HomeMy WebLinkAboutnewsletter 1988 summer• ENFIELD NEWS Summer 88 SPONSORED BY THE ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC FUNDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY UNITED WAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS SUMMER CAMP This Year's summer camp will run from July 5 through August 12. The camp will operate Monday through Friday mornings, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM, at the Enfield Elementary School. Children 3 years of age and up are eligible to attend. Arts and Crafts, Sports, Drama Activities, Science and Nature Projects are some of the programs that are being planned. A lunch program will also be available. This year's camp promises to be a good time for all. A voluntary donation is requested. In addition to the morning session that we have offered in the past, the Community Council is considering adding an afternoon camp session. Some parents have mentioned that their children can not participate in the morning camp because of problems transporting them to day care providers in the middle of the day. Since our limited recreation funds cover only the morning session, an afternoon session would have to be a fee -paying program. If we have a sufficient number of parents willing to pay between 20 - 25 dollars a week (depending upon the age of the child), we can offer an afternoon camp session from noon to 5:30. If you have an interest in this, please • write AFTERNOON SESSION on your application form (Attached on back of newsletter), and return it as soon as possible. The camp director will contact you with details. Last year the camp had a full enrollment. Be sure that your child can get in by sending in the application form as soon as possible. Late registrations will be taken on Friday July 1, at the Enfield Elementary School. However, spaces are limited and filling up quickly. Do it today! SWIM PROGRAM A new, State-wide change in Health Department regulations has made it more difficult for small community groups to obtain Health department certification to use ponds as public bathing beaches. we are continuing to work on a certifiable site for the "learn -to -swim" program in the Enfield Community. Stay tuned for the results of our efforts --and please call Krys Cail (273-2865) if you know of a chlorinated pool in Enfield that may be available for swimming lessons. The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield, and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, The New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and Your Donations. Enfield Community Council meetings are held the third Wednesdays of the month. • Everyone is invited to attend. If you would like to be added to our mailing list for meeting notices, call Barb Williams at 272-2614. • ECC NEWS (CONT.) ENFILLD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESCHOOL It still has not been determined as to whether or not there will be a place for the preschool next September. The Firemen should be in the new firestation by then, but the town hasn't committed to taking over the old firestation. Even if the Town decides to take over the building, It would have to be upgraded in order to comply with building inspection regulations. If there are any suggestions or offers for a temporary or permanent location for the preschool it would be greatly appreciated. The ECC Preschool is a parent cooperative for children ages 2.5 - 5 years old. If you have any ideas, more information or if you would like to register your child call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. ENFILED DAY CARE REFERRAL As the Enfield Referral Aide for the Day Care and Child development Council of • Tompkins County, I can help you if you are looking for day care, or if you are interested in doing day care. Please call Carol Barriere at 277-3843. Next Newsletter... If you or your organization would like to have an article or advertisement in the next Enfield Newsletter (around Sept 88), please call Carol at 277-3843, with the name and address of a contact person. The contact will be sent a reminder and deadline date for submission to the next newsletter. Please call as soon as possible so you won't be left out. NEWS PLASH TEEN PROGRAM There have been numerous problems with the ECC's Teen Program, but we would like to give it one last try. Starting Friday, July 8th there will be a six week bowling program for teen ages 11-15. There will be a $1.00 per week donation to help cover the cost. The program will take place at the bowling alley in Trumansburg, and parents are needed to help with transportation. There will be a meeting for all teens who are interested and parents at 6:30 pm, June 15th at the elementary school gym. If You have any questions contact Debbie Ketchum at 272-0627(evenings) or Kris Cail at 273-2865. PARENTS ADVISORY BOARD The ECC would like to have a Parents Advisory Board. The Council feels that the people using the councils programs are the best source of information regarding the community's concerns about the programs and ideas for enhancing the day care needs of the community in the future. There has been discussions of a full year afterschool program, and an all day summer program. Both these programs would require a sliding scale fee with scholarships available. However, there is input needed from the parents to be sure the council determines the best alternative to meet these needs. The Council meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Enfield School. Becoming a parent volunteer would only require a small amount of time and would be beneficial to the children of the community. Please call Sonja Schreiber ar 277 9143. ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL AUCTION The council will be having their annual auction in conjunction with the Enfield Firemen's Field Days. The Auction will be run by Bob Howard and will be held Friday, June 24th and starts at 6:30 and will end when everything is sold. Donations of furniture, canned goods, foods, appliances, plants, bikes, games, tools, ect. are needed. We will not be accepting clothing for this auction. • To donate items, or if you are interested in helping out with the auction, please call Ted Smith (272-0172) or Carol Barriere (277-3843). Proceeds from the auction will benefit the children's programs in Enfield. • • ENFIELD SENIOR CITIZENS nANiIN The Senior Citizens are planning a two and a half hour train ride on the "Tioga Central", on June 29th. There will be lunch served in the dining car and the cost is $8.00. Upcoming summer trips include a luncheon matinee, "Barefoot in the Park" and a boat trip at Hammondsport. If any Senior Citizens are interested in any of the trips or would like more information, contact Edith Belony at 564-7180. THE ENFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH The First Baptist Church of Enfield welcomes you to join us for Sunday Morning Worships at llt00. a variety of worship opportunities will be offered this summer. Do bring your children to Sunday School, which is also at 11:00. Welcome! Cynthia Ikuta, 273-4696 Pastor AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH Services of the Week: Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday School for all ages 10:00 AM Children's Church during Worship. Sunday Family Service 7:00 PM Wed. evening Bible Study 7:00 PM "Tabitha's Little Sisters" is a sharing and learning group for girls 10-14 years. They meet every other Saturday morning from 10:30-12:30. Teachers are leading them in simple cooking, grooming, home arts, and good health practices. All girls in the community are welcome. Call Sandy Corriero for info. On June 12th the John Martins Singers will be leading the morning service. All are welcome to this and any of the services. All services are currently being taped, and are available to anyone by calling the Pastor. Mike Corriero, 277-6574 Pastor DISTRICT a ENFIELD/NEWFIELD 310 BURDGE HILL AD. TOMPKINS COUNTY NEWFIELD, N.Y. 14667 BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES 607.564.7813 Deer Enfield Resident: The solid waste issue is still premier in the minds of the Board of Pop .... ntativ.s. I will not ..Anent too much on this issue, as things change weekly And I an sure you are keeping abreast of the situation. Through the County Youth Bureau we are trying to inventory the youth services of the city And towns to help in the overall county wide planning process. supervisor Grey and Carol Barriers are providing information for Enfield. I am pleased with the programs that are provided to the youth through the efforts of many including the Enfield community Council, The Town, and the many individuals residing in Enfield. As I have known, the rural ate.. provide good programs for our youth with limited funds, lots of voluntear time, and much compassion for our fellow residents. My het is tipped to all involved and a special thanks to Etta and Carol for assisting in the collection of the data and representing Enfield. As Chairman of the Construction Iian.gement Committee of the Board of Raps, I have been asked to be the liaison to the citizens Advisory committee for the landfill Currently proposed in Dryden. It was felt that because of my involvement with the residents of Enfield, who narrowly escaped having a landfill, that I would understand some of the neighborhood problem. Although the assignment is not enioyabl., I will be helping the people of Dryden, and thus all residents of the County, in providing as at. a landfill as poaaible. MaOY of Dtydon's concerns are the salsa as I hoard from Enfi.ld residents, and the many neighborhood meetings that wo had. I hope that you will support our efforts to provide a safe, environmental sound Landfill, Again I would like to compliment Bea schcoorer who has boon attending many solid waste and Citizens Advisory Committee meetings. I feel that Bea is meet likely the most knowledgeable public member pertaining to the happenings of All the committees. If anyone has any comments or opinions on local issues, please do not hesitate to call me any evening at 564-7813. Thank You. 1] 0 37 ANNUAL FIELD DAYS Sponsored by Volunteer Fire Dept. ENFIELD Millers Corners - FIT 79 & 327 JUNE23-24-25 Thursday- Kiddie Parade 7:00 PM Friday- Chicken Bar -B-Que 5:00 PM Saturday -Special Ride Matinee 2-5 PM -Chicken Bar-B-Que 5:00 PM "Firemen's Parade 7 PM" Buy Advance Ride Tickets at Local Businesses 6 for $3.00 WHEELOCK RIDES ENFIELD LADIES AUXILIARY Once again it is Carnival time. The Auxiliary will be running a cake wheel under the food tent on Friday, June 24th and Saturday, June 25th. If anyone wishes to donate cakes, pies or cupcakes, please give one of the members a call and we would be happy to pick them up. Joan Eisenkerdt 272-0827 Pam Whittaker 273-0467 Marge Slater 273-4641 There will also be a Kiddie Parade on Thursday, June 23 at 7:00. Line up will be in front of the school at 6:30. Prizes will be awarded in several categories. Everyone participating will receive a thank you gift. Anyone wishing to donate an hour or two of their time to help with serving at the Bar-B-Que or at the food tent would be appreciated. COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE If you are planning to have a garage sale, the community is planning one on Saturday, June 18th. Each individual is responsible for their own advertisements, but the more people in one area the better the turn out. It has worked well in previous years. Also if you have any leftover items from your sale please contact Carol Barriere (272-3843) or Ted Smith (273-0172), if you would like to donate them for the ECC Auction on the 24th. • 0 AUMM a BARVMT FABTIYAL 187' ISM= We would like to thank the following merchants for their donations to our auction and Harvest Festival. we apologize for not having this in our last newsletter. We appreciate your Community support and ask everyone to patronize all these who donated. AUCTION Goodyear Tin a Rubber Co The Pierced Car Creasers Auto Parts BAR Industries Cullen's Sporting Goods Mc Dona Ids Coddington Restaurant Topps Wicks.' Lumber Flower Field Florist Crispell Auto Willowood Kum Neno'a Lov.-Ge Beauty Salon HARVEST FESTIVAL Bell's Convenience Janet Avery Hof it., Cut -Up Pizza Wilcox Service center Corner Book store Wainwright Oil Co. E.T. Discounts Mark's phareacy Valley House Burger King Cakes by Linda County Craft Shop Black Star Bik. Agw.y Hillendale Partners Market Logo. Book St... P.yl... Sharon Weatmiller Woolworth'. Zayre House of Shell.r T.O. Hiller. Groton auto I.ath.rs I.C.C. Warehouse Pudgies Pizza State St. Bargain House Fl.tch.ra Ithaca Building Supply McGuire Gardens B.R. Dewitt Inc. Hair [oft Greentre. Silk Oak Valley corner z.rlybird Fan. Pond.ros. Country Craft Shop Earring Tree The Bik. Rack Seneca Supply Reynold's Woolworth's Mano'. Diner P a C Trary's H.11asark Bool's Florist U-Haul Ithsc. Wholesale Eddydal. Andy'. Tropical Fish Cargill, Inc. Ken Barlow Littl.trs. Burger King A special thanks goes out to the Enfield senior Citizen. for their wonderful quilt donation. words can not express the ECG's appreciation of all the taw and energy used to create the quilt. We are very grateful. Of course, we can't forget all the people who worked hard to oaks these fundraisers a suttees. We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks So Much! Th. auction raised over $700 and the Harvest Festival Bade $604. If we missed anyone in our thank yous we are sorry. We are looking for volunteers with new ideas to help out with our next Harvest Festival and Auction. Please call Lura Arcangeli at 273-1333 if you are interested. FROM THE SUPERVISOR'S DESK • Hats off the the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Inc. for the work they have done on the new fire house. Have you stopped by to see it? The firemen are finishing the inside of the building themselves! Let's hear it for the firemen! When the firemen have completed and moved into their new fire house, the question must be answered of what to do with the old fire house. Since Enfield has no community building, it seems logical to make every effort to renovate the old fire house for community activities. What these changes to the building will cost have not yet been determined. The possibility of obtaining grant money will be pursued. Other towns have achieved similar goals by working together on fund-raising and volunteer work parties... why not Enfield? If you have expertise in any area that could be useful. • please consider helping. Call me and let's talk...273-0462. Are you interested in working at the polls for ELECTIONS, PRIMARY DAYS and/or REGISTRATION DAYS? The Board of Elections will be training people this summer. Please call the Board of Elections (274-5522) or Enfield Town Clerk Scofield (273-6381) for details. At present, Enfield pays only $3.50 per hour but the Town Board is contemplating an increase. See you at the next Town Board meeting, the first Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., in Town Hall. HAVE A HAPPY SUMMER, Etta Gray • Dear Enfield Resident: Did you know that Enfield has a building code? It does and this letter will try to answer some questions about the building code. What is this building code? This is actually the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. This code is a set of standards and regulation cjWerning tit construction and maintenance of private and public buildings. The code covers such things as: structural elements, space requirements, fjLt safety requirenents, plumbing, electrical, heating, and ventilation. The =-Dose of this code is to insure that all construction work done in New York State is done uniformly and to minimum safety standards. Why does Enfield participate in the NYS Building Code? The enforcement of the code is a state law. But the state gave each locality the option of doing their own enforcement. Enfield elected to take responsibility far administering the code through the building code enforcement officer that is hired by the tbwn board. Why should I conform to this code? The most obvious reason is the $250.00 fine that may be levied for non- ccmpliance. But the more important reason is the requirements that slow the • spread of fire; protects life by allowing for escapes in case of fire, safe wiring and plumbing and sturdy framework; and reduces energy through minimum insulation requirements. Another important incentive for complying with the code is the certificate of occupancy that you receive after completing your project. More and more home buyers are looking for this document. If it does not exist, it puts you the seller at a disadvantage. How much does this program cost the taxpayer? Theorectically, there is no cost to the taxpayer. The permit fees are designed to cover the cost associated with the code enforcement. If you have further questions, contact your town board or Don Barber, the Enfield Code Enforcement Officer. Please comply with the town ordinance requiring a building permit for all new construction and maintenance proiects. why not use the collective knowledge found in the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code when attesting your next construction project. It will make your place safer and isn't that reason enough? DB/jms r 1 J E is ENFIELD COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD TOWN CLERK HOURS7! Sat. 9am-12pm e a {,1 Closed July 2 and Sept 3 16W Enfield Center Rd. Mobile DJ Service 331 Enfield Main Ad. Ithaca, NY 14850 Daniel E. Thomas Roy L. Barriers Wi4w 2Sl•4i81 277-3843 D & J PAYING e JOHN PRCPNGELI Enfield CenterRoad 272-1333 Bell's Convenience Food Terry & Teresa Manheim 614 Elmira Rd. 272-0661 Gasoline, Propane, Firewood, Groceries and Fastfoods SENECA COMPUTER SERVICES TAXES- BOOKEEPING-ACCOUNTING Low Rates Call 7 AM to 9PM Mon -Sat John & Linda Bonacci ® IF WE DON'T 3111. YOUR HOUSE WE'R BUY IT: 11.. . .A.. w'1�• :AI.Vx....,I I Fi. S{L i.11. •n.1\1' '11.xi n^Ily0xv611111 ,•xn lxvix will, uv. ERN J. D. GALLAGHER 2377 North Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 Lyynn M. Nardi, Sales Assxiale • 2S9 Ap1�legem Rd, lthaca 27A l BASYSITTING LIST NAME AaE ADDRESS PHONE Laurie Davenport 16 169 Van Dom Rd. 273-8877 Wayde Whittaker 17 Sandy Creek Trailer Pk. 273-0467 Kelly Bailey 15 2290 Mecklenburg Rd. 273-5396 Lori Barriere 13 Sandy Creek Trailer Pk. 273-0467 Shannon May 16 34 HalseyvilleRd. 273-8104 Jenny Wurtser 16 2356 Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7634 Enka Wurtser 14 2356 Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7634 Julie McFall 15 55 Porter Hill Rd. 272-0644 Sylvia McFall 14 55 Porter Hill Rd. 272-0644 Jody Clark 15 2200 Mecklenburg Rd. 273-6355 Ann Jackson 16 Enfield Center Rd. 272-8624 Mary Ellen Jackson 13 Enfield Center Rd. 272-8624 Becca Bock 13 109 Porter Hill Rd. 272-3669 Lisa Nostell 364 Trumbells Comer 273-3450 Jennifer Hubbell 15 134 Hubbell Dr. 273-6470 Gabrielle Coulouris 13 Sandy Creek Trailer 273-0620 Shannon Switzer 17 Black Oak Road 277-4029 Dena Simmons 15 Sandy Creek Traitor Pk. 273-4405 Jodi Simmons 13 Sandy Creek Traitor Pk. 273-4405 Cindy Theim 14 396 Applegate Rd. 387-5918 0 To be added, removed, or have changes made on this list call Carol at 277-3843' • • • In New York State, summer camps must have a state, city or county health department permit to operate legally. These permits are Issued only It the camp is In compliance with the state'a health regulations. The permit to operate must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises. The camp must be Inspected twice yearly, by a Health Department representative. At least one Inspection must be made during the time the camp is in operation. Each camp 0 checked to make sure that the physical facilities are safe and that super- vision Is adequate. When choosing a summer camp for their children, parents and guardians frequently ask the following questions: Staff Credentials What are the qualifications of the camp director? The New York State Health Code requires that the director of an overnight camp be at $east 25 years old or hold a bachelor's degree: a day camp director must be at least 21. All directors must have experience in camping administration or supervision. Camp directors' backgrounds are screened by the State Central Registry for Child Abuse and Maltreatment for reported incidents of child abuse and maltreatment. Their backgrounds are also screened, by the Health Department, for criminal convictions. Only individuals who are con- sidered to pose no risk to campers are accepted by the Health Department as camp directors. What are the qualifications of Iris camp counselors? At day camps, counselors must be 16 years or older, have one year's experience as a junior counselor or counselor-in-traning and/or have at- tended a pre -camp orientation program The staff - to -camper ratio must be 1 .12 In addition. special ratios and counselor qualifications are mandated for supervision of swimming, archery, riflery and outof-camp trip activites. Health Is a doctor or nurse in residence or on call for campers at all times? Physicians or nursing services must be available. All summer camps in New York State are required to have written medical plans approved by the Health Department. The written plan must include. among other things, provisions for medical, nurs- ing and first aid services. Injuries and illnesses are required to be reported to the Health Department and are thoroughly reviewed. Does the camp require medical records for campers? In New York State. camps must keep current medical history reports on file for all campers. Be sure to detail any illness, disability or allergy (especially to medicines) that afflict your child. Special diets and activity restrictions should be specified. Camp Safety Are the camp facilities and activities sate? The camp operator must develop a written camp safety plan to Include provisions for training staff members and orientation of campers, campsite hazards and safety procedures for program activities. Fire Safety Are there periodic fire drills for both campers and staff? Does each floor of every building have fire exits In two dMerent locations? Are flammable materials (gasoline, pool chemicals, etc.) stored away from activity centers and kept under lock and key? All of the above are mandatory in New York State. Rights of Parents and Guardians • To be informed by the camp director. or his or her designee, of any Incident involving your child, including serious injury, illness or abuse. • To review inspection and investigation reports for a camp, which are maintained by the local health unit issuing the camp a permit to operate (present and past reports are available). • To review the required camp safety, medical and fire safety plans. These are on file at both the camp and the health unit issuing the permit to operate. Responsibilities of the Camp operator • To inform you and the local health unit if your child is involved in any serious injury, illness or abuse incident. • To screen the background and qualifications of all staff. • To provide supervision for all campers - 24 hours a day at overnight camps, and during hours of operation for day camps. • To maintain all camp physical facilities in a safe and sanitary condition. • To provide safe and wholesome meals. • To have and follow required plans for camp safety, health and fire safety. • To notify the parent or guardian, with the enroll- ment application or enrollment contract, that: - the camp must have a permit to operate from the New York State Department of Health or the designated permit -Issuing official; - the camp is required to be Inspected twice yearly: and, - the Inspection reports and required plans are filed (address of state, county or city health department) and available for their review. Enfield C, _unity Council Sweer Day Cmo ?..... = :e¢a t:a:ion • • Parents lame Address Age Birthdate Interests Grade dome Phone Emergency Phone Person to Contact if Camp is Closed Early Phone Confidential :.eaical History (As required by Public %.SlEh Law Part 225) Doctors and ?hone immunization dates for: Jipthecla deasles `Iumps Poliomyelitis Rubella Tentanus :das your child ever had or currently suffer from: (If yes, please give date and any pemaineoE information needed to provide adequately for your child) Yes/:<o aeebissis mthrax botulism brucellosis central nervous system Infections (bacterial or non-bacterial) c ham croid chicken pox cholera diphtheria gonorrhea (genico-urinary, opthalmia, ocher) granuloma inguinale hepatitis (inf«cioua (A) serum (B) ni stoplasmosls (new case) hospital -associated infections (including diarrhea, conjunctivitis of newborn) infectious mononucleosis leprosy leptospiros is lympnogranuloma venereum malaria Tes/:te measles mumps plague poliomyelitis psittacosis rabies relapsing fever reres snndrome .Rocky `fountain spotted fever rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) salmonellosis shi6ellosia smallpox streptococcal sore throat including scarlet fever syphilis tetanus trichinosis tuberculosis tularemia typhoid vioaoping cough yellow fever is your cnild currently under treatment for any medical condition or require any medication: If yes, please provide details. List any allergies, etc. I give my child permission to participate in the Enfield Co=unity Council Program. I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or injuries, unless there is negligence on their part. *Donation $ _:gnacure of Parent or Gaardian The Enfield Community Council Summer Program is partially funded by the ::ev York State Division for Youth. Batched by whey from the Town of Eniield and the .nited 'lay. The balance of the cost of this program must be raised but no child will be turned awav for inability to pay. PLEASE RETURN TO MARNIE KIRCHGESSNER 272-2241 191 Enfield Main Rd. •