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2001 (2) Enfield Vol Fire Company Documents
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company �2 Incident Type Report (Summary) Alarm Date Between.(11/01/2.001) And {01/31/20021 Incident Type Count I Fire 114 Chimney or flue fire, confined to:chimney or flue 1 121 Fire in mobile home used as fixed residence 1 131 Passenger vehicle fire 1 151 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire 1 4 3 Rescue & Emergency medical Service Incidents 300 Rescue, emergency medical (EMS) call, Other 1 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 19 322 Vehicle accident with injuries 5• 25 4 Hazardous Conditions (No fire) 424 Carbon monoxide incident 5 Service Call 500 Service Call, Other 551 Assist police or other governmental agency 552 Police matter 571 Cover assignment, standby, moveup 6 Good Intent Call 600 Good intent call, Other 611 Dispatched & canceled en route 631 Authorized controlled burning 7 False Alarm & False Call 710 Malicious, mischievous false -call, Other 712 Direct tie to FD, malicious/false alarm 730 System malfunction, Other Total Incident Count: 45 02/12/2002 19:14 2.22 96 42.22 % 11:11 � :55.55 2 4.44 2 4:44 A 1 1 2.22A 1 2.22-t 1 . 2.22 5 6:66A $ 11.114 1 2.22- 1 2.22 % 1 2.22 % 3 6:66A Enfield - Volunteer Enfield Volunteer 172 Enfield Main Rd. Fire Company, Inc. Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 272-8757 WFNike-Co., Ina 1948 Annual Report Summary EVFC Operations 2001 Active Membership (as of 12/31/01) — 44 Junior Firefighters (as of 12/31/01) — 5 Intermediate Emergency Medical Technicians —1 Basic Emergency Medical Technicians — 13 Certified First Responders — 3 Personnel Hours (total) — 11,868 Total Responses — 189 Fires —18 Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents -116 Hazardous Conditions 8 Service Calls — 30 Good Intent — 7 False Calls — 8 Special Incident —2 Mutual Aid Given and Received; Interlaken- Provided -1 Received -0 Ithaca- Provided -2 Received -4 Mecklenburg- Provided -2 Received -2 Newfield- Provided -3 Received -2 Trurnansburg- Provided -8 Received -3 West Danby- Provided -1- Received -0 Apparatus Miles; Engine 601- 590 Engine 602- 1675 Tanker 621- 243 Tanker 622- 586 Rescue 642- 754 Rescue 643- 3163 Rescue 644- 638 Motor Fuel Consumed; Gasoline- 320.1 Diesel —1049.3 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Incident Type Report (Summary) Alarm Date Between (01/01/2001) And {12/31/2001) Incident Type Count percent - 1 Fire 111 Building fire 2 1.05 - 114 Chimney or flue fire, confined to chimney or flue 2 1.05 9 121 Fire in mobile home used as fixed residence l 0.52 131 Passenger vehicle fire 2 1.05$ 140 Natural vegetation fire, Other 1 0.52 $•. 142 Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire 4 2.11- 143 Grass fire 1 0-.52 $ 151 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire 4 2.11 163 Outside gas or vapor combustion explosion 1 0.52 18 - 9.52- 3 Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents 300 Rescue, emergency medical (EMS) call, Other 3 1.58- 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 95 50.26 $ 322 Vehicle accident with injuries 15 7.93 1. 323 Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident `(MV Ped) 1 0.52 V, 350 Extrication, rescue, Other 2 ,.. 1.05 $ 116 61:37-%- - 4 Hazardous Conditions (No fire) 400 Hazardous condition, Other 1 0.52 '• 412 Gas leak (natural gas or LPG) 1 0-.52 424 Carbon monoxide incident 3 1.58-$ 444 Power line down 2 1.05 460 Accident, potential accident, Other 1 0.52 8 4.23 5 Service Call 500 Service Call, Other 1 0.52 531 Smoke or odor removal 1 0:52 550 Public service assistance, Other 2 1.05 . 551 Assist police or other governmental agency 1• 0. 52" 552 Police matter 1 0.52 561 Unauthorized burning 3 571 Cover assignment, standby, moveup 21 11.11 30 15'. 87. t 6 Good Intent Call 02/13/2002 13:37 Page '1 Incident Type Count, Percent 600 Good intent call, Other 2 1.05 611 Dispatched & canceled en route 1 0.52 $ 621 Wrong location 1 0.52 $ 631 Authorized controlled burning 2 1.05V 651 Smoke scare, odor of smoke 1 0.52-� 7 3.7.0A 7 False Alarm & False Call 710 Malicious, mischievous false call, Other 1 0:52.` 712 Direct tie to FD, malicious/false alarm 1 0.52-,- 713 Telephone, malicious false alarm 1 0.52,16", 730 System malfunction, Other 1 0.52'-%,'' 733 Smoke detector activation due .to malfunction 1 0.52•-1 734 Heat detector activation due to malfunction 1 0.52-96. _ 740 Unintentional transmission of alarm, Other 1 0.54%, 743 Smoke detector activation, no fire unintentional 1" 0.52:-%.- - $ 423.4 9 Special incident type 911 Citizen complaint 2 1•Q5 Total Incident Count: 189 02/13/2002 13:37 Page 2 Enfield � Enfield Volunteer 172 Enfield Main Rd. Fire Company, Inc, Ithaca,.New York 14850 (607) 272-8757 Fire Co., Inc. 1948 Active Membership & Training Level List February 2002 Baker, John - Firefighter, SCBA Certified Firefighter, apparatus operator, Financial Secretary Barriere, Aaron = Currently exempt, serving in the US Army Barriere, Roy - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator Berggren, Sherry - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS certified EMT -D, Treasurer Carpenter, Deborah - Firefighter, Basic Firefighter Training pending, NYS certified EMT D, Fire Investigator Clark, Jim - SCBA Certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified Covert, Art - SCBA Certified Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator Eisenhardt, Bill - Fire Police Fields, Jennifer — Probationary Member Howser, Anna — Probationary Member, NYS EMT -D pending Howser, Art-- SCBA Certified Firefighter, NYS certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Auto Extrication certified, apparatus operator May, George - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator, Basic Haz. Mat., Haz. Mat. Command Morse, Keven — Currently on Personal Leave of Absence Neno, Judy - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT=D, Ice Rescue certified Neno, Rich - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT - D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Basic Haz. Mat., Haz. Mat. Command Nesbitt, Gary Fire Police, Basic Haz. Mat. Newport, Jay - Currently exempt, attending college out of town Orak, John — SCBA Certified. Firefighter Owens, David — SCBA Certified Firefighter, .Auto Extrication certified; Ice Rescue certified Owens, Jean - Firefighter, NYS Certified EMT -D, Fire Investigator, Secretary Owens, Mary — Firefighter, Fire Investigator Roach, Mark — SCBA Certified Firefighter, apparatus operator, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Captain Rumsey, Jack = Probationary member Saulsgiver, Larry - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator Sheffield, Charlie -Fire Police, Basic Haz. Mat.' Shevalier, Tanya Probationary Member Snyder, Tanya - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified First Responder Snyder, Tucker — Probationary Member Snyder, Wayne - SCBA certified firefighter,, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified First Responder, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Basic Haz. Mat. Stevenson, Greg - SCBA-certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified-, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Haz. Mat. Specialist, Fire Chief Stilwell, Greg - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified,-NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Haz. Mat., Haz. Mat. Command, Deputy Fire Chief Stilwell, Larry - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, dee Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Haz. Mat., Vice President, Safety Officer Switzer,-R.J. - SCBA certified firefighter; Auto Extrication certified; NYS Certified EMT -I, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Hai Mat., 2nd - Assistant Chief Turesik, Scott — Probationary member Varricchio, Jim - Fire Police Captain, NYS Certified First Responder certified; N-kS Certified - Weinstein Brian -SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator, Haz. Mat, Specialist; Haz. ;Mat. . Command Whittaker, Jim - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator Whittaker, Wayde - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified Junior Firefighter Members Carlisle, Anthony Giles, Ben Giles, Dominic Juett, Daisy Martin, Timothy Booster Members Hetherington, Ed Lane, Roger Budget Report 1/1/01 Through 12/31/01 1/10/02 Page 1' 1/1/01 - 12/31/01- 2/31/01`Category CategoryDescription Actual Budget Difference INCOME Income 193,159, 00 193,159.00 0.00 TOTAL INCOME 193,1b9.UU 193,1bu.uu u.uu EXPENSES Admin -OSHA 2,530.88 2,560.00 29.12 Admin -Reimburse 2,934.12 3,000.00 65.88 Administration 3,132.29 2,608.00 -524:29 Building -Ground 4,927.96 4,683.00 -244.96 Fire Equipment 10,743.35 9,869.00 -874.35 Hlth&Safety 15,714.22 15,749.00 34.78 Insurance 26,109.50 24,037.00 -2,072.50 Loans 97,212.85 97,088.00 -124.85 Operations 1,395.83 2,557.00 1,161.17 Rescue 5,235.42 6,233.00 997.58 Training 1,745.56 2,100.00 354.44 Truck Maint 9,755.00 8,850.00 -905.00 Utilities 11,722.02 12, 825.00 1,102.98 TOTAL EXPENSES 193,1b9.Uu 191,1b9.uu -1,uuu.uu OVERALL TOTAL u.UU 1,uuu.uu -1,Uuu.uU Quarterly Report 1/1/01 Through 12/31/01 2/12/02 Page 1 1/1/01- 1011/01 - Category Description 12/31/01 12/31/01 INCOME Income 193,159.00 0.00 Reserve 45,153.43 513.15. TOTAL INCOME 238,312.43 513.15 " EXPENSES Admin -OSHA 2,530.88 275.92 Admin -Reimburse 2,934.12 533.55 Administration 3,132.29 675.33 Building -Ground 4,927 '.96 2,060.29 Fire Equipment 10,743.35• 3;469.95 Hth&Safety 15,714.22 4,047.78 Insurance 26,109.50 3,320.00 Loans 97,212.85 9;587.73 Operations 1,395.83 -590.55 Rescue 5,235.42 -858.54 Training 1,745.56 -"410.00 Truck Maint 9,755.00 2,235.72 Utilities 11,722.02. 3;348.88 TOTAL EXPENSES 193,159:00 31-,414.24 '- OVERALL TOTAL 45,153.43 -30u1.u9 &►field' Volunteer Active Membership & Training Level List August 2001 Baker, John - Firefighter, SCBA Certified Firefighter, apparatus operator Barriere, Aaron - Currently exempt, serving in the US Army ; Barriere, Roy - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified; NYS certified EMTD,;Ice Rescue certified, ' apparatus operator, Treasurer Berggren, Sherry - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS certified EMT -D Carpenter, Deborah.- Firefighter, Basic Firefighter Training pending, NYS certified EMT -D, Fire Investigator. Clark,Jim - SCBA Certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified g Clemens, Carrie — Currently Exempt, attending school out ,of town Covert, Art - SCBA Certified Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice; Rescue certified, apparatus operator Eisenhardt, Bill - Fire Police Fields, Jennifer —Probationary Member Howser, Art — SCBA Certified Firefighter, NYS certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Auto Extrication certified, apparatus operator Howser, Sue - Firefighter, NYS certified EMT -D. Hubbard, Ray = SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice and Water rescue certified, apparatus operator, Fire Investigator, Basic Haz. Mat., First Assistant Chief Hubbell, Denny - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice rescue certified, apparatus operator, President Hubbell, Jerry - Department operations certified Lanning, Larry - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Police, apparatus operator Laue, Eric - Fire Police, Basic Firefighter Training Pending Neno, Judy - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Secretary Neno, Rich - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT - D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Basic Haz. Mat.,Haz. Mat. Command Neno, Stephanie - Firefighter, Basic Firefighter Training pending Nesbitt, Gary - Fire Police, Basic Haz. Mat: Newport, Jay - Currently exempt, attending college out of town Orak, John — Probationary member Owens, David — SCBA Certified Firefighter; Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified Owens, Jean - Firefighter, NYS Certified EMT -D, Fire Investigator Owens, Mary — Firefighter, Fire Investigator Roach, Mark— SCBA Certified Firefighter, apparatus operator, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, Captain SauIsgiver, Larry - SCBA certified 4irefighter, Auto Extrication certified,, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator, Safety Officer Sheffield, Charlie - Fire Police, Basic Haz. Mat. Snyder, Tanya - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified First Responder Snyder, Wayne - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified First Responder, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Basic Haz. Mat. Stevenson, Greg - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, Haz. Mat. Specialist, Fire Chief Stilwell, Greg - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Haz: Mat., Haz. Mat. Command, Deputy Fire Chief Stilwell, Larry - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Haz. Mat Vice President Switzer, R.J. - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -I, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator, basic Haz. Mat., 2nd - Assistant Chief Varricchio, Jim - Fire Police Captain, NYS Certified First. Responder Weinstein, Brian - SCBA certified firefighter, Auto Extrication certified,, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, apparatus operator, Haz. Mat. Specialist, Haz. Mat. Command Whittaker, Jim - Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified, NYS Certified EMT -D, Ice Rescue certified, Fire Investigator, apparatus operator Whittaker, Wayde -.Firefighter, Auto Extrication certified Junior Firefighter Members Booster Members Hetherington, Ed Kirchgessner, Gretchen Lane, Roger Moliviatis, John Neno, Heather Day/Shift Sunday * < No Shift Specified > 1 Volunteer Monday < No Shift Specified > 1 Volunteer Tuesday * < No Shift Specified > 1 Volunteer Wednesday 1 Volunteer Thursday * < No Shift Specified > 1 Volunteer Friday * < No Shift Specified > 1 Volunteer 08/07/2001 18:04 Count Pct 1 2.85 % 4 11.42 i 5 14.28 T 2:.85 % 2 5.71 3 8.57 .4 1i. 4.2 7 20..00: 4 11.42 $ 4 11.42 . 4 :....:.11.42 $. 2 ..... .5.711 6 17:.14 1. .2:85 6 17..14 7 20..00 $ Count Pct Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Incident Type Report (Summary) Alarm Date Between (05/01/20011 And (07/31/20011 Incident Type Count Percent" 1 Fire ill Building fire 1 2.85 143 Grass fire 1 2.85-%- 151 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire -I 2.85%_ " 3 8.57 % 3'Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents 300 Rescue, emergency medical (EMS) call, Other 1 2.85 % 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 21 60.00`% 322 Vehicle accident with injuries 2 5.71 % 24 $ 68.5711-1 4 Hazardous Conditions (146 fire) 412 Gas leak (natural gas or LP6) 1 2':85 % 2.85 5 Service Call 561 Unauthorized burning l .; 2.85 % 571 Cover assignment, standby, moveup 4; 11.42$ '5 a % 6 Good Intent Call 600 Good intent call, Other 1 2.-85 1 2.85... 7 False Alarm & False Call 713 Telephone, malicious false alarm 1, 2.85•$ 1 2,85, % Total Incident Count: 35 08 /07 /2001 18:02 Page 1 8/6/01 Category Description INCOME Income Reserve TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Admin -OSHA Admin -Reimburse Administration . Building -Ground Eire Equipment Hith&Safety Insurance Loans Operations Rescue Training Truck Maint Utilities TOTAL EXPENSES OVERALL TOTAL 193,159.00 193,159.00 -7,530.39 0.00 - 1 ti5,ti2tS.Ei1 193,159.UU 2,254.96 2,560.00 2,220.24 3,000.00 1,578.74 2,608.00 2,268.82, 4,683.00 5,564.99 9,869.00 10,415.65 15,749.00- 5,749.00-17,272.00 V,272.00 24,037.00 ; 75,927.65 97,088.00 796.65 2,557.00 2,958.64 6,233.00 - 1,330.56 2;100.00- 5,819.13 8,850.00 7,126.18 12, 825.00 135,534.21 19'L,15y,UU ;; 5U,U94.4U: 1,U00.00 Quarterly Report 1/1/01 Through 7/10/01 8/6/01 Page 1 1/1/01- 4/12/01- Amount Category Description 7/10/01 7/10/01. Difference INCOME Income 193,159.00. 68,159.00 -125,000:00 Reserve 43,350.11 -2,842.84 -46,192.95 TOTAL INCOME Z36,bUy.11 65,31ii.1ii -1/1,1yZ.y5 EXPENSES Admin -OSHA 2,254.96 575.44 _ 1,679.52 ." Admin -Reimburse 2,220.24 476.30 1,743.94 Administration 1,578.74 535.84 1,042;90• Building -Ground 2,268,82 1,159.54 1,109:28' . Fire Equipment 5,564.99 2,126.11 Hth&Safety 10,415.65 7,350.68 ; 3,064.97-" Insurance 17,272.00 2,939.00_; 14,333.60 Loans 75,92'7.65 11,697.47 ", 64,280:18:: =; Operations 796.65 507.25. 289,40 Rescue 64563.97. 2.97 2,495.67. . _. Training 1,330. 563.97 Truck Maint 5,819.13 2,496.33" 3,322,80•.-' -` Utilities 7,126.18 2,986.65 ; "" 4,139,53 TOTAL EXPENSES 1'ib,� 34.11 JS,tS/ i.55 ; 1U1,Fi�(i.tib OVERALLTOTAL 1uu,9/4.9u , { `.fie Enfield r / Voluntee, Enfield Volunteer 172 Enfield Main Rd. Fire Company, Inc. Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 272-8757 Fire Co., Inc. 1948 Budget for 2001 Also in response to our contract agreement, the following is a list of liabilities:of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. as of 1/1101: Loan Title Princioal Balance Pavment Amt/Freauencv/lnterest Rafe Term of Loan Addition 13,105.47 629.84/monthly/9.5% Pay :offJanuaryj 2003: Truck #622 96,269.41 5,368.25/quarterly/6.2% Pay off April, 2006 Mortgage 181.652.00 1.610.73/monthlv/7.875% Pay, off1uly, 2018 Total $291,026.88 $48,359:84/year If you have any questions pertaining to these reports; please feel free to contact me. GENERAL ACCT 1113/01 General Cash Flow Report 1/1/00 Through 12/31/00 Page 1 1111,00 - Category Description 12/31/'00 INFL-A WS CONTRACT 174,044.00 GRANTS 0.00 INTEREST 408.48 FROM CAPITAL ACCT 50,922.64 TOTAL INFLOWS "- 225,375.12------------ OUTE�CIWS ADMIN 12,101.34 BLDGMAINT 19,002.30 FIREQUIP 4,812.54 GENERAL 5,425.41 HLTHSAFTY 15,944.46 INSUR 25,192.77 LOANS 78,901.68 RESCUE 3,031.75 TRKMAINT 10,411.19 TRKREPLCMT 34,423.91 UTILITIES 12,927.77 TO CAPITAL ACCT 3,200.00 TOTAL OUTFLOWS 225,375.12 OVERALL TOTAL 0.00 GENERAL-Selected Accounts C -imd- ,9 cc T) 1/23101 Genera( Cash Flow Report 1/1/00 Through 12/30/00 Page 1 1111,00- Category Description 12/30P00 INFLOWS CAPITAL 116,314.44 CONTRACT 174,044.00 GRANTS 0.00 INTEREST. s 2,454.18 TOTAL INFLOWS 292,812.62 ". 4UTFLO ... ADMIN 12,101.34 BLDGMAINT 19,002.30 FIREQUIP 4,812.54 GENERAL 5,425.41 HLTHSAFTY 15,944 46 _ INSUR 25,192.77 LOANS 78,901.68 RESCUE 3,031.75 TRKMAINT 10,411.19 TRKREPLCMT 34,423.91 UTILITIES 12,927.77 TOTAL OUTFLOWS 222,175.12 OVERALL TOTAL 70,637.50 Assets Total Assets Liabilities: Total Liabilities $291,027.00 Net Worth Bank Accts - TCTC $ 70,637 Fiked Assetsm- Vehicles $300,000 Real Estate 385,000 Equipment 100,000 Gen. FF && E 20,000 $875,637.00 Mortgage $1;81,652 Veh. Loan 96,269 Addition Loan 19,640 Total Liabilities $291,027.00 Net Worth OPERATNL-Bank, Cash, CC Accounts 1128/01 Budget Report for New Year 1/1/01 Through 12/31/01 Page 1 1/1/101 - 12/311'01 Category Description Actual Budget Difference WGO11#E Income 0.00 193,159.00 -193,159.00 TOTAL INCOME 0.00 193,159.00 -193,159.00 Admin -OSHA 0.00 2,560.00 2,560.00 Admin -Reimburse 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Administration 0.00 2,608.00 2,608.00 Building -Ground 0.00 4,683.00 4,683.00 Fire Equipment 0.00 9,869.00 9,869.00- Hith&Safety 0.00 15,749.00 15,749.00 Insurance 0.00 24,037.00 -X4,037.00 Loans 0:00 97,088.00 97,088:00: Operations 0.00 2,557.00 1,551.00, Rescue- 0.00 6,233.00 6,233.00 Reserve -70,637.50 1,000.00 , 71,,637:50 Training 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00: Truck Maint 0.00 8,850.00 8,850'.00- Utilities 0.00 12,825.00 12,825.00 TOTAL EXPENSES -70,637.50 193,159.00 263,796.50 TOTAL INCOME - EXPEN... 70,637.50 0.00 70;637.50, Page 1 TOWN OF ENFIELD GETS NEW DRY HYDRANT The Town of Enfield now has a dry hydrant to be used in fire prevention. This location also allows the Town of Ulysses and parts of Hector to benefit from the site. The Tompkins County Soil and Water Conserva- tion District obtained cost -share funds for installation of dry hydrants through a member item from State Senator Randy Kuhl. The first hydrant installed, on Iradell Road was completed by I & B Excavating Inc. of Ithaca.. Other locations where hydrants are already planned include Speedsville and Ulysses. The District is currently working. with many of the other municipalities and fire depart- ments around the county to identify suitable sites for installations. Dry hydrant site during construction SALMON CREEK PROJECT UPDATE 7u1y 2001 Page 5