HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 2003 MayTOWN OF ENFIELD INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FARMERSMARKET (GARAGE SALES 2003 2 It's that time again. ECONOMIC WORKSHOP 2 TRASH CLEANUP 2 TOWN COURT 2 CODE ENFORCEMENT 3 LEAFE 3 CONTACT WO 4 Spedal points of Inter- est: • Economic Development Workshop for Small Busi- ness Owners • Professional Entertainers Come to Enfield Farmer's Markets • Local Government fo- cuses on protection of water resources It's time for Enfield garage sales. This Friday, May 23, through Sunday, May 25, there are dozens Of sales happening throughout Enfield. If you are looking for a sailboat, a car, beanie babies, baked goods and homemade candy, plants, house- hold items, jams and jellies, and air condi- tioner or a wood stove, lawn orna- ments, a computer table and equipment, beds or tables, antiques, kitchen and baby items, children's clothes and toys, bird cages, collectible baseball, football, and NASCAR cards, video games and VCR tapes, Volume 1, Issue 3 May 2003 May 23 —25 or just browse through 50 years of accumula- tions, you are in luck. Lists of the sales and a map are available from Thursday on at the Valley Korner Store at the intersection of Enfield Main Rd ( Rt. 327) and Mecklenburg Rd. (Rt 79). OTHER EVENTS PANCAKE BREAKFAST ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE 180 Enfield Main Rd. Saturday, May 24 7:30-10:30 AM All you can eat Pancakes Fresh County Eggs, Sausage Hash browns, Coffee, Jules Adults $4.00 Child fr12 $2.50 If you missed getting in on these garage sales with one of your own, take heart. We will be doing this all over again August 22- 24, 2003. LET THE SALES BEGIN11111 CAR WASH Saturday, May 24 9:00 AM -Noon $6 outside of car $10 inside and out Enfield Baptist Church Pavilion 162 Enfield Main Rd. Page 2 ENFIELD FARMER'S MARKET PRESENTS: Reggie Carpenter Storyteller June 15 2:00 PM Tin Can Fantasy Factory July 13 2:00 PM Magic Art Puppets August 17 1:30 PM 3:00 PM ENFIELD FARMER'S MARKET The Enfield Farmer's Mar- ket welcomes vendors. Fresh produce, baked goods, and locally made crafts will be available on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-4:00 PM on June 15, July 13, August 17, September 14, and Octo- ber 5, 2003. This year we have added professional entertainment during the market hours. ECONOMIC Leslie Ackerman from Alternatives Credit Union will be coming to the En- field Community Building on June 3, 2003 to talk about the credit union's business programs. Programs available for the small business owner include general business ENFIELD TOWN COURT Although this column is about the Town Court, after nearly four years as Town Justice, I am struck by how unified, yet how diverse Enfield is and the wonderful community, in- stitutions, and resources that we are blessed to have in this town of under 3,500 people, The Town Court, of course, is a local institution that is here to administer justice and to serve the town. Likewise, we have vibrant local community resources and programs. Youth ser- vices are close to my heart that lessen the ultimate need for our town court. The Enfield Community Council have been serving youth here in Enfield for almost two decades, and just seems to grow stronger every year while it accommodates current youth and family needs in the community. Currently, the flagship programs are the full 6 week summer camp that is affordable There is no charge for ad- mission and all are welcome. On June 15 at 2:00 PM, Reggie Carpenter will present St. George and the Dragon. On July 13, the Tin Can Fantasy Factory will be bringing their Improvisa- tional Comedy Theatre to the Enfield Farmer's Mar- ket. Their performance will Volume 1, Ieaue 3 start at 2:00 PM. On August 17, the Magic Art Puppets will be with us at 1:30 PM and then again at 3:00 PM with an entirely new show. The Enfield Farmer's Mar- ket is located on Enfield Main Rd. across from En- field Elementary School under the big trees. See you there[ DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP classes in their Business Cents Program, targeted one-on-one technical assistance, and small business loans, to name a few of their services. This will be i n f o r m a t i v e for the small business owner. At the end of the dedicated service to the community as a whole, as has the Town Board. It is the people, pulling together, that make opportunities and services happen for every- one in our community. Last but not lest, Robert H. Treman State Park, finally and accessible to all open after a long and hard residents, and the fine teen program. Likewise, as a community, we are fortunate to have access to the fine youth recrea- tional programming at the Ithaca Youth Bureau through the efforts of the Intermunicipal Recreatioi Partnership. Similarly, the Grange, Fire Company, the Churches, and various other formal and informal groups have provided and continue to provide quiet, winter ana the necessary cleanup, and I hear, Con- necticut Hill, and the various Enfield Finger Lakes Land Trust Properties, although Rusty, my erstwhile Labra- dor/Chesapeake Bay Re- triever canine companion and I have not yet got to go exploring there, are tremen- dous natural resources located right here in our community. People travel from distances to enjoy the session Heather McDaniels, from Tomp- kins County Planning, will discuss forming a local b u s i n e s s network. DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED STARTING AT 6:00 PM activities afforded by these natural facilities. In short, as winter has finally ended and summer is upon us, I have not been able to resist discussing how fortunate I feel to live in the Enfield Community. W r i t t o n b y Judge N.Jane Murphy THANKS TO MANY FOR THE VERY SUCCESSFULTRASH CLEANUP WEEK 81.1 tons of trash were removed 320 cubic yards of metals were recycled Thousands of tires and rims were recycled (final numbers are not in yet) Congratulationsllllll Town of enfietd Code Enforcement Department News Selling a piece of property? Buying a piece of property? The County Health Department has a responsibility of making sure that a piece of property is going to be able to support a dwelling and a well and a proper sewer or septic system. They have specific criteria to help you make sure that this property will be able to handle these systems. The Health Department is look- ing for property that is 1 acre in size in areas without a municipal water and/or sewer system. This will include all of LEAPS Locally Led Education and Action for Protect- ing the Environment (LEAPE) is an educa- tional package for local governments interested in protect- ing water resources in their communities. The Town of Enfield has become a LEAPE the Town of Enfield. Not only does it have to be 1 acre in size, but you must be able to inscribe a 150 foot diameter circle within the boundaries of this property. This will ensure that proper distances be- tween a well and septic system are maintained. If you have a large dwelling on or planned for this property, you may need to have more than 1 acre. The Tompkins C^unty Health Department oversees this. Any and all new well and septic systems must be approved by Health Dept. There may be certain criteria that could allow the County Health Department to participant. Shortly, members of the Town Board, Planning Board, Water Resources Committee, and a few members of the public actively involved in water resource issues, will attend a LEAPE session consider a slightly smaller parcel of land. If this is the case, you should contact Rick Ewald at 607-274-6688. This does not apply to present properties that are less than 1 acre in size as long as they have active systems. Any questions, please feel free to the Code Officers. Introduced to the basic concepts behind storm water management, nonpoint source pollution control, and water quality protection through an aerial exploration of the Town of Enfield. here in Enfield. Laptop computers and The participants will be GIs will be used. Page 3 Code Enforcement Officers : Ron Clark 607-277-0571 E-mail: clarkic4lbaol.com Ed Hetherington 607-275-3651 E-mail: enfieldcodefrDhtva. net Town of Enfield Code Enforcement Division, Suite 7 168 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 The County Health Department has a responsibility of making sure that a piece of property is going to be able to support a dwelling and a well and a proper sewer or septic system.. Supervisor Jean Owens Town of Enfield, Suite 2 168 Enfield Main Rd. Enfield, New York 14850 -TACK '& PEGGY HUBBELL 134 HUBBELL DR. ITHACA,NY 14850 STANDARD POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.4 NEWFIELD, NY Town SueervLSor Jean M. Owens; BOO Enfield Falls Rd; Enfield 14867; 273-5682; Jowepeil0sol.com DeouN Supervisor Greg W. Stevenson;130 Harvey Hill Rd; Enfield 14850; 273-2439 ; GWStevenson®usadataneLnet Counciloerson Ron J. Switzer; 95 Lilly Drive; Enfield 14850; 256-2764; EVFC6640juno.com Councilperson Patricia Gumaer, Mecklenburg Road; Enfield 14850; 272-5245; patgumaer@hotmail.com Counclloerson Peggy Hubbell; 134 Hubbell Drive; Enfield 14850; 273-6470 HiOwavSuperintendent David Miller, 380 Podunk Rd; Enfield 14886; 387.9080 Deputy Superintendent Ronald F. McFall; Hines Rd; Enfield 1.4867; 272-7993 D1dp Enforcement OMcgr Ron Clark; 168 Enfield Mein Rd; Enfield 14850; 277-0571; clark@@hace.edu Assistant Code Enforcement Officer Ed Hetherington; 168 Enfield Main Rd; Enfield 14850; 2753651 enfleldcodeOhtva.net Ju N. Jane Murphy; 168 Enfield Main Rd; Enfield 14850; 273-0363 Justice Betty Poole: 168 Enfield Main Rd; Enfield 14850; 273-0363 Town Clerk Alice Laue;1.68 Enfield Main Rd; Enfield 14850; 273-8256 Deoutv Clerk Diane McFall; 168 Enfield Main Rd; Enfield 14850; 273-8256 Building Manager -Town Hall Arthur covert Sage Rd; Enfield 14850; 277-4235 Building Manager-0ommunly Building Rhonda Connors; 1029 Bostwick Rd.; Enfield 14850; 273-8268 Cemetery Custodian Roger Laus; 36 Fish Road; Enfield 14850; 272-8035 Town Historian Sue Thompson; 487 East Enfield Center Road; Enfield 14850; 272.6412 E