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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-November-1-planning-boardTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting
November 1, 2017 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Ann Chaffee, Steve Givin, Henry Hansteen, Dan Walker
OTHERS PRESENT: Alan Teeter, Code Enforcer and Lexie Hain
Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Minutes for the September meeting will be reviewed at the December meeting.
Alan Teeter reported he did not have any new business for the Planning Board.
Dan Walker stated that they had one letter of interest for membership to the Planning Board and that
was Lexie Hain. He informed the Board that the Town Board will have to approve any
recommendations for a new Planning Board Member. Lexie Hain introduced herself and talked about
her interest in the Planning Board. Dan explained the Planning Board procedures to Lexie.
Dan Walker made a motion to recommend Lexie Hain to fill the position as Planning Board member
to start January 1, 2018 to December 2022, a five year term. Motion seconded by Steve Givin.
Motion passed unanimously. Dan will contact Ann Rider to place the recommendation on the Town
Board Agenda.
Dan Walker reported he attended the October 16 Land Use Training workshop in Dryden. He
received 4 hours credit for the course. He will share the information as a training session for the
Planning Board at a future meeting. Dan also attended a training session on the SEQRA process
through an attorney workshop. He received enough copies of the manual from the workshop to share
with the Planning Board for a training session.
The Renewable Energy Advisory Committee is still working on a solar law and update and changes
for the wind law. Jay Franklin, Tompkins County Assessor, has not decided if the solar panels will
increase or decrease tax value on land. Decommissioning of the solar panels is a good plan,
especially in the future with unknown new energy.
Comprehensive Plan Committee is working on the Plan.
Dan Walker made a motion and seconded by Steve Givin to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned
at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary