HomeMy WebLinkAboutmothers club enfield 2December 6,_-1973_- _- The Christmas luncheon and meeting of the Mother's Club was held at Lina -- Tones' at --12:30 bn ThUtsday---Decenber^6tn. =a house and table were-beau-tifuully decorated in the Christmas spirit and the food was delightful and reminiscent of the holidays to come. - _--- - -- The meeting- was -opened at- 2:30 by --our president; --Martha Peterson, - and ten members answered roll call with.Christmas readings. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. __.- --- _-_---Linn Jones -read a Christmas card -from -Irene Brown._ _ The treasurer reported after expenses of $7.69, there was a balance of 141.61 on hand. — — ---- - A motion was made, seconded and passedto reimburse Lina Jones for cards -- - in the amount of $3.00• It wss decided'to held no meet ings in- Janua-ry or - February because of unpredictf weather and the next meeting would be held at Edna Graham's on March -6th, -1974. Several members gave reports on the progress of some of our ill members, namely Elaine-Rumedy- 9ice,—lrene-Scatt� aad�Jes"s e�sYer: Christmas greeting cards for Irene Scott, Elmine Rumsey, Amy Rice, Jessie Baker, Marie Wagemaker, Irene Brown and Anna Greene were signed by all present. __—.._._.... ._..._ _ After a vote -of .thanks -to •-our--hostess;-the-meeting- was -adjourned-with the closing benediction. An exchange of gifts was enjoyed with Alice Baker acting for Santa Claus.-.---------------. Respectfully submitted, ___Secretary - -- - -- — - ----- - --- ' ---------- --- -Mar. 6.- 1974 - Mother's Club met at 12:30 on Wednesday, March -6th at Edna Graham's for a bountiful luncheon;-Tollowed-by a short business meeting with the President, Martha Peterson, presiding._ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as read. - _------Irene- Brown was welcomed- after- a- long absence and Warena Ramsey was -- -- also welcomed and persuaded to join the club. Roll callwas answered by 10 —------------------- - members. - --- -- -- -- __ _ ----- - The treasurerreportedafter paying two bills, 43.00 to Lina Jones for ------ cards and 63.00 -for flowers sent to Jessie Baker, there was a balance on hand of 135.61. --- ----- -- ---- - ----- -- --- - Alice thanked the club for the flowers sent Jessie Baker, also for --the - many birthday and other cards she had received. The progress of our ill -members, Irene Scott, Any Rice, Jessie Baker, -and ___-------_-Ens Riney_ was givens various members. Cards to be sent to Irene Scott, Elmina Rumsey, Any Rice, Jessie Baker, - ---- Marie rj` majcer ana Eiizaoe r;citderse-were e - ed -= - aBe ign by=_awl-present: -__- Dues were collected from Irene Brown, J;dua Grahat and Warena Ramsey. A motion was made, seconded andcarriedthat there would be no meeting -- - — in April, -.and -that the -next -regular meeting -would -be -the Mothers -Day lunchein- on Wednesday, May let. Lina Jones and slice Baker were appointed to inquire - about restaurants. Two favorable places discussed by the members were the - - - Lehigh Valley House and --the Char -Pit It was confirmed that regular meetings take place every other month,;ezcept to skip both January and February because of unpredictable weather. -- _ -Emma-Wille-t_suggested $uth_Michener as--a-per9pe011ie_member and all were in favor of asking her -to -join. mina Jranam reportedthat�lanc luiars Thad -been in the -hospital in Florida. for 6 weeks following s heart attack and It was decided to send a card"to her. The meeting was adjourned with everyone repeating the benediction. -the-vonvrersation fallowing the -closing; -the -president. reminded us there would be a short business meeting at the May luncheon and everyone would be expected to answer roll call with a reading. - Irene Brown -said she has -some of the earliest books of minutes.of the club." We were reminded the club..was formed in 1933, a,little-over 40 years ago - Many thanks to:our.hostess from all present. Respectfully submitted, - - — — --- - - - --- - -- - -- May 1, 1974 -- - -- --- There were eleven members present at the Mother's Day Luncheon at the Lehigh Valley House in Ithaca, on May lat. During the discussion following it was voted to have -a picnic at noon at the July 3rd -meeting to be held at Osco Peterson'sin Montour Falls. If for any reason it should have to be changed, the President, Martha Peterson, requested the secretary to let her know and other arrangements could be made. --It was -decided to have fried - -- chicken it if is available in Watkins Glenn, and all attending to bring a dish to pass - other than a meat dish. --- - - --— -- -- --- - __ _ -__-- 'iarena_ Ramsey -brought -to the secretary --the -early-book of minutes, _plus: _----� " other back correspondence, etc. that Irene Brown had been storing. Cards for Lida Griffin, Grace Hill, Elmina Rumsey, Jessie Baker, Irene: Brown, Irene Scott and Marie Wagemaker were signed by all present. The treasurer, Elizabeth Rumsey, gave $10.00 to Lina Jones.to be sent to -- - - - - - --the C�naer�und-as a memorial fro"m -rhe MotheIgh toffy -Rice-rho-- died-- --'� March 23rd. Mary Pelham said the Senior Citizens of Montour Falls put a collection as a memorial to her in a fund for a future home for the Senior -------Citizens:The meeting disbursed at 2 p.m. Respectfully submitted, __ _ - - ----- - - - --- ---------------- -- -- ---- ---Secret July 3, 1974 ---__- _Mother's Club met. -at 12:30 at Osco'Peterson's home Montour Falls sumptious picnic lumch complete with fried chicken on July 3rd with Martha Peterson hosting. It was a -beautiful day and table was set up for us on the front -porch'. The meeting was called to order by our president, Martha Peterson, at 1:30 ---- - - with 8 members and 4'guests attending: ---The guests were -Joyce Soule. Michael-and- his ichael ana-hie father, Victor (Pete) Gardner, and Ward-heonard. the March 6th and May lot meetings were read and a - - - --- �_.PProved.___ The treasurer reported 331.61 on hand. After dues from the 8 members present were collected, a total of $12.00, and a bill presented by Martha Peterson for the luncheon chicken for $10.00, which was approved and paid, the amount left in the treasury was $33.61. - — - -- — -- -- - ---Greet lag -for Ewa - Willet,­ --- - - - - Irene Scott, -Marie--.Wagemaker-glad Edea _Graham were. -s -signed- by all. - Present. - -- __ _.- _ - It was_planned to have the next meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, at the home of Marion Thornton, and if plans had to be changed, Warena Ramsey offered to have it at her home. �t Was evesyoneu'a wish -the-t-7ayce Sbule would consider becoming a member — of our club,- -and -she- was asked--to--do so. ---------- ___ After the meeting was adjourned. at- 2:30 with_all repeating the closing benediction, our president reminisced a bit by reading to us from the minutes of 2 or 3 meetings in 1946, the earliest of the minutes we have uncovered. Respectfully submitted, -------- - ---- ---- ----------secretary---- --- --- -- -- 9 A4 DATE TRANS O DEBIT OR NO. CREDIT cmt flvr8 1 welit 3 3 4 4 5 I I 5 6 I I 6 7 I I 7 8 I 8 9 I I 9 10 ( 10 11 ( 11 12 112 FINANCE CHARGE IS COMPUTED BY EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS — LAST AMOUNT It A "PERIODIC RATE" OF 11/z% PER THIS COLUMN IS -ITH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PER. CH CHARGE THE BALANCE DL .TAGE RATE OF 18% APPLIED TO RC PAID ON ACCT. THE PREVIOUS BALANCE WITHOUT TX SALES TAX DEDUCTING CURRENT PAYMENTS AND/OR CREDITS APPEARING ON THIS STATEMENT. MINIMUM FINANCE CHARGE 500 Thank You — Bool's Flower Shop z 1 - - - a�..-I'�--'s�'4:..4,.R.-4. �,a'�_�.' r...�F �`Wb�./....1.�•1...�.."'t'..J� �KLl� 1 -- - �`'•M" `�y�' f - - k=L�t _ .:ALL_ i�1r1..'�+ �� �'_%�`. � (r�,J`,•L G�� �5_ ��-'�-fig � t.7t' • ti.. _ j Dec. --4, 1974- rother's Club met at the home of Marion Thornton on Wednesday, Dec. 4th with lunch at -1.2:30, followed -by a business meeting -called to order at "-- - 2 p.m. by the president, Martha Peterson. - -- _ The minutes of the October 2nd meeting were read and approved. The: mmne - - - -- -members present answered roll call with -readings,- pertaining to the Christmas - season. The treasurer reported a balance of x25.91. A motion was made and - seconded to pay. the bill of $4.50 presented_ by L#A_Jones- for -the--,luncheon ham.- Reports.cone our ill members were given -Jessie Baker at home, - - - - -- Lida�r ffin at the Likesii .— bu"rsing Hoae, and Irene Scott -at home. . FAma Speed is also -at the Lakeside Nursing Home. It was decided to have the next meeting on March 5th either.a't Fay Hines'` or Warena Ramsey Ia, to be determined near that date _and ifs -the -heather on that date was bad, to.postpone the date -until the:nezt`month, April Martha Peterson and Mary Pelham will plan to have the picnic in July. -_—___-_.Cards to--be--sent-.to--Jessie Ba1Lo L14a dr Pfl.., lilaa<;;a4�:.k6r 7Elmilaa Romsey, Irene Brown and Irene Scott were signed by all present. After thanking -the hostess and repeating the benediction, the meeting was --closed at:-3--P-m.---An exchange-of--gif#s-with- Ali ce-Baker as our Sams Claw --- was enjoyed by all. --- - - --_ -- RespectfUly submitted, — -- ---- -- — — - --- April 2, 1975 - - - --- -- - - -- Mother's Club met at the home of Fay Hines on Wednesday April 2 with lunch at 12:30-followed by a business meeting called to order by the President -- Kartha Peterson. The minutes of the Dec. 4 meeting were read and approved. -- - - -------The treasurer reported-a-balance-of 425.91.--She-was told to take out - for her.telephone calls, $1.08. Nine members answered roll call with readings. Lina Jones had cards for_all_to sign: -Lida Griffin, _Irene Brown, Irene Scott, Jessie Baker, Elmira kumsey, Marie wagemaker, Edna Graham. Fayiiines snd arena Ramsey were appointed to fin3 a mace for--our May Luncheon. A small collection was taken up for cards and stamps. The meeting closed with the kizpah Benediction. /a/ r;lizabeth VanDerzee Secy. Pro-tem <43/��� May 7, 1975 Mother's Club Xother's_Day- luncheon -was- held at the Lehigh Valley House` in Ithaca at 12:30-on May 7th. There were 17 members and guests present, the guests being Beraetta 5e1man-- AT,ce Bolm dl _-Blanch Zovelace and Mary VanDerzee. Of the members present, zdna Graham and Martha Peterson are Charter members of the Club. -- - - -A short business meeting-was- held- following- lunch-, -called to order by our president, Martha Peter"son. The minutes of the April 2 meeting were read and approved. - - --- -- -The --treasurer--repor-'ted-after--a- deduction of 410.70-for flowers, there ------- remained ----- remained on hand in the treasury a balance of 615.21. Sunshine cards for Marie Wagemaker, Irene Scott, Irene Brown and Jessie Baker were signed by all present. --__-- A card of appreciation from Lida Griffin's family was read. Edna Graham and Elmira Rumsey expressed appreciation f`or cards receive -� Osco or _ The annual summer ILicnc to be held on July 2nd atNMartha Peterson's - in Montour Falls was discussed and Jennie Leonard's offer to fix enough chicken for - - - — - - everybody--was unanimously accepted Martha announced that Nellie Decker of Montour Falls will be joining our club. --- --- — After-a--lovely reading by our-president,- and - the benediction,- the meeting was adjourned. July 2, 1975 Twenty one members, relatives and friends of the Mother's Club met at_Osco-: Peterson's home at 12:30 p.m. for a picnic dinner, and meeting. - The business -meeting --was called -to order -Ly uu- President, Martha Peterson at 1:45. The minutes of the May Mother's Day luncheon meeting were read and approved.- Roil call was responded to by 11 members, each giving a reading. - -- -- -Our -treasurer- reported 416.71- on -hand. — A collection- of -37.00 was taken to pay Jennie Leonard for the chicken she prepared for the dinner, and as there was 32.15 extra, it was added to the treasury. -Sunshine cards _for- Marie_ wagemaker.,_ Irene- Scott, -Jessie Baker and Irene Brown were signed by all present. officers were elected for the coming ming year: President, Martha Peterson; let Vice President, Elizabeth Rumsey; 2nd -.Vice President, Lina Jones;, Secretary, Marion Thornton; and Treasurer, Warena Ramsey. Dues totaling 515.00 was collected by the treasurer. This, plus the $2.15 made a new total on hand of 333.86. The president admonished us to work for new members and to consider camping --for a -few- days-next-summer-at-E3sco's ::;...:::;;. .,� t �Abc .,u Zauoua �„dkC. It was planned to have the Oct. 1st meeting at Warena Ramsey's, the Dec. 3rd Christmas party at Alice Baker's or Marion Thornton's and to bring a dollar gift -for--exchanging. The March- 3rd, --1976- meeting--vi-11--be -at -Pay dines. The welfareofour various ill or incapacitated members was reported on. A vote of thanks was given to be relayed to Osco and Dartha's granddaughters _ for their hospita l t_y and we -w_ere -invited__ to- come back- again next summer for our - picnic meeting. - - - - It -was-moved ®ur-presi3en�- fat since J nnie Leonard was such a good chicken preparer, that if she volunteered to do so ag_4q,_ kt-would gladly be accepted. The motion was seconded and carried and Jennie "volunteered" to do - -- -- -so again for- the -Oct.--meeting.---Tiiis--is--2rer-re-aipe for Ba -Iced -Chicken: -- - --- 1 stick of butter (or ma$jorin) melted - add - -- tbsp. lemon Juice 1 tsp. salt, a little pepper and scant tsp. paprika Dip- chicken —in -this-mix -in- a 3000 - oven - l -to 2 hrs . --- The motion to adjourhwas carried and the meeting was closed by repeating the Plizpah Benediction. ENFIELD MOTHERS CLUB - 1975 PHONE 'v N�MEADDRESS BIRTHDAY 272-5609 Baker, Alice R. D. -6 Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Dec. 31, 1909 272-5609 Baker, Jessie R. D..6j Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Feb. 14, 1883 272-2153„ Brown, Irene 105 Q:adilla St.,;Ithaoa, N. Y, 14850 Mar. 28, 1891 Decker, Nellie . , -:r i, ' , ,:. - • - r . 277-0805 Graham, Edna 221 So. Geneva St., Ithaca, ke Y. 14850 Nov. 7, 1894 898-3022 Hill, Grace.. 203 Cayuga St., Groton, N. Y. 13073 Oct. 24, 1907 564-3317 Hine, Fayette R. D. 2, Newfield, N. Y. 14867 Dec. 21, 1901 273-3268 Jones, Lina 1317 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca; N.Y.14850 Aug. 31, 1890 272-5631 Leonard, Jennie 825 Taughannock B1vd.,Ithaca, N.Y.14850 Aug. 141 1899 535-9414 Pelham, Mary W Hommedieu St., R. 1 Jan. 14, 1896 Montour Falls, N. Y. 14865 535-9858 Peterson, Martha L#Hommedieu St., R. 1 Apr, 12, 1899 Montour Falls, N. Y. 14865 273-5120 Ramsey, Warena 1795 Mecklenburg Rd., Ithaca, N.Y.14850 Feb. 179 1902 272-5710 Rumsey, Elizabeth R. D. 5, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Oct, 141 1894 '0�1 387-4133 Russe , IOOF Home, Trumansburg Rd. Sept. 13, 1890 1i1.r Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Scott, Irene Lakeside Nursing Home Feb. 5, 1894 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 273-0639 Thornton, Marion 482 Sheffield Rd., Ithaca, K. Y. 14850 Feb. 20t 1918 387-6808 Van Derzee, Elizabeth R. D. 2, Trumansburg, N. Y. 14886 Jan. 8, 1892 Wagemaker, Marie R. D., Mayville, N. Y. 14757 June 9, 1891 Cj ' n J Oct. 1, 1975 -_-- - ---_-_--- bother's Club held their- October-meeting-at the home of Waren Ramsey with 14 members and I guest (Pay Hine's Grandson) present. A delightful lunch was served at 12:30 and the business meeting was opened at 2:00 p.m. with. the members responding_ to roll -call-with_readings_and 1okes. The minutes were read and approved. g vote—ofnanTas —was g�,ven to �eanse�eonaor prepaz�ng a new. membership list which was distributed to-the members. Sunshine cards for Irene Brown, Irene Scott and Marie Wagemaker were - - - - signed by everyone present-,--------- - -- — --- The treasurer reported a total of $34.86 on hand after.00llecting 56.00 in ------- --- --- dues and paying Jennie Leonard 6.00 for the chicken she prepared for lunch. Again we thanked her for fixing this delicious chicken. -- Reports were given-on our sick members. Thenezt mee to be held Dec. 3 - tj,ng rd at either .Alice= Bakers orMarion -- ---_---Thoraton!a sfill-be- the. annual _ChrJ tmas.._meet ng vith an ero Anaw of _;dt8_.�___ 41.00, more-or.less. .:Alice Baker will be Santa Claus! Marion."Thornton wM prepare ham for the.lunoheoa. If the roads are bad, the meeting will be -- - -- postpone4jor a week. Waren Ramsey read-a card from Hazel Updike mailed from Paris, -France. --Mar--thi-TWOkson .atmuncea—Wee Riding, --- iag ng�lace" =was �e - — - -- --- shown at nearby -theaters Canandaigua, Elmira, Cortland, and Co . The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m. and was closed by repeating the — - --- —zpah Benedictioa.— -- ----- Respectfully submitted, ' 'l Dec. 3. 1975 The Christmas luncheon and meeting of the Mother's Club met at the home- of Marion Thornton with 10 members and one guest, 'Thelma Steve, present. The meeting was called to order by the president, Martha Peterson, at 2 p.m. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved and roll call was responded to by readings and:jokes,appropriate to the Christmas season. The treasurer reported after paying Marion Thornton.15000 for ham for .the luncheon, a total of $29.86 on, hand. Christmas greeting cards for Irene Scott, Irene Brown, Marie Wagemaker, Jennie Leonard and EdnaGraham were signed by ' all. ` The secretary read a Christmas Card received from Jennie. Leonard vhi,ch was in: the 'form of a 1976 calendar which the Secretary taped.insids the front cover;ot`the book of mimites. It was decided to have the wit meeting, March 3rd, at, Nyy Hines and thea luncheon to be potluck. Christmas Carola were sung prior to exchange of gifts. Warena Ramsey was Santa Claus. After the meeting w"031osed and the Mizpah benediction.-was repeated, by all, visiting was in order and the hostess was thanked for her hospitality. Reppectfully submi.tt d �Clti ,JZ ell P40;> 'fin o r� � � • cam_ r. ,. C. c.� TaItLCL/Yyt Jennie Leonard expreassed her thanks for the card sent her at Christmas. Ali"- Bai:2r bruught a pillow to show the members. It was made by her mothar, Liaa Griffin in 1933. 4J years agog and embroidered with the names 4 of 12 of the original members who went to Mother's Camp together that summer in Augua t. li casts wa. a LLc iumao. Za.L.L1w L , 61 w-, 2=111n I1. wlluou, Lid"riffin Susie-Hanaen,-Mnrtha-Paterson Edna-GrahemrCora Rumaey,--Lena-TesUr,-Ada Rumsev. Carrid 5chaber, Vera Dre» and R. H. _Edwards. "Mothers Camm AuL. 1943. i Happy Valley Homes". The meetii,g was adjourned at 3:00 by repeating the N:itpah Benediction. i Respectfully submiit#�ed, Sec'ye a� � tib' ���, Oct. 6. 1976 Mother's Club met at the home of Warena Ramsey with 14 members and 3 guests- - -- - -- --- -- present for lunch and the meeting following. The guests were Mildred Bates, Jearr-VanDerzee -and-Doris- Snow. The meeting was called to order by the President, Martha Peterson, at 2 p.m. Roll call was responded to by readings of -poetry, jokes, etc. The -minutes of- July -testing -were read and -approyed, The treasurer reported after collecting dues and payment of a bill for flowers for Llmina Rumsey's funeral on July 24th, a balance on hand or 538.91. Ou--gueats. Mildred Bates. Jean VanDerzee'and Doris Snow, Aoined us in membership. Vie rDecember 16t meeting -will de 61& -regular -Christmas party, and Jean VanDerzee's invitation to have it at her house ,was accepted. There will be an exchange of one dollar gifts. If the first is -.a bad day, it was decided to have the meeting one weer lacer. Rum w -n! ba avwvzG. Sunshine cards for harie 'Nagemaker, Irene ;Scott, Irene Brown and Jessie Baker were signed by all present. Our-hostess-yes---thanked--for--ie hoapitatit ,r dice -Baker -volunteered -her home for the April meeting. The meeting was closed at 2:35 by repeating the riizpah Benedietmon. Pe,gpeCtful lv submi tteA A e Dec. 1. 4316 Mother's Club met at JeanVanDerzee'8 at 12:30 on Dec. lst for their Christmas luncheon and meeting. There were, ll members and 2 guests, Joyce Soeul, end Tommy Frank. present. The meeting was presided over by Joyce lane and called to order at-2 p.m. -----The-minutes-of-the uct. meering were rear and .approved, and roi1 call was responded to with readings and poems appropriate,to.the season. The treasurer reported, after paying $6.00 for the:luncheon hem, a total of ---- --432.91-=r-hand. There was a discussion held about having the"Christmas meeting earlier in the year, possibly in Nov. No decision was made. -It was determined that --the next meeting,would.be in-April and wi11 be held at Alice Baker's on the 6th. A card from Amina Hussey'a family thanking the Club far their expression iL— (! of swmpatb,�was *ems- Greeting cards to`be sent to Elizabeth vanDerzee (who, was in the hospital and couldn't attend the meeting), Irene"Scott, Irene Brown; Jessie mer, Edam Graham, and Lina Jones were sigged b y all ureseat. An exchange of Christmas giftswas enjoyed by all, with Joyce Laue playing aanta u1auB: After an expression of thanks to our hostess for "her hospitality,- the meeting was adjourned by repeating the Mize& -Benediction..; Respectfully submitted,