HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-Decemer-5-planning-boardTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting
December 5, 2017 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Ann Chaffee, Steve Givin, Dan Walker
ABSENT: Henry Hansteen
OTHERS PRESENT: Alan Teeter, Code Enforcer, Mimi Mehaffey, Beth McGee, Rich Teeter, Joe
Dawson, Rob Tesori
Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Steve Givin made motion to approve September 6 and November 1 meeting minutes. Motion
seconded by Ann Chaffee. Motion to pass minutes approved unanimously. Note no meeting was
held in October.
Dan Walker reported that the Town Board would like the Planning Board to review three new
additional applications for Planning Board membership. The new application deadline was November
20. He stated that Lexie Hain was recommended to the Town Board for membership to the Planning
Board. Dan Walker e-mailed to the candidates an informational printout “Planning Board Overview
– NYS Department of State, Division of Local Government Services”. Paper copies were also made
available at the meeting.
Dan Walker explained that there was one vacancy available for regular membership and 2 alternative
vacancies available for the Planning Board. He stated that he expects the alternates will attend all
meetings (at least as many as possible) and to keep up with knowledge of the cur rent Planning Board
activities. If regular member was not available the alternate would be able to sit in at the meeting and
having voting privilege. Dan Walker explained what the Planning Board does regarding Training of
members, land use, comprehensive plan, site plan, developments in the town, etc.
Dan Walker introduced the applicants Joe Dawson, Rich Teeter and Rob Tesori. They all introduced
themselves and shared why they applied for membership to the Planning Board.
A short overview of applicants: Joe Dawson stated he was a long term resident of Enfield, attends
many Town meetings. He works at the local metal recycling business and lives on Black Oak Road.
He stated he would like to be more helpful to the Town of Enfield and would like to work on
establishing a public park in the town. Rich Teeter stated he was a long term resident of Enfield,
owns a local metal recycling business and owns property within the town. He feels he knows the
people of the town as high percentage of residents have come to his recycling business. He would
like to see more businesses within the town such as restaurants. He is familiar with the site Plan
Review Law and Code laws of the town. He lives on Black Oak Road. Rob Tesori, stated he was a
long term resident of Enfield. He owns property on Fish Road and Black Oak Road, where he lives.
He is familiar with building design and knows the areas of the town. He would like to see a better flow
of government activities with the residents of the town. He attends and has been involved with many
Town meetings.
There was discussion of a “hidden” agenda because the three new applicants all live on Black Oak
Road. This was in reference to the “Black Oak Wind Farm” activities occurring in the Town in the
Town of Enfield Planning Board Meeting
December 5, 2017 - Enfield Community Building
past few years. Was it representative to have additional members all from the same location in the
town? It was pointed out that all candidates have a strong interest in the town for all activities. Mimi
Mehaffey asked where the other Planning Board Members lived. Ann Chaffee, Fish Road; Steve
Givin, Enfield Center Road; Henry Hansteen, South VanDorn Road; Dan Walker, Halseyville Road.
Ann Chaffee suggested the Board make their recommendations f or candidates at their January
meeting. Dan Walker will talk to Henry Hansteen regarding the candidates for the January meeting.
The Planning Board will decide in January what candidates they will recommend to the Town Board.
Beth McGee asked to be notified of their decision before the Town Board Meeting. She would like the
Town Board members to have time to review the applicant’s information.
Update of planning activities in the town: The Dollar General Store on Mecklenburg Road is finished.
No word on the development of the solar farm from Delaware Solar farm. It was noted they were
looking for residents of the County to sign up from service. The Cell Tower on Fish Road will not be
built until next year. They may have to come in for another approval from the Board. Dan Walker
stated he will review their contract. Comprehensive Plan Committee is working on the Plan and the
Town is looking into hiring a “Planner” to review the Plan.
Dan Walker made a motion and seconded by Steve Givin to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned
at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary