham, Councilman gerald, Attorney Also ,present: Leland Cornelius, Gary Wood Correction to minutes of Nov. 10 - County bid price for dump box should be $4995 from Steuben Supply. Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings to approve minutes of November 10th as corrected. Ayes we Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. Claim Nose 301 to 323 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $45,020.35 and Claim Nos. 475 to 512 of the General Fund in the amount of $15,668.45 were presented for audit. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Graham, i that the bills be approved for payment. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. ' Monthly report of the Town Clerk was reviewed. 1 Correspondence consisted of: 1) Mortgage tax - $150665.81; 2) County Election expenses - $2, 315.86; 3) Notice of Unemployment Insurance due for Donna English through week ending Nov. 8, 1987; 4) Letter from Zoning Officer to Gerald Rood regarding inspection of wood burning stove; 5) Landfill site selected is DR7. F o Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, to appoint Lyle Raymond 1` as town representative on the Tompkins County Environmental Management a i Council and George Totman as town representative on the Tompkins County Planning Board.. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. Jon Harrington of Harrington Associates presented. his report entitled "Geologic Inventory and Land Use Recommendations for the Town of Groton, New York ". The purpose of this study was to compile data on the character and distribution of surficial and bedrock deposits for use in local land - use planning and to define areas where because of specific geologic conditions improper use of land. may cause serious problems; and to determine whether geologic features present any opportunities to facilitate changes in land uses. RESOLUTIO14 N0. 2_ - BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Graham Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson l _r J _O1 OF7 FD �FCE7$;R 8 , i 9 a ; , BOND ANTICIPATION T`S:Ji [ A RESOLUTION ACJ1�;C;21.r_•' :'C; ;-tire ISSUAINCE OF AI'] $f 0,000.00 BOND ANTICIPA'XTON NO'.Pi3 ! �� 1'I7i ' O� R ��C i,RO'I'Ot`�, NE id 'rCiRK, I��0[? L'FIE PURCHASE OF APPR4.j / %.1t4J0VPELV 41, ACRES OF LAt�D 14ROr`o'. HERBERT i , , . `01014 . , r. ' , IF..FI I"R TC) ? :'E 63Ei) ::S ,� 1. G??hb�L CC,;t�C_r.. THE T04•,11\1 BOP.RD :!' T1*110] '1``:;'AttN 0I' Gl30TON III Titi.E COUNTY 0}' TOMPKINS, NEW YOk1'., HEREBY R-4 -50 VI;S PLS 10TjLQ>: c � SECTION 1. ` - :� o yt1 �uLz inc a portian of the cost of the }�urci;ase o.f. appji.oxiinately 41 acrF.s of land from Herbert Tichener. to bs2 used ac a Town gravel source in accordance with proceedings her there is hereby autl y Notes of said Town JL cLofoj:ci taken by the Town Board of said Town, )orized to be issued Serial Bond Anticipation n the total surtt of $40,000.00. !6 'F SECTION 2. Specific r.efer.ence is hereby made to a Resolution entitled; "BOND RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBP;R 81 1987, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF 5 4 0, 0 0 0. 0 0 SERIAL' BONDS OF THE 'T'OWN' O£ i ;IzOPONNr NEW YORK, TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE, OF APPROXIMATELY fl ACRES OF LAND FROM HERBERT TPICHENER `F'0 RE USED AS A TOWN GRAVEL SOURCE" 1 which Resolution aut: ^ori zed the bonds in anticipation of the sale of which the notes herr_by au?kalhoril�ed are to be issued. SECTION 3. 1't ?e alnount of, borseAs to L); issued for the aforesaid object or purpose is $40,000.00. Such bolds will be serial bonds. SECTION 4. The amount of Note to be issued is $40,0000000 the first Bond Anticipation Such tote shall be dated Dei:ernber. �!6 1987, and shall be numberc-d one an shall mature December 46 , 1.988, brearing int e :esS L cat a rate not eXCee�ding F'TV pe. tum ( 17,4o > el' al: -tum, parable at f:.Llritv . Such note shall be signed by tt,e Su'1_ervi5ar.s of said - ar11`i att- ste %d by Lhe loStirn Clerk of :�? Ci �'C)4t'it� and bond and irSt'.E'- ]'e`3t UI; SaiCt 11iUte,1;aI1 be fiayd.rxE in la4;fl_1]. r.0))Cl C) f i:t;` Unitec :i States of America. at 'Ti e- First �dattiollal. Bank �f c:; r.otrn, Groton, New 1'o.r.k 13073. uc:i; note shall br? in the for,n prescribed b,, L.f�r. Local P"ii -r.nce La:', of ti;e St,Le of osvew YOr.1%.. Said note shall !De 1)ayab!.e fr.aln tc3e proceeds der.ivrr!d. ,ErOln the sale of said bonds (:?,r, atherwisa l-edeerned in the man;ler Pr.rti,idac by Seca ion 23.00, Local Fi; ?ar;c`^ Law. Tl;e faith and. c.°re JAJ.t of said Town are hereby i.rrc vocably pledged F the t, %c^aj'I?1C?nt Cif said note and interest t:.hFar'eCt;. SFCTI +;v 5. are ar.e no bold al;tici ion n notes � UlltStanCi11lq n'ei.I.C17 1i3'JG been �jhL�il.l�Ll$lr' iss1,1,ed in a.li�li L he :ale of ca,i d N� i ' r er i s J1 t'1 tt °tcy no h`rei)y at• thc;r. i zed a rencwal note. The period of in'"aturity s.rch not hr�rei.;r a[)4':'B set f. r3i -Lh . C.7 iIC�7 liG _C' 15 not iSSlla d in �7f1�i 1 _Pat !.011 UL' bonds for an assessable i.mpro'•:ernent. A I r. SECTION 2. Specif ;c r.eferc33c ks hereby made to a lesoiution entitled: "BDNO RESOLUTION DA' E"D DECEMBER 8 19B7 � RESOLUTION AUT1101 SING THE ISSUP�NCF� OP S40r000.DO SgRIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF GEZOI. GN1 r Nl'; }i' YOLK, TO FINANCE THE RURCNA R OF APPROXIMATELY 41 ACRE; OF LAND FROM HERBERT TICHFNER TO St USED AS A TOWN GRAVEL SOURCE11 Which Resoluti of which the n SECTION 3 aforesaid obi on authorzzt:�d the otes h .reaby aL]LhQr �` a xt t It rl t' -. rot ar ul,]rposre is bonds ,1. -d a b0 $4010 in antic:ipa r0 t0 a is r�a.s toe t.i-on of the sale shed. issued f Az� the h bQndAs will be seraal bo�c� � . SECTION 4. The auo�nt of the fi r zst Bond Anticzpatioj� I�Q -8 to be a,ssued is ��U,CaOG_��0 Sucgh n ; t e shall be dated Vo.ceinbcar 2'_ , 19837, al�d shall be numbered one an�-j ejza. -�.l jnatur, e December 26 , 1988, rr ring in .r. r- at c54 r,a e rook exc dzng r'TVU and FLQRTY H[I`4T.1RE'UlrS. - 3v�r cer,tum f � �,i�. �) peg: annu�, payable aL- wL-4 �7 i':y. Such note: shall be signed by the Su'r��rvisnrs of said I r - '1'C >i+ n and attca',�tcti{L R]�' rill 'T'Ciwl7 C].e�:k cK said Tcwiiw and boil l xr r'.i 1a� oJ: enci �i3t. r. r si one Paz{? note Shall be- Payable i ,rl ne;,F Lf the States of Ame: ica t The First Ban; F of Gr.oL n Grc to Iv, , Iq ew -r}J:k 1:3073. SQc-dh notEe shall h4;� in ttie ?J_rr pr. c)_ iY ed by the .I GI Finar)ce Law of tlfe St�_zL'e Of Nei: ri L . S :i.d r�o f� shall oe pa FatiZr zcfru �r r e Procc_�eds F cier:ived rol t.h sale Of said bonds or ctherryise redec-rnL�d ij� the II sr V N. Y Manner Ptrc ided by Section 23,00r Local F' J�r�ce flaw. The faith aild c l:Pedit of said Town ax-e- hereby irrevocably pledged fcr the i }: t e eked i,;aLe.xst then. ion . SECTION 54 '.I herd no band aClt ipati0Td [Irt.ec�; rv;ziis }r�ntFr�. which had +� been pr,eiviously issued ,i-Lt a`iLicl- Pat;i;n of th' s'? e of said bonds . 1�C1 �]l{}1 1 ^, Lhe note_ hytL e1' v aut -hori. rer)ewal i'1c te+ rl',Akv i��r�t�d oLr Jnaturity ti,i a�]cl� ! ote is nt in O'4tL i S..' }] 4 Fi, `'11Cf1 lit]! is not i5:auo of Ira c!�t.i, 1r] t1,OC1 fcr�ds for a;. asscssxi_i,e ore!nnt!t�- 1 u i i I r I _ I u i ., 3 I PTINUES OF TOWN BOARD I%IEEIIKG HED) ON TUESDAY, DECEh1LER 8, 1987, AT 7;S PM Those present: Teresa N. Robinson, Supervisor' Ellaxd L. Sovocool, Councilman Gorden C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Donald E. Cummings, CoL2nclljika xi Joseph H. Graham, Councilman Jack ntzgerald, ,attorney 11 6 4i 5 A}i Also present; Leland Cornelius, Ga:r�f good Correction to Minutetb of Nov. 10 - County bid price for dump box rzhould be $+995 from Steuben Supply. Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings to approve minutes of Vovembex' 10th as corrected. Ayes Sovocool., VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson, Claim Plos. 301 to 3Z3 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $45,02/0. 5 and Claiim Nos. 475 to 512 of the General Fund in the amount of $1- 5768.4, were Presented for audit. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the bills be approved for payment. Ayes � Sovocool, VanBanschoten, Cummings, 'Y raham, Robin son . Monthly x%eport of the Town Clexlk was reviewed.. Corre4pondence consisted of 1) mortgage tax m $15,665.81; ) County Tlection expenses - $2,315,86; ) Notice off' Unomployment Insurance due for Donna alglish through week ending Nov, 8, 1987; 4 Letter from Zoning Officer' to Gerald food regarding Inspection of wood burning stove; Landfill si'tc� selected is DR7& Noved by 1rlr, VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, to appoint Lyle Raymond as town re;p;resentati�re an the Tompkins County Davironrnental Manag meat Council and George Totman as town representative on the Dam;pkins County PIFnning Bo 'd. Ayes Sovocool., VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. Jon Harrington of 1 'r`ington Associates pr'esen'ted his re]')Ort entitled "Geologic Inventory and band Use Recommendations for the Town of Graton, Pew York The purpose of 't-iis study was to compile data on the character dnd distribution of s3,irficial and bedrock deposits for use in local lands use planning and to define areas where because of specific geologic conditions improper use of land miry cause serious problems; and to determine whether geologic features present any opportunities to facilitate changes in land, uses. Ru'4S'OLUTION NO, 33 BOND ANTICIPATIal1 NOTE Moved, by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Hr, Graham Ayes -- Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cw7ioings, Graham, Robinson • '4 , A 1�1aS4)LUTIc�h] "UTICIPA'?'J:C`;; , , .?�kI`,'i;O:�:L�,,':�ts IN 0J FIN. '�i1F: - LO'?1'0 !'q D ;:,,Z,171D l;la(FMBCR. • -t- } 1`}.,CT�s�I��,, c�F AT% .I0o00 8, i92��, t- r ;m0Q i3 i��lJ AN'!'''r�:CIP,�TIO PURCHASE //�-N li L"� ]ti}},J'.iyyE Ci;? '.31 1"�} i'�f`_I_Frf TI-if5: 'P T, "L 1'1J.� r-' ;TN' iii OT' °�Ca�ll ?C)TOi-� rY �]yE�i A'-'R ES OF L1;(M YORK FROWN + POP Hn'F }41�'1' '1'r:�1J I . �1r1W % C E � J" i l �. � 1 _ .. in L ,.: J i.1 0' a 11 6 4i 5 A}i Ueq 1% li 5' J J � �.' C. L u{ J' irJL�JY; SFC'J1ION I F,ttL:' ti: h e �,,.r.; :]c }e- 4 >t playing a por. -.ici cf. the c70st of the purQhase of aP1Dr:-G %3- .uate1 -y 41 acra" Qf land frorrL ]1erbert Txchcn::x tf!; i:$v usr4.t:i &.�} a `['own grave -1 sou,"ce a.r, accordance %A'ith r.oceec�irlg l� arc .ofrsa; taken Y the Town Doan of said Town, there is here3.�y a5 thr)xa.aed to ba issu?ci Serial Bond P11.9ticipation -Notes of said Town in the t,ot�11- sure ot" $40,000,0D. f F rr r dJ r F. r' �'li> TO4�'1 B7?.lt �;,[ �Jh'. "; 'T' 'rr� {) "? >Z011,CjN, t.lr' J'1._t. COUNTY O1- TOMPKI NS I . �1r1W YORK, HER-r-I l�':, v'k��JSti'1.S �'iJ J' irJL�JY; ti : SFC'J1ION I F,ttL:' ti: h e �,,.r.; :]c }e- 4 >t playing a por. -.ici cf. the c70st of the purQhase of aP1Dr:-G %3- .uate1 -y 41 acra" Qf land frorrL ]1erbert Txchcn::x tf!; i:$v usr4.t:i &.�} a `['own grave -1 sou,"ce a.r, accordance %A'ith r.oceec�irlg l� arc .ofrsa; taken Y the Town Doan of said Town, there is here3.�y a5 thr)xa.aed to ba issu?ci Serial Bond P11.9ticipation -Notes of said Town in the t,ot�11- sure ot" $40,000,0D. f F rr r dJ r F. r' ' !7 SUCTION 5. The Supervisor of the Town of Groton is hereby authorized to sell said note at private sale at not Ness than par, and accrued i item st o and when sa.i.d note shall have been duly executed and sold, ti-ieo same shall be d6l.iver,ed to the puj, ha so. ,1: Upon I?ajnient of t' e pur_C1)-1FSe p.r.ice to the Supervisor. and the receipt of the Supervisor. shall be a full. acquittance to said pur.chcaser who shall not i,e; obliged to se. to the application Of the purchase monk y . SECTION 70 This resolution shall take e. "feet at the same time as the Serial Bond REsclut.ion referred to above shall. take effect. RESOLUTION N0. - APPROVAL OF 1988 GROTON FIRE AND AMBULANCE CO:v TRAC TS Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton approve 1988 contracts with the Groton Fire Department in the amount of $39,500.00 and the Groton Ambulance in the amount of $36,,00.00. Discussed sludge projects. A hearing is pending on Munson sludge site. A Tolem ordinance may not be legal if it doesn't affect health, safety and welfare of people. Supervisor Robinson will discuss with the Town of Lansing Supervisor the percentage of fees to be borne by County, Town of Lansing and Town of Groton to retain Environmental Attorney's. There will be a public hearing in the County on Wednesday, December 15th, on Agricultural District consolidation. Gary Wood, Zoning Officer, reported he had issued seven building permits totaling $97,074 and had done 29 inspections and answered numerous complaints. He reported on McLean projects as follows: Antique Store - most cars are gone; Post Office - cars are gone; Green house #5 & #7 is much improved. j Mr. Wood suggested Town Board increase rate of building permit fee to offsett Town costs. Board discussed providing health insurance for employees. Employees are leaving because Town doesn't provide insurance and it's very difficult to hire a good person if we don't provide health insurance. Rates for 1988 Blue Cross /Blue Shield are $66.13 single coverage and $163.64 for family coverage. After much discussion for and againts this subject, consensus ® of entire board was to look into cost of Town providing a portion of insurance with employee picking up the remainder. Supervisor Robinson stressed the need for a computer in the Town Office to be used for bookkeeping, dogs, taxes, town directory, etc. Equipment can be purchased on State Bid or from individual. Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, to schedule Special Town Board Meeting for Tuesday, December 29, 1987, at 10:00 A.M. to close out year -end business and perform annual accounting of all Tovm records. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. Discussed Tompkins County District Attorney's Plaintiff - Appellants Brief for Tompkins County Indictment No. 87 -128 involving missing Toi &lm funds. District Attorney is to be in Albany on Tuesday, January 5, 1988, to argue appeal before the State of New York Supreme Court Appellate Division. Also discussed missing monies, conservation stamps and books, keys and other items either missing or destroyed in the office. Town Attorney stated that F 7 the 'Town Clerk/Tax ax Collector is personally lia7�l� for all money in hzs and any deputy's posseFssion. Town Clexk asked why no written action has been taken by the 'Town regarding unemployment insurance benefits being paid to Donna English when it is known that rthe has been employed. Town Clerk notified the NYS Unemployment office of her eirnp'loyment by phone on OctobeT 1, 1,87, and was told that they would investigate. There being no further business, Mr. Sovocool roved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr, Cumniiings, at 11:OC1 P.M. Unanimous, Colleen D. Pierson 'Dawn Clerk MINUM9 OF' SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING HMLD OX TUESDAY, DECF�EER 29t 1987, AT 10:00 A. K, Those Present; Teresa Ellard Gordon Absent: Joseph Absent: Donald N. Robinson, Supervisor L. Sovocool, Councilman C. VanBenschoten, Councilman ff. Graham, Councilman R. Cummings, Councilman Also present: Leland Co�7nelius Purpose of meeting was to close out year -end business and perform annual accounting of all Town Tecord . Claim Nos. 324 to 354 of the Highway IT-Jnd in the amount of $26,028469 and Claim Pros, -513 to 552 of the General Fund in the amount of $33,936.14 were presented for audit. °Mr. Sovocool moved that the bills be paid. Seconded by Per. VanBenschoten. byes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Robinspn (AbaeD t - Graham and Cuminings) . RESOLLYrICK NO 5 - BOARD AUTHORIZATICN FOR SUPERVISOR TO WAKE NDCESSARY TRANSFER OF FWDS FROM VARIOUS ACCOUNT TO MEET EXPENSES Moved by Mr. 50V00001, seconded by Mir. VanBenschoten Ayes � Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Robinson {Absent � Graham & Cummings) RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authoxisd to make necessary transfer of funds From various accounts to Meet expenses in 1987 budget. There being no further busiiness, Mr. Sovocool rooved to adjourn meeting, s°oonded by Mr, VanBenschoten, at 12&10 P,N, All ayes Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk }h. 0 1