HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1995 summer• L Enfield Community SUMMER 1995 URRENTS Published three times annuallv. Editor Jessica Connors Community Yard Sale The ECC will sponsor a community yard sale on July 15, 1995. Items leftover from the auction will be set up at the town bams. The Methodist church will also be holding a chicken BBQ that day. We encourage Enfield residents to particapate by having a yard sale or garage sale this day. DATE SET FOR HARVEST FESTIVAL The date set for the 1995 auction and Harvest Festival are; Auction- Fri. Oct. 27th Festival -Sat. Oct.28th Volunteers are desperatly needed contact Carol Barnere for more info. 277-3843 Preschool News The ECC pre school ended this year on June 16th with an enrolment of 9 students. Under the direction of Cathy DelSignore and her aide, Laura Owens. The preschool meets at the Community Building M-W-F mornings 9-12noon. The only requirement is that your child MUST be potty trained. If you are interested in enrolling your child this September, please contact Cathy as soon as possible at 387 6756. In order to operate the preschool in the fall we must have an idea of how many children might be attending. Summer Camp The summer camp will begin on Wednesday July 5th. The camp will operate Monday through Friday 9am-2pm. This years camp will be held at the Community building in Enfield Center. Swimming at the firemen's pond will also be part of the camp. Contact Linda Hubbell for more info.272-5034 • UNITED WAY of lompklnt l ou* Enfield Summer Youth Program This summer the Community Council will sponsor a special enrichment program for youth in 6th -12th grade. We will meet Mondays and Fridays at the Community building from 12:30- 4:30 for swimming and different activities. Wednesdays we will meet for field trips . Trips planned are; Coming Glass, Burnett park Zoo, Darien Lake, Fair Haven Beach, Sea Breeze and Camping. A regisration is enclosed in the newsletter. Orientation day will be wednesday July 5th at 12:30 at the Baptist Church next to the grange. E 49 0 A. WHO: Enfield kids grades 6-12 WHAT: Summer Teen Program WHEN: July 5-August 16 Mondays and Fridays: Enrichment activities and swimming. 1.2, 30-4:30 Wednesdays: Field trip days Darien Lake, Sea Breeze, Burnett Park Zoo, Corning Glass, Fairhaven Beach and overnight camping. WHERE: Enfield Community Building 182 Enfield Main Rd. Please return to: ECC Summer Youth Jessica Connors, Director 224 Enfield Main Rd. 273-5809 ------------------- -------------------------------------- Summer Youth Program Pre -Registration Name: AddrP4G- Phone• School Last Attended - Grade: Age: 11 The Recreation Partnership Is Here - and Enfield is part of it! Now all town residents (including all Enfield Elementary school students) Can take part in Ithaca Youth Bureau Programs at member fees: Sports Leagues &r Lessons Cass Park ice rink Sr swimming pool Center for the Expressive Arts (Theatre) Summer Day Camps &r Playground Programs For more information call the Youth Bureau: 273-9364 SENIOR CITIZENS OF ENFIELD 1995 • JANUARY- The Enfield Community Council put on a nice luncheon for us. We watt to thank them again. Ann Gifford was our guest speaker from RSVP. • FEBRUARY- Minn Hardy came to talk to us about medical insurance. MARCH- Gretchen Sochse spoke about the underground railroad. APRIL- Had luncheon at Billy Bob Jack's. Dennis T. Mastro passed papers about NYSEG corporation over charging for electric. he asked for us to write letters to our representitives. MAY- We listened to music at the Enfield Community Building. Tom Kobela and Harold Bush played for the senior citizens. May 9th we had a meeting and a dish to pass to honor the highway department. We are planning a trip to Geneva for a picnic. DATE SET FOR HARVEST FESTIVAL AND ►�Ii1 4%-"Z AUCTION OCT, 27TH FESTIVAL OCT, 28TH VOLUNTEERS DESPERATLY NEEDED M!! CALL CAROL BARRIERE AT 277-3843 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH THE FESTIVAL. • • ENFIELD NEWS FROM CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS: Roger Rumsey 273-8457 Jesse Buchanan 272-4240 TO ALL TOWN RESIDENTS: The Junk Car Law is now in effect and we will be enforcing the Law. You can help by planning to get rid of your junk cars before we see them or your neighbor complains. Due to our limited time, we will send a written notice of the complaint. If we do not hear from you in seven (7) days, we will try to call you. If this fails to solve the problem of your junk cars, then an Appearance Ticket will be issued to you to appear in the Town Court. All residents are reminded that Building Permits are required for all improvements made to your buildings. If you have any questions, please call Code Enforcement Officers. Also, those residents that have Building Permits that need to be completed, please give a call. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. ENFIELD RESIDENTS DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN OBTAIN A FAMILY SEASON PASS TO CASS PARK POOL FOR ONLY ftO.00? STOP AT THE TOWN HALL AND PICK UP A FREE BOOKLET WITH O, "g,. m GREAT OFFERS AVAILABLE TO ENFIELD RESIDENTS. 0 5 • THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD CENTER • 1-7t+ ENFIELD fjA1 ROAD Church Phone 277-6301 Pastor Rev. Michael Krembs 7-589-9255 Worship Service Sunday 70:45 a.m. Sunday School (all ages)9:45-70:30 a.m. ?raise Band Dancing 7-72 yr. olds 10-,30 p.m. Sunday Praise Band Practice 7:J0 p.m. Sunday Softball (Enfield School) 6:30 p.m. Monday Praise, Worship, Prayer 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Adult Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. Thursday Youth Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. Thursday Weigh down Program call Jane 387-5457 ?lease come to any or all events. Everyone welcome. Vacation Bible School for ages 2 to adult is the week of July 10-14 in the evening. Child care for under 2 is provided. For information call 273-8268 or 277-3804. The last Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday, followed by a dish -to -share. Come loin us. ENF SE'LD FOOD DSSTRSBZTTS"ON =ree food is handed out the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 3:30 - 5.00 p.m. for any Enfield resident that is unable to provide enough food for their needs. The distribution is located at 182 Enfield Main Road kin the ground floor of the Enfield Community Buildingy DON ' T GO HUNGRY 0 6 171 The Enfield School Based Shared Decision Making Council is sponsoring a mobile lending library for families in the community. It will be located at the Enfield Community Building from 1:30 - 3:00 pm on the following Tuesdays: July 11 thy 18th, 25th & August 1 st & 8th. It will be staffed by two members of the Enfield School Staff, Mary Cole and Daisy Sweet. PLEASE MAKE READING A PART OF YOUR SUMMER ACTIVITES I 0 7 • .�' .:^?�.,� amour a't ,ta-'c='.. _-,^ter ::1i"===..� .•.-n-n -.ne ':!or.. ' i3 c=—etea, __Un1 `ones '.i__ .-ave - _ '-El t. _his t-c-ect roV=..._ "'°.'or __�_._rs, s_..._. 3s .-c.. _oo:s, ::at er and se..._.. ._-__a_e..en' as `.!el- as�_`c'arda'__o.` __ .=-eCt__..al work to low ~=xomen�-xce owners .n the -own. _cords . ~ _ nor'• _s aL:.ost ccnelete. . _ records na_erent s•: stem is _, -hecrocess c- teinz dove=coed so our -owns records ..il' _emair. '_n Lood share. -'e are waitinz to gear __ we successful _.. a second - ant request `rom the State p^_---.es and Records Adrin:straticn to continue it this work. --- Conom c Develonment. - am a member of `he �ountV E;oar'ds Nara'_ :.`fairs -ommttee and have been attendinz ':elecomunications conferences and workshocs ir: an attemnt to work towards an aperoach to encourage economic aevelonment in Enfield. _t is a --olnolex issue. Existi z business as well as retain and develocinz our own micro -business are areas to be studied. -__ Hudson aloe" :O-:13riit': .Alieae "_'EIECOrd:11.1niCatiors Initial iVe t'r'o.leCt- O'rn o_=::`ielc has been-_'Viteo to anc in this rrC.__='• SEd_ and the _own __rk .i__ ._ _47en software, training and techrieal sunoort in order'to learn to take advanta_e of the Internet =unication system. • Enfield's Newest Garden Rcceptino Memorial Donations Enfield's newest garden, located directly in front of the school, i; the Memorial Garden. This garden is meant to be planted with perennials in memory of Enfield Residents. The garden comes to us through a bequest in the memory of Susan Sigman's Step -father. The initial, basic plantings are made in Charles L Holloway's memory. Members of the Enfield Community who wish to have plants donated in a loved one's memory can send a check to the Enfield Garden Project with suggestions for a plant or plants for the garden. Plants and their donors will be highlighted on a map that will be placed on a sign by the entrance to the garden. In the event that you wish to donate a specific plant, please contact the Garden Committee and we will be delighted to work with you to help create a memorial to your loved one. Members of the Enfield School Community are very appreciative of the generous gift from the Holloway Family. Many people have contributed to this new garden project at Enfield. Thanks to all of you for uour generosity. • 8 Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Program Registration LAbaLAS .ace Gtabe • E Parents .sae Address wge 3xrthcate interests .oma Phone Esegency Phone ?erson to Contact if Camp is Closed Earle ?hone Con::oencsal :.eascai=Sstory (,is required by Public health Lau Part 225) Doctors and ?hone :ewnxxanen dates for: Jipcneria Pallesvelicis leas les Rubella .`lumps :entanus :ias your child ever red or currently suffer from: (11 ves. please give data ado any penaxneat xnformtton needed to provide adequately for your child) Yes/:�o aces i ss is Sorriest botulism brucellosis central nervocs evecee infections (bacterial or non-bacterial) cnancroid chicken pea cholera dspntherta gonorrnea (genito-urinary, opthalaia, ocher) granuloma Snguinsle hepatitis Ua:acclews (a) serum (A) nistopiaseosis (new case) hospital -associated Snfecclans (including diarrhea, conjunctivitis of noweorn) infectious mononucleosis leprosy lepcospxrosis lrmpnogranulo" venerem malaria !fa/Ae measles amps plague polioeTelicit psittacosis rabies relapsing laver rayon snvdreee goeky, 1lowntain spotted fever rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) sals+onellosis snisellosis $"lips% strepcaceccal sort cheese tocludilt scarlet fever syphilis tetanus trichineels tuberculosis tularemia typhoid w,umping ceugn yeliou favor Is Your child currently under treatment for any medical condition or require any medication: If yes, please provide details. List any allergies, etc. I give ev child permission to participate in the Enfield Cot=unity Council Program. I understand that the Enfield Community Council 1s not responsible for any accidents or injuries. units, there le negligence on their pare. •50n8txon S St;naturs of Parent or Gdardan .he Enfield Casuniry Council Aver Program is partially funded by the )ark State Division for Youth, matched by mammy from the Tour, of Snfseld and the .nsted '"4 . ,he 'balance of the cost of this program must be raised but no :mild .ill be turned auy for inability to pay. Bus Tranaportatlon Stop # PLEASE RETURN TO MARNIE KIRCNGESSNER 272-2241 _.--_ 191 Enfield Main Rd. � J • ]ACC SIJIvI'i., ER CAW WS YEAR WH40t CAHP WHL RUN WED. dULY 5-ANGVST 14 THE ('AHP Wlit CPMATE H-f 4:DD-2DD AT THE FOIELD dDHHUAM "ROM, 02 ENHELD HAW ROAD, TNIS IS DUE TO THE MO UOT KWV4TICN DRCVFM Wftt RE HAPPENIM, AT EWIRII St'NCCL. ARTS AND t eAFrc reAHa!kuvC. NATURE AND ECCLCN. PRiVEM Witt BE WWV ATDNG !vltlT SYAHHING tESSDNS Attu f�E SWIHM..AK; WIC BE (ufFe_FQ LN THE P.fTER�MCN. PP.RENfS A.RE RESPC,NSBIE fCR SEEIh!(;1NATTNEIR p.NICQRE,u C,ETTCA.W CW4CA4P. uYCUPLAN .CN SENCINC YCUR CMLCLREN) PLEASE FILL CUT THE BCTTCH PCRTICN AND RE"JRN fT TV ENfIELD OWL Afid. L. W99 tt CR ECL; ig' ENFIEM HAIN. VI S IS CNLY AN INTEREST APPG('ARCN OAK RECIS PPVN fS MIMED TV &E TJWM IN AT A LATER DATE. ITAI 1E ADDRESC PTICNE 6or Amami Mai 6 .................. AGE 7'r'r IF 9 10 • T///C QlAIR1 15P TtXRZc o/lt Ar4 AfflitVIVAI_rlAM✓lMileAV SEN/C,c' H/l'H 411ahX IN EAC7H✓t/IY,4M Al/y t1J7 SC MR A15AMYlTESP/ANNO l[/(,'111 f MM1 011Y f.)EI,P RINl 4AJP M410ff MlC t4 )C104UTH. 1,;4717yfC� MD,PE /NfC /LATHE ENf/Ea CCMMfIti'/Ij' Cal1WA9 Pt1E Ct/T /N EWY✓WNE !! FOR AIORL' INFORV A t'OIV CALL JESSICA CONNORS, i Z /3 .580Y. ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL kUMM REGISTRATION Appendix A Child's Name page 2 Age Birthdate Grade completed Parents' Names • Address Home Phone Emergency Phon• Person to contact in emergency or early closing time: Name: Phone Confidential Medical History (as required by Public Health Law, Part 225) Doctor's Name and Phone Immunization Dates for: Diphtheria Poliomyelitis Measles Rubella Humps Tetanus 0 Has your child the following? ever had or is currently suffering from any of If yes, give dates and any pertinent information needed to provide _b ebinis _JIUM _kboimis _ktalin _kneel leis _Capylaketerimis _Chaeroid —Chidapor _Cholen _Diphtheria _henholitis _6iardiais _kooeaeeal iandiea _Crada ir4unle _koophila iaflnua (innin disease) _Jepatita (1: 1; ar as1,asI _Jistoplazoona, as can adequately for your child. _kasati Syodra _hliayelitis _1,9isullmis hittaeais _lgcml Rabin _Lys diseae _Jsye's Syadra _kptosrirmu _Jody Nataia Spotted lover _1,"hofraala sauna _kbella _1waria _cospai4l kbella Syadrm _Win _Salamellosis kaiapitis: _Seipellasis _kaptfe _Syphilis - speeify stops _kophila _?at= _Nmnp m=l forie shod sphoot _othc (11pw+4 tip) _Tridionis _ ohneslmis _NMM a _hlarnia _N111s _Typbid _hrtasu ("is, Cooph) _♦yaa _plepa _fella lover — 5d1zures _fersioinis Is your child currently under treatment for any medical condition, or does s/he require any medication? If yes, provide details. Use reverse side if necessary. List any allergies the child has Gee S�+S e_4c Are there any foods your child should avoid? The ECC Summer Camp Program is partially funded by the N.Y. State Division for Youth, matched by money from the Town of Enfield and the United Way. The balance of the cost must be raised, but no Child will be turned away for inabilitp'to pay. I am including a donation of to maintain the program. I hereby give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Community Council's program. I understand that the ECC is not responsible for any accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on their part. • Signature of Parent or Guardian Date 12 PAR@ I - CaIVE S THIS PART FOR APE CHMMEN YOU ARE APPLTIM FOR WM ARE CfJRAENILY MCIM D IN A FCCD STARS OR AFDC CASs. MMM SKIP TO PART 4. CEIITD'S NMZ PS—MM_ = NO. CHaD'S 19M FSL-►FDC C7RSZ NO. r d n � 5 o a PART 2 - CaCL= THIS PART FOR ANY CHILDREN NOT IDTz.UDED IN A FS/AFDC CASE. w r =n l s NMM rFrrr IS 19M CHIID' S NAM CHaD' S NAM Welfare/ Pensions/ Name Wages Support SoC.Sec. Other ■ 1. .... ... ................. ......... a ■ 2. a a 3. a a 4. a US. a a 6. a ■7. a TOPAL IN Tam EMSEBD HM= Izxm • In some cases FOSTER CE IMMN are eligible for free or reduced meals regardless of household income. If you wish to apply for a foster child, please contact us. PART 4 - PLEASE CMEX YOM CE=IS RXM/=S IIC =EN=TY. YOU ARE NOT RDX= TO ANSWER THIS, BDT Tqs n*mR4ATION MZM S MMeOtE MEEIVFS BENEFITS FAIIS3C. NO MILD WELL BE DINED ALAI W DOE TD RACE, SFS, COLOR, NAM ORIGItt, AGE Cot BAMICAP. WE= or WLACS (not of Hispanic origin) __HISPANIC __AMAN/PACIF'IC ISL.—jNER.nmIAWXASKAN PENA = FOR M-awxrz-=.u+TSCN: I certify that the above information is true and correct i all income is reported. I understand this is being given for the receipt of Federal funds, the sponsor may verify it and that deliberate misrep- resentation may subject me to prosecution under applicable State/Federal laws. � .{•�D Y� ••. ..N.N..Y..Ya ... ....... , •!--!!lNNN . - - �Y.+YGrftilY{{it a �a At . s lN1.Y...1l.N.N.NNNINI.N!!N.!•llNI.N.NII.N! /= SE MM= s - - s • NO`iHF3t .......... . . . ..... ..... • rwN. , r r rr rrr rw r wrrr rr. rr ^ rw r +• re r— rw r r•r. ,r wa rr . ww wM rr, r r rr rr,� rr M r Nr1 r rrr wM wr I r r.r r •rr•r r. r r rrw -- .w• r .r ww wM w• r r r• r.rr +r •IPrI r rlw.a r r wrwr N -...• rrrr wr rw ..r•r w,r .�. rwNr r • rr wr•r .�. w r wrr., r 11 . r•Y wM rr, r r, err r r wrwr r r •r r -Nr r,.r.,.r w� � w rrwr rr •wr r • w. w.wrw,rrrrr.w,rr•.r. r,rr rrr+rwrwrrrwrr w•+ ww wM •�• r •wrw. r rrr wM rr � r -r r rrM r r.r.N +. r +w r rrr r 1.A r rrr r r rlrrr rY r .r Mw.a rw wYlr.r rrr w r rIY r. r-•• w-- JJ/� rr..•w w r...,rr. w rrr rrr w•ww r rww ww, rrww • •.r ww r -Nw r,r r www rw, rnNlrr w •mow r r rr - rr ww. rrrr r r� wr•r• w•,. rIw r ..l.Y. M r.. r rrN. r.w .• rrw r r.r.r Ar, � r �• +. Y rw w w� r ww • A•.a .rr rlrr r, •r. r • ,r r r.Nyr rr,M.r rry r Yr• wr• r .N•r Mrrw r wra OFFICE USE ONLY: /J ELIGIBLE /_/ IlgI x= Sessions i In Han York State susseur cespe Must have a state, city or county health departvent peMkt to operate legally. These permits aCe issued only if the carp la in canpllance loth the state's health regulations. The permit to operate moat he displayed In a can- apiroom place on the pralines. The rasp aunt te Inspected twice yearly by a Health Departserut representative. At least one inspection oust te sede during the time ehe reap is in Operation. Rach rasp is checked to sake care that the physical facilities are safe and that supervision la adequate. Man chcnsinng a arrssac reap for, their children, parents and guardians frequently ask the following questions: Sn" CRIMMIMMA What an the qualifications of the cap director? The Now York State Health Code requires that the director of an overnight coup is at least TS years old or hold a bachelor's degrea! a day cap director rust be at least tl. All directors out have ua periencs In taping adnlnistratlon or suW0slon. Cape directors background* are Mewed by the State Central Registry for Child Arouse and Haltreatrent for reported incidents of child abuse and saltmatevst. Their h u kgrou ds are also screened by the Health Depereaent for criminal convictions. only individuals who are con- sidered to pose no risk to caepses are accepted by the Health Department as camp directors. khat ere the qualifications of the Carp counselors? At day coup, counselors rust he 16 years or older, have one year's experience as a junior eaRwlor or courutlor-in-training and/or, have attended a pre eap orientation progres. Tee stet[ -to -wager ratio arat he I217. In addition, special ratios and cwnwlor qualifications see wdated for supervialon of wls dng, archery, riflery and out -Of -cap trip activities. ) ' ByaLTa tD — Is a doctor or "ores Ln residence or on call for rapers at all ties'? ahysiclen or nursing sarvicas out be avallenla. All Russet caps In New York State are required to have Kitten rsdICRI Plans approved by the Health Departaent. The Kitten plan emu Include Ong other things, prowisions for Wical, nursing and first aid services. Injuries and illnesses are required tom repotted to the Health Departsant and are tterovOly rniwed. Does the cap require aedlcal records for Oenpars? In Nov York State, Crepe oat keep Rent wdlcal history reports on file for all Capers. He wee to detail arty illness, disability or allergy (especislly to sadlclms) that afflict your child. Special diets and activity restrictions should be specified. 40 CAP SAPHTT Are the caap facilities and activities safe? The reap operator mot develop a written rasp safety plan to include provisions for training staff sanbers and orientation of caspers. caspelte harards and safety procedures for program activities. PIRL SM Are there periodic fire drills for both caspers and staff? Does each floor of every fad Laing have fire nits in two different locations? Are flemsable saterlale (gasol lne. Pool chaelcals, etc.) stored away Eras activity centers and kep under lock and key? All of the above are mandatory in Caw York State. RIGIM Q PA R HTS aB) GLUOU IMIS To ha infornsd by the camp director, or his or her designee, of any Incident involving your child, including serious Inlury, illness or abuse. To review inspection and imeftcigetion reports for aCa' which are esent and Pastrainad eports by the local health snit lswing sap paoperate we available.) To review the required cenp safety. sadlcol and fire Safety Plane. These are on file at both the rasp and the health unit iSSuing the permit to opeeate. R6IQDIBILITTfS OF THE Cep OPOUlGn To inform you and the local health unit if you child is Involved In any serious injury, illness " abuse incidand- To screen the background and qualifications of all staff. To provide supervision tar all capers - 14 hours a dAY at overnight rape, and during hours of operation for day cape. To saintain all cap physical facilities In a ate and sanitary cunditlan. To Provide safe and shulesome seals - To have and follow required plane for cape safety, health and fire safety. TO notify the parent M guardian, with the enrollment application or anrollsent Contact. that: .the camp sort have a permit to operate frm the Hew York State Departs+,, of Health or the designatedwpee isIng official: .the cap is required to Edinspec Yearly: .the Inspection reports adrteenCl�edplans aval lable county or city health depa i[o their erev/weteCe,