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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-September-6-planning-boardTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting September 6, 2017 - Enfield Community Building 1 PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Ann Chaffee, Steve Givin, Henry Hansteen, Dan Walker OTHERS PRESENT: Alan Teeter, Code Enforcer Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Dan Walker made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 2, 2017 meeting. Poney Carpenter seconded the motion. Minutes passed unanimously. Poney Carpenter announced his resignation, as of the meeting tonight, from the Planning Board. His family is moving to Trumansburg. Everyone thanked him for all his time and expertise on the Planning Board and wished him well. Dollar General Store on Mecklenburg Road has started their store construction. The Planning Board reviewed and discussed “Planning Board Overview – NYS Department of State, Division of Local Government Services” print out. This was from a slide presentation. This will be used for a one-hour training credit for the board members. There was discussion on advertising and informing the Town Board that the Planning Board needs a new member with Poney Carpenter resigning. Poney’s term was up on December 2017. Other member terms are: Ann Chaffee Term: 12/2018; Steve Givin Term: 12/2019; Henry Hansteen Term: 12/2021; Dan Walker Term: 12/2020. The Renewable Energy Advisory Committee is still working on a solar law and update and changes for the wind law. Meeting times are posted on the Enfield Town web page. Comprehensive Plan Committee is working on the Plan. Dan Walker reported he is working on maps for the Plan. Henry Hansteen made a motion and seconded by Ann Chaffee to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary