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2006 (3) Enfield Vol Fire Company Documents
Enfield Vol. Fire Co., Inc. 172 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, New York 14850 Quarterly Report Oct. 1 — Dec. 31, 2006 Page 1 12/31/2006 Difference 0.00 0.00 3,202.02 399.74 -5,874.85 1,805.56 594.84 -2,580.98 637.35 16,631.73 1,962.98 1,865.01 1,245.73 -1,541.12 -517.33 17,830.68 17,830.68 Budget Report 1/1/2006 Through 12/31/2006 Using Budget 1/8/2007 1/1/2006 - Category Description Actual - Budget INCOME Income 240,769.00 240,769:00 TOTAL INCOME 240,769.00 240,769.00 EXPENSES Admin -OSHA 797.98 4,000.00 Admin -Reimburse 3,575.26 3,975.00 Administration 9,874.85 4,000.00 Building -Ground 6,694.44 8,500.00 Fire Equipment 9,205.16 9,800.00 HIth&Safety 12,580.98 10,000.00 Insurance 36,362.65 37,000.00 Loans 107,86227 124,494.00 Operations 3,687.02 5,650.00 Rescue 1,634.99 3,500.00 Training 1,154.27 2,400.00 Truck Maint 10,391.12 8,850.00 Utilities 19,117.33 18,600.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 222,938.32 240,769.00 OVERALL TOTAL 17,830.68 0.00 Page 1 12/31/2006 Difference 0.00 0.00 3,202.02 399.74 -5,874.85 1,805.56 594.84 -2,580.98 637.35 16,631.73 1,962.98 1,865.01 1,245.73 -1,541.12 -517.33 17,830.68 17,830.68 Spending 1/1/2006 Through 12/31/2006 1/9/2007 Page 2 1/11/2006 - /1/2006 - Category Description Category 12/31/2006 Building 15,920.72 Building Int 25,418.30 Vehicle Int 90.98 Vehicles 66,432,27 TOTAL Loans 107,862.27 Operations Banquet 2,700.75 Conventions 256.00 Dues-Subscrptn 192.80 Miscellaneous 537.47 TOTAL Operations 3,687:02 Rescue Capital 334.84 Equipment Maint 319.81 Oxygen 513.30 Supplies 467.04 TOTAL Rescue 1,634.99 Training Administrative 745.00 EMS 181.50 Fire 227.77 TOTAL Training 1,154.27 Truck Maint Fuel 2,761.45 Maint02 2,565.49 Maint2l 682.83 Maint22 1,650.23 Maint42 78.14 Maintenance 1,255.58 Supplies 1,397.40 TOTAL Truck Maint 10,391.12 Utilities Electric 8,001.30 Generator 152.10 Heat 9,288.59 Telephone 1,675.34 TOTAL Utilities 19,117.33 OVERALL TOTAL 222,956.66 J SLcc�=ti Jan I — Mar 3 1, 2006- Oct I —Dec 3 L 2001