HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 newspaper article race day_0001Thursday, July 31, 1975
Race Day in Enfield
by Pat Gray
Thompson all raced.
ENFIELD- Jim Litton stopped
But you don't have to be a
his tractor for a few minutes and
member or a parent to go see the
watched the motorcycles racing
races. Dr. Joan Brown, former
at Enfield last Sunday. And then
Trumbulls Corners resident and
went back to his haying.
Ithaca dentist was there. And
Jim's farm borders the Enfield
Helena Schaeber donated
Dirt Diggers Race Track where
something for the food sales and
over 300 racers from near and far
stayed for the race.
participated in the second race
Interesting things happen at
held here this year.
these races. Young Steve Duff of
John and Helen Smith,
Elmira broke his let for the 4th
property owners and race track
time Sunday. And when the
ringleaders, oversee the races.
ambulance leaves for the
Helen works in the food trailer, as
hospital, the races stop. Jack
do sons Ken and Tom. Daughter
Cowell's injuries stopped the
Katie takes tickets. John does a
races for the second time Suit,
little bit of everything. Sons Ted,
- Ted Smith's mother transported
Norman and Jeff race.
him to the hospital where he
The first race of the day --the
required stitches in his mouth.
minis (80's) was won by Jeff
All in all, a good day was had
Smith. He was the only Smith to
by motorcycle racers. Bobby
get that high that day. And he
Thompson of Newark Valley
was racing with one eye swollen
number 53 in national racing was
beaten at the Enfield Track. 10
Pete Aldrich ( brother of
members of the Dirt Diggers won
daredevil Steve) was 4th place
trophies. In addition, there were
winner in the minis and coming
three expert winners, Geo.
right in behind him was Lisa
Sheldrake, Dan Fish and Jim
Auble of Swamp College Rd. Lisa
O'Donal, Enfield has 90 mem-
was the only girl racer that day.
Frank and Phil Auble, brothers
As spectators, members and
of Lisa also raced. Frank came in
parents wiped the dust from their
Slh in a hotly protested 125
amateur race. Phil raced for the
first time last weekend after
being in a body cast for several
months. Phil was injured
practicing for a race.
Podunk Rd. racer Tim Miller
wiped out and flew over the
handlebars of his bike early in his
Della Snyder, mother of Glenn
and Steve, reports that she enjoys
the boys racing. Glenn has been
right near the top this year which
is his first year.
Tom Hubbell, 14 year old
Enfield Dirt Digger, took first
place in one 125 Novice race.
Cousin Roy Hubbell placed 3rd in
the first 250 AM. Roy's brother
Carl raced in the 250 novice. Jeff
Juber who also races in the 250
amateur fell victim to throttle
trouble and never got into the
Eleanor Van Nederynen, ad-
mits that the races are tough on
her nerves but she loves every:
minute of it. She and husband
Gordon cheered as 15 year old son
Tom came in 2nd and 16 year old
Phil Auble at EWW tLdtt Hll{Iters track Sunday, July Ly.
Steve placed 13th in their class. Frank Abate on right as he races aroaed the field at the Moto Cross races held Sunday at
Doug and Jack Cowell of Enfield Dirt Diggers Track. _o...._ A.. ..__
Iradell Rd. are both top racers. tired bodies, they looked ahead
Jack had the misfortune to injure Aug. 31 when the next race will t
his hand during the race and he held at Enfield. This will be a tv
needed several stitches. day race held in conjunction wil
Bruce Lott's parents enjoyed an Aug. 30 race at Burdett.
Bruce's 8th and 10th finishes in Racers and families corn
the 125 Am. It was his first race. early and leave late. Some cam
Marge Marion carried a legal out overnite before a race at ti
size notepad and ,jotted down the track. An exciting sport wit
numbers of each cyclist on each thrills and
lap. Son Brian had finished ..3rd Chills and good clean darir
overall in the 125Am. Division at fun. If you don't have anything t
Macedon the day before but do Aug. 31 come to Enfield. You'
didn't do as well Sunday. go home tired and dirty b1
Ted Spencer, Dave Willamee, satisfied that a lot of young kit
Clark Gee, Mike McClellen and are getting the most out of the;
Dirt }9igger