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■ This newsletter sponsored by the Enfield Community Council (FCC) Cortney Bailey, President 279-4702 cbailey525@yahoo.com Carla Trenchard, Vice President 342-1385 Ann Rider Secretary 227-1891 Daylilyann l O@yahoo.com Lisa. Monroe, Treasurer. Cortney Bailey, Newsletter Editor 279-1702 What's Inside.,. From the -Editor 1 Summer Camp Update 2 ECC Basketball 2 ECC Meeting 2 Thank you 2 Trip to the Zoo 2 EVFC Blood Drive 3 Enfield food Pantry 5-6 `Area Churches: 3 Agape Bible Church V Enfield Baptist Fellowship I Jacksonville United Methodist Living Water Christian Fellowship Enfield Valley Grange 4 Free Parenting Class 4 School Age Program 4 Harvest Festival Thank you 5' Reuse Trail 5 Regularly Scheduled Meetings 6 Omissions from this publication are not intended The next issue will be compiled in.- December for publication at the -end of that month. Contact the editor with information you'd like to see included. Enfield Community Currents Brought to you by the Enfield Community. Council 2018 October— December Free Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln I will start with a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Harvest Festival this year! There are so many people behind the scenes that make this event possible. Newhart's Lodge and Ann Rider (and volunteers) for getting the delicious chicken BBQ, Vera and helpers for the concessions stand, Eric and the -teen program for the games; Andy and his plane for the ping pong drop, Under Construction for the live music, -Sam Miller and everyone who donated cakes (and other goodies) for the cake wheel, Carla Trenchard and others for the basket raffle and silent auction, Deena Rembaum for the lovely quilt we auctioned off, and so many businesses and individuals who donated items to the baskets and auction. There are a ton more, thank you to you all! Kate Merriman won the vintage quilt. Her friend bought one ticket and put her name on it. See it only takes one to win! Winter is around the corner. I am hoping for a quiet season. I think we are all ready for a chance to catch our collective breath! Roads are going to start getting slippery very soon. Remember that wet leaves can cause just as much slip as ice! With the many construction projects around the area, especially in Ithaca, please take extra time and get where you are going safely! Very shortly we will have trick or treaters out and about, deer moving around unexpectedly, and poor road conditions. Please be on the look out for all the hazards! As always, I like to include my plea for all to check in on their neighbors. No matter the time of year, stopping in to say hi and make sure all is well can make such a difference in a persons life. Your quick smile and how are you can -.make all the difference. Depression strikes many in the coming months. Knowing that someone cared enough to stop by can make a world of difference. Even just smiling to someone as you are going in a store can brighten a day. Another safety item (sorry) make sure your wood stove and/or furnace is serviced. I don't care who looks at it to make sure it is safe. Check your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors while you are at it! - Have a safe and warm winter, Cortney Bailey Help Wanted Like all non-profit organizations, ECG is constantly looking for more help! We have a core group that seems to do everything. Harvest Festival was a lot this year as just one core member had surgery before hand and could not help like usual. This put a tremendous strain on the others. We really need help year round with ideas, teen programs, elementary basketball and concessions for our "home" games, the community garage sale, Spring Faire, and more that can't all get done with just the core group. Only have an hour, contact Vera Howe -Strait about making something for the basketball concessions. Don't cook, see if Eric needs a hand with a teen dance. Have an idea on a new thing to do, let us know! IA Enfield Community Council Summer Day Camp The 2018 Summer was busy for.those of us a%tenoing the crrfieid Camp. There were i07 campers and 19 %iT (Counselors -lti-Training). Once again we spent our 6 weeks at flower Treman State Park. The campers_ had field trips to: Greenwood Cake State Park, Watkins Glen swim pool, Green Lakes State Park, Hangar Theater, Sciencenter, Mini- Golf, Bowling,:Syracuse Zoo and :15 campers had five half-days of canoeing as members of the Enfield Paddlers Club Daily, the campers had structured aciiv ties in STEM w/some Art, Sports, Crafts, Natural Arts, forgotten Arts and 0ut- door-Education. There were unstructured activities: playground time, free play, creek exploration and swim. There were also some specials: ice cream sundaes -pasta Bunt, tie-dye, movie day and Hawaiian day. t : Thank you.#o Treman State Park for'hos#ikq Enfield C- amp for another successful year. Thank you to United Way, Town f Enfietd for financial support. Thank you to all staff for your energy, commitment, enthusiasm, professionalism. To those community members who donated towrds camp scholarships we thank you for all the children who were able to attend camp. To all parents/guardians for sharing your children with us for cur camp, season and to an can-1pers for par- tipipating_ Our goal is to keep the campers enriched, safe, busy and healthy =-I hope we have achieved that goal. Until next summer have a safe, healthy and happy.family-focused next 10 months till we see each otheragain, Vera Howe-Strait Camp Director En i6ld-Elemelltary Basketball The Baca Youth Bureau Elementary l3askail season will start with practices in December. Applications for grades 3, *and 5 will go out toallstudents in thosegrades by #1}e:beginning of-November. Home schooled: children are also invit- ed to come play ort one of the teams. Applications will:be sent home through each classroom and are to be returned to Vera Howe-Strait, or the classroom teacher. The coach _for the girls'. teams is Kyle .Ellis and for the boys' teams it is Jaimy Allen. Games will start mid-late January 2019. Please check the school announcement board at the front of the school or the towoofenfield:org website:, -Need #o,contact Vera Howe-Strait, Coordinator of-Enfield teams vstraitl8@htva.net . Our next ECC meeting will be held on October 25 at 224 Gray Rd. We will have.dinner starting at 6 and our business meeting will start at 7. Please join us to find out more information about our organization_ and how you could help us expand our programs to the community. For more informationcaN Corti ey at 279-4702 or Ann at 277-3478. New Roof on Our Shed Red. Cross Blood Drive At the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Red Cross Blood Cave The 3rd Tuesday of Every other month f (the odd rmnfhs: November- Januaiy etc.) "1:3-0 until 6:30 PM., walk-ins are welcome or call the American Red Cross at 273-1900 for an appointment. -Next Mood-Drive. Tuesday, November 20th Want some help outfitting your house Thanks to the community for-helping us meet or exceed our monthly with new, more energy efficient LED goals' However, there's always room for morel light - bulbs? Bring an old incandescent bulb to the Town Clerk's office and she will give you a new one .... for FREE! Area Churches, Missions, &.Activities 1116 BAPAST CHURCH OF Agape Bible Church ` ENFIELII CENTER=; 264 S. Applegate Road 174 Enfield Mani Road" 607-273-7419/www.e„pape-ithaca.ord Worship/Sunday Schp Pastor Mike Cornero Discussion Group 9 00 AM Sunday Sunday School is at 0-30 AM Sunday Pastbr Chip Adams-Compton Agape is a non-denominational, Living Water Christian Fellowship - Worship service at 10.00 AM. Sunday -charismatic-fellowship, with a 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca 607-277-6301 Please join us. We are an American _ diversegroup of people from Rev. Chris Lynch, Senior Pastor Baptist Church (www abc-usamra) different cultures and backgrounds. We sponsor the Enfield Food Our Purpose L+v►n9 The " " WaUerChnstian Distribution, our local flood-pantry" • To be a house of restoration, refreshing, Fellowship welcomes you! We are and rest. a full Gospel community fellowship. • To worship the Lordandseek his face. We believe and -practice the gifts of • To share His love, and build up and equip"" the Spirit (i Corinthians 12). Please God's people. • To spread the gospel both here and to the Check out-our web site nations. LWCFlthaca.com 8:30 am Morning Service: A 70-minute Regularly Scheduled Events: service, with a short time of worship, Sunday"" followed by the teaching of the word of Worship Service 10:00 am God. Sunday School 11:00 am 10;00 am Momino Service: A service of` - Tuesday _- Community Businesses around 2 hours and 15 minutes, with Bible Study 7:00 pm expressive charismatic worship, and NewhaWs Lodge opportunity for body ministry and Saturday Newhart's Lo e @Tad. com testimon . Nurse and Children's Y Nursery last Sat of the month - r Good food/Good TmeslGreat bends ; Church are provided during the 10 00 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am a Clambakes/Wedding RcceptronslCompany am service. - PicnicslReunions Cliff273=5969 4be 27911841 Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church PO Box 224, Jacksonville, NY 14854 Open Hands Blessing Shop will be To see -your _cal business-in our 607-387-6296/www. cVn16 cola open-on the "first Saturday of each newsletter, please email cba% Reverend Nelson Reppert, Pastor month "from "9:00am to 12:00pm at ey525@yah66_66110617rnfo nation: We welcome visitors and invite Living Water Christian fellowship. about adveitising This will fieCp to you to join us at any time. The _Free clothing and household items. offset costs- church is located on Route 96 in Taking high quality, clean donations Jacksonville Center, Jacksonville. at that time as well. All are welcome. - "Worship A Meetings; Please calf 5 4 3922 e 9 - for more Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. year information. " round (Sunday School & Nursery - ' concurrent) Bell Choir, Thursdays at 6:30 pm Vocal CFtoir, Thursdays at 7:30 pm 3 ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE Welcome to Fall! We hope youfad a wonderful summer! The grange hosted our annual summer picnic with a chicken bar-b-que for flus members and those Who have volunteered throughout the year. We wish to thank our community for supporting our fund raising projects. We are able to continue to pay on our new roof. We=recently had a problem with our well We wish to thank the men of the grange and community who gave of their time, talents and ma- terials to help us remedy that issue. We are now in the process of replacing a refrigerator. Our upcoming events-in the planning are our next fish fry will be on Friday, October 19 at 4:00 p.m. We serve fish fried/broiled.-chicken (for those who prefer an alternate) French fries or baked potato, coleslaw or applesauce, "roil Arid your choice of dessert. Eat in/carry out available! The grange is planning on hosting a public hearing with the Office for the Aging. We are in contact' with Lisa Monroe-who-will be in-fbrming the community of their services and to plan next year's agenda. Please watch for details and plan on-attending! We are-considering hosting.a Halloween Dance for youth/adults toward the end of October. Watch for details! We would like to,hosf a_meet thq-candidate night. Date and time to be determined. Watch for details!_ OurArinual Election Nigh dinneronTuesday November 6th'from 4:30pm on. Stop into the grange after voting to fel- lowship with your r eighb©rs and enjoy a good meal! We will be serving our famous turkey, dressing; mashed potatoes with all the fixings Alfasour homemade pies and desserts! Our, Fifth Annual Holiday Craft Show is scheduled for Saturday, November 17th from 9:00-3:00. Along.with the craft show we are hosting-the Lourdes-Mobile Mammography. This is free to men/women over 40, and the results will be sent directly to your medical prbvider_ Walk on's are welcome, please bring a photo I.D. and an insurance card if you have 'One.,- If you are interested in-being a--- dor, please contact Sandra Trutt at 273-4884. Save the dates for- our#rreakfa4--of 2019; January 5 February 2; March 2 April 6 and May 4. Our breakfast will-sem—at-4-66a until 10:30am. We are considering some changes to our menu, come see! We continue having a ftan;tiime in our Craft Club! Please come and join us! We meet the firstSunday:of each month . from 1:00pm on. We are considering such projects as making blankets for needy children & families as well as making and sending shoes to undeveloped countries. We`welcome you whether, a crafter or a visitor looking for fellowship! Our grange meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. We are always looking for new members and volunteeri�- terested in helping the community.We are currently supporting the Youth of Enfield and we have providd- —*O *hers to families with major medical emergencies. Please feel-free to join us we *0460-rie you .If you or anyone you kn6* are looking to host an event and looking for space, our building is available: Please contact Sandra Trutt at-273-4884. Our rates are very reasonable. v Paren(!rl➢ the Hardest Job,in the World An,B week series for parents/caregivers. Parenting Skills Workshop Se- Wes PS::It-lNorki Coin ui cation Skills forAll• A class for every parent. Every parent comes out with something new Shan= yore strengths and learn new strategies You are the n irriportant fieacher in your child's 111M =Learn o talk wItIf'our children "using the skills: Encouragement, Can Do, Shared Decision Making,. Self Control and Respecting Feelings. Facilitatoi!s- Casey lliensor, 8s. a i Sims When. Thursday evenings, 5:30 7:30 p.m. for 8 sessions October 18, 25 November'I -8� 15, 29, ©eceinber6,13, 2018 Note: New registration closed after October 25, 2018 Where: En- field Elementary- Schoo120 I&Main Rd Ithaca Space is limited for this free workshop. - To register or-for morenformat<om: call our front desk at 272-2292 or email�ca33Pcornell.edu Forfree child care register by Nlonday October 1S, 2018.Sponsored by Tompkins County orne Cooperative Extension, in collaboration with Enfield Elementary School Sjpn uD todav! 4 777777� 77 77 The Erfield-Food Pantry has reopened because of your support! Many repairs, renovations;: imoovements and updates have been made that have brought us back into service. I find it very difficult to describe the,gra#itude "feel #or all of the help and support the pantry has received. Because of you, many in our commhave to face hunger when they get up in the morning and go through their daily life or go to bed hungry. Even better, food pantry clients don't have to feel the anguish of not having food to feed their hun- gryfarnilies. When the Enfield pantry was suspended and we could no longer feed the hungry, it knocked us off our feet. We knew that many of our clients were dependent on the pantry for food security. Without our pantry, many would go hungry. I could see no way that we could get what needed to get done quickly. I prayed that if God wanted this ministry to con- tinue we ne ect�eip. As I announced to our clients, as they came to the pantry the day before we were scheduled to shut down,that we-were suspended, 1 saw their reactions. Disbelief, panic, sadness and questions appeared in their faces. I assured everyone that they should not panic. i told them everything was going to work out and we would reo- pen within a month At that point, 1 had no plan as to how that could happen. With your helps thenfeld Pantry reopened in just under a month. Our gratitude and thanks go to so many. Over 200 individuals contributed to the GofundMe account many of whom - attached notes of support and encouragement. The Triad Foundation became aware of the crisis. andreached out to us early on. They extended a helping hand and provided a substantial financial contribution: it gave us the much-needed reassurance that we could get done what needed to get done quickly. _Members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives heard of the crisis at the Enfield pantry: Some visited the pantry to see what the needs were -while other s rrlade contacts" and referrals to get -additional help from, several entities- - k: indidding he Human Services Coalition. " tThhe T mppkins County Foundation _stayed thq p #act wi#ti y to see vuhera wie were at in raising the funds needed for e major urchase of the needed freezer equipment, ment, The closed the gap financially which met our goal and the freezer was a reality. - 'The Food Bark of#tie Southern Tier helped the pantry by donating and delivering needed commercial shelving, talking to comrntittityteaders and attending meetings, and communicating with foundations and others offering support to En- field. The"Food Bank contacted other local pantries to serve Enfield residents in need. Some pantries made financial contributions'from theirsupporting churches. - Supporters of the Poor People's Campaign helped those clients who could not access other emergency food pantries because they lacking transportation by driving them -to other pantries or picking up food for them and delivering it to them. The Town of Enfield responded by doing needed work'arourid`the Town's Community Building whereth€ pantry'wlo cated. They helped secure and tighten up the building clearing brush away and responding to the crisis with encour- agement and support. B & W Supply Company worked with us to get the best cost effective freezer unit they could for us and included some >.- very appreciated:upgrades while keeping the costs down. The St. Paul's United Methodist Church offereda substantial donation as a matching fund which stimulated additional contributions to the 'GoFund-Me account Several local residents, including a doctor and some dear long time personal friends, made amazing contributions Others from the community sent funds. dttec#y::. Many volunteers put their ttme and laborinto the ef#orf of getting the work done which kept the projects costs down. - Those who couldn't help financially or-physicaflywiithhands-on work contributed tremendously by spreading the word about our crisis. The news media was crucial in getting the in#orination out bringing community awareness to the pantry's_pligh#. The ENFIELDSCHOOL AGE PROGRAM (" After School" Looking for after school care or actitrtties for yourblementary schoolchildren? The Enfield After School Program has openingsrll We are a local not-for-profit organization which operates out of the Enfield Elementary School. Our hours .are.-from 2pm-5:30pm when school is>in session Some of oWleatures are: Hornew ;Club (we have access to teachers and classrooms so we can avoid the "I forgot my homework excuse")! The Erfeld Youth Garden. kids love being in our wonderful garden space, growing food and- just enjoying being outdoors. We Have an Outdoor Pavilion space which is quite lovely and Enfield Tinker Town, which is a free play area for kids! EYES_Sdence Program ., on'Fridays Cornell Engineering students join us to show our kids how fun Science can be! CornellCoor-egittve E*ris"Nutrition Proaram comes-once a week to teach our kids how to make healthy foods and heaithyfaod choicesiThe kids get plenty of-outdoor iime,.gym time and we are-always ,do- ing arts and crafts and exploring different themes. We have many different enroliinent.options from 5 days a week to 1 day. We accept DSS cases and we have a limited scholarship fund through the United Way. If you are interested in learning more about our fantastic community program give us a call at 607=272-8968 or 2744368 ask for Colleen or vera; we look forward to'hearing from you!!!! Enfield Community Council 168 Enfield Main Road Suite 11 Ithaca NY 14850 AUTO**5-DIGIT 14850 COMMUNITY MEMBER 487 E ENFIELD CENTER RD ITHACA NY 14850-9392 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No 780 Ithaca, NY Regularly Scheduled "Community Meetings & Activities Craft Club- at the Granae: 1-st Sunday, at 9:00 am. Creative.Dance"Classes=for Kids &_Teens:"Wednesday afternoons at Living Water Christian Fellowship, 162 Enfield Main Road Enfield Communitv Council (ECC): 4th Thursday, 6:30-8:00 pm call Cortney Bailey at 279-4702 for location as it varies. Enfield -Valley Grange,: 30Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Grange Ladies Auxiliary 1st Monday after 1st Thursday, -7 p.m. at the Fire Station Senior Citizens:" 3rd Wednesday, A1:30 am -1:00 pm at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church; meetings include a dish=to-pass luncheon The- Enfield Community Council thanks the United Way of Tompkins County for its funding in support ofthe Council's outreach programs, including this newsletter. Please note that United Way and Community -Council funds are used only for the e E eld Currents with no funds directed to the Town of Enfield newsletter costs and postage. - 6