HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 1987 September• EHFIELD HEMS FALL 1997 1 S PON SOR ED BY TH E EN FI E LD COMMUNITY COUNCI L, INC FUNDED BY THE TOM P KIN S COUNTY UNITED WAY ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS The Enfield Community Council is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize, operate and maintain recreational, social, cultural and instructional activities for the youth of Enfield, and to involve parents and other residents of the community in the programs and meeting the objectives of the organization. To fund our programs the ECC receives money from the Tompkins County United Way, The New York State Division for Youth, The Town of Enfield, the New York State Council for the Arts through the Tompkins County Decentralization Program, Fundraising, Fees and Your Donations. Most of our programs are free, however we find it necessary to ask participants for donations to help offset our costs of running the programs. To provide excellent programs, we need to hire qualified people to help plan, supervise and run the programs. Each year the demand increases for new and exciting programs. With this increase in programs comes an increase in expense. With very little increase available from our funding sources, your donations are becoming more important. Of course no child will be turned away for inability to contribute. In addition to the financial support of our programs the ECC is in desperate need for volunteer support from members of the community. In the past couple of years the programs • offered through the Council have grown immensely, however the number of volunteers has dwindled. Many of the current members are finding it difficult to devote as much time that is necessary to provide quality programs that are needed for the youth of Enfield. We have now had to hire a Program Coordinator, but we are still in need of many volunteers to help on our program planning, personnel, fundraising, finance, and newsletter committees. We also are in DESPERATE need of new and dedicated people to fill the offices of President, Vice -President , Secretary, and Treasurer. Our "old" members are getting "tired" and we feel the council needs some fresh faces, new ideas and dedicated spirit for the programs to continue improve. We have asked for help before, but the response has been very disappointing. Running the ECC programs is a huge responsibility for "one" person, but it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience if more people become actively involved. If you care about our programs, we need your help. I would hate to see our programs fold up, but I don't see how we can continue with the programs without more community involvement. Everyone is welcomed in the ECC. WE NEED YOUI Please call Carol Barrier 277-3843 to help) OPEN HOUSE The Enf'ald Community Council will be holding an Open House on November 18 at 7:30 in the Enfield School. We urge your participation in order to increase your awareness of the programs and the operations of the Council. If you have thought about joining the Council previously, now is your chance to see what we may have to offer that is of interest to you, or if you are just interested in checking out what we are all about , please come and • join us. There are several ways to become involved. Make a difference - Make that change - Join the Enfield Community Council. • ENFIELp COMMUNITY COUNCII_'S 7987 FALL PROGRAMS The Enfield Community Council programs are slated to begin on Tuesday, October 13th. The piano lessons will start one week earlier. New this year is the participation of kinder- garteners, tat and 2nd graders in the after -school program. The program is offered to all Enfield School children from kindergarten through the 5th grade Monday through Thursday. Sandy Crouse is our new gymnastics/dance teacher. She will be at Enfield School on Mondays from 2 till 5, and Wednesdays from 2 till 3:30. Anyone up to age 18 is welcome to join her classes.* Leslie Smith and Connie Stirling will again conduct piano lessons and there is time available for new students. Guitar lessons are a possibility. If you are interested in guitar lessons, please contact me. The adult programs are much the same as last year. Ted and Kenny Smith are in charge of basketball and volleyball. And, Linda Van Nederynen will conduct an aerobics exercise class on Wednesdays from 8 till 9. There will be a small fee for these exercise classes. The Enfield Teen Group is run by Bonnie Turcaik. Anyone in- terested should call her. There is a core group for another teen group. But they have no leader. If you are interested in leading this group, please call me. The Enfield Community Council needs more parents to become in- volved. Many new programs are possible, but due '8 severe lack of volunteers, they do not exist. If you or your child par- ticipate in any council programs, I hope you'll express some interest in that program continuing. • Peggy Hubbell Program Co-ordinator Enfield Community Council 'GYMNASTICS SCHEDULE (Times may change depending on Childs ability) ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESCHOOL The Enfiled Community Council Preschool has a few openings for the 1987-88 school year. The preschool is a parent cooperative for childrer ages 2.5 - 5 years old. It will meet Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:3( to 11:45 AM at the Enfield Fire Station. For more Info call Carol at 277-3843. ENFIELD DAY CARE REFERRAL As the Enfield Referral Aide for the Day Care and Child Development Council of Tompkins County, I can help if you are looking for day care, or if you are interested in doing day care, please call Carol at 277-3843. *«*NEWSLETTER STAFF"Ikl Chris Smith 272-4328 Mon: 2pm-3pm Grades 2 & 3 Please call if you would like to 3pm-4pm Grades 4 & 5 submitan an article or an 4pm-5pm Grades 6 & up advertisement in our sping issue. Wed: 2pm-2:45 Preschoolers 2:45-320 Grades K & 1 There is a possibility that Sandy can come out in the evenings if there is a need. Please call Peggy Hubbell 0 you are Interested. ECG PHONE NUMBERS YOU MAY NEED ' Carol Barriere president 277-3843 Peggy Hubbell program co-ordinator 273-6470 Carolina Bingham after -school prog. director 564-7867 Rhonda Connors - after -school grog. east. 273-8268 Sonya Schreiber after -school prog. east. 272-9343 Pat Meeker after -school pro% arts 273-5707 Mary Cole after -school prog. aide 273-8261 Leslie Smith piano teacher 273-7843 Alice Linton Leslie's parent contact 272-3919 Connie Stirling piano teacher 387-5331 Betty Howard Connie's parent contact 272-6350 Linda Van Nederynen aerobic exercise teacher 277-3096 Sandy Crouse gymnastics/dance teacher 273-6686 Ted Smith volleyball 273-1689 Kenny Smith • basketball 273-1689 Bonnie Turcaik teen club leader 273-4637 ENFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY The Enfield Vol. Fire Co. wauki first like to thank a8 the town residents who turned out to support our recent Field Days. We would like to extend our special thanks to those who "pitched in' to help by working or donating material. All of this support was needed and made the event a success, and it is very much appreciated. For the last seven years this department has been working an plans for anew fire station. It has became very obviouo that many residents either doni understand the need for as new fire station, or are being mislead as to the new plans The original station was built in 1948. It consisted of two truck bays with 8 ft. high overhead doors, and a small hall upstairs. An addition was later added sometime in the 50's, expanding the station to 4 truck bays and an additional hi area. In the early 70's 4 was again expanded, which consisted of two large truck bays with 12 ft. high overhead doors However this last expansion consumed the last of the property owned by the Fire Dept. This was only one of the many problems that would begin hampering the Fire depts. efforts to expand to needs of the community. The 8ft. high overhead doors in the original fire station, were now too small to accomodate the larger and more modern tire apparatuses. ft wasn't until 1977 when both spaces in large addition became occupied, that the Department was confronted with the problem. We knew that by 1983 we would have to purchase a pumper to replace the 1948 Chevrolet Pumper that was begining to show signs of its age. In 1980 a building committee was formed to investigate plans for renovating the present station and plans for building a new one. After meeting with town officials and several building contractors h was decided by all the involved parties that renovations would be too expensive and that new construction would be a more permanent solution. Many plans and cost estimates have been proposed since then, but we continue to fail to gain support from the Town Board as to the cost. During all this deliberation, the 1948 Chevrolet Pumper finally failed us, forcing us to purchase a replacement. The only apparatus that our 8h. door would be able to accomodale, is one that was built prior to 1968. We were lucky enough to find a 1967 American LaFrance Pumper, and that the members totally refurbished the apparatus in order to make it reliable. However, this apparatus is 20 years old and cannot be expected to last forever. How many 1967 Chevrolets or Fords do you see on the road today? The membership remained optimistic that a new station would bit built and purchased 7 acres of land behind the present station from fund raising monies. Recently we have seen a rapid increase in the need for rescue services. Even though we have been able to keep up with the basic life support equipment needed to provide our community with the best medical services possible, • there is a need for many more life support dams. this has become impossible bemuse our rescue truck also doubles as a fire truck and is extremely overloaded at the present time. We have had many opportunities to purchase late model used rescue vehicles at very reasonable costs, but have had to turn them down because of height problems. We have also been confonted with the problem of not having a facility to train our members. These problems once again forced us to the drawing boards to device yet another plan. The plan was to construct a pole barn type structur that would be done by Morton Buildings. The building was to have a 66 h. by 70h. apparatus room, 24 It. by 42 ft. maintenance shop, and a 52 ft. by 48 ft. area for training, meetings, bathrooms, offices act... The total cost would have been $325,000. Alter meeting with the membership h was decided that we could reduce costs by about $100,000 it we donated our labor and provide materials from fund raising monies. This was presented to the Town Board and was again met with opposition. Feeling that we were once again at a dead end the building committee felt that a temporary renovation to the present station would have to be done. Two plans were drawn up, but both plans would eliminate the present hall area. At that time many organizations were using the hall area, including the Enfield Community Council, which provide excellent youth programs for our children. These organizations were forced into finding other facilities. After a couple of months in trying to find alternative housing, it was realized that there is no available space in this area. In attempt to solve this problem the Enfield Community Council, Fire Department, and town officials met together. The end result was a plan that was very favorable to the ECC, Fire Department, and some of the town officials. The plan was to construct a new fire station at a maximum cast of $225,000, and after the construction was completed the present fire station would be donated to the Town of Enfield to be used for community needs. All plans are pretty much in place. The only thing needed is the approval of the Fire budget. This plan would increase the annual budgk by approximately $16,500. ft will show as an increase in the Fire budget but in reality d will be benefiting both the Fire Department and the entire Enfield Community. The construction of a new fire station in Enfield is inevitable. However. I feel that this latest plan is the best plan possible. The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and the Enfield community Council are asking for your support in this very important joint venture. Call the Town Supervisor or any Town Board member and voice your su,,port. Better yet attend the next Town Board Meeting to show your support. Denny Hubbell Fire Chief • Cl The Enfield Community Council urges all members of the community to come out to the Town Board meetings to support the firemen's proposal for a new fire station. Building a new fire station will benefit us all. When the new station is built, the former building will be donated to the town to be used as a community center. This can open up many new possibilities for programs in the community and help to bring the community together. Come out and support the firemen- Remember, they are volunteers . They are on call 24 hours to protect us and our homes. They put their lives on the line everytime they go out on a call. These firemen are a necessary part of Enfield. If you have any questions about the new fire station please ask a fireman. They have the propoer information. You would be surprised about the false information that goes around if someone doesn't know all the facts. Let's work together to make Enfield a great place to live] Please come to the Town Board and show your support. ®-\V'�ty' ooe ch eGd doom, P=j -1W ,. z,c. z 1 \ - 7COs-gGE. QOOQS iI r�etc�roo 4�a 2,4' T-Qa,�v�.ao RmM - / aoo�. K tTc.FAew L fib' r�ti� Occ MEN WOMBJ RggO I Cz.mr%r—. �9g1 '�\000. QL1�N-NEW F��-ES�ta��oN dQC'C A�PP.R-CUS BOOM FROe -r l./ woT E 0 • At present, our town needs more meeting space. The Town Hall is not adequate for our meetings and the needs of the Town Court: and we have only the one room in the present fire house for town activities. A plan has been formulated for the construction of a new fire house and for remodeling and using the existing fire house to provide space for the Enfield Community Council activities and for Town Business. Planning to meet these needs of the town has been delayed for much to long and can not be put off any longer. The 1988 Tentative Budget has already been submitted providing for a mortgage for a new fire house. Approval of the mortgage by a bank is the first step. Then we plan to organize volunteers in Enfield to help with the project, primarily to keep cost down, but also to unite the town and to instill us with a sense of community. Enfield must move forward and we must do it together. Some of your neighbors will be contacting you to ask how you will participate. Just your support of this endeavor will be appreciated and when the project gets moving there will be all kinds of ways for you to help ... in the finishing of the inside of the new building and in changing the existing building and grounds into a community center for Enfield. Please do not dismiss this matter- it is of vital concern to the town and we should do our best for Enfield. Please let me hear from you. Supervisor Etta Gray (273-p462) On November 3rd there will be two propositions on the ballot: 1. To extend the tern of Enfield Town Clerk from two to four years. 2. To change Enfield Highway Superintendent from an elected office to an appointed position (appointed by the Town Board). • At the public hearings held on these matters, I voiced my objections to both changes. I feel that the advocates of these proposals did not sufficiently justify the need for such changes. Please be prepared to vote on these changes. Supervisor Gray LANDFILL; ENFIELD IS ONE OF THREE SITES FOR COUNTY LANDFILL: DECISION IN OCTOBER! Hard as it is to believe, Enfield may be selected as the new landfill site for Tompkins County. Despite population density, dangerous access roads, poor test results, two underground mobil pipe lines, proximity to Ithaca, a large area of underground water (called an aquifer) which will receive drainage from the site and feed it into wells near Turbacks, we are still in the running. Yourtimeto act is about out, but not quite. The proposed site, EN-3 is on Sheffield Rd. between Enfield Center and Bostwick Rds. The Tompkins County Board of Representatives has been listening to the issues presented by residents from the two Dryden sites and Enfield. Although we have very good arguments supporting a "NO" vote for "EN-3", there is still a great need for political pressure from Enfield residents. The Board of Representitives meets in the Tompkins County Courthouse on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. In October, the dates are the 6th and 20th. Please come and speak out. If you would prefer not to speak, write letters or call members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives. It is essential that you be present at the meetings. Wear something which lets them know you are an Enfield resident and cane early to be assured of a standing sitting place. "EN-3" is the wrong site because: it affects too many people; has extremely dangerous access routes; is less attractive because of soil conditions; and finally, is a source of probable pollution to well water in the west Hill and Coy Glen areas. It's time to act! 0 Concerned Citizens of Enfield IT•S TIME TO PASS AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PRIVATE LANDFILL OPEnATIONS Upstate New York has become increasingly attractive to downstate counties tincluding lung Island and New York City) as a place to dump their garbage. Two private waste management firms have already been looking at Tompkins County with an eye to purchasing land for their "regional" landfill operations. Our Enfield Town Board needs to address this issue and pass an ordinance which prohibits private landfill operators from purchasing land in Enfield. This is a long-term concern which requires short-term action, Steve Goggin For More Info Call: 273-9349, 277-4513 Enfield resident ENFIELD SENIOR CITIZENS The Enfield Senior Citizens have changed their meeting date. They will now hold their meeting on the SECOND TUESDAY of the month. The next meeting will be Oct. 13, at 12t30, in the Grange Hall. All people over age 55 are welcome. Please bring a dish to pass. The Seniors have already picked out the pattern for next year's quilt, and are now in the process ofselling raffle tickets for this year's quilt. Some of the upcoming events are; OCT 10 Trip to Hardin Furniture Company in McConnellsville. Lunch will be at Bleaches Restaurant. Afterwards we will be touring F.X. Matt's Brewery. If you would like to go on the trip please attend the next meeting to sign up. NOV 10 Senior's Craft Sale will be held before our regular dinner and meeting. We will also be picking the winner of the afghan. If you have a craft to sell, please bring it to the meeting. DEC 8 Senior Citizens Christmas Party. 9 AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH May I take this opportunity to introduce myself and welcome you to our church. My name is Michael Corriero, Pastor of the Agape Bible Church on Applegate Road. Our family will soon be moving into a mobile home next to the church. In June 1985 1 came to Ithaca as -the Asst. Pastor of the First Assembly of God Church on Seneca street. Prior to coming to Ithaca we lived in New York City. In 1972 my life was transformed by the Lord Jesus after I saw the miracle of my drug -dealer being set free from his 140 milligram methadone habit,"with no withdrawl" by the power of Jesus Christ. It is this life transforming message of Jesus Christ that 1 welcome you to hear at our church. WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday LOAM -Sunday School for Children. The last Sunday of the month a cartoon video is shown. 11AM-Morning worship service 7PM-Evening family service. The last Sunday of the month is "Homemade Goodie Night'. Wednesday 7PM-Mid-week Bible study -presently studying the Gospel of John. UPCOMING EVENTS: Tue Oct 20, 7PM Concert with Larry Ahlborn To Be Announced "Youth Challenge" To Be Announced Chip Compton in concert ENFIELD MOTO PARK Enfield Ctr. Rd.. There are two more event for this season: MOTOCROSS OCTOBER18 NOVEMBER8 Sign-up: 9-11 am Races start at noon. Food Available For Into call Goldsport 257-5854 ENFIELD LADIES AUXILIARY The Enfield Ladies Auxiliary will be having a chicken Bar-B-Q at the Enfield Harvest Festival. We will start serving at 3:30 and will stop at 6:00. We hope to see you there. The Parade season has come to an end. This year we took FIRST PLACE in Locke, Montour and Berkshire, and third place in Hector. We have had our elections and the new officers terms will start October 5. The new officers are: President Pam Whittaker Vice -President Annabelle Seamon Secretary Jackie Keifer Treasurer • Nancy Lanning Conductress Molly Snyder FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ENFIELD The First Baptist Church of Enfield ivites you to join us. We are planning a year of deepened spiritual growth, renewed commitment to Christ and this community, and expanded opportunities for participation and service. All are especially welcome to worship and Sunday School at 11:00. The Enfield Food Distribution sponsored by our church continues every other Tuesday(The next ones are Oct. 13 and 27). In cooperation with other service and assistance programs, limited quantities of food are also available on an emergency basis; call 273-5682 it you or someone you knows needs help. Our church will take part in the Enfield Harvest Festival on October 17. Look for our rummage sale and homemade soup and chili. Donations for the sale would be most welcome ,Call 273-5682. See you there) If you have any questions regarding our church, please call the pastor, Cynthia Ikuta, at 273-4696. 0 ENFIELD GRANGE The Enfield Valley Grange meets the second Tuesday of the month. In the future Seniors will also meet at the Grange on Tuesdays to help conserve fuel. On June 12, HazelUpdike and Leon Tucker were presented Seventy-five Year Membership Pins. A dish to pass dinner was served. Morris Halladay made the presentation. On Sept. 12 a public card party was held. The next party will be on Oct. 10. New lighting has been installed upstairs. The work was done by Robert Carpenter. The Charles Hubbell Construction Firm has completed the root and also has put on new eave troughs. The front steps are scheduled to be repaired. The State Deputy, Beatrice Dawkins, has made her official visit at the last meeting. Millicent Carpenter and Jennifer Russell did the exhibit for the Grange at the Trumansburg Fair. An award for first place was received. Applications have been received from eight people wishing to join the Grange. On October 17, the Enfield Community Council will be holding their Harvest Festival at the Grang. On Sept. 8 at the regular meeting the following officers were elected: Master Robert Carpenter Overseer Andrew Krarpriak Lecturer Eva Krarpriak Steward Harold Laue Assist Steward Roger Brown Lady Asst Stew Florence Laue Chaplain Mabel Rumsey Treasurer Julia Holmes Secretary Helena Schaber Gatekeeper David Owens Ceres Frances La Bombard Pamona Beverley Brown Flora Warena Ramsey Installation will be held, Tuesday Oct 13 preceded by a dish to share supper. Helena Schaber Secretary • The 13th Annual Harvest Festival will be held Saturday, Oct. 17. HARVEST FESTIVAL The Enfield Community Council, in conjunction with the Enfield Fire Dept. and many other local organizations, has worked very hard to make the '87 festival the best ever. New this year is a cake walk. Come over to the fire house, have fun and win a cake. Also new is an apple and pumpkin pie baking contest. The judges will be Enfield celebrities. I know there are great pie -bakers out there. Enter yours. For children up to age 12 there will be the decorated pumpkin contest. And, the child voted to be the ugliest witch or vampire will win a prize. For kids of all ages, a haunted house is being built by the Boy Scouts and Explorers Club. Out behind the Grange Hall be sure to check out the '50's cars on display. Danny Wheeler's Civil War encampment will be there too. The cannon is authentic and was used at the Battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863. All booths, displays, games, contests, and rides will run from 12 noon. At 3:30 the Enfield Ladies Auxiliary will start serving a delicious chicken bar-b-que. Take-outs are available. Be sure to atop and tell Denise, Rhonda, and Ginny how great your chicken tasted. At 4:00 the winning ticket for the Senior Citizen'a quilt will be drawn. If you don't win the quilt, stay close, because we have many other valuable prizes which you are eligible to win with your raffle tickets. At 8:00 P.M. a fifties dance will be held at the fire house. Prizes for the best 50's outfits will be awarded. Come and enjoy. There will even be a hamburger "joint" complete with girls on roller skates. • Mark October 17th on your calendar. Come, have fun, and support your Local organizations. Hope to see you there. Peggy Hubbell Chairman -Harvest Festival BABYSITTING LIST NAME AS2E ADDRESS PHONE Laurie Davenport 16 169 Van Dorn Rd. 273-8877 Wayde Whittaker 17 Sandy Creek Trailer Pk. 273-0467 Kelly Bailey 15 2290 Mecklenburg Rd. 273-5396 Sharon May 16 34 HalseyvilleRd. 273-8104 Jenny Wurtser 16 2356 Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7634 Erdra Wunser 14 2356 Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7634 Julie McFall 15 55 Porter Hill Rd. 272-0644 Sylvia McFall 14 55 Porter Hill Rd. 272-0644 Jody Clark 15 2200 Mecklenburg Rd. 273-6355 Ann Jackson 16 Enfield Main Rd. 272-8624 Mary Ellen Jackson 13 Enfield Main Rd. 272-8624 Becca Bock 13 109 Porter Hill Rd. 272-3669 Lisa Nostell 364 Trumbells Corner 273-3450 Jennifer Hubbell 15 134 Hubbell Or. 273-6470 Gabrielle Coulouris 13 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. 273-0620 Sharon Switzer 17 Black Oak Road 277-4029 Dena Simmons 15 Sandy Creek Trailor Pk. 273-4405 Jodi Simmons 12 Sandy Creek Trailor Pk. 273-4405 Sandy Sloebelt Adult 332 Aiken Rd. 387-9392 or 6414 Cindy Theim 14 396 Applegate Rd. 387-5918 40 To be added, removed, or have changes made on this list call Carol at 277-3843' The Enfield Community Council asks you to please donate a cake for the cake walk. All proceeds go directly to the council to help pay the costs of the After -School and adult programs put on by the council. Thank you. ENFIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL SATURDAy OCTOBER 17r" I CiiW $ ACUE 11VILL wAlt I/ 0 /;90C EE DS 1 z:00 r q: 00 /'sp/s AA NCE 8e 60PD. I EVENTS WCATE D HAu Cow HouSE o�oaa R,M p►c,lJ COHT!}S'r /THE ENF'iEI..D GRq� ON Rr6 327 OFp' pM r)g W DENE;'IT EN;r►EI-D XOUTH