HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1995 winterElield Community Winter 1995 URRENTS Published three times annually. Editor Jessica Connors ECC ANNUAL MEETING On Monday January 23. 1995 the Enfield Community Council will hold its annual meeting at the community buil(Gna at 7:00pnt. At this time we will vote for the 1995 officers. The nominating conunuttee(Linda Hubbell. Dave Owens. Janet Morse) have submitted several names for the slate. The canidates are; Karen Anderson Mary Cole Debra Hildrith Sheila McCue Freda Shapiro \oninations can also be taken from the floor at the Jan. 23rd meeting. All Enfield residents are invited to attend. Inside: Preschool News The preschool at the Enfield Community Building still has openings. Especially on friday mornings. It is held MWF mornings from 9-12noon. Cathy DelSignore is the director and is assisted by Laura Owens. The only requirement is that your child MUST be potty trained. If you have any questions you can contact Cathy at 387-6756. Afterschool and Enrichment program There are still openings for children in the afterschool childcare program at Enfield School The program runs from 2-5.30pm M-F. The afterschool program is relaxed and informal, with time for both free play and planned activities The children have the opportunity to unwind after the school day by going outside or playing in the gym an afternoon snack is served and the rest of the afternoon is spent either in group or individual activities The children also bake once a week. If you are intrested in your child children also bake once a week. If you are intrested in your child attending the after scoot program, call Linda Hubbell at 272-5034. The enrichment program will start on Jan.18th . more info on page 2 and 3. Enfield Youth Program The TEEN DROP -IN CENTER has been in operation since mid - November we have been serving between 5-11 youth There are many activities and opportunities at the center including; computers, homework help, crafts, pool table, air hockey, ping pong, board games and more! If you are in 6-12 grade you can get off the school bus right at the community building(check school offices for bus #l) our program runs from 3:15.6:15pm on Thursdays. Come join usll The adventure program which is a joint program with the Ithaca Youth Bureau has been a great success! So much that we have been forced to cut off any new additions to the program and create a wading list. This program is for middle school students. If you want to put your child on the wading list call Jessica Connors at 273-8268. A new family volleyball program will begin Friday Jan.20 th from7-8:15pm at the Enfield school gym. If you have any questions about the youth programs call Jessica Connors at 273-8268. -Local Law A;"Junk Car"law now in effect -Enfield School News -Senior Citizens �► j 1] Enfield Community Council Enrichment Program Dear Parents(Guardians; Our enrichment program will resume in Wednesday January 18,1995. This will run for 6 weeks between the hours of 2-5pm. All children must be picked up by 5pm. Please send registration forms back to the school addressed attention Linda Hubbell. We must have the forms filled out before your child can attend. There is no fee for the program, but we gladly accept donations. Please register your child for enrichment ONLY 0 s/he really wants to participate in the activities. If your child will not go to a particular activity, or if s/he becomes disruptive and must be supervised by the afterschool staff, you will be charged $2 per hour daycare fees. Below are the activities for the six week session; Sports -Richard Paradisin Puppets -Sandra Corriero Winter Activities-Mindi Weinstein Topics for 6 weeks; Mystery Animal Keeping Warm Maple Sugaring Animal Stories in the Snow Snowshoe Adventure (Cayuga Nature Center) Due to our planned activities we may or may not offer Creative Movement. If you have any questions about the enrichment program you may call Linda Hubbell 272-5034. ____DETACH Please register my child in the Enfield Community Council Enrichment Program. My child will be picked up at 5:OOpm. Child's Name Grade Parent/Guardian Name Daytime Telephone of Parent/Guardian Alternate Name and Phone Donation $ • ENFISELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL ENRICH"+LENT FROGRAM CONSENT FOR: MEDICAL/SURGICAL CARE/EMERGENCY TREATMENT AND CHILD'S MEDICAL INFORMATION In presenting my son/daughter for diagnosis and treatment Family Physician: Name(s)• Pediatrician: ❑ Mother ❑ Father ❑ Legal Guardian for Summon' ❑ Son ❑ Daughter Orthopedist: of years of age: hereby voluntarily consent to the rendering of such care. including diagnosdcprocedures. surgical Child's Allergies, if any - and medical treatment, and blood transfusions, by authorized members of the hospital staff or their designees, as may in their professional judgement be necessary. Date of last tetanus booster • Iherebyacknowledgethat noguarameeshave been madetome as to the effect of such examinations or treatment on child's Medicines child is taking: condition. r I have read this form and I certify that I understand its contests. • Well hereby give our (my) consent to: ENFIELD CO-XVNITY COUNCIL ENRICH:+ENT Name of Insurance Carrier. (Name of PewWAgenry) who will be caring for our (my) child (NarK of auld) Group # for the period lt8 j s, to a/2alm to arrange for routine or emergency medicaUdental care and Agreement M treatment necessary to preserve the health of our (my) child. Signature ' Mother, father or legal Guardian Wen acknowledge that weare p am) responsibleforall reasonable Date: charges in connection with care and treatment rendered during this period. Witness: Name: Date: Address: In case of emergency I can be reacted at: Telephone: • Unfield School News Attention all Enfield Motorists The speed limit on route 327 has changed on the stretch of road in front of Enfield School. The speed limit has been reduced to 25mph. Please drive accordingly. NAB/\�A�\� �OOU� �ODUI, THE ENFIELD SCHOOL LIBRARY IS OPEN EVERY TUESDAY EVENING FOR 6wo-8:00PM Anyone in the Enfield Community is welcome to come in to read, do research or checkout books. -Mary Cole Parent Laison 0 • LOCAL LAW NO. A OF 1994 A Local Law Providing for the Regulation of Junk Cars in the Town of Enfield. Section 1. Authority. This local law is adopted pursuant to Section 10(1)(ii)(a)(11) and (12) of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York. Section 2. Legislative Intent. This local law is enacted in recognition of the fact that junk cars abandoned or stored on private property can constitute both a public and private nuisance. They are a source of potential hazard to children and other may find them an attractive nuisance. They are replete with broken glass, sharp torn metal edges and points, gasoline remaining in tanks of a highly explosive and combustible nature and hazardous acid'in batteries, to mention but a few of the more obvious sources of potential physical hazard found on these junk cars. Besides this, these junk cars constitute a blight on the town's landscape; they hurt the welfare of the town as a whole. The intent of this local law is to establish a legal procedure for the removal of these junk cars where they are found in the town. Section 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this local • law, "junk car" shall mean, an unregistered, old, or secondhand motor vehicle, no longer intended or in condition for legal use on the public highways. "Motor vehicle" shall mean all vehicles propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power originally intended for use on public highways, except trailers. Section 4. Regulation. A home owner may have up to three junk cars visible to the public from the public highway. Section 5. Penalty. violators of any of the portions of this local law shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), and each week that such violation is carried on or continues shall constitute a separate violation. Section 6. Enforcement. a. The Town Board is hereby authorized to appoint an Officer to enforce any and all provisions of this local law. b. Such Officer is authorized to issue appearance tickets regarding violations of this local law, returnable in the Justice Court of the Town of Enfield. • C. Such Officer is authorized to issue notices of violation prior to the issuance of an appearance ticket, which allows the • property owner to remedy any violation of this local law within 30 days. $aid property owner may appeal said notice of violation by filing a written notice of appeal with the Town Clerk within fifteen (15) days of service of the notice of violation. Such appeal shall thereafter be considered by the Tow Bord or an ticket appeal board designated by the Town Board. No appearance shall be issued unless a notice of violation has been served and any appeal taken therefrom has been finally determined. Section 7. Effective Date. This local law shall become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State, but shall not be enforced until January 1, 1995. to • .� Editors note: 1 want to apologize to the senior citizens for not getting their article in the last issue, ny sincerest apologies4essica Connors Senior Citizens Of Enfield 1994 "Throughout the year the seniors have been very busy below are some of the various activities we have done this past year, The Harvest Festival Quilt, guest speakers, Luncheons at Holiday Inn and Richards, Train ride and tour of Taylor Winery, picnic at Taghannock State Park, boat trip at Old Port Harbour, Scottish dancing performance also our monthly luncheons. For thier November meeting we shared a Thanksgiving meal, and in December we exchanged Christmas gifts. The seniors also gave gifts for the needy children in Enfield." -submitted by Virginia Mead ; On January 10th the Community Council was honored to host a "thank you' luncheon for the senior citizens, over thirty seniors were in attendance to share the lunch. The ECC wanted to let the seniors know how appreciated they are for their vital role in the community and for the support they offer the youth in Enfield. For ten years the seniors have hand crafted a quilt to be raffled off at the Harvest Festival. Over the years the quilt has raised thousands of dollars for the youth. We cannot say thank you enough for all the seniors have done for us. (Ana Kastenhuber has coordinated the vendors for the Harvest Festival for the past few years.) Additionally, a big thanks to Janice (J.J.) Johnson who prepared and provided lasagna. I • ENFIIIA FOLD DISPRIBVI'ION located at 182 Enfield Main Rd. Located at the Enfield Camunity Building in Enfield Center, the distribution serves baked goods and produce on the first Monday of each month fran 3:3G-5:CC. On the third Monday product from the food bank is distributed from 3:3C-5:00. About 25 volunteers provide their labor and vehicles. All Enfield residents in need are welcome. If you are out of food, came to the Camunity Building on Saturdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for emergency service. This year, the food distribution provided Christmas gifts to over 160 children. We want to thank all the members of the conrwdty who made such a large undertaking possible. We particularly want to thank the following: Enfield Senior Citizens Agape Church United Methodist Church of Enfield Vaiiey Korners First Baptist Church of Enfield Enfield Valley Grange Enfield Coanunity Council THE FIRST BAFTI-ST CHURCH OF ENB= CENTER 174 Enfield Main Rd. 277-63G1 Sunday School 9:45-1C:3C a.m. Morning 47orshio 10s45• a.m. Bible Study Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Choir Fractice Thursday 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Time varies (call 273-826e) FAS.GR : the Rev. Michael Krembs 1-315-568-5332 After the dust finally settles from our Christmas celebrations, the church w-21- be focusing on finalizing plans and goals for our new fellowship hall. The church continues to grow in members and in spirit and with this renewed strengtn we are all astounded at times as to what can be accomplished. The choir invites anyone to Join us. In the next few weeks we will be getting tocether our Easter Celebration. All who enjoy singing are welcome. Please Join us! CAME AND JOIN usr THE REMNANT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP INVITES YOU TO COME JOIN US!! SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 6-8PM AT THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY BUILDING FOR STUDENT IMPACT FUN, GAMES,FELLOWSHIP, PLUS ALL SORTS OF WACKY EVENTS CALL JESSICA CONNORS FOR DETAILS IF YOUA RIDE. THE REMNANT CHRISTIAN YOUTH F�ELLO SHHIP ISAENON-DENNOMINATiONAL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP NOTES FROM THE TOWN SUPERVISOR • Jean Owens $800,O00. in HUD grants have been awarded to the Town of Enfield for low income homeowners. Major structual work such as foundations and roofs has been done as well as septic systems, electrical and plumbing repair, furnace replacement, etc. We are asking those residents who have not applied and feel they may be eligible, to please fill out the application attached to this newsletter and send it to Better Housing as soon as possible. If we have an adequate application, the Town is considering.applying for a third grant. The Junk Car Law is in effect in the Town of Enfield. An assistant to Roger Rumsey, our code enforcement officer, will be helping to work with residents on how to get rid of unwanted junk cars and to help residents to understand how the law may or may not answer their problems. A copy of the Junk Car Law is attached to this newsletter. "_tie Code Enforcement Officer, Roger Rumsey, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Code Enforcement Officer. Please contact Roger evenings at 273-8457. Please note - If you own unwanted junk cars, Perry City Automotive , 387-5892, and Wright Wrecker, 387-9888 are two businesses that will haul them away. Christmas trees may be left at the Town Barns directly across from the Baptist Church where they will be chipped. Chips are available to Town residents on a first come first serve basis. 25 MILc PER HOUR SPIED LIMIT. Mary Cole, Sheila McCue, and other parents working in conjunction with Enfield Elementary School have succeeded in getting the speed limit in `_'rant of the school reduced to 25 miles per hour. There has been much concern for the safety of children with a 55 mile per hour speed limit The Corrunity Building renovations will be discussed at the February 1, 1995 Toi%m Board meeting. John Benson, an architect from Cayuga Consultants, will be eresenting a proposed floor plan to accommodate Town office space and Town Courts, as well as the youth progr&7ring and all other groups using the building. Winter Curbside Recycling Tips During the winter months, Tompkins County recyclers are reminded to avoid damage to recycling bins from snow plows by carefully setting recycling bins back a reasonable distance from the curb, or off the shoulder of the road. To avoid a missed collection, every effort should also be made to make recycling bins visible, and easily accessible, to the recycling truck driver. In inclement or windy weather, recvclers are advised to place newsprint in a brown paper bag on top of other recyclabies. This preparation practice will both protect paper from getting wet and prevent lightweight recyclables, such as plastic jugs or • newspaper, from blowing away because they are weighed down. Any resident that is currently having problems with curbside pick-up of recyclables is encouraged to immediately call the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division at 273-6632 or 273-5700 to rectify the problem. • Auction '94 Donations Business Name Agway Address Elmira Rd Donation Pruning Shears Applegate Tree Farm 348 S. Applegate Rd choice of X-mas tree ARC Vet Clinic 6330 Sirrine Rd T'Burg gift certificate ($15) Baskins Robbins Pyramid Mall gift certificate ($5) Beauty Control Enfield Main Rd Beauty Consultation($25 Ben & Jerry's Cayuga St gift certificates Bill Landon Mecklenburg Rd hanging towel rack Bool's Aurora St plant ($10) Cakes by Linda Enfield Main Rd cert for cake Cascadilla Tree Bostwick Rd 6 -8 cu yds wood chips($ Cayuga Landscape Triphammer Rd Bulbs Coddington 124 Coddington Rd lunch for two ($15) Comics for CollectorAurora St merchandise($100) Corner Book Store Cayuga St $20 gift certificate Crispell's 1920 Slaterville Rd screwdriver set ($il) Dino's Hair styling 359 Elmira Rd 2 hairstyles ($32) E.T. Elmira Rd Dog house ($25) Fashions by Rica Farmers Market Pillow ($13) Fay's Cayuga Mall $20 gift certificate Fleet Bank On the Commons USS Constitution Model Fletcher's Perry City Rd merchandise • Flower Fashions Community Corners plant ($25) Flowerfield Court St plant Glenwood Pines 1213 Taughannock Blvd $20 gift certificate Goodyear Elmira Rd 2 gift certificates ($42 Green Tree Elmira Rd hanging plant Hickey's Music 104 Adams St Recorder ($16) Hill's Dept Store Pyramid Mall $10 gift certificate Hillendale golf Applegate Rd golf club $130 Hub's Place Mechlenburg Rd guitar, wine rack Ithaca Flower Shop Ithaca Shopping Plaza $20 gift certificate Johnnie's wholesale Applegate Rd sump pump ($118) Logo's Book Store The Commons book ($12) 4ano's Diner Rt 13 south $10 gift certificate 4arcia's HairstylingN. Triphammer $20 gift certificate Harty Shapiro Enfield Main Rd Handmade wood clock AcDonald's 373 Elmira Rd 20 Big Macs McGuire Garden Elmira Rd bulbs ($20) 4ichaleen's Triphammer Rd center piece Noe Deen's Salsa Enfield Main Rd Salsa, t-shirts,hat ($53 4onroe Muffler 338 Elmira Rd Tube, oil, filter ($20) 400sewood Rest. Dewitt Mall dinner for two 4ate's Shoe N. Meadow St $15 repair certificate flick Pellegrino's Enfield Main Rd lube, oil,filter + ($30) ?apa Jim's Pyramid Mall Child's swing ($29) • ?artner's Miller's Crnrs case of soda Sat O'Connor Halseyville Rd oil painting • Photo USA Pyramid Mall Pizza Hut any location Pudgies 211 Elmira Rd Regis Hairstyling Pyramid Rd Richard's T-Burg Rita's Beauty Salon Elmira Rd Roma's Pizzeria 503 N. Meadow St Seneca Supply Dryden Rd Slender You Mecklenburg Rd Station restaurant W. Buffalo St T-Burg Shur Save Rt 96, T-Burg T. G. Miller's State St TCTC The Commons The Cat's Pajamas Dewitt Mall Top's Market Meadow St Turback's Rt 13 south Valley House 801 W. Buffalo St Valley Korner's Miller's Crnrs Wendy's Elmira Rd Wickes Lumber Elmira Rd Willcox Center 233 Elmira Rd developing Pizza Coupons ($30) one med cheese pizza $20 gift certificate $25 gift certificate gift certificate 2 gift certificates ($10 merchandise ($20) 3 sessions $20 gift certificate $15 gift certificate merchandise coin collection $15 gift certificate $25 gift certificate dinners for two ($25) $20 gift certificate case of soda Frosty coupons merchandise ($55) lube, oil, filter, wash AND EVEN MORE DONATIONS FOR THE HARVEST FESTIVAL AND AUCTION FROM THESE BUSINESSES!:: Friendly's Wegman's Ides Lanes P&C Top' s KLLMa's A&P Other local businesses that contributed to the Harvest Festival and Auction: Bed & Biscuit Carpenter's Excavaters Cascadilla Tree Care Collegeview/Collegeview North Dan's Fuel Service Eddydale Farms Foreign Motor Repair H & H Auto Sales Hufalumps & Reusables Jerry's Archery Shop Sandy Creek Trailer Park Valley Korner S. Van Dorns Rd, Ithaca 139 S. Applegate Rd, Ithaca 877 Bostwick Rd, Ithaca 137 7-Mile Dr, Ithaca 2102 Mecklenburg Rd., Ithaca Elmira Rd, Ithaca 282 Enfield Main Rd, Ithaca 644 Enfield Falls Rd, Ithaca 157 Halseyville Rd, Ithaca I I I S. Applegate Rd, Ithaca 2068 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca 2102 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca E IMPORTANT NOTICE -- TOWN OF ENFIELD RESIDENTS TOWN OF ENFIELD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM The Town of Enfield is considering an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a grant to continue the Small Cities Communiry Development Block Grant for housing rehabilitation in the Town. This program is available to income qualified residents with serious housing needs but funds awarded are not sufficient to meet all Town needs. The application to HUD must be submitted by February 21, so it is critical that interested residents submit this Preapplication as soon as possible. Eligible improvements include septic, electrical, plumbing, heating, roofs, windows, doors and insulation, and should be checked in question 10. Exterior improvements that eliminate blight are also eligible. If you are interested in being considered for participation in this program, please complete and sign this Preapplication and return it as soon as possible to Better Housing for Tompkins County, 122 West Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, phone: 273-2187. Name: PHONE: (home) (work) 2. Mailing Address (please give street address if different): Color of Home 4. Mobile Home (Yes or No) Do you own or rent the home?/f renting, please provide the name and address of the owner Number of Persons in Household 7. Age of Head of Household YES, I want to participate in the Town of Enfield Housing Rehabilitation Program ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME (CHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORY) Less than $14,750 $23,601-S24,400 $33,701-$36,350 $14.751-$16,850 S24,401-$26,100 $36,351-$39,050 S16,851-S18,950 $26,101-$26,950 $39,051441,750 $18,951-$21,050 $26.951-$27,800 S41,751444,450 $21,05I-S22,750 S27.801-$30,300 OverS44,450 S22,751-523,600 S30,301-S33,700 10. The most critical improvement needs to my house are (check all applicable): Water Electrical Insulation Septic Plumbing Foundation Roof Heating Exterior Doors Windows Chimney Comments 11. SIGNATURE: Thank you from Supervisor Jean Owens and the Enfield Town Board