HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1990 february• ENFIELD NEWSio-0*0 February 1990 UNITED WAY SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC of Tompkins County FUNDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY UNITED WAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING The Enfield Community Council annual meeting was held on 1/17/90 at the home of Rhonda Connors; who was in charge of nominations. The Community Council was extremely fortunate this year because all of the previous year's officers returned. They are: Marnie Kirchgessner - President Brenda Smith - Vice President Helen Smith - Secretary Rosemary Pellegrino - Treasurer As you will read in this newsletter, the Committee Council, which is a not -for -profit volunteer agency continues to be very active in providing activities to the community. All residents of the Enfield community are considered members and everyone's participation is always welcome. To be added to our mailing list, call Helen Smith, 273-1689. • Enfield Community Council meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month. Everyone is invited to attend. The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, the New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and Your Donations. PLANNING FOR ENFIELD An eight member planning committee for the Town of Enfield, has been appointed by the Town Board. The purpose of this committee is to provide leadership and guidance with regard to growth and development in the Town of Enfield. Presently, the committee meets weekly at the Town Hall and welcomes input from Enfield residents. Meeting dates and times are publicized in the Ithaca Journal. Meeting minutes are posted on the Town Hall bulletin board and at the two local stores (Partners Market and Walley Corner). • The next meeting is at 7:30 pm'on Tuesday, February 20th. -2- ENRICHMENT PROGRAM • Enrichment activities to start on February 27. Our Enrichment Program will again run Tuesdays and Thursdays for ten weeks. The Science Program started 2/6/90 under the direction of Lillian Whiffen, but some vacancies still exist in the 4th and 5th grade session from 3:45 to 4:45. Joe Salzano will be returning with Kara Hagehorn on both Tuesday and Thursday doing musical stories and games with participants. Joe will be releasing a new record album on April 1st entitled 4 WINDSs a limited number of signed copies will be available. Part of the funding for these activities is because a decentralization grant awarded to the Town of Enfield by the NYS Council of the Arts; as a result of a grant application by ECC, Enfield. Ongoing problems with the bym ceiling have required the Community Council (and school staff!) to curtail the use of balls in the area for fear of falling ceiling tiles! For that reason, volley ball has been cancelled until further notice. We continue to look for safe organized gym activities to offer both enrichment and daycare participants. Other enrichment activities will include sewing and cooperative games. We continue to look for a volunteer to do latch hooking with the children on Tuesday and Thursday. Hester Covert donated a large number of canvasses and yarn to our program suitable for pillows or wall hangings; if anyone is interested in working with a limited number of children in this activity. We also continue to look for a gymnastic instructor. • All children are welcome to participate in Enrichment activities from 2 to 5, Tuesdays and Thursdays as space permits. Parents are responsible for transportation home. Please complete a registration form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERSCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM REGISTRATION Name (Program) Science Music Parents Name Other (specify) Address Date Age Birthdate Grade Home Phone Emergency Phone Doctor Doctors Phone# Allergies, Etc. I give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Community Council program. I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on our part. Donation $ Signature of Parent or Guardian • -3- Enfield Community Council awarded scholarship, program for after school Dav Care Program. The United Way has allocated $3,000 towards a scholarship program for the afterschool day care program run by the Enfield Community Council in conjunction with the Ithaca City School District. In the past because of the lack of retroactivity in day care assistance from the Department of Social Services families with emergency needs could not be served by the program unless they could pay the cost of $22.50/week. Now the Enfield Community Council can subsidize these families for up to 4 weeks until a decision is made about their eligibility in accordance with the following policy adopted at the 1/17/90 annual meeting of the council. PRESCHOOL The Enfield Community Council is proud to announce the reopening of its preschool program at the new community building under the direction of Jody Clark. Jody has worked for us before and has a natural talent with children. The program will operate 3 mornings a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) from 9:05 am to 11:55 am. A nominal fee is charged for this program ($30/month) and will be pro -rated for permanent parttime attendance. This program is partially funded from an award from the United Way. Please contact Rosemary Pellegrino 272-0190 if interested. In the past, the only requirement was the child be potty trained! . MUSIC INSTRUCTION Only one request for music instruction was received after our last newsletter was published; we are printing the following form to determine interest. MUSIC The Enfield Community Council wants to continue it's subsidized music instructions. If interested, return the following form to M. Kirchgesener, 191 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850. We will contact you to schedule lessons. Lessons are held at Enfield School. Please include the type of instruction you are interested in. Do not send money at this time. I, (or state other relationship) of name of parent do agree to pay $5.00 per half hour music lesson in advance of said lessons. I under- stand that the Enfield Community Council subsidizes these lessons in accordance with their policy and such subsidy cones from private fund raising efforts. Further, I acknowledge the Community Council is not in a financial position to provide full cost of these lessons and does not receive any state or town money to do so. Child's Name Address Date & Time of Lesson: • Teacher Age Phone Signed Dated -4- • AFTERSCBOOL DAYCARE 11 It was with deep regret that the ECC accepted Sonja Schreiber, Afterschool Program Director's resignation. Sonja started with the Daycare Program since its inception and her work was greatly appreciated. As anyone knows, ten hour days' with children can get to anyone! It is always easier for someone to tell someone else what needs to be done and differences result. We hope Sonja is enjoying her hard earned "vacation" and hope she will return in other capacities in the future. After running an advertisement for a Director, the Community Council was delighted with the amount of positive response received but after consideration of all factors involved, it was decided to appoint Dianne Lovelace, Administrative Coordinator, ActingDirector until the end of the current school year. A limited number of openings are still available in our Daycare Program. To enroll your child; contact Dianne for registration forms. Additionally, a non-refundable registration fee of $20.00 is now re- quired. The rate is $4.50 per day and remains the best daycare bargain in the Ithaca School system. A limited amount of scholarship money is available. Ask staff for details. Parental observations are always welcome and the program is eli- gible to receive funds from the Department of Social Services. This program operates daily from 2 pm to 5:30 pm and on school conference and early dismissal days. SUMMER CAMP -- PLANNED At the 1/90 Enfield Community Council meeting it was determined to reoffer the position of Summer Camp Director to last year's Director. Mary Ann Burgess-Puhalka and as many of last year's summer workers who would like to return. As of this date, Ms. Burgess-Puhalka has accepted and begun the planning/rehiring process. On 2/13/90, representatives of Enfield Community Council met with Nan Brown, Principal of Enfield School, to discuss the use of the building for summer camp. Ms. Brown advised, that because of planned and much needed construction on the building it would not be available again this year. The Community Council will be asking for the ACS site again because it worked so well last year. The United Way again granted us funding for transportation as we anticipated this possibility last year. If we want to change last year's bus route we need to plan now. Please send a note to M. Kirchgessner, 191 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 with your suggestions and we'll try. If intersted in employment, call any member of Enfield Community Council. Swim instructor/lifeguards wanted. The Community Council is always interested in new program ideas. • Both a dog training obedience course and a local children's theatre arts group have been suggested; once the Town receives its permanent occupancy permit for the "new" Community building. Please contact any community member with your program ideas or better yet attend a meeting! -5- ENFIELb TOWN NEWS • At its 1/3/90 Town meeting, the Town Board passed the following: Organizational Resolutions: 1990 Town Board meetings to be held first wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm, Town Hall. Tompkins County Trust Company to be the official bank. The Ithaca Journal to be the official newspaper. 1990 APPOINTMENTS: Deputy Supervisor - Robert Linton Deputy Town Clerk - Linda Stilwell Deputy Highway Superintendent - Ronald McFall Town Attorney - Shirley Egan Historian - M. Clyde Hubbell Court Clerks: Carolyn Thall and Betty Poole Election Machine Custodians: James Bailey and Martin Schreiber Fire 6 Building Code Enforcement Officer - Roger Rumsey Etta Gray was re-elected Town Supervisor, as was Robert Linton Councilperson. Don Lovelace also joined the ranks as councilperson. Dale Townley was elected Justice of the Peace. All other elected officials continue in their positions. The Town of Enfield contracts with the ECC for local youth programs, but has also entered into a contract with the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau to provide Youth Programs at the same cost as Ithaca residents. These • programs include: One to One Outing Youth Council Youth Employment Servicea_. Craft Shop 6 Mechanical All -Stars Paul Schreurs Memorial Cafe Cayuga If you have any questions, call Allen Green, Youth Development Coordinator at 273-8364. ENFIELD HISTORIAN The Enfield Historian is compiling lists of Enfield related businesses. If you own or run a business in Enfield the Historian would be pleased to know about it. Also, if you as a resident of Enfield, own or run a business outside of Enfield the Historian would also like to hear from you. Your business card or information can be sent to the - Enfield Historian, 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. ATTENTION: Holders of building permits. There are several permits that are 3 to 5 years old. I would like to do whatever inspections that are necessary to complete them. Please contact me for these inspections. Roger Rumsey, • Code Enforcement Officer 273-8457 ar E January 30, 1990 Greetings from the Enfield Valley Grange; We have been busy, as usual, this fall. In November we hosted the Election Night Supper at the Grange. In December we catered the annual Firemen's Banquet. At our January meeting our guest speaker was, Tompkins County Assistant Dairy Princes, Kathryn Conroy. She gave an entertaining talk with a question and answer period. She also provided, with the help of Julia Homes, delicious refreshments. Also, at our January meeting, we voted to charter the Enfield Boy Scouts again this year. "A FARM FAMILY OUTLET IN ENFIELD???" The Grange has been approached by a member of the community about providing a place to have a "Farmers Market". We have been seriously considering the idea. This would be a place where area "farm families" could sell such items as produce and homemade items at a reasonable price. We will need to hear from vendors out there to see if there is an interest in such an undertaking. Please • call Sarah Carpenter (387-3392) weekdays; Bob or Leah Carpenter (387-6001) evenings and weekends if you are interested in being a vendor. We need to know how much interest there is in the community. We will be getting more information out as we get closer to spring. Looking forward to spring. Leah Carpenter, Master Enfield Valley Grange ENFIELD SENIOR CITIZENS Our last meeting was held on Tuesday, January 9th with 37 members present. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th. Election of neu officers will be held in the month of May. No bus trips planned until spring. Plans are underway for a plaque and a memorial book for deceased members. Saddened by the death of our beloved member Emma Kirpatrick. Helena Schaber recently returned from a five week trip to Alaska. No way to dispose of our garbage anymore as the Enfield Fire Company got rid of their dumpster? • 'Roger Brown S Helena Schaber Co -Presidents sm A public apology is in order. In our last newsletter, we thanked • last year's summer staff. Inadvertently, the name of Wendy Cole was missed! This was a terrible mistake because Wendy has been the best of employees and began working for ECC as a colunteer when she was 12. Wendy is well liked and always there when needed; so we want the record to show we do appreciate her! UNITED WAY NEWS A special thank you to Elsie Puhaka who completed this year's United Way Campaign for the Town of Enfield. Elsie went more than an extra mile by going door to door. The United Way has been very responsive to our local community needs offering additional funding for daycare scholarships and bus transportation for the summer program; as well as preschool, teen and enrichment funding. The United Way is currently looking for allocations team members. If interested, contact Susan Dale -Hall at the United Way. After more years than she cares to think, Marnie Rirchgessner will be leaving the United Way Board of Directors. Virginia Byrant will now represent the Town of Enfield on that basis. We anticipate Virginia will offer the same, considerate leadership as Marnie, that lead to such strong support by the United Way for local programing. ENFIELD FOOD DISTRIBUTION • Food distribution to residents of the Town of Enfield is held every other Thursday at the First Baptist Church of Enfield Center from 4-5 P.M. February distributions will be held on the 8th and 22nd of the month. We serve over 100 low income families in Entieid every two weeks, plus deliveries in emergencies by volunteers to famiiiVswho are completely without food. About 50% of the expenses for this food purchased at minimal cost from the Elmira Food Bank) comes from Federal, State and County funds. The other half must come from private donations. If you can help, your tax exempt donation may be sent to Enfield Food Distribution, 134 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. 2EAN 73- 5682 S • enf etb 8�hurc�jes THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a little church with big dreams. We dream of growth in attendance and membership, and we dream of having a Sunday School program and an active choir. Fellowship at our church is warm and the members are faith- ful and committed. During the past few months members have snared their own faith stories with the rest of the church. There have been several fellowship dinners throughout the year. During Christmas we packed boxes for some people in the community who needed to be remembered at the holiday season. The Women's Group has been active with on -going projects including bake sales and cookbooks and the Annual May Dinner. Nancy Rehkugler has been serving as pastor of our church since August, along with the assistance of Bill Corbin. Nancy is a seminary student from Dryden and Bill is a certified lay speaker from Ithaca. We dream of someday putting new siding on the church to improve the appearance and lessen the maintenance. We dream of greeting many new faces. 4 • But most of all, we dream that the story of Christ, the word of God, will be heard among all people so that the Kina_dom of God will come upon the earth! ADULT LEARZVSZVG at the First Baptist Church of Enfield Center 134 Enfield Main Road Would you enjoy a class of discussion and Bible Study? If so, welcome to the adult group which will start within the next week or so under the leadership of the pastor, the Reverend Wilson Small. If you would like to be advised of starting date, please call 273-2175, 272-6518, or 273-5682. The present program for children during the sermon time at Morning Worship will continue, plus Church School from 10:00 A.M. to 70:45 A.M., with the newly organized adult class at the same hour, just prior to the 17:00 A.M. Sunday service. While ours is an American Baptist Church. those of other denominations are cordially invited and do already worship • with us in Christian unity. is • The annual Enfield Harvest Festival has come and gone for another year. It is time to sit back and reflect on this years event. With the cooperation of the Enfield Valley Grange and the Town of Enfield, the Enfield Community Council sponsored a successful event. The Friday night auction held in the "Old Fire Station" proved to offer something of interest for everyone attending. Through the assistance of local volunteers a large number of businesses were asked to donate merchandise. On top of these generous donations, local residents donated treasures from their attics. All of these donations deserve a round of applause. On Saturday, local groups and vendors came together to provide entertainment for the Community. Again a special thanks to the Enfield Valley Grange and the Town for use of their facilities. The Grange Hall was the site of a luncheon and space for many groups and vendors to set up shop. The Old Fire Hall not only housed exhibits during the day, but proved to be an excellent spot for the dance held in the evening. The list is long for those to thank individually, so we say THANK YOU to all for partic- ipating and making the event successful. Let's make a date for next year's Annual Festival, right now! Anyone interested in planning the Harvest Festival should contact the Enfield Communitv Council. Agway BfiC Merchants erchants Center Hossmer winery Nicholas Pellegrino Hubs Place - Petes Burger King Cakes by Linda Citizens Savings BAnk Codeington Restaurant Corner Book Store Country Caboose Cudlins Meat Market Mr. Donut Eddydale Farms Friendlys Greentree Helen Jackson -Hair Techniques Pizza Hut Joes Restaurant Lucas Winery McDonald's Mary Kay Cosmetics McGuire Gardens M&M Auto Peter Moore Auto Repairs Partners Market Neno's r3. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Silk Oak Skytop Antiques Salsa - Joe Smith (Modeen's) TOPS Valley House Restaurant Valley Korner Wegmans Wendy's Woolworths Indian Creek In our last newsletter, we asked for individuals to send us listings for a Community Bulletin Board. We want to thank Town Historian, Jack Hubbell for much of what follows. Jack collects signed business cards and provided many listings for us. Please update us if information is incorrect; we want to run a Community Bulletin Board periodically as a community service. Send new information, additions or changes to: Enfield News, %M. Kirchgessner, 191 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY. A business card is not required to be added to our listing. -10- • • µTRY LEMMAMN Q '— • T. .r • Dnwl QUmTS AND WORKSHOPS O KSHOPS FOR waaGaG la. '� ' 7�7 a oar. a, HLr ueee HYPNOSIS COUNSEUNO CENTER OF ITHACA rlrv4n aeoswur aualoNs Hare M[OU. Maw CNGNw NaWYN.FI.I tu9.ECR`fw9VW W lean man+e Gi579 CAUPnw's$�c1j-I(p 'df� rs FM Anything to do witb Dirt or Stone About Time Land Maintenance Co. 98 Applegate Rd, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Owner/Presldeat vvorkina for the tntlepmdeea�weee (607) 277-7938 MARY O. LINTON '` •• M"sO 4U IKY KSt11V[ilge vu INFIELD Q W[R 11w0 IYNKn. """'a C fW191.111I JERRY'S ARCHERY SHOP III appME W M.b i 607-272-6412 nn.G. NY faMO N � . BITl1. • 81PYa . NW Y1} CAKES BY LINDA W12 Err4M Ra • wVGL N.Y ✓�/',[jam//�7� uwW FMu U (ea7f mans PETE'8 AUTO REPAIR 610 046H ROAD ITHACA. AIN /4850 y^ IBM 2734153 WI T6[%r _ J&7 Gny Rwd Na. Yank 14850 (907)M7129 Lily Hill Bed.& Bre4fizst KUMA NIGHT CLUB r.. I[OP OLIV[IU �Me bTaT lay SUE THOMPS Historic Research neelogy, Mysticism Qom: ihrw5%,. 487 Enfield Center Ithaca, New York 1< YBBM ` . c.....r arue Fawvca NIMY na..asa VALEHR KENNELS we.� woonMalwvlwsaaR s � u •a F.... a G..x v.lae •e n.. Rml nary HUBBELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY e[K4L cGlilllRdt uctNUGfftcrenv. Lvaatw roeta rDIE a.aNa. nuootw CNY1(E MIKty. DMYYta KI M..O 0.� 1wIA KNaM CharadeT BteIR CiOIIBCIA H.W. LANDON I lest aNGwaGp.a R[ rosy, Na. roe tleeo lenl ri-d9yl _ ma.e.ga Glut 644 EnUeld Falls Rd.. MIecs. N.Y. 14850 ENFIELD FAMILY CARE A HOh7E FOR THE OLSABLED (we CAREI UN a NA CY HOOVER - Ow,ala 607-272-9110 In response to our request for names for our babysitter list only 2 persons called. Where are the babysitters? • KRAUS Farrier 5upply Inc. MR v7alu xr 1uN 11 KREATIVE KEEPSAKES OhotO al bump—framww—baby at for SPECIAL OCCASIONS by L➢IS NCCRAY ,i •� �� 62 HARVEY HILL R➢. ITHACA.N.Y.14830 107—:7= =41 M E4 - im--- NY tNlO '7✓ M R' znaW -�'DR1YE A UTTU AND SAVE A LOT- N4--H�_7►UMSALFS �yyBnri�4y�ABIRElU.iA�A�OALLe+1:�' .a7yn.Ep7�-.eow1+�3 ' OWNED a OPERATED By KEN i OR a� a �a a, 3.yy laaq hpAax, nO. �x.a.xc�t) KARL N. IAEH"SC 4 N.ye3 N. 3T3•TTa 28 Roolwell Rd. am E9raw. ywwww NCw Alv. waEKDwBwr9M L..r .N.MD.9a,vc Alvayr AAr7xM urq tWwp N.Nw Sew AViw.n 8 8 L MERCHANTS CENTER 21 TN.C. wyU r ppx0 �ry .MAY0.u." .No .rpx.f M(LLL NOIR . ry.we15NMY E115 D. Wa3Ms OVN tEGw3CVxi mi.il]IOH N.x3 M.xr� EFw r_Tµ•V.G.� 1/1-9I31 9/1-12/31 TWAS, a r111. NoK rwl. 0.9m ".M an Br ArIT, S.T 9-N00N ENFIELO GUN SHOP BUY. BELL MADE 63 TRUMBUL1.5 OWNERS IJuST DFi ATE 3271 607-267w Gam+-!w/j U DAN'S FUEL SERVICE n.NNr wrN,us.. u.Np Fces. O.L. Neww.a.. nn.Nu3E. meal, ruu. N..r u.r xw.p Y,w NCRYNuuM No.n IeN.e.� \3. 1'u.a Ix]O •WT CTYYtlT. PAMELA J. KARNER. V.M.D. nRw3Aww vsraRlN.wr saRV,ew. ulna . xaN.o . wm w...An ..3 NAm Nan. ITA... A" .a.. 1.... ew w..eT.a2a.u.. .No......aw. Hillandale Golf Course Mary NovlCkae 218 North Applegate Rd. 273 - 230 1 RUMSEY-LOOMIS MACHINE �31, Y.OWMupb iTa¢ Nr 1410 NI%13Yly.f STAY wlY6fl' pµE=AAS wMyeE, RAla G .-- -`TSC'1N78bfiiae�� -RErbean RsichIning. RepE1r and -. :- Prctctypea.,K AWa Wi � p�IAE�)�p�TT2-1172 ��1 r HILL MANOR FARM KENNEL D & J PAVING BLACICIt7P PAVING & SEALMG GRAVEL & CRUSHED SMNE 607-272-1333 :rr r FREE ESTWA1'E£ A R G NGpLLN a.. MAN0.w N.EW F3 x.3YE. 01" .aA. .N.A. I.." tfi.3N3 IrA . R.T. IHw -12- • • • PVTOCRAFT in AW cawsxm a AUTO e & RWAIR ears 31T I1SE erlNe FNe EeNI NPwe,Ed NY IYn fW.T)l-IDOD Polish Shampoo W. BAYS BODY SHOP wo9•s xtot w9e•c•.e.s e GLr 1tNm LE,M N.Y NX (FO]1T15Y151 ,1OHNNY'S WHOLESALE SERVICE CONCRETEE� SYTEM. 510MABLOCKS PIASnC PIPE a I TrINGS them 2724MI 56 S. APPWQWEL Ed. CenW.d—EnwFpfv 9151 nheu. N.Y. 14"A Mr. M Auto Services w•cYYnvx fo exw.ucunYxe l>t.•]af n.u4 Y>�.f1e0 RENO'S WATER WORLD ,415.4 ,/ay key ?d Gag-sa3-��9 it 101ali-laa - Sasdy Creels Mobile HofNe Pa A 6 Sales, Itu. r SINGI L DOUBLE AIW OoouF,,A NOBLES 92 1".24•. 2E' MOE$ THE YAN OE MA,ss EDDYDALE FARMS sm. Wes vwn 2or YEO[LOeYIPRODUCE Of iIY.F[x q,lli ]fw TF.fc,\xT ,Nm xn-xv IIwYM F.Yp,fx„MfIY �j_ Gary's Auto Upholstery corner of RT. 79 a APPle4ere RA. Ifheee.Now, Yolk Doug Willis Garage 198 Black Oak Rd. Phone♦ 273.0285 I 272 - 2072 ' �NSOAT 6 coy.,, 40 P,, c PnssmT-2n-mn - •eFN•rs,E,e. o PePE Little Folks Daycare . goes• sra aos,. ME Rsrsw wr. •es.r•swo.Pesm. Melody Adal ' •R•Elsrer gEWPie1lEYeel wen 411 Hayts Rd. R _ — 1 272 - 1822 .=��•_ - =sj Enfield Auto Repairs ` "RYPl C6femNrk.'S 6021 Don Munroe ..- 386 Enfield Main Rd. 273-8919 -ENFIELD CHICKEN RANCH vhnnuewfw�nr. ,lf FIY/YIY,f IYs hY,Nfe ,m>,2>Jdfef comovafwem Am S. Rider C� 277.3478 ""E'f WY Nw Tvf IN1D We have frozen stewing chickens for $1.75 each. Call 272-2241 -13- 0 • Green MMSERY A WI10EN CENTS Jemn 30e heNerrT(son oT 666 teaMN Newhart's Lodge Frances Newhart 172 Griffen Rd. 272 - 1908 Tender Loving Care Play School Annie Marshall 186 North Van Dorn Rd. 272 - 6648 Kyrle's Baroer Shop Kenneth Burlew 502 West State St. Wy„ Ly Wt(607)2lrNM Fwel a lmww ooB.reraa Wasson znaa:9 ' Sntaia �. cSlvilzet P�eseuvr BeNls. Cosed un! 323 6Wll oak Ra . what, NY lease Conic of RL 79 dr RL 3=12i� � "s 607-273-2945 LoUD. Groceries Bea de Soda T118t5W 7 days a wL �".. •; -.=.Igr.o- %mzo toput >_KORNER _STOREk. 2102 Med denbtag Road. ="'" 607-273.6015 ''fie . Gas a Groceries-aIce � Been,. -6 Soda--Subs--.•Snacks;:..,. !N.(rlemws 1607137YSe99 FENTON'S Ba(uv 6 U](c SdYce W Ns Tee LwS.or Too Isum vws R.Le a.7ri.e T'sr seem, N•esl1M DICKINSON FARM SUPPLY sus ase Se—ce MASSEY-FERGUSON ® J Ola Metkgnauf9 Rd RI .79. ❑Na.s. NY 1-e0T-3T]-aR96 C� D 1L .. NOT I L E ENFIEED BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER is now: ROGER RUNSEY 182 SNEFFIELD ROAD 273-8A5] PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK Plesae call to be sure you ` are caapI ing with the code. JEAN M. SCOFIELD , s16a TOWN CLERK ollb NNea50 n 1. Jessen'l Is W 1 11 Ra rue. 6 rsNu. 6.oa all-6.W We McFs NY 9sWe9 990 eT 1 oo m °Kale (on 27NM59 The Go+herm3 Rote Ooy Care a Child !k`yGieSpineni Col.nc+l 60q W. Clir5+ae5 a 2l3 - o25q HOUR, McNey.TL(esdmde Thundery ..91-I+30 Wednesday 3.3o-1:3, 211p5A+Ur4sy of mch rt0ani11 \O- (bon m uNoa90NY/] ­eowta DE DALE A. TOWNLEY SENECA COMPUTER SERVICES rat Mrto9 • raucas aNa SeaN Re.a r,wWefe, Nr �.eu Iwnlwwea I!6 (Mfl(LO YYN Iq(O i6%1 }]1]N3 KFMe"r.W M1IyiW a Frxwn iMfC4 Mr 141O eppyve MW(!nw GA�19alwe.ela ENFIELD MOWER SERVICE Be ready for Spring! Labor $12.50/hour. Call 272-2241