HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 (4) Enfield Vol Fire Company DocumentsIn response to the question asked at the Board Meeting held on January 4, 1996, the liabilities of the fire company are as follows: Truck #601 $77,576.0 0 Truck 4602 77,576.00 Mortgage 204, 3 60.00 Total $359,512.00 The two trucks will be paid off in June, 2000 & the mortgage on the fire house will be paid off in July, 2018. xc: Dennis Hubbell, President Enfield �` ., . A Enfield Volunteer 172 Enfield Main Rd. Fire Company, Inc. Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 272-8757 Fire Co., Inc. 1948 MONTHL YREPORT FOR MARCH 1996 FIRE CALLS 5 RESCUE CALLS a YEAR TO DATE FIRE CALLS 35 YEAR TO DATE RESCUE CALLS 20 TOTAL FALLS YEAR TO DATE 55 SUMMARY OF FIRE CALLS: 1 Chimney fire which extended into the wall and attic, a quick response confined the fire to a small area around the chimney. I vehicle fire that was out on arrival. i Mutual Aid to Ithaca, l Mutual Aid to Newfield, I trash fire. SUMMARY OF RESCUE FALLS: 3 Motor Vehicle accidents, 2 Personal medical calls There was 1 fatality associated with the MVA at Sheffield Rd. and Route 79 SUINEVLARY OF TRA KINGS: 2 hour joint EMS training with Bangs Ambulance attended by 15 members, 4 hour joint training with Mecklenburg on water relays attended by 7 members, 9 hour Fire Police training attended by 2 members SUMMARY OF WORD DETAILS: Work details are still confined to indoor maintenance of equipment. FUNDRAISING EVENTS: We are tentatively planning a chicken BBQ for some time in April, we are Also beginning plans for our annual car show. PROPERTY VALUE: 72,000.00 PROPERTY LOSS: 8,000.00 YTD TOTALS: 1,093,000.00 YTD TOTALS 41,500.00 q Enfield Volunteer Fire Oompany, Inc. Enfield Volumef! Fre Co., Inc. 1948 s ANNUAL RE,EPORT 1995 172 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 272.8757 klembership - 37 active. Emergency Medical Technician - Basic - 6 Certified First Responders - 10 Total manhours - 8356 Essentials ofFiremanship Course - 40 hours:- 7 members attended Hazardous lvlateiials First Responder 16 ho"W's - 7 members attt:nded Initial Fire Attack - 32 hours - 3 members attended Scott Breathing Apparatus Maintainence 16 hours 2 mentbers attended Emergency l\ledicai "1'ecluricialr 1Zecertifrcatiorl 60 hours - 5 rrrcrt.l�c rs .:iter: 3 ti Emegency Medical Technician Certilical on 120 hours - 1 me-inkr Z 1 Carcliopulr-noriary Resuscitation Refresher --10 hours 17 members atzcnded Total Calls - 205 (down 7.1% from last year Structure Fires - 3 Rescue - 111 Nfutual Aid to Ithaca - i )\•Mutual :did to Newfield - 3 Mutual Aid to k:lecklenburg - 6 1-furual Aid to rruinansbura - 5 -lotor Vehicle . cudents - 19 All other calls ( grass, automatic alarms, ul�est.igati��rts, etc. "i -5 i :Average response tithe - 3.5 minutes Average response tune from trine of alarm to on scene - 6.8 minutes `tiles 'Traveled Engine - 601 - 732.ritiles Engine - 602 - 912 mules Tanker - 621 - 623 i-niles Tanker - 622 -106 utiles Hea,q Rescue - 641 - 240 miles Light lZescue - 612.-.739 miles Brush Truck - 64:3,- 152 miles Fuel Used Gasoline - 398 gallons Diesel - 499 gallons Enfield Volunteer. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Fire Co., Inc. 1948 The Enfield Vol. Fire Dept. held an election of officers at it's Annual meeting Thursday, December 7, 1995. The results of the election were as follows. Line Officers Chief - Larry Stilwell Deputy Chief - Rich Neno First Asst. Chief- Roger Lauper. Second Asst. Chief Greg Stevenson Captain - Wayne Snyder Lieutenant - Art Covert Company Officers President - Denny Hubbell Vice President - Bill Eisenhardt Finanicial Secretary -Judy Neno Recording Secretary - Tanya Snyder Treasurer - Roy Barriere Board of Directors - Dominic Seamon, Greg Stevenson, Art Covert, Judy Neno The fire dept. presently has 41 members and an Explorer Post with 8 members, We have responded to 205 calls in 1995. The majority of these were EMS related calls, but also included 19 motor vehicle accidents, 3 structure fires,and an assortment of other -types of -calls. There was 8356 manhours recorded in 1995 by members of the department. Included in these were emergency calls, work details, trainings, meetings and many hours- of office work. Time donated by members ranged from over a thousand hours down to just a few hours. As always, the department needs new members. Anyone who might be interested can contact any member for information. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. 1� • RESCUE CALLS 10 YEAR TO DATE FIRE CALLS 20 YEAR TO DATE RESCUE CALLS 10 TOTAL CALLS YEAR TO DATE 30 SUMMARY OF FIRE CALLS: 1 Trailer tire,1 Mutual Aid to Ithaca, I Mutual Aid to Trumansburg, I Vehicle fire, 16 Flooded basements Trailer fire was a total loss,Mutual aid was used from Trumansburg,Mecklenburg and Newfield. The trailer located at 479 Hayts was fully involved upon our arrival. SUMMARY OF RESCUE CALLS: 5 Motor Vehicle accidents, 5 Personal medical calls There were no serious injuries reported on any of the MVA's SUMMARY OF TRAININGS: 2 hour Vehicle Eztracation class attended by 13 members, 2 hour Air Pak training attended by 13 members, 24 hour EMT Refresher class attended by 1 member. Presently we have 5 members in training to become EMT's SUMMARY OF WORK DETAILS: Do to the weather conditions in January work details are limited to general truck and equipment maintanience FUNDRAISING EVENTS: There were no fimdraisers scheduled for January PROPERTY VALUE: 974,000.00 YTD TOTALS: 974,000.00 PROPERTY LOSS: 301000.00 YTD TOTALS: 30,000.00 INDIVIDUALS RECIEVING EMS CARE: 10 Administration Building Maintenance Fire Equipment General Insurance Loans to Institutions Rescue Truck Maintenance Utilities Health & Safety Truck Replacement Total Budget 23,753 23,753 70,670 70,670 6,198 6,198** 6,429 3,800 (1,800 Caskeys, 2,000***Motor Fuels) 8,500 8,500*** (phone, electric & heating, oil) 12,155 9,160 (35 physicals @ $200, 12 shots @ $150 ea., 12 titers @$30 ea.) 8.000 8,000 155,744 134,731 155,744 21;013 134.731 x .12 21,013 2,521 *Service only, doesn't include parts or labor. **6 year average, subject to 3% cost of living increase. * * *Noncontracutual, but necessary for operations, subject to cost of living increase. Total categories including cost of living = $16,698 x.03 = $500.00 Actual 12% reduction = $2,021.00 Persons attending the September 11th, 1996 budget meeting between the Enfield Town n Boar d and he Enfield Volunteer Fire e _-€€€iia€ -_- €l"tai ._,. a Lauren _Si __.. - journal- rter Updike , Ronald -_,:d Hubbell, Bertha Updike Maureen SchTom-ber'" , Helena La ombard frances Dougherty N. Pa _r icita Drew , Thomas Sa,_ f.sgiv r q Larry Srtf ti s fr i vE:?r" y Arleen Snyder Wayne Snyder , Tanya Podufalski Frank Pc,ua_F#a1ski Patricia Pi::?tsl. f al moi i Theresa Whittaker Wade Barriere Roy Z"tarriEre Carol Whittaker James Neno Richard Neno Judy Seamon Dominic Arnold Marvin Hubbell Peggy Hubbell, M. Clyde :itii!*.€el7 z Lar -r, Lanning Larry Owens , David Humphries Michelle Stilwell Greg Stilwell Julie Hubbard Ray Stevenson , Greg Masser , Herbert Morse Janet k t Morse .._.._ LL evin ScofieldaJason RicketsonOechslin john T l '€ e i.... Switzer Ronald E. jr= Mather � William Town Supervisor Clark Lanny Town Councilman Achilles ill Gerhardt Town [=F =.i€ i Councilman Lovelace Donald Town Councilman Laue , Alice Town T R Date: August 16, 1996 a To: Bill Mather From: Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Subject: Budget Request 9 i We received your request for a Budget Proposal dated July 12, 1996. As you know, the Board of Director's meet on the second Tuesday of each month (July 9th) and were extremely limited with time to prepare the Budget, only having one meeting prior to your request for submission by August 19th. In an attempt to present the Budget as fiscally correct as possible, we feel that submitting a budget consisting of a 12% reduction would be impossible at this time. A quick -action situation could certainly find us in the same situation the Town is in right now due to poor budgeting by the Town Board (i.e. Loader purchase). The Fire Department strives to be forward thinking and incorporates replacement monies for large expenditure items. You will note that our budget reflects this as well. If you need any explanation (other than what is provided) we would be happy to meet with the Town Board or yourself to discuss the items. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. 1997 Budget Request Administrative: Lawyer Fees, Computer, Paper, Postage Mailings, Pencils, Pens, Envelopes, etc. Building Maintenance: Snow removal ($2,500) Building cleaning & supplies ($1,300) Mowing ($300) General Maintenance (i.e. Furnace cleaning etc.- $400) Fire Equipment: Homatro Tools Servicing $800 Scott Airpack Servicing $1,000 Replacement of worn/broken apparatus General: Subscription to NFPA $500, Dues $75 Convention $1,000, Kitchen Supplies Repair of Training Equipment Health and Safety: Current Physicals 35 x $200 = $7,000. 10 New Physicals x $200 = $2,000. Immunizations 10 new x $150 (Hep B Series) = $1,500 10 x $30 (Hep B Titer) = $300 12 current members due x $150 = $900. 12 Titers x $30 = $180. $3,245.36 $4,500.00 $9,000.00 $3,829.00 $58,380.00 Gear Replacement: 10 new + 5 = 15 X $1,000 ea. = $15,000 (covers 1 st set for members) *Capital Replacement Fund Need 36 sets Total 12 sets this year = $12,000 x 3 yrs = $36,000. Physical Fitness: New cardiovascular physical equipment ($1,000) Cardiovascular conditioning instruction ($500) * Decontamination Facilities (new addition) Fiscal 97 $15,000 Entire addition to be completed by 12/31/98 est. cost $30,000 Fiscal 98 $15,000 EMS Personal Protective Equipment $3,000.00 3 Suits for Field testing ($1,000) Insurance: $23,907.00 Compensation $10,200 (canvary),.Basic Liability $12,407 Health/Death $1,300. Truck Loans: $52,502.00 Building Loans: $18,168.00 Variable Rate Loan - Subject to change Rescue: $6,198.00 7 year average of expenditures Truck Maintenance: $8,251.98 3 *Addendum One Time Expense for Body Work $4,000.00 Truck Replacement: $8,000.00 Utilities: $8,500.00 Electric $5,100, Phone $1,000 Heating Oil $2,200 Total: $208,481.34 r i * New Budget items for Fiscal 97 ' .Enfield Volunteer. Fire Company, • rw,, iplW Ivlr. William Mather Town Supervisor Town of Enfield Dear Mr. Mather: s .� �k�+ , I- Y copy 172 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, New Yorh -I 1850 (607) 2;72-5757 I would like to start by saying that the requests you made to us on July 12,1996 gave us eery little time to compile all the information you had requested. We were able to submit to you your first request," whatever fmiding level you feel justified ul requesting by your deadline date but wiefe unable to compile the remaining information in time. Enclosed you will fund some of the renialitifi information you requested, however we still stand firm that a 12% reduction is impossible to do at this time,primaraly due to the rising costs to operate the Eire Department: There are some issues that you stated in your letter to us that I would like to comment on.. We have talked to other department heads and as of August 24th they had not yet even subn7 i ted their budgets so I guess we were not the only department that had not complied. The Board of Directors has no idea why you feel our cover letter was " distinctly abrasive " unless you are trying to read something into it. that is not there. On the matter of being caught " red handed " the Board of Directors is appauled that you would make such a statement. The only thing we were caught " red handed at was trying to save the taxpayers some money in interest. It is our understanding that as of this date you have yet to subnut the application to the state,even after you have been requested to do so by the Town Board members. The Board of Directors and the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Inc: due feel that we know besi what is good for the residents of the Town of Enfield when it cotyles to fire and emergency medical services. We can only hope that the Town Board would accept this and be more Willing to work- with orkwith us and not against us. The majority of the membership feel that the Town Board has alread)r draw the battlelines, the Board of Directors truly hopes this isnot the case. The bottom'1ine is that the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Inc. would very much like to continue to provide volunteer fire and EMS service for the Town of Enfield however the proper amount of funding must be there for us to continue to do so. incerely, Demos G.Hubbell President, Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Inc. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MAINTENANCE . FIRE EQUIPMENT GENERAL INSURANCE LOANS TO INSTITUTIONS RESCUE TRUCK MAINTENANCE UTILITIES HEALTH & SAFETY TRUCK REPLACEMENT TOTAL BUDGET 1996 �% Zie Co., Inc.Fv FINANICIAL BUDGET 1997 2,929.00 4,330.00 8,951.00 3,829.00 23,753.00 70,670.00 6,198.00 6,429.00' 8,500.00 12,155.00 8,000.00 155,744.00 Additional information as requested by the Town Board for 1997 budget: Mortgage: $1514.95/month (due the middle of each month) M&T Bank (rate- 7. Wadjusted annually in March) Truck Loans: $31030.48/yr (due in June of each year) FMC Financial Corp (rate - 9.0% o - lease agreement), $5368.28/quarter (due 1st of Jan., Apr., Jul., & Oct.) M&T Bank (rate 6.335% fixed) xs I RECEIPTS ACTUAL 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 TOWN CONTRACT 129330 155040 140040 142540 144809 149153 155744 INTEREST ON ACCOUNT 1353.98 1345.75 1055.62 621.63 662.48 744.14 DONATIONS FROM FIREMAN'S ACCT. 0 4404 3688.43 1230 10990 32109 CARRYOVER FROM PREVIOUS YEAR 188.97 278.08 -3449.96 -96.04 0 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 130872.95 161067.83 141334.09 144295.59 156461.48 182006.14 155744 DISBURSEMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE 1355.03 1339.76 690.03 4983.03 4308.79 5521.39 2929' BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3460.46 8391.94 3006.52 6199.26 5926.05 8621.09 4330 CAPITAL 29381.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIRE EQUIPMENT 5053.02 32334.56 18669.35 12716.61 16451.3 9609.95 8951 GENERAL & TRAINING 2797.68 2206.94 6752.22 4248.41 7321.4 8348.4 3829 HEALTH & SAFETY 0 0 0 0 0 8694.78 10629 INSURANCE _ 21076 24828.74 25264:43 24886.83 21537.36 26321.09 23753 LOANS (TRUCKS) 15608.66 38767.92 41472.86 46553.37 45801.4 40150.22 52996 LOANS (BUILDING) 23553 21273.06 18062 16170.8 15907.56 18432.56 19200 RESCUE 1142.5 8098.56 5838.64 6124.86 8841.91 3952.73 6198 TRUCK MAINTENANCE 4450.2 12632.35 6765.94 6882.37 9994.67 6428.63 6429 TRANSFER TRUCK REPLACEMENT 13750 8000 8000 _ 8000 12000 38000- 8000 UTILITIES 8966.94 6643.96 6908.14 7530.05 8371.04 7925.3 8500 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 130594.87 164517.79 141430.13 144295.59 156461:48 182006.14 155744 EXCESS RECEIPTS (DISBURSEMENTS) 278,08 3449.96 96.04 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL ACCOUNT - CASH BEGINNING 13392.56 27675.58 37113.91 12352.64 20624.64 22754.42 0 RECEIPT TOWN CONTRACT 13750 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 0 RECEIPT FROM FIREMAN'S ACCT 0 0 12500 0 4000 30000 0 RECEIPT INTEREST 600.74 1511.67 900.52 333.7 263.57 559.1 0 DISBURSEMENTS 67.72 73.34 46161.79 61.7 10133.79 30739.26 0 CASH ENDING 27811.02 37260.59 104676.22 20748.04 43022 92052.78 0 1997 208481.34 208481.34 3245.36 4500 0 9000 3829 58380 23907 52502 18168 6198 12251.98 8000 8500 208481.34 0 1996 THIS AGREEMENT made this 31 st day of December, 1995, by-and between the TOWN of ENFIELD, a municipal corporation; of Tompkins county, New York, hereinafter called the "TOWN" and the ENFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY,INC., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, of the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, New York, hereinafter called the "FIRE COMPANY". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, there has been duly established: a Fire Protection District which. includes the entire geographic territory of the Town of Enfield and WHEREAS, the following a public hearing duly held as provided for' in section 184 of the Town Law of the. State of New York, the TOWN is dulyauthorized to. contract with the FIRE COMPANY for fire protection services and emergency service in case of accidents, calamities. or Other-emergencies in the Enfield Fire Protection. District. NOW THEREFORE, the TOWN, engages the FIRE COMPANY to provide fire protection and emergency service to the Enfield Fire Protection District for a term-of one (1) year commencing January 1, 1996 and ending December 31, 1996 upon the following terms and conditions: 1. The Fire Company shall be subject to call for attendance upon any fire' or emergency or any reported fire or emergency occurring in the district. 2. The FIRE COMPANY shall, when notified by alarm or telephone call or otherwise of a fire or emergency or reported fire or emergency occurring in the district; respond and attend without delay with suitable equipment, and 'apparatus, includingg but not limited to in the case of fire, with pumping and hose apparatus; proceed wit i diligence to make every reasonable effort to extinguish it and prevent loss of life and/of property in the case of fire or in the case of emergency to react appropriately-and prevent loss of life. The parties agree that it is not their intention that the cost to the FIRE COMPANY of responding to spills or other emergencies involving hazardous materials be covered by the consideration set forth below, but rather that the FIRE COMPANY be separately reimbursed by the Town for any such costs of responding to a hazardous materials emergency from monies which the TOWN can obtain from other source& available to it, but no available to the FIRE COMPANY. 3. The FIRE COMPANY shall keep and maintain in good repair and working order, suitable and adequate motorized fire-fighting apparatus, including pumpers, tankers, hoses, ladders and all other necessary fire-fighting tools, implements and equipment and emergency service equipment to properly discharge its obligations hereunder. 4. The FIRE COMPANY agrees to supply the services of a sufficient number of trained and equipped fire-fighters and emergency medical personnel to properly discharge its obligations hereunder. 5. The FIRE COMPANY agrees to procure, obtain and maintain, in full force and effect during the term of this AGREEMENT, sufficient insurance coverage for the fire -fighting and emergency apparatus and personnel to be used in discharging its duties hereunder, including but not limited to personal liability, property damage, collision, and workman's compensation payable to a volunteer fire-fighter as provided by Section 205 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. 6. The TOWN acknowledges that the FIRE COMPANY is a member of the, Tompkins County Mutual Aid and that in the event the fire -fighting apparatus and personnel of the FIRE COMPANY are out of the district, the FIRE COMPANY shall arrange through Mutual Aid for fire protection as provided hereunder, for the district during its absence. 7. The TOWN agrees, on behalf of the district, to pay the FIRE COMPANY and sum of One hundred fifty-five thousand, seven hundred and fifty-four dollars and no 1/100ths ($155,744.00),dollars, payable in four (4)installments. Fifteen thousand and no 1/100ths ($15,000.00) shall be due on January 15th, 1996. On February 15th, 1996, payment of Thirty-six thousand, nine hundred and fourteen and no 1/100ths ($36,914.00). The remaining two (2) installments are payable in the amount Fifty-one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen dollars and no 1/100ths ($51,915.00) on April 15th, 1996 and July 15th, 1996 respectfully. 8. The TOWN and FIRE COMPANY agree that Eight Thousand Dollars and no 1/100th($8,000.00) Dollars of the above payment of $155,744.00 shall be set aside in an interest bearing account and used for the purpose of purchasing replacement emergency vehicles. 9. The parties acknowledge that this agreement represent the entire agreement between the parties and that any contract for a prior year which called for any payment to be made in this year is hereby superseded and no future force and effect. 10. The Town agrees that all monies paid hereunder shall be a charge upon the . fire protection district and shall be assessed and levied upon the taxable property in the district and subject to collection with TOWN taxes 11. The FIRE COMPANY and the TOWN acknowledge that in. performing the terms of this contract, the FIRE COMPANY is performing an essential public function which is largely paid for by public funds. The parties agree that it is in their " mutual interest and in the interest of the public that they assist each other in maintaining the public trust. In order to further these interests, and assist each other in maintain the public trust, and in order to foster an understanding and appreciation of the work -of the FIRE COMPANY, the FIRE COMPANY and the TOWN agree to the following: a. The parties agree to meet periodically during the year at the request of either party to discuss the FIRE COMPANY'S plan for its contract with the TOWN, income and expenses as they relate to the obligations of the FIRE COMPANY under this contract, expenditures to date under this contract, and other aspects of its financial condition and operations solely as they pertain to fund allocations under the contract and how best to make these periodic reports. b. The TOWN may request and pay the expense of an independent audit by a Certified Public Accountant, of the financial records maintained by the FI E: COMPANY pertaining solely in the Town funds received pursuant .to the 1990 contracts to date. C. The TOWN may request and pay the expense of an independent audit by a Certified Public Accountant of the financial records maintained by the FIRE COMPANY pertaining solely to the Town funds received pursuant to this contract and to the Ainds used solely in the discharge of its obligations under this contract from the FIRE COMPANY "Town Account". d. The FIRE COMPANY and the TOWN agree to act in good faith and to take steps with all due haste to accomplish the provisions of this paragraph. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed and delivered this Agreement the day and year first above written, to effective the first day of January, 1996. TOWN OF ENFIELD BY 1 O� u -f --- Town Supervisor ATTEST: Town Clerk ENFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC BY President ATTEST: Dated