HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1989 February Enfield NewsENFIELD NEWS
• Feb
The Enfield Cor.L.unity Council has new officers:
,.arnie girchgessner - President
Diane Lovelace - Vice President
Tose-ary Pe_legrino - Treasurer
Helen SE.ith - Secretary
of Tompkins County
The Enfield COI`I.unity Council is a non-profit organization
whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational,
social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth
of Enfield, and to involve parents and other residents of
the commun_ty in the prograL.s and meeting the objectives of
the organization.
To fund our prograz.s the ECC receives I:oney fror_ the ToFpY_ns
County United Way, The New York State Division for Touth,
The Town of Enfield, the New Tory State Council for the Arts
through the Torpkins County Decentralization Prograc., Pund-
raising, Fees and Your Donations.
Open ;:.setings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every c.onth.
• :'eetings a:e t.e_d a-� ELfield S�hoci ur a notice will be
posted on the door. To be added to our mai_ing list, call
He -en Si.ith at 273-1689. Everyone is welcome.
The Enfield Cormunity Council has been providing progracn.ing
for children since its incorporation in 1 77. Since 1;82
ECC has taken an active role in addressing the needs of
"latch key" children by conducting 7-ore and :ore of _to program
activities in ti-.e Enfield School between the hours of 2:00 p.m.
and 5:00 p.m. In Septe--'.ber of 1988 ECC began operation of a
5 day a week, paid afterechool day care prograr, between 2:00 p.-.
and 5:30 P.L. school days. ECC began with a registrat on of 9
children and currently has a registration of 22 children with
a fall ti�,e staff of three. A maxiL u _ nu: ber of 24 children
will be allowed to register to=aintain a staff ratio of 1:8
(currently within state guidelines). At such a ti-e when
24 children should be accepted a "wait -vacancy list" shall be
established; if at any ti-e this list should increase to 6
children an addition- staff :e.ber --ay be hired to accocodate
waiting fa,. -lies and the :._axir_ui.. nu ber of children increased
to 32. No further increase ..ay occur without the review of
the co -...unity council and afterschool progra_. director.
Since the inception of our afterschool activities prograr`. the
goa_ has been to provide supervised educational, social and
recreational activities. This continues to be the goal of the
• afterschoo- day care. The prograe site will be Enfield Eler.entary
School in areas designated by the principal.
Quality chid care wil- be provided with a diverse schedule of
activities as well as access co other enrichL.ent aetiT-ties.
Children will be supervised at all t:L.es. Participants are
expected to obey the direction of supervising staff at all
ties. Snack will be provided.
The progra;., wil_ operate frOL_ 2:00 p.L.. to 5:30 p.::.. on regular
school days and from 12:00 to 5:30 P•:* on early dismissal
days. FuL day coverage will only be alai -able when participation
erits it cost effective.
• The fee schedule is based upon a flat week-y rate of U.00 a day
whether or not your child attends. (7e are not offering part-
ti e or drop -in care at this t i e). There is a $2.00 extra
charge for early disLissal days. Parents of participants :.ust
co.p-ete a registration/contract prior to ch_ld's acceptance
in progra:. Fee pay: -.eats .ust be Lade weekly. The program
operates on a self supportive, nonprofit basis and depends
upon ti ely and complete payment of fees.
Our afterschool day care prograr:. d`rector is Sonja Scrieber
and her loyal staff is Pat Tteeker and Rhonda Connors. We
are look ng for additional "substitutes" for these posit-ons;
if interested contact either Dianne -�ove_ace at 272-4229 or
Sonja at Enfield School. The position pays $4.50 per hour
froi:. 1:45 to 5:45 p.i- , daily.
Our progra:: has been accepted by the Ithaca School District
as part of t:.eir systeL. to be eligible for funding from the
Department of Social Service. Sonja will be attending training
by the Department of Social Services and the Day Care Council
to learn :ore about the particulars but working people within
the following guidelines should be eligible.
F&L:il.T Size Gross Family Income
For more information and/or registration forts for this prograz,
contact Sonja.
The Enfield Corgi unity Council is relooking at its afterackool
enrich:ent/activities program.. It is our objective to bring the
children a variety of opportunities that they Light not have
otherwise. Current-y we are developing a 2 day a week program.
Childcare children 7.aT Darticivate but an additional enclosed
registration is required.
7e will definitely haTe gymnastics on Thursdays starting 2/9/89.
The instructor will be Rob Groff, a junior at Ithaca College.
Rob comes highly recommended. His classes will tentatively be
3:00 to 3:45 L-1
3:45 to 4:30 2-3
4130 to 5:15 4-5
5:15 to 6:15 Pre% (ti:e reserved for 2 groups depending on
6:15 to 7:00 addle school and teens
Children should coi_e dressed in appropriate attire.
Children :::ay stay at the school on this day for other activities
such as sewing, science, arts and crafts projects and ansic BUT
• please on-y have your child stay if they are interested. fore
details will come ho::e through school. These progra;Ls are free
but donations are cheerfully accepted.
We are also punning "special event Tuesdays". Our first
special event will be a musical program conducted on Tuesday,
February 21st frog. 2 to 5 with Joe Salzano and friends at the
Enfield School. we hope to offer a variety of events including
field trips; if successful . ore wi_1 be purred. Later in
Spring we hope to sponsor so_e additions- outdoor sports. If
you have ideas or talents you'd like to share, call ::arnie
K=rchgessner at 272-2241 or better yet, co:e to our next neeting!
2%.ily sports are offered at Enfield School gr-.
7 to 9 Volleyball Mondays & Wednesdays
7 to 9 Basketball Thursdays
Is would like to offer sli:nastics again if we find an instructor.
Interested?? Cal- Dianne Lovelace at 272-4229
Connie Sterling is wil-ing to teach piano. If interested, return
following form to Varnie Kirchgessner at 191 Enfield lain Rd.,
Ithaca, N.Z. 14850. Connie will contact you to schedu_e lessons.
Lessons are held at Enfield School. If you are interested in a=qy
other instru._enta, send us a note. We have the possibility of
other teachers.
I, (or state other relationship) of
name of parent
do agree to pal $5.00 per half hour :usio
name of ehiid
lesson in advance of said lessons. I understand that the Enfield
Cow unity Council subsidizes these lemons in accordance rith
their po-icy and such subsidy coies from private fund raising
efforts further. I acknowledge the co:..:unity council is not in
a financial position to provide ful_ cost of these lessons and
does not receive any state or town money to do so.
Child's name Age _
Phone Signed:
Day & TiLe of lesson:
Enfield Community Council Program Registration
Name . Program
Parents Name
Age Birthdate Grade
Home Phone Emergency Phone
Doctors and Phone
Allergies, Etc.
I give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Community Council Program. I
understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or injuries,
unless there is negligence on our part.
Donation $
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Su. L:er ProgaaL. - Planning Update
Because planned asbestos reLoval, the Enfield Schoo_ will
not be aTailable for a su..er ca.p. We are busy planning
alternatives and hale asked last year's director, --ori Churc'A-1
and assistant director, Judi Switzer to accept this challenge.
ieetings are planned to discuss alternatiTes. We are coL...itted
to soc.e type of su: i er prograL..
Any teens or adults interested in suer e:.p-oy_ent should
contact 'arnie Kirchgessner or Dianne Lovelace for an e.ploy-Lent
app_ication in :ay.
We hope to hale :.ore details in our next newsletter in June.
Please contact Cathy DelSignorie at 387-6756. Or wr_te
544 W. Enf'_eld Center Rd., Trm.ansburg, N.Z. 14886, if you are
interested in a preschool group, We are still trying to locate
space but would like to deter_.ine interest.
If you would be interested in or would like a copy of the job
description for the position of ad:..inistrative coordinator for
the Enfield COL -unity Council, we are looking $or so.eone to
file this position. stipend for this position is $2400 annually.
Call arnie Kirehgessner at 272-2241 for details.
Our thanks to Katie Knapp for typing, while recuperating
from surgery no less. Enfielders have gritll
■-r* � s-gar*;. * ** s� *ar,r *arir* �r,r*+*-r* �*-r�r* *-r�r*�r-�-�: �r �r*-Ica*+rt
SL:oke Detector with 9 Tolt battery $5,00 each. To order, call
Enfield Fire House - Thurs. eTeninge 7-9 - 272-8757
Town of Enfield Residents Onlyrt
Greetings from the First Baptist Church. We are excited about
the New Tear and all the opportunities that it brings.
We say opportunities because each situation that we encounter
can be dealt with in a positiTe manner. Problems can be
Tiewed as challenges, stumbling blocks can be seen as
stepping stones, and obstacles can be turned into opportunities.
This is true for all people in all cases but for the Christian
it is much core achievable. The Bible tells us that "with God
nothing is impossible" and "we can do all things through
Christ who strengthens us". The Christian has the framework
of faith — in which all things can work out for good. RoLans 8:28
tells us, "We know that in all things God works for the good
of those who love him, who hare been called according to his
At our Church we belieTe this and would like an opportunity
to share with you in a personal way.
You are inTited to worship with us on Sundays at 11:00 a.;.:.
Our little Baptist Church
Is in the Center of our Town,
If it could tell its histor,,
Most folks it would astound:
Originally it was across the road,
before its present site,
Horses such a structure moving,
must have been an awesome sight:
Part cf those that worship here
have been members all their days,
Some were baptised in the creek nearby,
one of the old-time ways;
The Brown and Krayniak families,
loyal members many years,
Faithful Warena goes South ath Ruth,
but returns when Spring appears;
Our Moderator, Roger Brown, is a Deacon
as conducts meetings very well,
with lots of dignity!
An efficient Clerk and Pianist
Jean is quite beyond compare,
And when alternate is needed,
Eva K. is usually there,
The balance of the OS&Accnata,-
Andy, David and Grace,
:!long with Eva Krayniak,
(No one can take her place)
For she is helpful everywhere,
and when she goes away,
Goa help us with our blunders,
until she returns, we prayl
We are impressed with our new pastor,
the Reve rend Wilson Small,
And his lovely wife, Pauline,
has a voice that thrills us all!
Without Marnie and Greg, -
will you stop and think?
There'd be no heat in the church,
or coffee to drink,
Plus all the volunteer work that they do -
along with Rhonda, Juanita.
Jean, Roger and David tool
!es we love our little church
with its steeple tall,
And inside its doors,
there's warm welcome for alll
and Trustee,
The Enfield United Methodist Church has undergone some changes in the
past year, but is alive and well!
We are fortunate to have Rev. Sheldon Stephenson, former pastor of
St. Paul's Church in Ithaca, as our pastor now. Should anyone need his services
for whatever purpose, he is available and can be reached at 387-5753. Or, you
can contact one of the church members and they will see that he is made aware of
your need.
The year in review:
Our annual spring buffet this past year was a huge success and we look
forward to another successful one this coming spring. We have continued to have
our regular bake sales at Willowood which the campers look forward to as shown
by the successful selling of all the "goodies" each time! In June we had a
service shared with the Baptists at Newhart's Lodge, followed by a dish -to -pass
dinner. (Enfield sure has good cooks!) We have a dish -to -pass dinner
immediately following services every 2-3 months, which is always looked forward to.
Our Christmas Eve service this year was a special time of fellowship and
family gathering. We had 61 worshipers, some of whom returned home from as far
as Alfred, Poughkeepsie, Ohio and Michigan!
Our choir continues with its music ministry.
We had a former Enfielder worship with us a few weeks ago - Bob Hornbrook -
who is now a Methodist Pastor in North Carolina. And, we recently had a special
guest speaker, Mr. Gordon Conklin, editor of the American Agriculturist.
Services are held at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday with a children's time (always
enjoyed by the adults!). We welcome all to join us in worship and fellowship
and look forward to seeing those of you whom we have not seen for some time as
well as those of you whom we have yet to meet.
Sophie Dean
w+r. xtart#ttsit�rts�iitirr r+F+F*++at+rat+:+* ■i..
Pastor, Mike Corriero
:[orning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Children's Church
During Service 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
7outh Challenge will be ministering at the *Toning service on
.!arch 5th at 7:00 p m . Refreshments and fellowship. Free
will offering for 7outh Challenge lUnistries.
All are most weleor:e at all services.
• Reporting froL. the Enfield Senior Citizens -
From Co -Presidents, Roger Brown & Helena Schaber
i.'eetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12:00 noon.
Average attendance - between 30 and 40 people.
There are no trips until later this year. In October we
traveled to PA. and visited museuand lunched at Fry Bros.
Turkey Ranch in Trout Run, PA.
Our secretary, Era Krayniak is in Parris, Texas with her
ailing eon, Paul.
Our treasurer, Frances LaBombard is in Rochester at her son,
Richard's home recuperating from head surgery.
Several of our loyal members are down South until Spring.
Fran Newhart is in Florida for a L:onth.
EL.=a Kirpatrick won the raffle of a beautiful afgan made by
Eunice Beardsley.
Newfield Senior Citizens, Edith Belnap, Helen Tompkins,
Barbara ;.tacintire and Anita Koosman usually attend our meetings.
Our August L-eeting is always held at Newhart's Buck Hill Lodge.
Taken in five new members in the past year and have lost
three meL.bers due to death.
• The meals are so lavish at our meetings that no supper is
required for that evening.
The Enfield Food Distribution has been distributing food to needy
Enfielders since 1982, Approximately 100 families receive food
every other Tuesday at 4:00 p.m, at the Enfield Baptist Church.
A pantry also operates out of the church which responds to food
Food for the distribution is gotten from the Southern Tier
Co=.unity Food Bank located in Elmira. In 1982 the food was
free. Eventually the food bank began charging for the food
to cover their operating expenses. The cost for purchasing
this food has risen to the present 10o per pound. During 19ee
over 40,000 pounds of food were distributed.
The food distribution relies on private donations for funding.
We are seeking help from the community so we can continue to
serve the needy of Enfield.
Please send your donations to: Enfield Food Distribution
c/o Enfield Baptist Church
Enfield 1-sin Road
Ithaca, N.T. 14850
Questions - Contact Jean Owens, Director, Enfield Food Distribution
Rapp. 1939 to Cnryona
Slow progress is being made an our project to cab
the Old .ire House into a Tow Community Building.
MACY on..... will heve to be Medo far In. building
to at the Pit. 6 Building Code. We ate planning
on using volunturs for sou of that work. If .o;
are Interested in helping, please step foewardl
Ylutever assistance you can offer will be appreciated.
Me Tow Used womb... mud re bur fro residents
J...". 1939
on the .ubj.ec of "ZO.ing" and "Plaminf. Enfield
Dear Enfield Resimato,
me u control over development at this point. Without
Cccomplr yet 1988the
was a v.ry st[Sve year ores the standpoint of the amuse
*omm ngulacim*. it 3mpnutbL to geld* the Caw into accomplished by ch. ft.pkim Canes[. Board t of ..p....... Representatives. Certelow.inly navy
prggrmm* affected ReEteld valRevtr, Just • [er an n.Ctionsd being.
the fat... ET."o.m is aver. of the problems fated
Iv early spring, t the Rev Toro Bca[t Polls. usesti . sacollit- emergencies
station ac me
by .ryaesimm. no situa[1mm Lpaeea nn re" Meinremec.. wet
soot ehor helping ee shorten". Also
time for is and
for chow
vest and Shope that
of a locA Lab. .LLD pleb ma im[nls and the statism hams
o sent sources and on the school.. Please call Des it I. the hops that the losstlov will help darer crime.
(or Coro) of the Tow Board mnders And aspress your
opinion... Andy Kraft..... 272-7903 Bob LSnro...273-9161
owls Krec.....272-5229 Etta Gray....273-M62
er Lam Lmosm,
Toes Used Rmetinge sr. hold an the first wdmsdsy of
each much. at 7:30 p.m.. at Tow Hall. Case co . "sing.
Mash yam.
is now:
Recycling is a topic of conversation rvarywhor.. Me pilot prngaas have base
very successful and we hope to increase our recycling program whoever possible.
IDS. pCC,C. I. .."amry vhan we op.. ch. sew landfill and Central prec... mg
facility and " tame as we are learning the uch.nlc. to cargou[ chase efforts,
w are caking an met areas. Certainly Des can understand how Important thew
offoree are to inen... no life of the Case Tongkim Canty landfill.
Me landfill siting and construction has been sell cwesad in the ocve Media this
Came year, so I will vat Mention Such here. Rev.ver. I =at .47 that the creation
of the Citisens' Advisory Committee for the mz[ landfill lase been both active
and positive. IDev* are realdenta on the committee from the Immediate area around
the it. es sell ea ..try La"n Iron Eeoa. Freewill., and Dqd... I an
the 1Lun between the Used sad the comm rt... so I am sell avac* of the tremendous
somunt of valuable work does by this committee. It is responsible for working
w;ch the Board end giv.zg inpa: 1n the •rose of planning, Cooruction. daily
operations, *vvtemmancal costing, and eventually the closure plan. KY hat is
aft to thou Many dedicated persons that have carved.
1 ACoeher committee created In I9U was the Construction Moesgeunc Committee.
Chair r apsonsibilicy is co menu large capital projects such es contracts for
eta r... ti.. of eai.tin stene cocoa or ch. building of me follicles such a.
cha Metal Health facility proposed on cbe Sncosection of Gnu and Tioga Sires..
mar W Ivortha. Alan this committee will wane the construction of the n
landfill. This has bees a veq busy committee a" it links like cha[ activity
level rill conclave in the "" future.
Please call to be sure you
are complying with the code.
I wish that I ce IA close on a me* positive Core concerning tear*, but an
bomse Appraisal duo we eat forth a happy message. We had to increase our
budget mad csm load to the residents for may reasons. Solid puce 1* by far
the largest tiugl* itmm caning that increase. Both landfill closer*. a"
landfill coasRvetlav I. cooly des to regulation eo..Inz them. (As a ..I..
w Meet pay for a" great" "or the recent decades sad de what Is ..Co..."
to pte.orvs out fragile environment - especially me was[ cable)."
Ever Increasing social service oape"a also Seat be budgeted. Uvfortuestely
Men, of th... uevleea are Me".red by the Seat. of Kev York. however, the
.rate W federal raveoue .haring has greatly decreased in recent years.
totting ne to pick up the coon locally.
Although I expov[ the mat year or two to be very tough b"get via*, the aCo...,
in Tv+klne Coma appure to be goad. D.mmployBent Is ch* lowest in cm Stec@,
and sales tax r.vamte has been dmrwing each year which assists greatly for
your tow of Wield budget a" the County budget.
MAY I wish you. Des and .11. a veq healthful a" proesevoua 19691
Thank ym.
Bess Regard,.
Daniel K Winch
County Representative
Dear Enfield Resident -
Did you know that Enfield has a building code? It does and this letter
will try to answer some questions about the building code.
What is this building code?
This is actually the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building
Code. This code is a set of standards and regulation governing the
construction and maintenance of private and public buildings. The code
covers such things as: structural elements, space req irenents, fire safety
requirements, plumbing, electrical, heating, and ventilation. The purpose of
this code is to insure that all construction work done in New York State is
done uniformly and to minimum safety standards.
Why does Enfield participate in the NYS Building Code?
The enforcement of the code is a state law. But the state gave each
locality the option of doing their own enforcement. Enfield elected to take
responsibility for administering the code through the building code
enforcement officer that is hired by the town board.
Why should I conform to this code?
The most obvious reason is the 52R0.00 fine that may be levied for non-
compliance. But the more important reason is the requirements that slow the
• spread of fire; protects life by allowing for escapes in case of fire, safe
wiring and plumbing and sturdy framework; and reduces energy through minimum
insulation requirements.
Another important incentive for complying with the cede is the
certificate of occupancy that. you receive after completing your project.
fibre and more have buyers are looking for this document. If it does not
exist, it puts you the seller at a disadvantage.
How much does this program cost the taxpayer?
Theorect.ically, there is no cost to the taxpayer. The permit fees are
designed to cover the cost associated with the code enforcement.
If you have further questions, contact your town board or Don Barber,
the Enfield Code Enforcement Officer. Please comply with the town ordinance
requiring a building permit for all new construction and maintenance
pmiects. why not use the collective knowledge found in the NYS Uniform Fire
Prevention and Building Code when attempting your next construction project.
it will make your place safer and isn't that reason enough?
Sat. 9am-12pm
Closed July 2 and Sept 3
16W Enfield Center Rd.
/ 0
Mobile DJ Service
331 Enfield Main Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14860
Daniel S7 RoyZn B 1e
G;X m 2
Bell's Convenience Food
Tarry & Teresa Manheim
614 Elmira Rd.
Gasoline, Propane, Firewood,
Groceries and Fastfoods
• Fresh eggs delivered to your door.
S,1ed. 75A,
Large 900
X-Large 31.00
Brown & White eggs - free ran birds
Stewing chickens $1.00
Call Greg if interested - 272-2241
711 W. Cunbn SL
Pnmwa Gant wea Bu k"
Ithaca, NY 14a30
(Wn 272-1261
Praone - Butaux - Corpmaaon
GenrN Accour nj a Tun
1e♦'k,rsxx x 3txxxxTrx tlFti
Mower Repair Service
Small engine repair and used equipment - Call 272-2241 - Ask for Greg.
P.O. Box 164, Ithaca, New York 14851
(607) 272-1616 (Crisis)
Why do we have to be abused? Why
does abusing a woman make a man feel
so macho? Why does he say he is sorry,
and then turn around and abuse her
again? Why do we believe him? There
are so many why's when there is abuse.
We don't understand what we have
done wrong. We try to stick it out no
matter how many times we get abused.
Fear is the main factor in abuse. We
love the guy and are afraid to leave. We
take abuse in a lot of different ways.
The man thinks we have to take it. To
the man, he thi nks abusing a woman is a
big joke, a joke that doesn't turn out well
for the woman. He is dumb and thinks
that abusing a woman is a way of life.
P.O. Box 312
Ithaca, New York 14851
A woman can take so much, we just
aren't supposed to be abused, so why
does it happen? We just keep taking the
abuse over and over.
We feel like we haven't anyone to
turn to. For us at times this is a losing
battle. We know that the word abuse
wasn't in our wedding vows. Why does
the man take it on himself to abuse us
then? What is wrong when he does this
He has his set ways and you don't
matter. The man thinks he has a reason
for the abuse, but he isn't going to let
you know. That would hurt his macho
image. He feels like he has full control
over what we do and say. If you try to
change this image, he will abuse you.
Like I said before, a woman can take
so much and she does get the courage to
leave. She seeks the help she needs. She
finds that there are other women who
share her problem. There is life without
abuse. We just have to take each day at
a time. The road ahead does get
brighter. We are going to make it.
Those of you with children will have
problems, but they are problems that can
be solved with help. It is hard starting
over again. We are meeting new friends
who are very caring. I am not saying
that you won't have the urge to go back;
I know you will. Please fight that urge.
You know the hell that you have been
through. We all took a big step when we
left. I know that if I didn't want a
happier life, I would have stayed. Hold
your head up and be proud. Remember
that you are a special person, so be proud
of that. -- a shelter resident. 1988
Juicide PreTention again needs Tolunteer telephone counselors.
New training will run from :.id -February through late i.arch,
with personal interviews beginning i-.ediately. Classes --.eet
ionday and Thursday eTenings fro:. 7 to 9:30r with two half -day
Saturday sessions near the beginning and the end of training.
:or _ore infor-ation, please call the Coordinator of Volunteers
at 272-1505.
Thank you for your help.