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Enfield Community Currents
Brought to you by the Enfield Community Council
2019 April - June Free
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot
and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light,
and winter in the shade.
~ Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Hello Spring! I hope the beautiful weather we are experiencing while I write
this sticks around. We have a lot going on this spring.
First off, the Enfield Elementary School and the Enfield After School
Program have approached the ECC about the Country Faire. It appears that
this new event was missed last year. We voted to sponsor the event once
again. Look inside for further information.
Secondly, we have passed our new by-laws. They needed to be updated to
meet State and Federal laws. With the new by-laws in place, we are ready to
continue our push to build our Community Center. Now the question has been
posed, do we still need it? While I believe a larger community space with a
complete commercial kitchen is needed even more now, we would like the
community’s opinion. Please let us know your thoughts via email or a phone
call. Any officer will do, our contact info is located to the left.
Third, Summer Camp registration has commenced. Inside you will find the
information and forms. Please contact Vera if you have any questions. Her
contact info is in the forms.
Fourth, the Town of Enfield is doing clean up days once again. The dates
are Wednesday, May 8th through Friday, May 10th from 12 pm to 5 pm and
Saturday, May 11th from 7 am to 12 pm. Please see the town website for
further information.
Fifth, Free Rabies Vaccination Clinic on May 9th at the Enfield Highway
Department. Again, please see the town website for further information.
Obviously, everyone has been busy with planning and will continue to be
busy with all these events going on in the near future! Please remember to take
a deep breath when you need one!
Enjoy the Spring,
Cortney Bailey
This newsletter sponsored by the
Enfield Community Council (ECC)
Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702
Lisa Monroe, Vice President 379-0844
Ann Rider, Secretary 277-3478
Carla Trenchard, Treasurer
Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-4702
What’s Inside…
From the Editor 1
Message from ECC 1
PreK Registration & Info 2
EVFC Chicken BBQs 2
Enfield Seniors Schedule 2
ECC Country Faire 3
Enfield Valley Grange 4
Enfield Elementary School 4
Town Historian 5
EVFC Blood Drive 5
Enfield Food Pantry 5
Area Churches: 5
Agape Bible Church
Enfield Baptist Fellowship
Jacksonville United Methodist
Living Water Christian Fellowship
Summer Camp Information 6-8
Tompkins County Office for the
Aging 9-10
Send a Kid to Camp 10
Calendar of Events 11
Regularly Scheduled Meetings 11
Omissions from this publication
are not intended
The next issue will be compiled in June
for publication at the end of that month.
Contact the editor with information you’d
like to see included.Enfield Community Council Seeks New Members
The Enfield Community Council is prepping for a new year and a
busy one. We would like to add to our board and find Enfield
people to help us with our new projects. Tell us the type of things
you can help with, and we will gratefully find a place for you. Our
major focus is the youth of our community. We want to build a new
building to give them a *center*.
Talk to your friends, search your thoughts. Contact Ann @ 227-
1891 or Cortney @ 279-4702, if you can help in any way.
Prekindergarten Registration &
Program Information
Kindergarten Early Registration will be June 3rd and
10th. If your child will be attending Enfield Elementary
this coming year please call our Main office (607) 274-
2221 and speak with our secretary Judy and she will
help you with registering your student.
Enfield Senior Citizens
Members are 55+ with yearly dues of $5.00
Where: Living Waters Christian Fellowship, 162 Enfield Main Rd., Enfield
Time: 11:30 (Come early for conversation)
When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month
It is a brief meeting with a dish to pass lunch (hot or cold). Bring a table service and we supply Hot Coffee, Tea or
We have a $1.00 lunch basket donation to help with the cost.
Enfield Senior Meeting & Trip dates for April—June 2019
President: Pat Baker 273-6241, Vice President: Bill Eisenhardt 272-0827, Secretary: Dennis Huff 564-7022
Treasurer: Linda Stilwell 277-0764, Trip Coordinator: Janice Robinson 277-4626
April 11, 2019 Thursday TIOGA DOWNS CASINO
April 17, 2019 Wednesday Luncheon
May 9, 2019 Thursday JAMESTOWN
May 15, 2019 Wednesday Luncheon
June 19, 2019 Wednesday Luncheon (Bingo)
Last Chance!
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company,
172 Enfield Main Road
April 14th
Serving 11:00 am until gone.
Meals include a BBQ chicken half, roll, baked beans,
macaroni salad, and dessert.
The Ladies Auxiliary holds a Bake Sale at each BBQ.
This Year's Voting Road Map
Tuesday, June 25 - Local Primary held at The Living Waters Church, 162 Enfield Main Rd. from Noon to 9 pm
Saturday, October 26 – Early voting starts at Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga St. or the Fire & Rescue building
near the airport. Hours are Saturday and Sunday from 9-2 pm, Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7 am to 3
pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 12-8. This information is tentative!
Tuesday, November 12 – Election Day
Voting will be at the Living Waters Church, 162 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, NY.
16 & 17 yr. olds can register as inactive and will automatically become “active” on their 18th birthday.
Your voter registration will now travel with you across county lines.
Continuing the tradition of celebrating the arrival of Spring!
Join us at the Enfield Elementary School
ECC Country Faire
When: Saturday, May 11th, 2019
From 11 am to 3 pm
The Enfield School Age Program is running a concession
The whole Enfield School is putting on various interesting
The Enfield Community Council is holding a plant sale and
Vendors will be on hand to buy that last minute Mother’s
Day present!
Mother’s Day is the next day!
Come and join us in the (hopefully) sunshine! We will be
there no matter what the weather!
News from Enfield Elementary School
Spring is in the air at Enfield Elementary School! Our students and staff are ready to thaw out and spend more time
outside as the weather warms up. We are excited to share some highlights from our school year so far and let you
know about upcoming events.
School/Community Connections
Our passionate PTA continues to develop incredible programming for our community. We just wrapped up the wildly
successful Dino Night and had a family Dance in February. In a couple weeks, we will launch our Marathon Miles
running program. Students will run/walk every day around our school to accumulate miles toward a total distance of a
marathon by the end of the year. Come join us!
We collect Box Tops for Education. Here is the site for participating products https://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/
participating-products that have Box Tops. If you have some, Judy Fernandes in our main office will gladly take them off
your hands.
The PTA is running a fundraiser through IthaCan (614 Elmira Road). Bring them your returnable containers and let
them know you are donating the returns to Enfield Elementary School.
Please check out their website http://www.enfieldpta.org/ for continuous updates. Anyone can support the PTA through
the site, and if you have children in the school, please consider becoming a member and attending our monthly PTA
meetings on the first Monday of each month. Pizza and childcare arrives at 5:30 and the meeting starts at 6 pm.
We are participating in and/or hosting a few upcoming events open to the community. We hold a Library Storytime
every other Thursday morning from 8:30-9:30 am. The remaining dates for the year are March 28, April 11 & 25, and
May 9 & 23. The library is open to caregivers with children age 0-4. Books are read, snacks are served, games are
played, and songs are sung! We’re so looking forward to the Spring Faire that will take place at Enfield Elementary
School on May 11. Our annual Health and Wellness night will be held on June 19 th this year.
Calling all vendors !!!!
We are currently looking for vendors for the Country Faire on May 11th! It is held at the Enfield Elementary School
grounds. Booth space is $10.00 for a 10’x10’ space. You provide table, chairs, canopy, etc. Electricity is available in
limited spaces. If you are a community organization getting “the word out” about your services there is no fee.
Please contact Cortney Bailey at cbailey525@yahoo.com or at (607) 279-4702. We hope to have a wonderful day
again this year and shake off the winter blahs!
Our pancake breakfasts have been going well. They will continue on April 6th and May 4th, from 8:00 am to 10:30 am,
Come and visit with your neighbors and enjoy a hot pancake breakfast! Our menu includes pancakes, waffles, French toast,
hash browns, sausage, eggs to order, applesauce, orange juice, coffee and tea.
On Saturday, May 4th at 7:00 pm we will be hosting a Square Dance. Come dance or just enjoy the band. Refreshments will be
We are currently planning our Spring Craft/Flea market on Saturday, May 11th. We hope to hold it both inside as well as outside.
If you would like to become a vendor, please contact Sandra Trutt at 273-4884.
Lourdes Hospital will be bringing the Mobile Mammography van. Walk -ins are welcome.
If you enjoy crafting, we have a Craft Club that meets the first Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandra at 273-4884.
We are planning on having our Fish Fry Dinners starting in June.
Other events are in the planning stages, please watch our sign for more information.
Grange meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm, we welcome you to come join us!
The grange hall is available for rentals at a reasonable rate. If you or anyone you know are looking for a place to host your e vent,
whether for a shower, party or reception; the grange hall is an excellent place. Please contact Sandra for information at 273-4884.
Have a wonderful Spring,
Carol Baker, Enfield Valley Grange President
Area Churches, Missions, & Activities
Agape Bible Church
264 S. Applegate Road
Pastor Mike Corriero
Pastor Chip Adams-Compton
Agape is a non-denominational,
charismatic fellowship, with a
diverse group of people from
different cultures and backgrounds.
Our Purpose
To be a house of restoration, refreshing,
and rest.
To worship the Lord and seek his face.
To share His love, and build up and equip
God's people.
To spread the gospel both here and to the
8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute
service, with a short time of worship,
followed by the teaching of the word of
10:00 am Morning Service: A service of
around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with
expressive charismatic worship, and
opportunity for body ministry and
testimony. Nursery and Children's
Church are provided during the 10:00
am service.
Jacksonville Community
United Methodist Church
PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854
Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor
We welcome visitors and invite
you to join us at any time. The
church is located on Route 96 in
Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville.
Worship & Meetings:
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year-
round (Sunday School & Nursery
Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm
Vocal Choir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
174 Enfield Main Rd.
Group Study (adults and teens
welcome) 8:45 AM Sunday
Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday
Worship service 10:00 AM. Sunday
Please join us. We are an American
Baptist Church (www.abc-usa.org).
We sponsor the Enfield Food
Distribution, our local food pantry.
Living Water Christian Fellowship
162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca
Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor
The Living Water Christian
Fellowship welcomes you! We are a
full Gospel community fellowship. We
believe and practice the gifts of the
Spirit (I Corinthians 12). Please check
out our web site LWCFIthaca.com
Regularly Scheduled Events:
Worship Service 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:00 am
Bible Study 7:00 pm
last Sat of the month
Men’s Breakfast 8:00 am
Red Cross Blood Drive
At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
Red Cross Blood Drive: The 3rd Tuesday of every other month
(the odd months: May, July, September, etc.) 1:30 until 6:30 PM., walk-
ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an
Next Blood Drive: Tuesday, May 21st
Thanks to the community for helping us meet or exceed our monthly
goals! However, there’s always room for more!
Any Enfield resident in need may
come to the pantry one time a week,
either on Sunday or Monday. Please
bring a proof of address. If you need
food, please know that you will be
welcomed and feel comfortable at
our pantry. We are here to help.
Every Sunday 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Every Monday 12:00-3:30 PM
The pantry serves on average 200
families a week. Volunteers and do-
nations are always welcome. Please
call 607-273-5682.
Connecticut Hill
Enfield Town Historian, Sue Thomp-
son (historian@townofenfield.org)
While looking for ideas for an article on
“Enfield History” I found a newspaper
article dated August 1911. It told
about D.A. Brodie of the Bureau of
Plant Industry, department of Agricul-
ture in Washington D.C. coming to
Tompkins County. He was viewing the
“so-called” abandoned farms of Con-
necticut Hill. The government had
been making experiments there to im-
prove the condition of the soil. This
was the section of the county which
Col. Theodore Roosevelt made a trip
through in 1910.
After reading the article I wondered
how much land in Enfeld is designated
as Connecticut Hill Wildlife Manage-
ment (WM) Area. There is a total of
181.88 acres according to the Tomp-
kins County Assessment Office (18.-1-
9 and 18.-1-10). Then I wondered who
owned the land before W.M. Florence
and Samuel Decker were listed on the
deed. Florence received the land in
her name on February 1911. The fam-
ily was listed in the Federal Census as
living in Newfield on Saxton Hill
(Cayutaville Road) until they were
listed as living on Town Line Road in
1930 in Enfield. Samuel’s occupation
was general farming and Florence’s
occupation was housekeeping. They
had two children Seeley and Nellie.
Their land was sold to the W.M. in
1936. They both died in the late
Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp
July 8, 2019 to August 16, 2019
The Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp offers a camp program which will enhance the children’s growth,
well-being, and social development by incorporating one or more of the following components into all camp activities and
projects: educational and/or recreational objectives, physical fitness and cultural studies including art and music.
The Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp serves children ages 4–13 and will be held at the Robert Treman
State Park - Lower Park, North Shelter with the following programs and activities:
Arts & crafts
Swimming at state parks
Stream exploration
An outdoor education program
Literacy activities
A chance to make new friends & strengthen existing friendships
Field Trips & day themes
Breakfast & lunch provided by the ICSD Food Service program (Campers can also bring their lunch)
Before & After Camp Care for an additional cost
A library for daily reading
Your child should bring daily:
Shoes appropriate for sports & walks in the woods
Filled plastic water bottle
Extra change of clothes
6 Week Program Costs (These are TOTAL cost fees, NOT weekly)
Program Hours Residents
Non-Resident Fee
Base Summer
Camp Pro-
8:45 a.m. - 3
$445.00 $545.00
Before Camp
Care *
7:30 a.m. -
8:45 a.m.
$195.00 $195.00
After Camp
Care *
3:00 p.m. -
5:30 p.m.
$ 270.00 $320.00
*This payment guarantees space for your child(ren) for before and/or after camp care regardless the number of days per
week using that service.
All fees (including before and after care fees) need to be paid by the first day of camp
The Community Council is offering a prepay reduced rate for the BASE FEE ONLY; the reduction of $15.00/child
is applicable if you pay by May 31, 2019.
The Enfield Community Council strives to provide activities that are free or low cost. It is our goal that no one is
turned away because of the inability to pay. Please contact the Camp Director if there are any issues regarding
income and/or ability to pay.
Summer Camp Applications
Are available at the Enfield Elementary School office, the Enfield Town Clerk’s Office, and at the Enfield Elementary
School Age Program (weekdays 2:00 - 5:30 pm) and thru the Town of Enfield website: townofenfield.org. You may also
photocopy a blank application.
Are accepted on a first come, first serve basis; Enfield residents are given preference.
Are due by June 15th to ensure a space for your child(ren) at camp.
Must be completely filled out and include all payments to be accepted. (Any remaining balances due from 2018
must be paid before a 2019 application can be accepted.)
Should be mailed with payment to:
Enfield Community Council: 168 Enfield Main Road, Suite 11, Ithaca, NY 14850
Checks or money orders payable to Enfield Community Council; no cash payments accepted
If you currently receive temporary assistance or need help with the cost of camp, you may be eligible for assistance
through DSS for the Summer Day Camp. Please follow the steps below to apply for assistance and secure space for
your child in our summer day camp program:
1. If you don't have an open case with DSS please call them to complete an eligibility pre -screening. Contact Carrie Bay-
lor at 274-5221, Robin Collins at 274-5237 or main desk at 274-5612.
2 .If you already have an open case please contact your caseworker.
3. If you are deemed eligible you should complete the DSS application. DSS staff can help.
4. You should submit a completed registration form to DSS that indicates which day camp you are interested in for your
5. You must also submit enrollment packets to the Child Development Council – one that is pre-filled by Enfield Summer
Day Camp (Vera Howe-Strait) and a short family enrollment packet. Those packets are available through Vera Howe -
Strait. Original signatures from you and Vera are required on the enrollment packets.
6. After the DSS application is completed and the registration information is processed an authorization for payment will
be issued to you that indicates the amount of assistance that you will receive and the parent share due, if any.
To officially register your child complete the steps above and present your completed program registration
form and authorization for payments to Enfield Community Council Summer Camp and/or Vera Howe -Strait.
Going through this process takes time. Please start as early as possible, say by April/May, to give yourself ade-
quate amount of time to complete all the necessary steps and secure spaces in camp. The ECC Summer Camp
will work with you to ensure that those spaces are secured.
For Older Youth
There is a Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program for teens 14-15 year old interested in summer employment/ opportuni-
ties to work with youth and gain work experience. Contact Vera Howe -Strait for more information.
QUESTIONS? Contact Vera Howe-Strait: 280-2317 or by email, vstrait18@htva.net
Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp Application
July 8, 2019 –August 16, 2019
Child's Name:_______________________________ Birth Date ___________Grade completed______
___Enfield Resident: ___Non -Resident:Ethnicity: ___Hispanic ___ Non -Hispanic
Race:__Black/African American __American Indian __Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander __Asian __White
__Prefer Not to State
Home #: ___________________ Work #:___________________ Cell #: ___________________
Email OPTIONAL(FYI on camp and future programs thru ECC):__________________________________
Emergency Contacts:
Name: Relationship: Home #: Work #:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Persons authorized to pick up child,
in addition to parents/guardian:
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
Persons NOT authorized to pick up child:
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
Immunizations: we cannot accept applications without the most recent DATES for the following:
Even if your child was a camper in the past an updated immunization record is required each year DPT ________
Tetanus ________ Polio ________ Measles ________ Varicella (chicken pox) ________
Mumps ________ Rubella ________ Haemophilus Influenza type B ________ Hepatitis b ________
Medical conditions/Restrictions, or special needs:____________________________________________________
Please answer the following YES NO
My child has permission to fully particpate in the Enfield Community Council Summer Day
My child has permission to go on field trips using bus transportation
My child has permission to swim on site and on field trips at State parks or lakes
I give permission for the trip leader and/or other emergency care personnel to administer
first aid or medical treatment in the event of an emergency involving my child
I give permission for my child's photo to be taken during activities for documentation and/
or publicity purposes
I give permission for my child to carry and use sunscreen and allow camp staff to assist
when asked by my child and/or my child is unable to do so him/herself
I understand that the Enfield Community Council is not responsible for any accidents or
injuries unless there is negligence on their part.
My child will be using before camp care (extra fee) *
My child will be using after camp care (extra fee) *
Please list any weeks your child will NOTbe attending camp: __________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
Tompkins County Office for the Aging
Senior Living Expo 2019
The annual Senior Living Expo will be held Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 1:00 pm-3:30 pm at the Clarion Inn (formerly
the Ramada Inn). This event will host over 30 exhibitors and Stay Steady fall risk assessments. There will be two
presentations: “What is the Best Exercise to Beat Dementia, Diabetes & Disease?” by William Y. Shang, MD and
“Community Supports for Aging in Place” by Lisa Monroe, Director, Office for the Aging. This event is co -sponsored by
the Tompkins County Office for the Aging and the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute. For more information please
visit www.tompkinscountyny.gov/cofa or call
Wonderful Wheelchairs
Do you need a wheelchair for a low price? Do you have a wheelchair that needs repair? If yes, then you need to contact
Wonderful Wheelchairs! They can repair your existing wheelchair or mobility device, provide you with a low -cost mobility
device, help you select the right piece of equipment for your needs and fit, and can loan you a wheelchair during repairs.
Contact Wonderful Wheelchairs by calling Ardie Bennett @ (607)375 -6657 or Monte May @ (607)592-4490, you can
email at WonderfulWheelchairs@gmail.com or check them out on the web at www.WonderfulWheelchairs.org or on Fa-
cebook @
Wonderful Wheelchairs is located at Cayuga Ridge, 1229 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca.
Looking to purchase an electric scooter? Not sure if it will be a good fit for you or your home? Tompkins County Office
for the Aging currently has one on loan from Wonderful Wheelchairs. Stop by the office located at 214 W Martin Luther
King Jr / State Street, Ithaca, and give it a spin.
2018-2019 HEAP Program Updates
The Home Energy Assistance Program has the following programs available to eligible households:
Heating Program: The heating program has been extended until close of business on Friday, April 26, 2019 or
until funds are exhausted. The program has added a second heating benefit if you are in an emergency, such as low on
fuel or heating supply, or are facing an electric or natural gas termination of service.
Heating Repair and Replacement Program: this program is open to homeowners who’s current heating system
need to be repaired or replaced. The program is currently open until close of business on Tuesday, September 30, 2019
or until funds are exhausted.
Heating Equipment Clean and Tune: This program is currently open and includes the cleaning of primary heat-
ing equipment but may also include chimney cleaning, minor repairs, installation of carbon monoxide detectors or pro-
grammable thermostats if necessary.
Cooling Assistance Component: This program opens effective Wednesday, May 1, 2019. You may receive one
Cooling Assistance benefit per applicant household for the purchase and installation of an air conditioner or a fan to help
your home stay cool. Your household must contain an individual with a documented medical condition that is exacerbat-
ed by heat. In circumstances where an air conditioner cannot be safely installed, a fan will be provided.
For more information on these programs or to check your eligibility, contact NY Connects Tompkins County Office for
the Aging at (607)274-5482.
Project Care looking for Volunteers
Do you have one-two hours per week to spare? Ever thought of being a volunteer? Project Care is a volunteer friendly
visitor program for Seniors. Volunteers provide companionship, respite for caregivers, or help with household chores
and errands.
Weekly visiting:
Many Seniors in our community greatly benefit from a weekly visit. Visits provide a caring bond, especially to those who
are socially isolated. Volunteers can play games, go for a walk, read to their Senior, polish nails, do a puzzle together,
Senior Living Expo 2019
The annual Senior Living Expo will be held Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 1:00pm-3:30pm at the Clarion Inn (formerly
the Ramada Inn). This event will host over 30 exhibitors and Stay Steady fall risk assessments. There will be two
presentations: “What is the Best Exercise to Beat Dementia, Diabetes & Disease?” by William Y. Shang, MD and
“Community Supports for Aging in Place” by Lisa Monroe, Director, Office for the Aging. This event is co -sponsored by
the Tompkins County Office for the Aging and the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute. For more information please
visit www.tompkinscountyny.gov/cofa or call
Wonderful Wheelchairs
Do you need a wheelchair for a low price? Do you have a wheelchair that needs repair? If yes, then you need to contact
Wonderful Wheelchairs! They can repair your existing wheelchair or mobility device, provide you with a low -cost mobility
device, help you select the right piece of equipment for your needs and fit, and can loan you a wheelchair during re-
pairs. Contact Wonderful Wheelchairs by calling Ardie Bennett @ (607)375 -6657 or Monte May @ (607)592-4490, you
can email at WonderfulWheelchairs@gmail.com or check them out on the web at www.WonderfulWheelchairs.org or on
Facebook @
Wonderful Wheelchairs is located at Cayuga Ridge, 1229 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca.
Looking to purchase an electric scooter? Not sure if it will be a good fit for you or your home? Tompkins County Office
for the Aging currently has one on loan from Wonderful Wheelchairs. Stop by the office located at 214 W Martin Luther
King Jr / State Street, Ithaca, and give it a spin.
Could You Help Send an Enfield Youth to Camp?
Over 70% of our campers come from local low-income families. We try not to turn away any child who wants to partici-
pate in our programs. We have gotten many more requests for help in paying for our summer camp the last 3 years so
the Enfield Community Council is starting a scholarship fund to meet this need in our community. The 6 -week camp
season base fee is $445.00 per child; that’s $74.17 a week.
Your donation of $445.00 will allow 1 camper to:
Participate in arts, science, sports, and craft activities.
Swim daily at Treman Park, opportunities for hiking, creek exploration, playground time
Go on many field trips that are scheduled: Taughannock Park, Greenwood Lake State Park, Watkins Glen swim pool,
Sciencenter, Hangar Theater, bowling
Have a healthy breakfast, hot lunches and bag lunches for field trips
Make new friends, play outdoors, have fun and be safe
The Enfield Community Council is a 501 C -3 not for profit organization - Your donations are tax-deductible.
Please make checks/money orders payable to Enfield Community Council, 168 Enfield Main Road, Suite 11, Ithaca, NY
14850. Please note “Camper Scholarship” in the memo line
Thank you for your support of the Enfield youth,
Vera Howe-Strait
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
____ I would like to donate $ ________to go towards _____(# of youth) camp fee.
____ I would like to donate an additional $______ to go towards the before camp care ($195.00) and/or
after camp care ($270.00) for an Enfield youth
Your name and address: ______________________________________________________________
Enfield Community Council
168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11
Ithaca NY 14850 Presort Standard
U.S. Postage
Permit No 780
Ithaca, NY
The Enfield Community Council thanks the United
Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support
of the Council's outreach programs, including this
newsletter. Please note that United Way and
Community Council funds are used only for the
Enfield Currents with no funds directed to the
Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage.
Calendar of Events
6 Grange Pancake Breakfast
14 EVFC Chicken BBQ
4 Grange Pancake Breakfast
8-11 Enfield Clean-up Days
9 Rabies Clinic
11 ECC Country Faire
11 Grange Craft Fair
Regularly Scheduled Community Meetings & Activities
Craft Club at the Grange: 1st Sunday, at 9:00am.
Creative Dance Classes for Kids & Teens: Wednesday afternoons at Living
Water Christian Fellowship, 162 Enfield Main Road
Enfield Community Council (ECC): TBA on the Town Website
Enfield Valley Grange: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange
Ladies Auxiliary: 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Fire Station
Ping Pong at the Grange: every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm
Senior Citizens: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Living Waters Christian
Fellowship Church; meetings include a dish -to-pass luncheon Calling all vendors and musicians!!
The Country Faire is May 11th and
we need vendors. Vendors are
charged $10.00 for a 10’x10’ space
to set up. You supply tables, chairs,
and canopy if you desire. Contact
Cortney Bailey at
cbailey525@yahoo.com or call her
at (607) 279-4702 for information on