HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter 1984 JuneENFIELD NF..WS • Sponsored By - Ladies Auxiliary a) r-10- I9 In Cooperation With the Enfield Community Council ENFIELD COMMUNM COUNCIL - Summer Recreational Program, July 9 to August 17 9:30 to 12:30 Director, Diane DiAugustine Ph,564-7283 Pre -School: Three -to six years of age, Games, Stories, Music, puppets and Field 'Drips. Attention::::: Because of the size of last year's pre-school group for the summer program, we are going to split the pre-school group into a 2 day/3 day program. A flyer will be sent home from school. For more specific information you can call Carol Barriere at 277-3843, after June 30. 7 to 14 years: Sports, Camping, Nature -Hikes, Bicycling, Animal Care, Arts & Crafts, and Field Trips. Dramatics: Preparation and Planning a Musical. No pre -registration is necessary Swim Program-. July 15 to August 2, 1 to 5 P.M. This will be a three week Red Cross swim and water safety instruction. Each child will be given a half hour lesson by two certified water safety instructors. The lessons are held at Bush's Pond on Rt. 79 • (just around the corner from the school.) 21very child must be tested before entering a class. Testing schedule as follows: Last name beginning with A-F Thursday July 11, at 1:00 P.M. G-L Thursday July 11 at 3:00 P.M. M-R Friday July 12 at 1:00 P.M. S-Z Friday July 12 at 3.00 P.M. We do not discriminate against anyone on account of race, creed, color or handicap. Pre -School: The Enfield Community Council Pre -School is now accepting applications for the 1984-1985 school year. The pre-school is open to children ages 2-5. The parents play an important role in our school by their involvement in organizational meetings, teacher's helper and clean-up atthe end of each school day. The pre-school gives children an opportunity to meet others of their own age group and to participate in various learning activities. Enrollment is limited, so please contact Carol Barriere at 277-3843 if you are interested, Softball for ages 14 and up, at Enfield School every Monday Night from 6:30 to 9:00. For more information call Ken Smith at 273-1689. The Enfield Library will be open 9-12 Wednesdays during Summer Camp. Enfield Harvest Festival will be held Saturday September 29. afield Community Council is looking for someone who would be interested in co-ordinating this event. Call 272-86241 The Enfield Community Council "Run For Youth" will be held, September 30th at 2:Ob P.M. . Staff for this issue of Enfield News - June, 1984 - Helen Jackson.... Dorothy Hunter..... Annabelle Seamon TG: ALL FIREMEN. AUXILIARY MEMBERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN OF ENFIELD I • • • Cnce again, it is time to ask for your help with our two money -raising projects of the year -- the Cake Wheel at the Firemen's Carnival in .Tune, and the Community Calendar. Last year your response was really great. We had a lot of beautiful cakes for our Cake Wheel, enough to keep all the cake lovers in the area happy. For the past three years, we have been taking orders for calendars at the Carnival Grounds and we will continue to do so in the future. On the bottom of this letter is a form to be filled out which can be mailed to Ladies Auxiliary, Enfield Fire Department, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, or dropped off at the Calendar Booth, at the Carnival Grounds, along with the proper fee. Your Calendar will be mailed to you. In the past, we have mailed some Calendars out that were not paid for in advance, but we will no longer be able to do this. Also, there won't be any follow-up telephone calls to re -mind you to get your order in, so please send your order to us while the thought is fresh in your mind. In regard to the cakes for the Cake Wheel, we ask that you bring them to the Carnival on Friday, June 29, or Saturday June 30. More cakes are needed on Friday because of the Firemen's Parade. If you wish to have your cake picked up or if you have any questions you can call one of the Auxiliary members listed below. Annabelle Seamon - 272-3890 Jackie Keifer - 273-2699 Every year on Thursday of the Carnival Week, we have a parade for kids of all ages groups, starting at 7:00 P. M. There will be prizes and gifts for all children who enter. Prices for Calendars are as follows: Calendar only, no listing ..... .......... ........ $2.00 Calendar with one listing .......................$2.50 Calendar with multiple listing up to six.... ..... $3,00 Tem cents extra for each listing over six. NAME ADDRESS WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: BIRTHDAYS: 1. NAME: BIRTHRATE 2. NAME: BIRTHDATE 3. NAME: BIRTHDATE 4. NAME: BIRTHDATE 5. NAME: BIRTHDATE 6. NAME: BIRTHDATE Indicate those in the Armed Forces by a * PHONE PLEASE HAVE CALENDAR INFORMATION AND MONEY BACK BY JULY 15, 1984. THANK YOU. CHURCHES IN THE ENFIr'LD AREA The Enfield Baptist Church continues to worship at 11.00 on Sunday mornings, •The church has recently added a child care program, so that parents can worship, knowing that their children are being cared for, (Children remain with their parents until after the Children' Story, a special message for children, and then are dismissed upstairs.) The Church held a Lenten Bible Study on Sunday mornings at MOO, and plan to resume them this month, meeting again at 1Os00 Sunday mornings, Dates for Vacation Bible School have been set for June 25-29, the week right after school gets out. Mark your calendars now for these dates! If you have any questions, or need help from the Church, please call the pastor, Rev. Cynthia Ikuta at 273-4696 or 256-8542 (8:00 A.M.- 12:00 noon) or leave a message with Moderator Tva, Krayniak at 272-6518. Bible Baptist Church - Schools - 329 Connecticut Hill Road, R.D.#3 Newfield, New York 14867. Phones: 607-272-3779 and 272-9416. On June 29 the regular schedule of the Christian day school for 1983-84 will end. The summer schedule of the church includes Thursday nights at 5:00 P.M, the Fellowship dinner, and at 6s00 P.M the weekly prayer meeting, On Sundays, the Sunday School service at 9:00 AM and at 5200 PM, and the preaching services at 10:00 AM and 6s00 PM, and on Saturdays the Teen Meeting at 7:00 PM. During the summer vacation period there will be several Teen Outings planned, Please phone the church for details. Call 607-272-3779 or 607-272-9416. • Vacation Bible School will be scheduled from Thursday August 23rd, through Thursday August 30, from 1j00 through 4sOO PM each day. Bible Baptist Christian Day School will begin the new school year for 1984-85 on Monday August 27 at 8s00 AM. There will be no school Friday August 31, or September 1, nor on Monday September 31 which latter is Labor Day. Enfield Methodist Church "Sometimes we decrease our activities during the summer. But this summer we are increasing our enthusiasm and activities in many areas of the life of the 2afield United Methodist Church," says Pastor Mary Olson. Summer Sunday School for preschool and elementary children will be held at 11s00 AM each Sunday. morning, So- while .adults and .older.youth are worshipping in the sanctuary, younger Christians will be in Sunday School Groups downstairs, A grant from the Elmira District United Methodist Boar.' will enable the rural trailer perk ministry in Sandy (Seek to continue for another summer. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for the week of Suguct 20. Zveryone is welcome to the activities from 10 to 11,30 :1M that ,reek. Peggy Hubbell is collecting used toys for Christmas and birthday presents .for children, Anyone wanting to be sure a child has a special gift should call Peggy or Rev. Olson. Most of the items will be used at '-hristmas time, But birthdays throughout the year also should never be celebrated without a 6 ft. The United Methodist summer camp experiences are held at Casowasco for ... -a'- - Yo-kers. "o,:th interested in a wce!k's campin` experience can call lay lea-cr. s a _a.:.il_c.r te_.. aroun,1 the 2nfieLl nurch. Rev. Olson is nne cf the eo-chairs of the bi- event in Syracuse's r_^ier Dome June 27-July 1, '.'>_tionally known pr<.a^hers, concerts, and lecturers will all be there. A few of the :a_-ticipans :-;ill be lobert .;cruller, ),'ill'_e "elson, Sandi =atti, Al Green, the Syracuse -Symphony, Bishop Marjorie :atthews, .]huck Colson, Ray Repp, and Mary Lu ';ialker. ;:ai^line :� otestants, Roman .'.atholics, 2vangelicals and 2entecostals will be there. There are still gate passes e,railable. Call Rev. Olson if you want ;:ore information. "Our Daily Bread", a cookbook produced by the D�eield. United Methodist Church, will be off the press by Auwst 1. "_'he cookbook is full of favorite recipes of &afield neighbors and friends. Florence Laue headed up the entire cookbook project, and she says "The book is dedicated, as a memorial, to :Frances Rumsey Carpenter, lon- standing secretary of the United Methodist women's group. We will have 750 books for dale, each one containing more than 480 recipes. Advance coupon sales are already being made and will also be available at the Fire Company's Carnival." ?gape Bible church - 26+ S. Applegate Road Pastor, Rev. Kenneth Hoover Telephone - 272-9110 7!orning Worship - 11.00 AM unday School - 10:00 Air _-ayes P:eeti.ng '.Jedresday - 7:00 T1: -lease call if a ride is needed. • ?astor Hoover and church volunteers started the free food distribution in :afield in January of 1983- -Since then it has increased to serve about 50 families through the Elmira Food Bank, In addition, the church distributes for BOG and assists In the Federal -Cheese and other surplus food distributions. We wish to thank the ynfield Firemen for their kindness in the use of the Fire House for the Federal Food Days, Agape Church will again have the Horse Show and -Cook-out at the church this summer. .o aid the Building find, we will be having a Rummage and White Elephant sale soon. Donations would be greatly appreciated. 1�rffielrl Vallev Grange ':?e are planning to have an exhibit at ^rumansburg Fair in July. The -Crange held a cher_^y pie contest in :arch. Out of 8 contestants the winner was Mabel 31:,,1sey, who will be representing Enfield Granje at the County -wide Contest at the omona meeting in July. Robe~ Ca_ rater is the Grangerepresentativet P s, scr t rpe o taking subscriptions for he American A riculturist magazine. :all Bob for your renewal or never subscription at 3a•�_�001 The iran_e is collecting proofs of purchase of :"smell House coffee. T_t can be either Imo""., cr clastic lids. :l ease leave at the Harold Iaue residence. These T4111 •entitle us to a free 21+ cup Yz xwell House electric percolator that all can use at the "range !Tall. ')eadline is December 1, 3 and we must have 1<0 proofs to �cconplisr o•ir :oal. =lease let us have yours. ?e ere looking forea_rd to putting or. our Election Night supper again in November! i • • The following School Districts time within the Town of Enfield. Trumansburg n�r1 North 8 + 4 2 , ' 9 t 6 ' � 3 were in existence at some point in This map is a portion of a larger map included as part of the Ithaca area school study committee report to To area school officers T, April 28, 1952 to 7 14" 4 ' Newfield Centr 116. District #1 - ( Tubbs ) located on the north-east corner of Aiken and Podunk road. It appears at this corner on the 1866 map. Annexed to District # 1 town of Ulysses July 13, 1945. District #2 - ( Rolfe ) located on the east side of Van Dorn road north of route 79. Appears on the 1866 map in that area. District #4 - ( Millers ) located on the west side of Halseyville road just north of route 79. Appears on the 1866 map at that site. Annexed to District #6 on January 12,1916. This annexation was appealed and ordered void on October 9, 1917. District #5 - ( Stone School House ) located east side of Applegate road south of route 79. Also appears on the 1866 map. Annexed to District #6 on July 12, 1916. District #6 - ( Enfield Center ) Appears on the 1866 map at the north-west corner of Rothermich and Fish road. Later located on Enfield Center road west of route 327 across from the Methodist Church. A two room school house. District #7 - ( Woodard ) located north-east corner Woodard and Hines road. Appears on the 1866 map at this location. District #8 - ( Purdy ) located south-east corner of Bostwick and Colegrove road. Also appears on the 1866 map. District #9 - ( Rollison ) located south-east corner of route 79 and Black Oak road. It is at this location on the 1866 map. Became part of the Odessa Central Rural School September 25, 1943. District #10 - ( The Little Red School ) located on east side of Connecticut Hill road between Griffin and Rumsey Hill road. District #11 - ( Harvey Hill ) located north side of Harvey Hill road west of route 327. Appears on the 1866 map District #12 - This probably was a Town of Hector district with Enfield children attending. The 1966 map shows a school on the south-east continued -- over Supervisor°s,Report ENFIELD: • Town officials are at this time condsidering the possibility of dissolving the present Fire Protection District and establishing a Fire District. Before creating a Fire District the Town Board would like a list of people who would be willing to serve as Fire Commissioners. These individuals should have experience in business, finances and fire fighting. Anyone interested should submit a resume to: Enfield Town Board, 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca New York 14850. Under the present Fire Protection District the Town Board has to negotiate with a committee designated by the Fire Company on a contract for fire protection for the town. At times these negotiations have been stormy and prolonged. Under a Fire District the Board of Commissioners annually prepares and files with the budget officer of the Town detailed estimates of the amounts of revenues to be received and expenditures to be made during the ensuing fiscal year. Expenditures for Fire District purposes may not exceed certain limit- ations, (Town Law 176 (18). The Town Board can not change these figures; in fact the Board is in no way involved in the Fire budget procedure. If a Fire District is established, the Town Board has to appoint the first commissioners (five) and a treasurer. These individuals would serve until the first annual election, which is held on the second Tuesday of December of each year. At that time all of the commissioners and treasurer • would be elected by the voters of the Fire District, which in this case, comprises all of the Town of Enfield. They would elect five (5) commissioners, one for five years, one for four years, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year. The treasurer would be elected for a three (3) year term. We will try to give a brief explanation covering the spending limit- ations under a Fire District. You would take the full assessed valuation and subtract the first million of full valuation. This would give you the excess over the first million of full valuation. You would multiply this by one mill. (.001) which would give you the expenditures permitted on full valuation above one million. Then you would add $2000.00 expenditure permitted on full valuation below first one million. This would give you the statutory spending limitation for that year. Any amount over this limit would have to go to public referendum and be approved by the taxpayers of the Fire District. It is anticipated that in the near future there will be a need for a new pumper truck and a new fire house to house the newer trucks. This would mean quite a large increase in money to support the Fire and Rescue services needed in the T own. The Town Board would feel more comfortable if this decision was in the hands of the taxpayers instead of 5 people comprising the Town Board. Under a Fire District more funds would be available through long term loans and Federal Grants and at low interest rates over a long pay -back period, which is,not available under the present system. • There are certain procedures the Board has to go through before a Fire District is established. Some of these have already been accomplished. • (a) Resolution to hold a public hearing. (b) Notice of public hearing. (c) Public Hearing, (d) Consider the finding of the public hearing. These are necessary to establish a Fire District: (1) That it would serve the public interest, and (2) all property and property owners and interested persons within the territory of the proposed District who will be benefitted by its creation. (e) Adoption of a resolution of the Town Board calling for creation of a Fire District. (f) Town Clerk sends certified cop of the resolution to Tompkins County Clerk. (g) Town Clerk sends, within ten days, to State Department of Audit and Control: (1) duplicate certified copies of the resolution; (2) a duplicate application for permission to create a Fire District, executed and verified by the Supervisor; (3) an itemized statementofexisting-indebtedngs"s of the town, both temporary and bonded, including indebtedness for all special district purposes, if any, and (4) statement of aggregate assessed valuation of taxable real property in the proposed District, in this case, the Town. (h) The Department of Audit and Control gives notice to the County Board of Representatives which has 15 days within which to file objections. The State Comptroller determines whether the public interest will be served and whether the cost will be an undue • burden on the property of the District. He then either grants or denies permission and sends a copy of his determination to the Town Clerk, to be presented to the Town Board at its next meeting. ENFIELD BUSINESS DIRECTORY Our intent was tz include all the busiress places in the Town of Enfield. If YOU Vera not included, -e are sorry - our apologies. HERBALIFE CAKES BY LINDA : KUMO'S ',IUNTRY r STAURANT The Safe and Healthy Way to Linda Stilwell . Rock & Roll Country Disco Control Weight Enfield Main Road laec�:lenburg Annabelle Seamon - 272-3890 277-0764 277-1800 THE COUNTRY CRAFT SHOP THE PRINCE>S SHOPPB APPLEGATE TAVERN 530 Hayts Road Ceramics and Wedding Service 272-9369 Malseyville Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. Car. Applegate Rd., & Rte,79 273-4884 RALPH CARPENTER, JR. SANDY CREEK MOBILE HOMES FINGER LAK.S ',RECKER SE4VIC. •Bulldozer Work 139 Applegate Rd, 2068 Mecklenburg Road Ithaca, N Y,, 14850 468 Rayts Road Ithaca, N. Y. , 1L850 277-4864 273-1623 273-6972 Coy% "r ENFIELD BUSINE�S DIRECTORY CE3AJ"a S MA.RY.ANNE'3 U'HOLSTERY •JJ'3 Enfield Center Enfield Center Suzie Reynolds - 273-1229 272-1710 J. W. JACKSON ULTRA LI'!HT AERC PLANE COMPANY Used Cars Neno Family 2169 Mecklenburg Rd. 56 So. Applegate Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 277-2907 272 -2521 HILLENDALE GOLF COURSE AVON Applegate & Hayts Rd. Debra Morais 273-2363 Blackoak Rd. 272-6928 CFkP. LES HUBBELL : KIRCHGE 3SNER' S CHICKEN RANCH General Contractor Fresh Eggs Harvey Hill Rd., Ithaca, N.Y.: 192 infield riain Rd. 272-6808 272-2241 LOVEuLEE BEAUTY SALON LARRY SAULSGIVER Helen Jackson Honey Enfield Center 464 Enfield Center Rd. 272-8624 7 • 272-2135 D & J PAVING COMPANY STAN RUMSEY Enfield Center Road Precision Machining & Mfg. 272-1333 1514 Mecklenburg Road 272-4447 BILL LANDON Masonry & Remodeling 1891 Mecklenbueg Rd. 272-3374 I'ULLOWW00D CAMPSITES, LTD. Family Campsites 272-6087 Mr. M. AUTO SERVICES Marty Schreiber 547 Enfield Center Rd. 272-9343 AUTO REPAIR Doug 'Willis Rothermich Rd. 272-2072 :SkM 'S SMALL ENGINE LiEPAIR & SALES 2169 Mecklenburg Rd. 272-7825 JOHNNY'S WHOLESALE S!:R.VICE 56 So. Applegate Rd, 272-6261 V LOUIE S AN SOUCIE Welding Podunk Road - 387-9268 HEATING & PLUMBING Mery Hammond 247 Applegate Road 277-3154 POOLS FILLED For all your water needs J. T. Smith 273-1689 ANDY KRAFT Tropical Fish & Supplies Enfield Main Rd. 272-7903 THE GUN SHOP James Manheim Trumbulls Corners Rd. 273-7648 EAGLE ELECTRONICS Rodolfo Strobelt Aiken Road 387-6414 DAY CARE Nan Lanni.ng 1567 Alecklenburg Road 272-1054 ENFIELD AUTO REPAIR Don Monroe Millers Corners, Rte. 79 273-8919 NAN'S BEAUTY SHOP 1567 Mecklenburg Road 272-2414 B SMALL ENGINE REPAIR THE HAIR LOFT PARTNER IS MARKET GREY ROAD Mary Tutton ' Miller's Corners, Rte. 79 272-7463 Applegate Road Ithaca, N. Y. 273-8070 Senl4oko-s 14rt/one' over b -�5 years o�ci cznQ /(G�13rJPCUs� /5 WE I CCMe �o a// our Acf, v;tes Mee+ings A c+ 'y i+e s 0"ash-to pa-s-s ia:30 ,r- A,>irnuo Qu'i It +or of Grp n e Hal / to ea y Ju I y I I Jun e 13 ,Sell pies a.i- Firemen's Das NeecJ do �atiail5 /4vrj, rer Ida rade- s ept, rjps —-3a. y ea� EVerl anJ Wedresciay /12;3o P�0- fherrSpeo'��fn931rth lcxs 7RIP5 Ge�lesseE Ccuntr y ML/seurn - /,Y )/Yrf orc1 Leas)/) q Jt Ke .29 8.00 12,rn. from Gr-Qn9e Hal) J S-riming srde1lnn �ilinher dro�clwaylskow--Alqust 1ranSP arl-a.i'iDn ,r- GLUm�Ssiorl CC5�'� Su�7�orlP� %y / , y 5• Recreo-tion Prod rant yov need pay only . 0,od costs SlGn L.Ip-for T'i P by June r'Y1any hvvrs 90 ipto a 9u i It &ahIch /s made ccr d clvnatecl every y P-a r rto she " e h G e I d Fes- Ira -7/ 7h;s yes;-SIgrl. For iuk-+hee ,yr&n2+'w? Go)( a�3-13�c or ��%-96Sa