HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1996 spring• 0 Ll nfield Community Currents 1996 Elise Skalwold, Editc WHAT IS ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL? i r I nfield Community Council IIII r'�� IIII (ECC) is a non-profit com- munity organization which provides a variety of social, recre- ational, and educational programs for Enfield youth and families. The ECC was founded some twenty years ago by a group of parents looking for activities for their chil- dren. They decided that we needed more opportunities right here in En- field for children and started a play group for preschoolers Over the years ECC programs have grown to meet the needs of teens, working parents,the school, and the commu- nity at large. We have worked hard to find funding for our programs to supplement tax dollars so that today we have an annual budget of $86,000 to provide a variety of pro- grams for Enfield residents. Our funding comes from several sources including: the Town of Enfield, United Way of Tompkm's County, New York State Division for Youth, Tompkin's County Youth Bureau, fees, fund raising, and donations. We try to offer programs which are affordable for all Enfield families. We are pleased to sponsor the fol- lowing programs and events: Enfield Community Currents Newsletter: We publish this newsletter quarterly in an attempt to keep you informed about what is go- ing on in Enfield. We would like to hear from you if you are a member of an organization or are planning an event of interest to Enfield residents, We are also working on updating our mailing list to include every house- hold in Enfield. If you do not receive this newsletter in the mail and would like to, please drop us a postcard with your name and address to: Elise Skalwold, Editor Enfield Community Currents Go Enfield Community Council 182 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, New York 14850 We will also have a box available in the Enfield Community Building for submitting articles for the newsletter or they can be mailed to the above ad- dress Enfield Teen Program: We recently hired Bonnie Turscik as our Teen Pro- gram Director. All Enfield teenagers are invited to come to the Saterday drop -in center, 1-3 PM at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road. The teens have been working hard to fix up the downstairs of the Community Building. They have fixed the basketball hoop, pool table, and air hockey table, and are planning alot of fun activities for the future. They would like to have a spot for tutoring and homework help, and are also fix- ing up a weight and exercise area. We are looking for donations for this, please contact Bonnie Turscik at 273- 4637. Enfield Adventure Club: We offer an after school activity group every Tues- day for Enfield students at Dewitt Mid- dle School Activities in the past have included canoeing, rock climbing, camping, arts and crafts, woodwork- ing, sledding, pottery, shelter building, and more. Upcoming activities will be tie dying, silk screening, zip -line, movies, woodworking, and horseback riding. The program will end for this school year with a family picnic on May 21st. Brent McElheny, an Ithaca College student majoring in Outdoor Recreation has been hired by the ECC to co -lead the group with Monica Bosworth from the Ithaca Youth Bu- reau Outing Program, If you are inter- ested in knowing more about this pro- gram, call Monica Bosworth at the Ithaca Youth Bureau, 273-8364. Enfield Coalition: The Enfield Coali- tion was formed in October after the ECC held a community meeting to dis- cuss what could be done about vio- lence at Ithaca High School. Many parents expressed concerns for the safety of their children at the high school and the lack of responsiveness on the part of the school administra- tion. People were also concerned about the very low graduation rate for Enfield students. It was brought up by one young adult attending that her graduating class at Ithaca High School had only seven Enfield students out of forty graduating from the Enfield Ele- mentary School! The group has made recommendations for improving condi- tions at IHS which have been en- dorsed by the Ithaca City School Board. The group is continuing to meet to plan ways to have more repre- sentation on Ithaca High School policy making committees. We also need an Enfield resident to run for the School Board. Are you interested? If you would like to find out more about the work of the Enfield Coalition, call Bon- nie Turscik at 273-4637, Enfield Summer Camp: ECC has of- fered a six week summer camp for En- (Connnaed on page 2) • Spring 1996 Do r or Low-cost Health Insurancefor- r Kids? Ah- .... I You Need Free . ,,.,.,,.,,�._.,.,.., Child Care Plus, a special would need to pay only $25 per --I..I...,.,II"II.. who might not otherwise receive program of New York State, pays child per year. The program is it. We estimate that over 1400 for outpatient medical and emer- administered by Blue Cross/Blue children in the county are cur- gency care, including sick visits, Shield and children can be taken rently eligible for Child Health immunizations, x-rays, and pre- to any doctor who is a participat- Plus, but only 470 of them are en- scriptions. It covers children mg provider. rolled. from birth to age 15, for free, or For more information phone in some cases, for only $25 per toll free: 1-800-282-0068. This year per child. notice is sponsored by the Health Families are eligible based on Planning Council of Tompkins their income. For example, a County, a community -service or - family of four with a household ganization. income of up to S24,179 could We are working to increase enroll their children for FREE. A enrollment in Tompkin's County family making up to $33,633 because we know that it can pay for much needed care for children .400 V TEEN AND ADULT VOLLEYBALL Fridays 6:30-8:30 PM FREE SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL There will be no Volleyball on the following dates: 415, 4112, 5/24, 6/21 and 6/28. Contact: Art Howser at 273-1010 ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL OFFICERS President: Karen Anderson 272-4442 Vice President: Fredi Shapiro 277-6360 Secretary: Alicia Febo 277-0942 Treasurer: Manue Ktrchgessner 272-2241 ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL........ (CommaeJjroin page 1) field children, aged 3-16, for many years The camp is a traditional program offering swimming lessons, nature act vites, arts and crafts, drama, and sports, The teen pro- gram will be held in a separate space this year and will involve a lot of field trips, since this was such a success last year. In the past, camp was offered M-F, 9-2. This year we will offer before camp care, 7:30-9 AM, and after camp care, 2-5 30 PM (for a small fee),to better serve the needs of working parents. Look for our next newsletter for details about the summer camp Harvest Festival and Auction: Ev- ery October the ECC sponsors the Harvest Festival and Auction at the Community Building and the Grange. Hundreds of people come out for this event which has become a community tradition. This is truely a community event because so many people work together to make it happen. The Flre Department puts on a chicken barbeque, the Se- nior Citizens make a quilt to raffle, many organizations and individuals run craft booths and children's games, dozens of people help out with the auction and bake cakes for the cake wheel. Enfield Community Building: This building, formerly the fire station, is home to many community organiza- tions. The building is owned by the Town of Enfield, and the Community Council has primary responsibility for coordinating, schedualing, and - managing use of the building. If you need a space for your group to meet, call Greg Kirchgessner at 272-2241. Enfield After School Care, Friday Night Volleyball, and Parenting Classes: See articles which follow on the next few pages. The Enfield community Council is a voluntary organization; we hold monthly meetings at the Enfield Community Building. Our meetings are open to the public and we are always looking for new members' If you are interested in meeting some nice people and have some time to volunteer, we need you! Our next meeting is April 9th, 7:00 PM. You may just come or cal I an officer if you would like to find out more informa- tion. Submitted by Karen Anderson, president ECC • Il If Dessie Jacobs Girl's Softball s part of the Enfield Conmmunity Coun- cil's (ECC) effort to expand pro- gram opportunities for youth, the Council will sponsor a Dessie Ja- cobs Girl's Softball team. The ECC team will be in the National Division for 10 to 12 year old girls. If there is additional inter- est the ECC would consider generally be on weekends, hope- fully at the school. Call the Kirchgessner's at 272- 2241 if you are interested. Forms to sign up will be available shortly through the school. Home schoolers should call the Kirchgessner's for registration forms. No experience necessary! Spring 1996 moreteams inthe future. TO ALL INTERESTED JOB SEEKERS! Greg Kirchgessner will be - coaching the team. Games will be held at Buttermilk State Falls and/or Titus Flats at 6:00 PM be- gining in May. Practices will The Enfield Community Council Teen Program is Fixing Up The Community Building! We would appreciate donations such as: Bookshelves Diskettes Teen Magazines Weights Exercise Equipment Exercise Mats Stereo Please contact Bonnie Turscik at 273-4637. I f you are interested in employment working with youth, the Com- munity Council may be the place for you! The Council will begin hiring for summer programs shortly and we are in particular need of a water safety instructor and/or life guards. Please contact Linda Hubble or Mamie Kirchgess- ner at 272-2241 for more in- formation. Additionally, if you are interested in part time work or work as a substitute in our Enrichment, Afterschool. or Teen Programs, we would like to establish a file of ap- plications. Again, call Mamie or Linda if inter- ested. Parenting For Prevention *A Program to be Offered* Drug use has been climbing for several years and parents are worried. To help parents better understand the latest research and strategies on substance abuse prevention and how to best ensure safe decision making by their children, the Enfield Community Council and the Enfield Elementary School Community are co-sposoring a two hour program PARENTING FOR PREVENTION with Bob Fitzsimmons, Coordinator of BOCES Student Assistance Program on Tuesday, April 17. The program will be from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Enfield Elementary School. The program is free and child care and light refreshments will be provided. For more information call Fredi Shapiro at 277-6360. • SCHOOL DAYS, SCHOOL DAYS, GOOD OLD GOLDEN RULE DAYS. TAUGHT TO THE TUNE OF A HICKORY STICK. ENFIELD 1996 RURAL SCHOOL REUNION DOES IT SEEM POSSIBLE THAT HAS BEEN THREE YEARS SINCE WE GOT THIS PROGRAM STARTED? ENFIELD WILL BE 175 YEARS OLD AND WE WANT TO MAKE OUR FUNCTION MEMORABLE WITH NO CONFLICTS OF THE OTHER ACTIVITIES PLANNED THROUGH OUT THE YEAR WE WOULDN'T WANT TO MISS ANYTHING. SO.`SE GREAT NEWS, E ARE NOW BEING SPONSORED BY ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE. WE MUST THANK FLORENCE LAUE AND JACK HUBBELL FOR THEIR EFFORTS TO GET THIS ACCOMPLISHED. WE ALSO PICKED UP SOME HELPERS FROM THE GRANGE, ANA KASTENHUBER, ROGER HUBBELL AND BOB CARPENTER. ROGER HAS BEEN HELPING BEHIND THE SCENES, AS WELL AS BEV KRAFT, SHIRLEY HUBBELL AND JACK, WHO IS ALWAYS KEEPING HIS EYE OUT TO GET THINGS DONE. I REALLY APPRECIATE EVERYONE'S HELP, AN➢ WE CAN'T FORGET RENEE AND ANDREW WHO I HOPE WILL BE MANNING THE REGISTRATION TABLE AGAIN THIS YEAR, WAIT TILL YOU SEE HOW MUCH THEY HAVE GROWN. I KNOW A LOT OF YOU WERE DISAPPOINTED WHEN WE DIDN'T HAVE A REUNION LAST YEAR, '95. I GOT INVOLVED WITH MY 40TH REUNION FROM IHS AND JUST SEEMED TO GET TO BUSY, OH, I ALSO HAD THE RUMSEY REUNION AT MY HOME, THAT GREW TO ;+BOU: 50 PEOPLE. SUGGESTION HAS BEEN MADE, THAT SINCE THE MAIN EVENT FOR THE BIG DOINGS IS GOING TO BE OVER THE FOURTH, (THATS A RUMOR) AND I AM SURE YOU WILL BE AROUND FOR THAT, SO JUST STICK AROUND AND WE COULD HAVE OUR THING THE WEEKEND AFTER. SO GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT AND GET BACK TO HE. AS ALWAYS WE ARE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS AND I KNOW OLD MAN WINTER IS ROLLING IN BUT WE CAN SPECIAL SUMMER AND BE READY TO CELEBRATE. BEST TO YOU ALL, BLANCH (SAN SOUCIE) STOUT • 86 BLACK OAK RD TRUMANSBURG, NY 14886 607-273-2313, LEAVE A MESSAGE HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU. LOOK FORWARD TO ENFIELD'S • • Spring 19% ENRICHMENT PROGRAM BEGINS FHEY KIDS ..... Want to —lhave fun? Sign up for an Enrichment Program begining Wednesday March 27th. This year the Community Council has put together a fantas- tic Enrichment Program. The programs are unique and will be great fun for the kids, all of these programs have been held in other muncipalities with great success. • Sports: This is not your everyday sports program, ev- ery week will be a different event, led by the Ithaca Youth Bureau staff. Everyone will enjoy these programs, not just those youth who like athlet- ics! ♦ TheaterBasic Move- ment: This will be led by Jane Sprague of Spencer. Ac- tivities will include: Drama to Story Books, Acting, Body Warm up to Music, and more. • Snakes and Stuff: The travelling reptile show which has been a hit county wide is now coming to Enfield. Dan Chase of Marathon will give your children a chance to see up close large Pythons, Co- bras, Rattlesnakes, and other exotic reptiles. The kids will get a chance to handle large and small snakes. You've heard all the stories and myths about snakes... Now hear the snake's side of the story! ♦ Are and Spark: Mr. Tim Hardesty, alias Dr. Volt, will keep your child's interest with weird science experiments. Turn your child on to science! • Mike the Juggling Magi- cian: Mike Stanley will im- press the students with jug- gling, magic tricks, and show- manship. Then he'll teach some of his tricks to your child so they can come home and impress the whole family! Don't Miss This Opportunity for your child! The Enrichment Programs will be on Wednesdays begining March 27th, and will be held on some or all of the following Wednesdays March 27, April 3, 17,24, and May land 8. Please check registration form for the exact date of each program. En- rollment is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis. If these programs sound exciting to you- YOU don't have to miss them, we welcome parent volun- teers to help out in activities. The programs run from 2:00 to 3:00 and 3:00 to 4:00 (see registration form for exact times). All chil- dren must be picked up after their activities or sign up for after school day care. After school day care is $2.00 per hour. All enrich- ment activities are free. You must return the registra- tion form back to the school ad- dressed to Linda Hubbell. If you have any questions you may con tact Linda at 272-5034 (evenings). You will receive written or phone confirmation of enrollment. Enfield Community Council Afterschool Program 1 1 he afterschool program is held Occaissional Part Time: Only if FT at Enfield School Cafeteria space permits, check with the director Monday through Friday, 2:00- because we must maintain staff children 5 30 The program has children in Pre-K ratios. $71day through 5th grade enrolled in it Parent/reacher Conference Days Some of the activities the children and Superintendent Days: U30 do in the program are science/nature through 5.30, $15/day We will offer projects, sports outside or in the gym, this service only if enough parents are in - baking games, computers in the library, terested beforehand. There are still coloring, homework, as well as, arts and openings available. crafts projects For more information about en - The children are provided a snack rolling your children in the Afterschool everyday Our fee schedule is as follows Program, you may contact Linda Hubbell Full Time/5 days $30/wk, $6/day, at 272-5034 Permanent Part Time (Less than 5 days) $7/day. Official Business: If a par- ent/guardian is in the school building for a specific purpose, children may come to 4W the after school program for $2/hour and may stay as long as the parent is in the building 1] 0 Fnfield Community Council Enrichment Registration Form Please Register My Child In The Following Enfield Community Council Enrichment Programs: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd Grades: Drama (six weeks) 2:00 to 3:00_ Sports (six weeks) 3:00 to 4:00_ 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades: Sports (six weeks) 2:00 to 3:00_ Drama (six weeks) 3:00 to 4:00_or Magic (six weeks) 3:00 to 4:00_ Dr. Volt(four weeks) 3:00 to 4:00 (March 27, April 3, 17, 24) Any Grade: Snakes & Stuff: April 17 & April 24 2:00 to 3:00 _April 17 & April 24 3:00 to 4:00 Child's Name Grade Parent/Guardian Name Daytime Phone of Parent/Guardian I will need after or before Enrichment Program Care: ❑ Yes ❑ No 2:00 to 3:00 for number of days @ $2.00 per hour = 3:00 to 4:00 for number of days @ $2.00 per hour = 4:00 to 5:00 for number of days @ $2.00 per hour = Total Payment = $ Please enclose check made payable to Enfield Community Council There are scholarships avaialble for afterschool care, call Linda at 272- 5034 to make arrangements. I would like to volunteer for an enrichment program. ❑ Yes ❑ No Which Program (s): I would like to make a donation to help support future enrichment programs. 0$5.00 0$10.00 0$20.00 ❑Other (Make checks payable to Enfield Community Council, all donations are tax deductible) • • Spring1996 COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE, DANIEL M. WINCH FDEAR ENFIELD CITIZENS: Another year rolls to a close and the start of a new one is upon us. With the coming of a new year also comes more challenges. In government these challenges must be worked on together with your input. The committee assignments that I have received this year will give me more opportunities to work With the rural town govern- ments. The committees are Pub- lic Safety, Transportation Ser- vices and Facilities, (Public Works), and the newly formed In- TOMPKIN'S COUNTY RECYCLING PROGRAM EXPANDS tergovernmental and Municipal Service Consolidation Commit- tee. Although in recent times we have been working in a more co- operative manner with other mu- nicipalities, this new committee will help to formalize that coop- eration. The ultimate goal is to provide better service and a cost saving by reducing duplicate ser- vices. However, in my mind, this does not mean losing the op- portunity for local input or con- trol. Certainly with the reduction of state and federal monies com- ing to the localities, this kind of cooperation and consolidaton is put into a healthy climate for change. Please make your thoughts known to me by writing or calling me. My address and phone num- ber are: 310 Burdge Hill Road Newfield, NY 14867 564-7813 Sincerely, Daniel M. Winch District 8 Enfield/Newfield ITHACA YOUTH BUREAU SPRING PROGRAMS Kiwanis Baseball Spring Lacrosse Basketball Camp Effective Immediately, Tompkin's - Junior Olympics county residents may put paper milk Youth Theater Teen Theater and juice cartons and individual drink Youth Theater Imaiz� That After school boxes out at the curb with their other recyclable containers. Paper cartons and drink boxes { THE ENFIELD PTA: include: 'Milk and other dairy product he Enfield PTA has been fortu- I Ti nate to have a core of hard Drink boxes for juice, juice working, dedicated parents, concentrates, milk, soy milk,etc. teachers, and staff for years We have 'Fabric softener cartons greatly enriched the lives of children and Cartons must be rinsed clean, , adults within the school and the comm- dramed completely and flattened, if mun ty Many programs benefit the commu- possible. Remove and discard any ' Tory at large and are open to all Some plastic caps from cartons, and t f d; k b PI upcoming events include s taws tom nn oxes astic pour . spouts are OK. Drink boxes must be empty. No straws, food residue or plastic screw -on caps. Milk cartons are also known as ' gable -tops because of their house top like shapes. Drink boxes are also known as aseptic packaging. For more fMomiabon about the new recyclable materials, please call the Tompkin's County Solid Waste Management Division at Z73-6700 or 2736632. ♦ March 30th: Pancake Break- fast/Craft Fair/Book Fair. ♦ April: Spring Bulb Sale. ♦ May 16th: Spring Concert 2nd-5th grades. ♦ May 19th: Chicken BBQ/Fun Fair/Sale. ♦ June: Bike Rodeo ♦ June 19th: Preforming Arts Day For more information contact the Youth Bureau at 273-8364. Enfield is part of the Ithaca Youth Bureaus Recreation Partnership Program. Enfield residents pa} the same price as all partnership members. Enjoy the many activities available to you in the commumny. DID YOU KNOW:.;... *ONGOING NTM IES: Library Night Tuesdays 6-8PM Aerobics Thursday s 7- 8PM. 'While school is nr session. MEETINGS: PTA 4/18, 5/2, AND 6/6 at 7PM Site Base Council 4/17, 5/29, and 6/19 at 6:30 PM. Enhancement Commitee 4/19, 5110, and 6/14, at 2:15PM. Kindergarten Registration: 5110, 5/24, and 6/7 To confirm dates and times or if you have questions regarding any of the above activities, please call Amy Ruts. at the school office at 274-2377 or PTA president, Chris Carstensen at 273-2186. f� • 0 Spring 1996 ENFIELD SCHOOL BASED SHARED DECISON MAKING COUNCIL J.Ya b 111 .l.,i.11.. I lli n 11 11 &.11. 111t Oi . lilt. November- December Report As part of the Ithaca City School District, we at Enfield have a School Shared Decision Making Council. We are a group of 15 individuals who represent various components of the En- field Community; parents, teach- ers, school staff, and community members. Our prime purpose as defined by the NYS Department of Education is to improve school and student preformance. For our November meeting, Anne Rhodes served as trainer to help us organize our concerns list into groups so that we can more easily take care of them. We are also trying to improve communication between our council and the school commu- nity. This is an opportunity for any parent, staff, student, family member or community member to participate in issues facing our school. We welcome your input. During the December meet- ing with the help of our trainer, Anne Rhodes, we sorted our "concerns" list into ten dusters. We prioritized the clusters and chose four to work on. Breaking into four small groups, we spelled out factors for each duster -from whom we need more information about the concern, to whom we could delegate the concern, and/or steps to be taken to re- solve the concern. Two groups will meet before our next meeting to work on these factors for the SBSDM Op- erating Proceedures cluster. These groups will present pro- posed terns Luc a. u I iu._JL a I, I d it lu llilln u, I k IlII I l i u ill, I. meeting. Hopefully the SBSDM Council in entirety will accept the proposed resolutions and we can pare down the concerns list. January- March Report Our Council has been work- ing with FacilitatorfTrainer, Anne Rhodes, from TFC Associates for the past several meetings. Our goals have been to sort out and prioritize our concerns and develope information highways to communicate with our repre- sented constituents. One of our first efforts at communicating with all of our constituents was to solicit proposals for use of the re- maining budgeted funds of the Council. Our Council originally had a budget of $8,560. We have allocated $3,000 for field trips as the district cut all elemen- tary school field trips in this year's budget. $1,300 was used to sup- plement the school's art supply bid, as the district had allocated $352 for art supplies for all class- rooms for the next school year. $120 was used to send staff and Council members to a confer- ence on Conflict Management. $160 was used as stipends for notetakers for the Council meet- ings. Proposals were due on March 1, 1996. When the deck sion is made as to which propos- als will be funded, a report will be made to the community, parents and staff. ENFIELD SENIOR CITIZEN'S The Enfield Senior Citizens had their meeting on March 12th at which they showed slides of the old Ithaca trollies. They are currently - making a flag for their unit which will go to the unit meeting at the annual luncheon on May 23rd. And they are also planning new trips! For information on the Enfield Senior Citizens call Della Snyder (Secretary) - at 272-1149 or write Virginia Mead (President) at 175 Leonard Road, Newfield, NY 14867. I...taiiA ...l. i:.. 45.iLL-.Y.._Id 1 ENFIELD NEEDS YOU! Enfield Town Hall c/o Enfield Planning Board 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Or, call Michelle Humphries at 387-7846 afternoons, for more in- formation. BETTER YET, feel free to attend our public meetings which are held the 2nd wednes- day of each month at 7:45PM at -hosen at the next full the Enfield Community Building. resolutions for the con - Recently, the Enfield Plan- ning Board has had two vacancies for new members. The board cur- rently consists of five members and is looking for two people who are interested in adding diversity and ideas in the planning of the town of Enfield. If you are inter- ested, please send a letter of ap placation to: • A Short History of the Enfield Planning Board As a result of several meetings by concerned citizens, who formed an ad hoc committee to study planning issues, and by actions of the Enfield Town Board in answer to these concerns, the town formed the Enfield Planning Board in December of 1989 The first meeting of the Planning Board was held on January, 31, 1990. The Board then consisted of eight members, seven drawn from the community at large, and the eighth being a person who derived at least half their income from agricultural pursuits. Subsequently, after a five year term, the agricultural member was dropped from the requirements for planning board composition. With direction and help from the Tompkins County Planning Board and the Town Attorney, as well as Town Board officials, the Planning Board set about its work Several requirements were identified. For planning, the town needs: § A Master Plan § An official map § A Site Plan Review Law § Subdivision regulations It was made clear to the Planning Board members that none of these items could be done immediately. All planning must be done with an eye to the future what will work and has • worked in other localities; what needs to be specifically tailored for Enfield; what will pass legal muster and be defensible in possible court challenges. During the first year, the Planning Board met twice a month to get things started, and discussed what to proceed with initially. It seemed that a Site Plan Review ordinance would be relatively compact, and would address concerns town residents had about major projects changing the character of Enfield in substantial ways By summer, a proposed Site Plan Review ordinance was ready, and the Town Board gave tentative approval. When this ordinance was presented for Public Hearing, there was considerable and fervent opposition. The first draft was returned to the Planning Board for further consideration. Members attempted to change the proposed ordinance, but met with problems in defining the issue from town residents and town board officials. In the meantime, a proposed Mobile Home Project on Trumbull s Corners Road was presented to the Planning Board, and, in the manner it would have to deal with such projects, whether a written ordinance existed or not, the Board considered the project and worked with the developers In 1991, the Planning Board considered a subdivision proposed for Harvey Hill, Weatherby and Buck Hill Roads The Board obtained modifications from the subdividers (Berkshire Country Development Trust of Massachusetts), aimed at keeping the rural character of the area and protecting specific natural areas. Many of the lots have since been sold but Berkshire left the area after selling what they could. 0 • Late in 1991, the Planning Board was part of the hearings held by the Town Board in reference to a cellular telephone transmitting tower in the southwest comer of Enfield. This plan was approved by the Town Board, with modifications suggested, in part, by residents and the Planning Board Both these processes are similar to the Planning Board's role in any future Site Plan Review Ordinance. In 1992, the Planning Board considered the problems of junked cars and future developments of larger Trailer Parks in Enfield The junk car problem was passed on to the Town Board, which held hearings and eventually passed a law. The trailer park issue resulted in the a Mobile Home Park Ordinance which was drafted and sent to the Town Board and made law in 1993. During 1994, the Planning Board spent considerable time on a proposed set of subdivision regulations, patterned on a model set received from the County Planning Department. These are still under consideration. It was difficult during this time to hold regular monthly meetings, since not all positions on the Planning Board were filled, and absence ofjust two members meant a quorum was not present and no official business could be conducted. In 1995, the Planning Board benefited from a County program to provide a "circuit rider' to aid communities in dealing with planning issues. The circuit rider, paid for in part by a state grant, aids the Planning Board in drafting legislation and regulations, and in bringing the public • into the planning process through a series of public meetings. Issues currently before the Planning Board include generating an official town map, subdivision regulations and, most importantly, getting public input on defining the issues and concerns which a Site Plan Review Ordinance could deal with. The Enfield Planning Board consists of seven appointed members, who serve without compensation of any kind. The Board meets monthly, and presently has two vacancies. Community, residents who are concerned about the future form of Enfield, about the health, safety and welfare of residents, and who understand that land uses in our town affect all of us, not just those who own the land, are welcome to serve on the Planning Board First step toward service would be to attend a meeting as a member of the public. Meetings are currently scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month, at 8 P.M. in the Enfield Community Building. All meetings are open to any interested parries. Gene Endres Secretary 0 • 0 Spring 1996 Enfield Volunteer Fire Department T I he Enfield Volunteer u Fire Department held an election of officers at its annual meeting December 7th, 1995. The results of the election were as follows: Line Officers Chief: Larry Stilwell Deputy Chief. Rich Neno First Asst. Chief: Roger Lauper Second Asst. Chief: Greg Stevenson Captain: Wayne Snyder Lieutenant: Art Covert Enfield Fireman's Ladies Auxillary Officers Elected: President: Hester Covert Vice President: Marge Slater Secretary: Holly Covert Treasurer: Pam Whittaker Officers Appointed: Chaplin: Helena Williams Sunshine: Jeanette Hubbard Conductress: Dena Simmons Historian: Linda Stilwell Company Offficers President: Denny Hubbell Vice President: Bill Eisenhardt Financial Secretary: Judy Neno Recording Secretary: Tanya Snyder Treasurer: Roy Barriere Board of Directors: 4 Year: Dominic Seamon 3 Year: Greg Stevenson 2 Year: Art Covert I Year: Judy Neno The fire department presently has 41 members and an Explorer Post with 8 members. We have responded to 195 calls as of De- cember 10, 1995. Approximatly 70% of these calls were Emer- gency Medical Service related calls. Anyone interested in becom- ing a member is encouraged to contact any present member or to stop by the firehouse on any Thursday night. Volunteers are needed in both fire and the rescue activities of the department. Any training will be provided. Firematically Yours, Larry Stilwell, Chief Enfield Volunteer Fire Dept. ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE #295 $...:.�„_All members of :he Gra..:g.i._,...ld - the Grange would like to take this opportunity to thank ev- eryone who came out and supported us at fundraisers in 1995. We had three and they were a huge success, especially the election night supper The proceeds from these fund rais- ing events went into the building mainte-nance fund This past fall new windows were installed in the downstairs portion of the building and just recently we had a a new furnace installed. We now need to save up enough money so we can replace the upstairs windows and either pamt the outside or put new siding on it Anyone interested in joining the I am sure that most of you are not aware of the fact tht the Enfield Valley auxi!lary, please contact a _ Grange has been in existence since the member for an application. year 1875. In fact, we are one of only two granges still active in Tompkin's PLEASE NOTE! County[ We are still looking for new members. Since last fall, we picked up three new members The Grange is a family oriented or- ganization with programs available for all age groups, age 5 and up. We would very much like to get a junior Grange Program started again I know that there are a lot of youngsters within the com- munity If you are interested in joining or learning about the programs that the Grange offers, feel free to join us at any of our meetings. We meet the 2nd Tues- day of each month at 8 OOPM. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see some of you at our meetings in the future Again, Thank You, Roger W. Hubbell, Master If you are not on the Enfield Community Currents mailing list, or you know someone who is not on it, or if your name is misspelled, or your address is wrong, please let us know by mailing us a post card with your name and address on 1L We would like all Enfield residents to receive our newsletter. Send it to: Enfield Community Couneil,lnc/ Elise Skalwold , editor/ Enfield Community Currents/ 182 Enfield Main Road/ Ithaca, New York 14850 Spring 1996 HELP US ENSURE THE PAST HAS A FUTURE! JOIN THE ENFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ENFIELD NEW YORK: 175 YEARS MARCH 169 1821-MARCH 16 1996 ex- nityn Members register deci the State cided to or- pert aadvise ith the of collections,Histao- S of New York to become an offi- aloging, donations, publications, cial "Enfield Historical Society." and programs. The purpose of this society shall be: To promote and encour- age original historical re- search. To disseminate and en- courage a greater knowledge of the history of the State of New York and particularly • Enfield, New York, Tomp- kin's County and its envi- rons. • To gather, preserve, dis- play and make available for study artifacts, relics, books, manuscripts, papers, pho- tographs, and other records and materials relating to the history of the State of New York and particularly of En- field, New York, Tompkin's County, and the surrounding area. • To encourage the suitable marking of places of historic interest. To aquire by purchace, gift, devise, or otherwise the title to or the custody and con- trol of historic sites and struc- tures, and preserve and main- tain such sites and structures. Future plans include- plan- ning of the Enfield 1996 Birthday Celebration, History Newsletter, Programs -speakers, classes, and a"museum," to store historic items, hold meetings, and pro- grams. If you are interested in this "Historic Venture", let us know. If you have questions regard- ing our Historic Venture, please contact the following Historical Society Officers: President: Randy Warden 277-8299 Vice President: Margaret Hamilton 273-4701 Membership/Treasurer: Ellie Hobbie 272-2424 Secretary: Etta Gray 273-0462 Enfield Town Historian: Sue Thompson 272-6412 Applicatrions can be obtained through Ellie Hobbie, Member- ship Chairperson. From the Historical Society Brochure ENFIELD CHURCHES Agape Bible Church Sunday Service at 11:00 AM Applegate Road 273-7419 United Methodist Church Sunday Service at 11:00 AM Sunday School at 10:00 AM Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 AM Easter Sunday, open to all Enfield Center Road 273-3919 Handicapped accessible First Baptist Church Sunday Service at 10:45 AM Sunday School at 9:45 AM Sunday Praise and Worship at 7AM Monday Youth Bible Study 7 PM Tuesday Men's Bible Study 7:30PM Wednesday Women's Bible Study 7PM Thursday Choir: 6:30 PM Mother's Day Dinner at the Grange, open to all, May 12th Enfield Main Road 277-6301 r-I L The town of Enfield's 175 years celebration is off and running. The goal is to cover all aspects of interest in our town and to ensure everyone has a chance to participate in the actual celebration. Some of the plans are to have a History book of Enfield, Cook- book, ice cream social, a quilt raffle, T-Shirts with logo, a historical afghan depicting some of the oldest buildings that were built in the 1800's. Except for the Christian Church, fieldstone school house and the post office, blacksmith shop, the rest are still in use today. Our hope is to contact as many former Enrieiders as possible to let them know Enfield, NY is still alive and growing. Three days of celebration are planned. The tentative dates are (March 16), Founders Day, (May 25-27), Memorial Weekend, and Independence Weekend, (July 4). We hope you will be able to join us on one or more of these celebration days. If you would be interested in purchasing a Historical Afghan, please contact: Florence Laue, 82 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. Or Irene Hubbell, 18 Rothermich Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. Enfield Historical Afghan 1821-1996 �'�' ,� :�y • • ` "fin WN 1� On Sale Now For more information or to place an order please call 273-9396 or 273-7453 0 • • Enfield, One Central Concern Since the beginning of this year, the Town Board has been operating with one single guiding concern for the Town. Our Town needed a much better handle on its current finances and its future needs. With no concern for politics, parties, or individual gain, the Board has moved forward with a very significant resolution to promote this effort. The Accounting Reform Resolution of 1996 clearly established operating guidelines for the day to day ac- counting function of the town. Included in this reso- lution were several remedial actions that created much better separation of power, enhanced accounta- bility, and generally improved the public access to factual information concerning the town. So what's the bottom line? The people YOU elected will now have accurate and timely information before making any decision concerning the Town's finances. For example, all of the Town's bills will be available for Board review before scheduled meetings. While this may seem like just plain common sense, over the years, a system had evolved that made the transmis- sion of accurate information all but impossible. Board members seldom saw expense vouchers (bills) before they were asked to approve them. We believe this to be wrong! This Board has taken the bold step to correct a longstanding problem, knowing that there will be pitfalls and difficulties, but that the end re- sult will better serve the Town. In addition to cleaning up historic accounting prob- lems, this Board is creating effective policies and procedures to guide the actions of all of our affairs. We seek consistency, fairness, and accountability. In the next few months we will deal extensively with code enforcement, infrastructure issues, and long term planning. WE urge you to attend the Town Board meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month. Come see how YOUR Town government is moving for- ward. Next Town Board Meeting Wednesday, 3 April 1996 Enfield Community Building 6:30 p.m. I want you to know that it is a pleasure to work with a Board that is willing to tackle difficult issues, find effective solutions and to move forward. Sincerely, Bill Mather Town Officials Justice: Betty Poole Justice: Randolph Warden Town Clerk: Alice Laue Highway Superintendent: Ron Updike Town Board: Supervisor: Bill Mather Deputy Supervisor: Garry Achilles Councilman: Lanny Clark Councilman: Gary Fisher Councilman: Don Lovelace Phone Numbers Town Hall 273-8256 Highway Dept. 272-6490 Courts: 273-0363 Site Plan Review At the March meeting of the Town Board, the Enfield Planning Board presented the results of last year's survey concerning site plan review. (Unlike zoning, which limits the particular use of land to specific purposes, site plan review only deals with issues of genuine concern to a town, such as fire department access, driveway locations, and public safety issues.) The Planning Board made public all of the responses it received in a clear and concise manner. It was very clear from the responses received that there is a strong community desire for a reasonable site plan review process that protects the Town's public safety concerns but does not tread on the rights of the prop- erty owner. To get to such a balance, the Planning Board wants more input from the community. In the next few months, the Planning Board will be conducting more public information sessions. If you can, attend one or call a Town Board member or a Planning Board mem- ber and give them your input. Members of the Planning Board Chair: Michelle Humphries Member: Mike Williams Member: Gene Endres Member: Virginia Bryant Member: Rick Chase A vacancy exists on this board. Interested? • E • Spring 1996 BY ACTION OF THE TOWN BOARD A PROCLAMATION Whereas: The Town of Enfield was incorporated on 16 March 1821 and, Whereas: The Town of Enfield shall celebrate its 175th year on 16 March 1996 and, Whereas: The citizens of the Town of Enfield have a proud heritage as farm- ers, artisans, mechanics, and craftsman and an even more proud heritage as veterns, neighbors, and responsible citizens and, Whereas: The citizens of ENFIELD SCOUTING Girl Scouts Junior Troop 1305 Alicia Febo at 277-0942 Girl Scouts Brownie Troop 714 Sherry Rollins at 272-6716 Boy Scouts Troop 50 Tony Codlin at 273-5686 Cub Scouts Pack 50 Cathy Allen Debby Teeter at 2774547 Scouting Coucil at 844-8125 Enfield believe that recog- nition of one's past en- courages the continuation of the Townspeoples' high values, Therefore: We the under- signed members of the Town Administration, in- cluding the listed past Town Supervisors, do hereby proclaim that this proclamation is for the general good of this great town. Accordingly, this proclamation shall be shouted from the highest hilltop, printed and posted in public places, and car- ried by hand should the need arise, so that all per- sons shall know that we, the citizens of the Town of Enfield, reaffirm our belief in the dignity of the com- mon man, the value and blessings of living and working in the greatest country man has ever es- tablished, and express our sincere gratitude to those who had the vision and courage to establish the Town of Enfield. Signed by our hands on this 6th day of March 1996. Brownie Troop 714 This past fall a new Brownie r Brownies isa great way for young u troup, number 714, was started in girls to socialize with their Enfield. Sherry Rollins, with the friends, while focusing on orga- help of Missy Rollins, has led the nized play that reaps achievement troup through many activities rewards. aimed at helping the ten girls in- The troop meets Thursday volved earn Brownie badges. The evenings 6:30 -7:30 in the Enfield girls have earned three badges so Community Building and will far, including their "Girl Scout continue until softball season be - Ways" badge, by learning Girl gins. New members are wel- Scout cerimonies and by making come. grades K-2. homemade play dough, wooden spoon dolls, ghost puppets, and their Brownie sashes to display their badges on. These are just a few brief examples of the fun the girls are having in Enfield. % Spring 1996 CALENDAR OF EVENTS TUESDAYS-PTA LIBRARY NIGHT AT ENFIELD SCHOOL 6-8PM DURING SCHOOL YEAR TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS-PTA AEROBICS 7-8 PM DURING SCHOOL YEAR 2ND WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH- ENFIELD PLANNING BOARD MEETING 7:45 AT THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY BUILDING SATERDAYS- TEEN DROP -IN CENTER 1-3PM AT THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY BUILDING MARCH 27- ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS BEGIN (APPLICATION WITHIN) MARCH 30- PTA PANCAKE BREAKFAST/ CRAFT FAIR/ BOOK FAIR 9AM-3PM AT THE ENFIELD SCHOOL APRIL 2-PTA BOOK FAIR 6-8PM 1N THE ENFIELD SCHOOL LIBRARY APRIL 3- PTA BOOK FAIR 24PM IN THE HALLWAY NEAR THE LIBRARY APRIL 3- TOWN BOARD MEETING 6:30 PM ENFIELD COMMUNITY BUILDING APRIL 9 & 10- JUINOR CAMP COUNCELOR MINI TRAINING FOR TEENS 8:45AM-NOON AT GIAC. OPTIONAL 3RD DAY APRIL 11TH- BABYSITTING COURSE, SAME TIME SAME PLACE, MUST REGISTER AHEAD, CALL 273-8364. APRIL 9- ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING 7PM ENFIELD • COMMUNITY BUILDING APRIL 17- PARENTING FOR PREVENTION PROGRAM 7-9PM AT THE ENFIELD SCHOOL CALL FREDI SHAPIRO AT 277-6360 FOR INFORMATION, ALSO SEE STORY WITHIN APRIL 17- SITE BASE COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM APRIL 18- PTA MEETING 7PM APRIL 19- PTA ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 2:15PM APRIL- PTA SPRING BULB SALE MAY2- PTA MEETING 7PM MAY 10- PTA ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 2:15PM MAY 10&24 AND JUNE 7- KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION MAY 12-MOTHER'S DAY DINNER AT THE GRANGE PUT ON BY THE FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH MAY 16- PTA SPRING CANCERT 2ND-5TH GRADE AT ENFIELD SCHOOL MAY 23- SENIOR CITIZEN'S ANNUAL LUNCHEON (SEE STORY WITHIN) MAY 29-SITE BASE COUNCIL MEETING 6:30PM JUNE6- PTA MEETING 7PM JUNE 14 -PTA ENHANCENENT COMMTTEE MEETING 2:15 JUNE- PTA BIKE RODEO JUNE19-SITE BASE COUNCIL MEETING 6.30 PM JUNE 19- PTA PREFORMING ARTS DAY Spring 1996 THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES FOR THEIR DONATIONS TO THE HARVEST FESTIVAL: APPLEGATE TREE FARM PIZZA HUT CRISPELL' S ASIATIC GARDEN RICHARD'S FLOWERFIELD BASKIN ROBBINS ROMA HOUSE OF SHALIMAR CAKES BY LINDA ROSETTI'S ITHACA BUILDING CENTER CAMERAS AND THINGS SHERATON INN MICHAELEEN'S CASCADILLA TREE CARE SHUR SAVE LOGO'S CAT'S PAJAMAS SIMEON'S MIDAS CODDINGTON RESTAURANT STATION RESTAURANT MOOSEWOOD CORNER BOOK STORE STATLER HOTEL PARTNER' S MARKET FARNERS AND SHIPPERS THE FRAME SHOP PEDAL -AWAY • FAY'S FOUNDATION TOPS PLEASANT COMPANY FLEET BANKS TURBACK'S SENECA SUPPLY GLENWOOD PINES VALLEY HOUSE TCTC GOODYEAR WEGMAN'S SNAP ON TOOLS HOLIDAY INN WILCOX SERVICE THAYER ISADORA'S E.T. DISCOUNT VALLEY CORNERS ITHACA FLOWER SHOP AGWAY WICKES ITHACA SMALL ANIMAL ANGELHEART WOOLWORTH'S HOSPITAL JOHNNY'S WHOLESALE BASEBALL CARD DUGOUT LENOX COLLECTION MANO'S BIG LOTS BILL COOKE CADILLAC MARCIA'S HAIR SYTLING BILL LANDON PHOTO USA MONRO MUFFLER BISHOP'S FRIENDLY'S OLDPORT HARBOR BOOL'S IDE'S LANES P&C CAYUGA LANDSCAPE BURGER KING • ENFIELD COOP I f PELLEGRINO'S SAAB COMICS FOR COLLECTORS LLARY AND TRACY SAULSGIVER