HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Fire Contract documentsDecember 2009 Enfield Volunteer Fireco. Monthly Report Call list for December 24 Emergency Medical 18 PA ,A Motor Vehicle Accident 3 Structure Fire 1 Car Fire Carbon Monoxide Incident 1 1 MILO, k" TY'LA 4Lr✓i Total for the year to date 277 January Training AA" by Eastman Associates Danny Eastman, CPA 126 Fieldstone Circle, Suite 100, Ithaca, NY 14850 " 607-256-8965 (Cell) 607-592-3865 I danny@twcny.rr.com INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT C 0 ealk P W Board of Directors Enfield Fire Department 172 Enfield Main St Ithaca, NY 14850 I have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Enfield Fire Department (a nonprofit orgnziation) as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related statements of activities, funcitional expenses, and Cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Department's management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financials statements based on my audit. conducted my audit in accordance with generally; accepted auditing standards. Those standards required that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates may by management, as well as evaluating overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion. In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Enfield Fire Department as of December 30, 2008 and 2007, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting r Ithaca, NY November 14, 2009 Current Assets Cash $ 16,211 $ 21,606 Prepaid Expenses 407 49 Total Current Assets 16,618 21,655 Capital Assets Land & Improvements 85,596 85,596 Buildings & Improvements 528,939 528,939 Vehicles 1,162,832 1,162,832 Equipment 491,846 478,108 2,269,213 2,255,475 Less: Accumulated depreciation 1,570,791 11418,526 Net Capital Assets 6987422 836,949 Total Assets $ 715,040 $ 858,604 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accrued liabilities Current Portion of Long Term Debt Total Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets See accountant's report and accompanying notes to financial statements. 2 $ 25,503 $ 2,400 89,141 77,990 114,644 80,390 607,282 723,496 721,926 803,886 (6,886) 54,718 (6,886) 54,718 $ 715,040 $ 858,604 Enfield Fire, Department Support and Revenue: Government & other grants 259,742 - 259,742 250,953 Public support 4,064 - 4,064 9,451 Town contract grant 230,000 - 230,000 230,000 Net assets released from restrictions - - - - Total Support 234,064 - 234,064 239,451 Membership income and donations 175 - 175 35 Interest income 835 - 835 417 Fund raising 10,158 - 10,158 12,849 Other income 3,675 - 3,675 23,664 Total Revenue - Earned Income 14843 - 14,843 36,965 Total Revenue and Support 248907 - 248,907 276,416 Expenses: Program services 259,742 - 259,742 250,953 Supporting services 42,516 - 42,516 43,582 Fund raising 8,253 - 8,253 9,467 Total Expenses 310,511 - 310,511 304,002 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets (61,604) - (61,604) (27,586) Net Assets Beginning of Year 54,718 - 54,718 82,304 Net Assets End of Year $ (6,886) $ - $,_ (6,886) $ 54,718 See accountant's report and accompanying notes to financial statements. 3 See accountant's report and accompanying notes to financial statements. 4; Enfield Fire Department Statement of functional Expenses Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 Total Proaram Support 2008 2007 Grants, allocations and scholarships $ 931 $ - $ 931 $ 550 Travel, conferences, meetings 2,958 - 2,958 2,769 Office expenses 4,429 2,197 6,626 5,769 Telephone 3,660 - 3,660 2,829 Occupancy 15,937 21,346 37,283 25,131 Insurance 10,228 3,000 13,228 33,146 Professional services - 14,611 14,611 19,645 Health, Safety and Training 2,846 - 2,846 7,009 Interest 33,831 - 33,831 40,454 Depreciation 152,265 - 152,265 128,802 Miscellaneous Expenses 11,308 414 11,722 8,104 Fuel Purchases 5,800 - 5,800 3,057 Property Taxes - 948 948 684 Equipment Repairs 15`549 - 15,549 16,586 Total Expenses $ 259,742_ $ _ 42,516 $ 302,258 $ 294,535 See accountant's report and accompanying notes to financial statements. 4; Enfield Fire Department Statement of Cash Flow Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 Cash Flow from Operating Activities: Decrease in net assets Adjustments to reconcile increase (decrease) in net assets to net cash provided by (used in) operations: Depreciation Prepaid Expenses Accrued liabilities Net Cash Provided From Operating Activities Investing and Financing Activities: Long Term Lease Payment of Long Term Debt Purchase of Equipment (net of disposals) Net Cash Provided (Utilized) from Investing & Financing Increase (Decrease) in Cash - Cash and Cash Equivalents, beginning of year Cash and Cash Equivalents,, end of year Interest Paid on Debt 2008 2007 $ (61,604) $ (27,586) 152,265 128,802 (358) 7,996 23,103 - 113,406 109,212 268,805 (105,063) (62,327) (13,738) (336,861) (118,801) (130,3831 (5,395) (21,171) 21,606 42,777 $ 16,211 $ 21,606 $ 33,831 $ 40,454 Enfield Fire Department Notes to Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Enfield Fire Department is a not-for-profit corporation organized to provide health and safety support for the local Enfield community and on call support for near by communities whenever emergencies are encountered. Funds provided by the Town of Enfield, fund raising, donations andgrantsprovide funding for operations of the Department. Accounting method - The financial statements are prepared using the accrual method of accounting, recognizing income and receivables as earned, and expenses and liabilities as incurred in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. Net assets and revenues, expenses, gains and losses are classified based on the existence or absence of donor -imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets and changes are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted net assets - Net assets that are not subject to donor -imposed restriction. Temporarily restricted net assets - Net assets subject to donor -imposed stipulations that may or will be met, either by actions of the Department and/or the passage of time. When a restriction expires temporarily net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as net assets released from restrictions. Permanently restricted net assets - Net assets subject to donor -imposed stipulations that may be maintained permanently by the Department. Income Taxes - The Department is a not-for-profit organization exempt from income taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), therefore there is no provision for income taxes. Capital Assets - Equipment and fixtures are recorded at cost and depreciated on the straight-line method over 3 to 10 years. Material additions and betterments that extend the life of an asset are capitalized, whereas other expenditures for repairs and maintenance are expensed when incurred. Donated assets are recorded at fair market value at the date of the gift and depreciated on the same basis as purchased capital assets Buildings and related improvements are depreciated over a 20 year period. Cash and Cash Equivalents - For purposes of the statement of cash flows the Department 'considers any highly liquid investments with an initial maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Estimates -The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted 'accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect'certain reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Functional Expenses - Expenses are charged directly to program or management in general categories based on specific identification. 6 Enfield Fire Department Notes to Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 2. Description of programs:. The primary purpose of the Fire Department is to support the Enfield community during emergency situations involving rescue operations of individuals and property damage mitigation services. 3. 1 Long Term Debt Long term debt is incurred by the Department to support purchasing of vehicles, equipment and upgrading physical assets owned. These debts are listed below: In 1997-98 28 acres of land was donated to the Fire Department with an approximate fair market of $10,000. This asset is recorded at the fair market value at the date of the donation as an asset. S. Donated Services and Materials The department receives donated services from a variety of unpaid volunteer assisting and supporting activities of the fire department. No amounts have been recognized in the accompanying statement of activities because the criteria for recognition of such volunteer effort. In 2007 the Town of Enfiled paid for Worker's Compensation of the Department. This is not reflected the statements as a donation or grant - the similar amount in 2006 was $18,316. 6. Concentrations of Credit Risk Enfield Fire Department maintains bank accounts at a local banking institution. Accounts at the institution are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to $100,000. Cash balances at the institution may have occasionally exceeded the Federally insured limits during the year. 7 Rate 12/31/08 12/31/07 Mortgage Payable: M & T Bank Variable $ 116,148 $ -124,995 Building Addition: Tompkins Trust Company 7.25% 238,993 245,958 Truck Lease: First Banker's 5.45% 268,805 268,805 Truck Loan: Mercedes-Benz Credit Corp. 6.25% 111,052 161,728 $ 734,998 $ 801,486 Less: Current Portion 89,141 77,990 Long Term Debt $ 645,857 $ 723,496 4. Other Assets In 1997-98 28 acres of land was donated to the Fire Department with an approximate fair market of $10,000. This asset is recorded at the fair market value at the date of the donation as an asset. S. Donated Services and Materials The department receives donated services from a variety of unpaid volunteer assisting and supporting activities of the fire department. No amounts have been recognized in the accompanying statement of activities because the criteria for recognition of such volunteer effort. In 2007 the Town of Enfiled paid for Worker's Compensation of the Department. This is not reflected the statements as a donation or grant - the similar amount in 2006 was $18,316. 6. Concentrations of Credit Risk Enfield Fire Department maintains bank accounts at a local banking institution. Accounts at the institution are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to $100,000. Cash balances at the institution may have occasionally exceeded the Federally insured limits during the year. 7 4.35 PM Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 09/09/09 Profit & LOSS Cash Basis January 1 through September 9, 2009 Jan 1 - Sep 9, 09 6600 - Vehicle Manitenance 6610 • Fuel 2,323.56 6615 - Maintenance 01 1,059.24 6620 • Maintenance 02 1,805.25 6640 - Maintenance 22 3,323.79 6650 • Maintenance 42 1,047.38 6655 • Maintenance 43 179.39 6660 • Maintenance 769.94 6665 • Maintenance TL 1,085.99 6670 - Supplies 3,080.50 Total 6600 • Vehicle Manitenance 14,675.04 6700 • Contract Services 6720 - Legal Fees 27,894.96 6725 - Lateloverdraft fees 152.83 6700 • Contract Services - Other 9540 Total 6700 - Contract Services 28,143.19 6800 • Insurance 6810 • Building & Vehicle Insurance 9,240.92 6830 • Accident/Sickness 3,640.00 Total 6800 • Insurance 12,880-92 6900• Rescue 6910 - Equipment Maintenance 323.48 6920 - Oxygen Refills 440.74 6930 • Supplies 1,565.65 6940 • Equipment 1,839.24 6900 - Rescue - Other 62.99 Total 6900 - Rescue 4,232-10 7000 • Training 7010 - Fire 2,677.00 7020 - EMS 50.00 Total 7000 • Training 2,727.00 7100 • Health & Safety 7110 - Maintenance 119-88 7120 • Gear 3,629.58 7130 - Physicals/Shots 1,210.00 7140 - Rehab 143.08 Total 7100 - Health & Safety 5,102.54 7200 • Clothing 7220 - Misc_ 1,151.92 Total 7200 - Clothing 1,151.92 Total Expense 254,547.77 Net Ordinary Income 25,773.17 Other Income/Expense Other Expense ` 9000 • Ask My Accountant - --- 0.00 Total Other Expense 0.00 Net Other Income 0.00 Net Income 25,773.17 Page 2 4.35 PM Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 09/09/09 Profit & Loss Cash Basis January 1 through September 9, 2009 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4100 • Enfield Town Contract 4200 • Interest -Savings, Short-term CD 4300 • Miscellaneous Revenue Total Income Expense 5000 • Capital 5100 • Loan Payments 5110 • Building 5120 • Building Interest 5150 • Vehicle Payments Total 5100 - Loan Payments 6100 • Office & Supply Expenses 6110 • Communication 6120 • Postage, Mailing Service 6130 - Supplies 6150 - Software Expenses 6160 • Dues, Subscriptions 6170 • Office Machine Maint Total 6100 - Office & Supply Expenses 6200 • Maintenance Expenses 6210 Building Maintenance 6215 - HVAC Maintenance 6220 Boiler Maintenance 6225 - Generator Maintenance 6230 Cleaning 6235 • Pest Control 6240 • Equipment Maintenance/Bldg&Grds 6260 - Grounds Maintenance 6280 • Kitchen 6290 • Snow Plowing, etc. Total 6200 • Maintenance Expenses 6300 • Fire Equipment 6310 • Equipment Maintenance 6320 • Breathing Air Maint 6330 • Extinguisher Maint 6340 • Communication 6350 - Equipment 6360 - Fire Investigation 6370 • Fire Prevention 6380 • Fire Police 6300 - Fire Equipment - Other Total 6300 - Fire Equipment 6400 • Utilities 6410 • Telephone, Telecommunications 6420 • Electric 6440 • Heat 6450 - Online 6460 • Propane -Kitchen Total 6400 - Utilities 6500 - Travel and Meetings 6510 - Convention 6520 • Travel 6530 - Meals 6540 • Lodging 6550 - Banquet 6560 • Misc Total 6500 - Travel and Meetings Jan 1 - Sep 9, 09 280,000.00 39.94 281.00 280,320.94 2,632.83 13,756.49 16,055-17 99, 358.68 -- 129,170:34 1,069.18 118.89 708.10 672.85 967.50 1,067.04 4,603.56 3,326.07 150.00 570.24 682.00 523.65 216.00 42171 539.18 66.05 739.50 7,234.40 3,971.04 4,568.61 235.00 1,206.44 3,983.88 51.21 111.49 778.44 133.45 15,039.56 2,170.22 7,422.14 8,469.16 358.22 12-60 18,432.34 477.00 1,591.38 1,441,93 713.62 3,945.95 352.15 8,522.03 November 2009 Enfield Volunteer Fire Co. Monthly Report Call list for Idy NI c j 26 Emergency Medical 17 Motor vehicle Accident 2 Carbon monoxide incident 1 Car Fire 2 Outside rubbish fire 1 Fuel leak 1 Mutual Aid to Trumansburg 1 Mutual Aid to Mecklenburg 1 Total for the year to date 253 Trainings Chimney Fire Suppression SCBA training House Fire October 2009 Enfield Volunteer Fire Co. Monthly Report No new members Call list for J 00 - Emergency Medical Motor vehicle Accident Public Assistance Downed Power lines Fire alarm activation — no fire Electrical arcing or shorting Mutual Aid to BANGS Total for the year to date 227 October Car fire training 2 weeks car extraction training Station maintenance Water/ice rescue training Town of Enfield Enfield Town Clerk, Alice Lane 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-8256 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF ENFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Enfield at the Enfield. Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York, on Thursday, March 26th 2009 at 7:00 p.m., to consider a purposed Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Fire Protection contract. A Special Town Board Meeting will follow the Public Hearing At such time and place, all persons interested in the subject matter thereof will be heard.