HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1991 January• ENFIELD NEWS i0i-oz JANUARY 1991 UNITED WAY SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC of Tompkins County FUNDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY UNITED MAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING The Enfield Community Council's annual meeting will be held 1/30/91 at the home of Rhonda Connors, 1029 Bostwick Road. Rhonda who chaired the nominations committee will submit the following slate of officers: Marnie Kirchgessner - President Roy Wollney - Vice President Helen Smith - Secretary Rosemary Pellegrino - Treasurer Everyone is welcome. The Community Council is your organization and your participation is needed. At the annual meeting an amendment to the bylaws is being offered to have general meetings bi-monthly (Jan, Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.) The Executive Committee will continue to meet as required. In an effort to reduce the cost of • mailings for meetings only the executive committee attends, unless you contact Helen (273-1689) to be listed we are purging our mailing list and your name will be removed. Most people currently notified do not attend meetings; a lot of work and money goes into these monthly mailings. In an effort to conserve resources, an outdoor sign will be installed at the Community Building and postings will be there. All indications are this is a time of tightening resources and we will have to be resourceful to continue our programs. The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, the New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and Your Donations. Last year's Harvest Festival was such a success because of the early appointment of committees and chairs. We are always looking for volunteers. Helen Smith has been asked to chair the auction for 91 but we are looking for a Harvest Festival Coordinator. Rhonda Connors did such a good job last year it should be easy this year. Call Marnie Kirchgessner 272-2241 if interested in any committee! 0 ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PROGRAM • Enridment Prouramine . Began. Friday 1/18/91. Both Arts i Crafts and Dance will again be offered. We hape to offer this programing through the and of the school year: but we may require a second material fee for the arts programing. We've already gone shopping and it looks like a lot of fun! Children may still enroll. Dance Chas Schedule Art Chen schedule Pre K 2:00-2:30 4 S 5 Grades 2:00-3:00 K-1 2:30-3 :00 K 6 1 Grades 3:00-4:00 2-3 3:00-3.45 2 6 3 Grades 4:00-5:00 4-5 3:45-4:45 Enrichment children should be picked up by 5 pm 5th s Up 4:45-5:30 unless they are in the dance class. !laic Instruction: Additionally, Roseanne Johnaton is willing to give piano/ voice lessons on the 2nd 6 4th Monday of the month. Lessons will be 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 3/25 for 1 2 hour from 2 pm until 6 pm. Available on a let sign up basis. If interested, return the following form to Dianne Lovelace. We will contact you to schedule music lessons. Lessons are held at Enfield School. Do not send any money now. (NOTE: The instructor will advise participants of the schedule after 3/25/91). Due to demand Mr. Douglas will also teach lessons on Wednesday. If interested return form. Y u will be cont4kcted. Ault Areebics will again be offered by Roseanne, the hour after her other classes end. Participants should sign up and pay the $5 fee at that time. Call M. Kirchgessner if you want more information. Day care is available. I (or state other relationship) of name of child name of parent • do agree to poy ;5.00 per half hour music lesson in advance of said lessons. I understand that the Enfield Community Council subsidizes these lessons in accordance with their policy and such subsidy comes from private fund raising efforts. Further, I acknowledge the Community council is lessons notition to or townide moneylto dot Of these so. Child's Name Age Address signed Phone Dated _ ..ra�.s.y...,.. EMCM� ?royram: Arts Dance Name Parente Name pdd-eaa: Birthdnte Grade Age Rom Phone Emergency Phone Doctors Phone i Doctor Allergies, etc. I give my child permission to per 1n the Enfield Commmity Cokmccl ents I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for anY accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on our Part. • Donation $ Signature of Parent or gardian i -1ARVEST ...a time to celebrate natures bounty A BIG thank you to all of the Enfield Community who made the Harvest Festival such a success: Special thanks go to... Rhonda Connors who lived and breathed (and did not sleep!) Harvest Festival for 6 weeks prior to the event and her family who put up with it. Brenda Smith who coordinated the auction committee. (putt Hamilton, Jim Clark, Gabe McCowan, Chris Fisher, Roy Barriers and Greg Kirchgessner who helped lug merchandise. Bruce and Lisa Lott who for a second year recorded and auctioned, incrediably successfully, all our miscelaneous. Helen Smith and Katie Knapp who manned the refreshment stand. Carol Barriere who "singled -handled" the wonderful publicity for the 2 days events; as well as soliciting new merchandise for the auction along with Helen Smith, Cathy Delsignorie, Ted Smith and Brenda Smith. The setup committee which included Rosemary Pellegrino and Marnie Kirchgessner. John and Rich Neno who along with John Smith made the ping pang drop happen. • The Luncheon committee of Rhonda Connors, Brenda Smith, Carol Barriers, Debbie Boynton, Rosemary Pellegrino, Ginger DeKay, Ann Rider and Ginny Willett who kept it "hot" and "dished up". Audrey Bostwick, the cake wheel coordinator and the women's Auxiliary for the use of their wheel. Brandee Connors, Aaron Barriers and Gretchen Kirchgessner who did such a terrific job on the haunted house; after we thought we'd have to cancel the project. Herb Masser, our Magician and Cynde Schiebe our living doll. All of the Senior Citizens who worked so hard and so lovingly on the quilt they donated for our raffel. The wonderful Grange members who let us use their facility, made us pies and lent us their benches and chairs. The Fire Department who provided fire truck rides, a site for the ping pang drop and marvelous chicken; after an amazing stop at a potential major fire and rescue response! Everyone who donated new and used merchandise to the Auction making it such a success. Kate Sirrine who hauled away the garbage! All of the vendors for coming. • Emery Guest who conducted a.finger print "clinic" and PIP who printed and provided finger print cards for us -with just a moments 3 notice! The Enfield 4H Unicorn who did such a terrific petting zoo. Sue Thompson who spun her little heart out for a second year in a row. Laura Everhart who devoted so much time and made such marvelous signs. Valley Korner who displayed our sign and sold the winning raffel ticket. Tanya and Della Snyder who arranged and conducted the pumkin contest; Roger Brown who helped judge. Della also helped "man" the information desk. Wendy Cole and Roy Wollhey who provided such wonderful photographs for our album. Ethel Sequerira, who bought the winning raffel ticket. AND Marnie Kirchgessner who was responsible for the weather - she prayed REAL HARD. - ACE Programming: In September Carol Barriere was hired as the Director of ACE Transition Programming. In December Marty Screiber was hired as Carol's Assistant as they actively began working with the children in the 4th and 5th grades at Enfield School. This Program is funded through a contract with the Town of Enfield and the Ithaca School District who in turn subcontracts with ECC. We are delighted to offer this programming to kids who have fallen through the "cracks" of other programs. "Too old" for after school • and too young for teen. -------------------------1------------------------------------------ The Pre-K Program continues to meet Wednesday and Friday mornings at the Community Building. Jodi Clark is the Director and works with the able assistance of Cathy Delsignore. Visitors and parent observers are welcome. Attendance is limited but contact the program if interested. The Town of Enfield submitted a grant proposal to the State Division for Youth to request rehabilitation money for the Community Builing to expand its usefulness as a community/youth center. A lot of work on the part of volunteers went into the proposal. These volunteers include Roy Wollney, who took pictures; Brad Connors, who did scale drawings; Charles Hubbell, who provided construction esti- mates; Tompkins County Planning Department Dwight Mengle, for census and other data; Karen Coleman of Day Care Council for program cost figures and Virginia Byrant who spent a lot of time writing and putting the information into "grant" form. These folks did all of this is December on short notice! Many thanks from the Community who will benefit if the grant is received. The Enfield Baptist Church continues to actively respond to the needs of the Community not only with their sponsorship of Enfield Food Pantry but with their ecumenical services. On 1/15/91, the • church conducted a pray service that was widely attended by members of the Community of all religious beliefs. The church community welcomes everyone for weekly services - 11:00 am Sundays. 4 TEEN PROGRAMMING: The• Towr, of Enfield and the Community Council • have submitted a proposal to use County Youth Services funding (matched by Town funds) to utilize the Community Building as a "drop in" center for preteens and teens. As renovations to the building continue, the proposal is to open the building with supervision on Tuesdays from 2 to 7. On Tuesday nights when the Planning Board does not meet com- munity speakers and outreach workers will be asked to come and explain their services. Teens are asked to attend a planning meeting on 2/5/91 at 7:00 pm at the Community Building to discuss specifics. Carol Barriere is coordinating with ACE Programming, so if you have any questions call her at 277-3843. We would also like to open the building 1 weekend night. If you are interested in working with teens contact: M. Kirchgessner - 272-2241. � ► W�ASTE� nlaw DROP-OFF CENTER OPEN Recycling for the Town of Enfield began in November 1990. Jean Owens is the Enfield site recycling coordinator. Although Jean is not allowed to make statements; users are pleased with the site. Mr. Louis Loisselle not only brought his recyclables but stopped at the • neighbors to get theirs because he was coming down. The site is at the Enfield Community Building (the Old Fire House) and open from 9 am to 3 pm. Materials accepted at the Drop -Off Center include: NEWSPAPER: • Par Nor in dmPaff bw • ro ^Mgsan. Ia= sail 11pa" Pony ia$a. Aria bow Oft Or PMe bade CLEAR, GREEN AND BROWN GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS: •pima N co ,fluemmar rmPfirfk rtgaOro Par apace: PMr aoOdf bbr by odor • ro Disc a.e ar p ors PYraA, flgfp orb. ayarr a O,aeen 7w. bOanaa. dfNia potter/ METAL FOOD CANS: • ma be rows dean ad ROOM$. a PoriN • ro pWaor aurdcam araaw mrr CORRUGATED CARDBOARD: • mW Oe den, Rear$, m$ n pair ro WpriM 4IL ■ a IL .Rey b•par$Nren • wanafein ro oenaab vidre Pia$. waiW Daiea a Boer wib Port pier aaaafip PLASM BEVERAGE AND DETERGENT BOTTLES: • mIR Air. d$r aro waW jqs dWLV*K rWVW fink f110aner and bnaD Doan • pneve Y m'W9wnepbfdK Ofarla begs, afylaNam. grime a mow ad ,m Greg Kirchgessner continues as the Building Program Supervisor and should be contacted if you have a public use for the building. Daytime uses are encouraged. On Food Pantry Mondays a cooking class is conducted by Cooperative Extension and Thursday nights a support group is being offered for families with relatives in the Persian Gulf. Call Peggy Hubbell for more information - 273-6470. S • The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. held its annual instal- lation banquet on December 22, 1990 at the Enfield Grange Hall. After a very filling meal provided by the Grange members the following officers were installed for 1991: Asst. Chief EMS - George May Asst. Chief Training - Larry Stilwell Asst. Chief Maintenance - Marty Schreiber Captain - Art Covert Fire Investigation Captain - George Palmer Fire Police Captain - Gary Nesbitt President - Dominic Seamon Vice President - Charles Sheffield Treasurer - Roy Barriere Financial Secretary - James Whittaker Recording Secretary - Bill eisenhardt 4 year Director - Marty Schreiber Annual Report for 1990 - Total calls 164, Manhours 8,500, Members 40, Rescue personel include Basic First Aid 3, First Responders 8, Emt's 5 and 1 EMT level 3. Average response time under 3 minutes. . Yes, its true, the annual Enfield Firemens Field Days is a thing of the past. Lack of manpower, available time and the ever increasing liability problems were reasons for discontinuing the annual event. Most members were forced to use either personal or vacation time from • their regular jobs just to prepare and operate the 3 day event. Department members thought this was a little to much to ask of members already volunteering their spare time for what little bit we made on the event. Less time consuming events such as lottery raffels, chicken barbeques and other events are being planned. In 1991 the Fire Department is planning to install several dry hydrant systems throughout the town. The system consists mostly of 6" PVC pipe which is buried underground from a pond to a point accessible to a fire engine. From that point, we can lay up to 2400 feet of 5" supply hose to a fire scene. This system allows a very fast connection to a reliable water source. If you have a pond that is close to a road or dirveway and would be willing to allow us to install such a system, contact Chief, Denny Hubbell at 272-5034. This system could be very beneficial to you and your neighborhood in the event of a fire. It has also been known to reduce fire insurance premiumsi check with your insurance company. We are still and always looking for that rare breed of men and women willing to contribute their spare time for no pay. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company contact any Enfield Fire or Rescue Personnel for more details on how to join. fII P LMFIRLD r1 Dennis G. Hubbell Fire Chief L A Note From The Town Historian • The Town of Enfield will be one hundred and seventy five years old, come March 16, 1996. In the next few years, the Historian and the members of the Enfield Commemorative Committee will be asking special favors from the town residents in an attempt to gather information on the different aspects of town life past and present. Also in the months to come, efforts to jog memories of you, the residents on a wide variety of topics will be made. Photographs are always of special interest to nearly everyone. Thus, those photos of mother and father doing the daily chores, or a brother or sister playing in the schoolyard, even if they are stashed away in an old shoebox or album, are of more interest than you might imagine. The following is a list of the additions made in'this past year to the Historian's collection. #1. From Glenn Hubbell (1308 Mecklenburg Rd.) A one page program "Washington Bicentennial Celebration" dated August 27, 1932 1/4,1 , 1/6/90 #2. From Hilda Hubbell (59 Harvey Hill Rd.) The loan of her father's burial book (It was copied in part, and returned.) 5/6/90 #3. From the Enfield P.T.A. (20 Enfield Main Rd.) 6/23/90 • The Enfield Elementary School Yearbook #4. From Warena Ramsey (1795 Mecklenburg Rd.) Drawings said to be original ones for the Enfield Grange Hall 7/23 #5. From Patricia Dougherty (330 Sheffield Rd.) Two pages from James Charles' genealogy 7/25/90 #6. From the Charles Sheffield family (248 Enfield Main Rd.) 7/29/90 Four post cards 1. Baptist Church, Enfield Center NY 2. M.E. Church, Enfield Center NY 3. Schoolhouse, Enfield Center NY 4. Enfield Falls, near Enfield Center #7. From Etta Gray (1511 Mecklenburg Rd.) Tompkins County Guide and Yearbook 1990 8/6/90 #8. From Helen Jackson (210 Enfield Main Rd.) 8/18/90 A. An 1853 map of Tompkins County B. A number of newspapers and newspaper clippings #9. From Robert Bock (101 Rockwell Rd.) via Sue Thompson A large number of District #7 school records 8/21/90 #10. From Roger Hubbard (216 North Van Dorn Rd.) The loan of a photograph of the house that burned at 360 Connecticut Hill Road, 9/22/90 7 #11. From the Dewitt Historical Society of Tompkins County 10/11/901.1 (116 North Cayuga St. Ithaca, NY) • One page of two certificates, both blank, appointing corporal or sergeant in the New York State militia #12. From J. Victor Bagnardi Architects (308 N. Tioga St.) Three drawings of the Enfield school addition 10/19/90 #13. From Warena Ramsey (1795 Mecklenburg Rd.) 10/25/90 Six diaries 1891-1897, 1897-1902, 1904-1908, 1909-1914, 1919-1920, a school diary and attendance record 1862-... #14. From Hilda Amberge (631 Black Oak Rd.) Three audio tapes with Hulse Smith and Ruth Place 11/27/90 #15. From the Meeker family (262 Gray Rd.) Enfield Town Directory ?1960? 12/1/90 #16. From Lester Glass (260 Halseyville Rd.) via Helen Smith A. Postcard of Baptist Church, Enfield Center NY 12/8/90 B. Postcard Enfield Center #17. From Hilda Amberge (631 Black Oak Rd.) 12/8/90 A. Program Townline School S Bostwic;: School Townline Schoolhouse Nov. 20, 1925 B. The loan of genealogy material for copying 46 pages (Harvey, Williams, Smith and Place families) #18. From Hilda Hubbell (59 Harvey Hill Rd.) 12/30/90 One photograph of snow plow on upper part of Harvey Hill Road sometime in the late 1920's • If you would like to contribute to the Historian's collection, contact M. Clyde Hubbell, 134 Hubbell Drive, Ithaca NY 14850 At the January 2, 1991 Enfield Town Meeting the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall was set for Board Meetings. The following appointments were made: 1991 Appointments: Deputy Supervisor - Robert Linton Deputy Town Clerk - Linda Stilwell Deputy Highway Superintendent - Ronald McFall Town Attorney - Shirley Egan Historian - M. Clyde Hubbell Court Clarks: Carolyn Thall/Betty Poole Election Machine Custodians: James Bailey/Martin Schreiber Fire 6 Building Code Enforcement Officer - Roger C. Rumsey Committees and Boards: Assessment Review Board - Robert Linton and Onale Monte Highway Committee - Andrew Kraft, Donald Lovelace, Highway Supt. and Supervisor Personnel Committee - Onale Monte, Donald Lovelace, Employee Representative, RigAway Supt. and Supervisor Fire 6 Bldg. Code Committee - Robert Linton A Andrew Kraf Commemorative Committee: son, Ellen Robbie, NinaaL nton, Patricia Dougherty • and Cynthia Hubbell Y The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary held its annual election of officers • in October - The following slate of -officers was elected: President - Hester Covert Vice President - Holly Covert Secretary - Dena Simmons Treasurer - Pam Whittaker Conductress - Marge Slater Historian - Joan Eisenhardt Sunshine - Bess Simmons We had two new members join our ranks. Deb Marais and Amy Marshall. one re -instated member - Linda Stilwell. We held a Christmas party for kids on December 16th. Next year we would like to invite the community to join us. We will keep you posted as the dates draw closer. Several of our members have been elected to offices of the County Auxiliary of Tompkins. President - Fern Ferris Treasurer - Pam Whittaker Conductress: Hester Covert Pam Whittaker is currently serving as 2 year director in the Central New York Firemens Association Ladies Auxiliary. As you can see, our girls are working hard outside our Community for fire concerns throughout the state. Anyone 18 years or older is welcome to join our organization by • contacting any auxiliary member for information. Thank you for your continued support! Enfield Ladies Auxiliary DIARY OF AN ENFIELD RESIDENT 1892 - January 6 - snowed all day fell 8 inches. January 7 - pleasant - Mag. & I went to Ithaca, took dinner with Eliza, first time - very good sleighing. January 12 - wind south took Mag. home got cutter fixed sleighing poor. 1893 - April 14 - rain this morning teacher came back. April 15 - Teachers birthday 18 years old. Thunder shower this p.m. May 31 pleasant p.m. rain a little afternoon went to funeral. D.J. Wortman died last night. Washed buggy. Jim planting potatoes. 1894 - March 9 - wind south rain little Miss Hapkins (?) gone home closed her school yesterday - 22 weeks of school. Hopefully we have caught your interest with this short excerpt from a 1892 - 1897 Enfield Diary. If you or someone you know has a diary, photo's, personal experiences, etc. to share please let us know. The Enfield Historic Commemorative Committee is ready to learn more about Enfield and its residences. Please call Sue Thompson (272-6412) or Jack Hubbell (273-6470). No story is too long or too short for us to listen to. You are also welcome to attend our monthly meetings every 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., Enfield • Town Office. 9 • • ENFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA by Sue Thompson, Enfield PTA President Happy New Year. Mrs. Brown, Enfield School Principal, reports that the new addition to our school is going well. There have been a few delays in receiving supplies to finish the project. The new addition will support a double station gym and 5 new class rooms. "DARE" (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Graduation for 5th grade students will be held Wednesday, January 30th, 7:00 p.m. at the school. DARE is a program sponsored by the Ithaca Police Department. Officer Doug Bowman of the IPD comes to the school every week to talk to the children about "drugs". He has become a "Big Brother" to them all. We are very appreciative to Doug and the Police Department. Everyone is invited to attend Graduation and find out all about the DARE Program. The PTA is planning another School Fun Fair May 19th. Our motto this year is "Help Put The Fun Back Into Fun Fair". PTA meetings are held at the Enfield Elementary School at 7:00 p.m.: February 7; March 7; April 4; May 2; June 6. New members are always welcome. Is anyone interested in writing a local "People" column for the newsletter? Several individuals have mentioned Enfield has a lot of people to be proud of (not just limited to our neighbors who are serving in the Gulf); who do things of interest to the Community. We "publish" 3 times a year (January, June and September) and you would need to write up those items of general interest about current or former community members. TAXES ARE INEVITABLE!! SENECA TAX SERVICE/SENECA COMPUTER SERVICES 6295 STRONG ROAD TRUMANSBURG. NY 14888 387-9522 REASONABLE RATES - AND - WE MARE HOUSE CALLS!! The Enfield Food Co-op (EFCO) has openings in its membership roster for three more families. The Co-op meets once every 3 months to order bulk foods and spices. In interested contact: Jean Scofield at 273-6381 or Tracy Saulagiver at 272-2135. The Enfield Food Pantry continues to operate from the Enfield Baptist Church every other Monday from 4 to 5 pm. The next distribution date is scheduled for 2/11/91. The participation in the program continues to increase but the loyal volunteers including Jean and Dave Owens, Eva Krayniak, Roger Brown, Isabelle Waring, Della Snyder, Fran Newhart, Bob and Carleton Thall, Mr S Mrs Norman Synder continue to meet the need. The Community thanks these volunteers for the many hours of physically demanding work they do to help the less fortunate of the community. 10 • FROM THE PEN OF THE PASTOR ---- From wonder to wrath! That's the way the mood changed on the day Jesus made his first public appearance in his hometown. In a word: they thought he was wonderful! But then he told them that God was working out a plan of salvation among the Gentiles. Suddenly, all their wonder turned to wrath! But that's how things are with human relationships, isn't it? For instance. Let's consider the churches of Enfield, New York. After all, she is composed, primarily, of humans. Like other human relationships, the one between pastor and people sometimes slips, haltingly, from wonder to wrath. People come to her for all the wrong reasons and leave her for the same. We expect her to right our wrongs, to heal our bad habits, to alter the consequences of our own carelessness. We see her as the spiritual ideal, the rock of security, the fortress of moral stability in a world of ethically shifting sand. Wonder! Then she disappoints us; she falls short of her high calling; she fails to meet our expectations; and we become disillusioned and discouraged. We question her depth of spiritual commitment. We criticize her apparent collapse. We furiously denounce her folly, failures, and seemingly ineffective efforts at ministry! Wrath! The way of the church becomes liken to human relationships. From wonder to wrath. But not with God! • With God all is reversed, turned upside down and inside out. God is familiar with us, because God has lived and breathed and walked and talked in our flesh. God has been with our eyes, heard with our ears, and spoken with our lips. God has felt the lift of acceptance and the drag of rejection. And God has seen and been touched by the very best and very worst of human nature. But never has God ceased to treat this human nature with anything but wonder! In fact, God has moved us from wrath to wonder in Christ our Lord. From wrath to wonder, from judgement to redemption, from despair to hope, from the wrath of death to the wonder of life. Don't you see. Through the wonder of love. Not just any love, mind you. But the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. A love that bears things others think unbearable, believes things others find questionable, hopes when others have yielded to despair and endures when others have fallen away. Such love turns fear to faith and wrath to wonder. year. Attend the church of your choice and make 1991 a real faithful From the pen of Earl E. Andrews, Pastor Enfield United Methodist Church