HomeMy WebLinkAboutenfield dirt diggers constitution and bylawsCONSTITUTION OF THE ENFIELD DIRT DIGGERS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY INC. Art. 1 This Club shall be called the Enfield Dirt Diggers of Tompkins Co., Inc. Art. 2 Active members of the Club shall be motorcycle riders, persons actively con- nected with the trade and motorcycle enthusiasts. Honorary members shall be any other persons as the two-thirds vote of any regular meeting may decide to honor. Only active members shall be entitled to vote in Club affairs or win any prizes in Club activities. Art. 3 The officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice -President, Secretary, Treasurer, Pit Steward, Referee, and Financial Secretary. Duties of President: Art. 4 1. To preside at all meetings of the Club. 2. To have general supervision of the affairs of the Club. 3. To appoint persons or committees not otherwise ordered by the Club. 4. To personally represent the Club on proper occasions. 5. To assist all other officers of the Club in their records, correspondence or other duties. y ho 6. To promote interest on the part of each member in Club life and activities. 7. To vote only when necessary to break a tie. Art. 5 Duties of Vice -President: Duty shall be to perform the duties of the President in his absence. Art. 6 Secretary: 1. To keep records of the meetings of the Club in the minutes book provided for this purpose. 2. To send out notices of regular or special meetings. 3. To handle all Club correspondence. 4. To perform any other duties as generally fall to this office. Art. 7 Treasurer: 1. To collect dues from all members. 2. To collect all other monies due the Club. 3. To make all payments from Club funds when ordered by the Club. 4. To keep account of all money matters. A5. To make a statement of Club funds when called on to do so. r� 4F Art. 8 Pit Steward: Keeps order in the pits Financial Secretary: Keep record oftincome, Referee: Shall have genera) by the Club. Art. 10 The duties are supervision fiver all sanctioned completely ou;lin events promoted ed in Board petition rule books. Of Directors: Art. 11 t10n of the firstm of �1i11 be elected for a fiver 1 year, 2 for yearforthey will beelectwith the exce members. Years and one for 3 to 1-2 and 3 p- Duties of the Board Years. The Board shall consist of shall be: 1• To act for the Club in all matters ordered b 2. To make final decisions on member the Club. mer expulsions 3. To properly investi ate and important activity situations 6resent to the Club all business or 4• To have general control over all Club affairs. . Three members shall comprise a quorum. 6. Board Chairman shall be ex-officio member of all committees. Art. 12 The regular meeting of the Club shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. but the President or Board of Directors may call a special meeting at any time by written notice at least four days in advance. Eleven members shall constitute arquorum fo.' transaction of Club business. Art. 14 This Constitution may be amended or added to; the proposed amendment being submitted in writing at a regular meeting. All members shall be notified of such proposed amendment by mail; such amendment to be voted on at the next regular meeting with a two-thirds majority vote of all qualified members present to pass amendment. Art. 15 All members in good standing shall have free admission to the Club grounds for all Club events. Art. 16 A Nominating Committee shall be appointed in February and report back in Parch. Nominations from the floor may be made at the April meeting. Election of officers shall be heldtatlthe April meeting of each g of the Nomination Committee shall be mailed to each member (one to family)• BY-LAWS 4 toNo. 1 Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure of this Club unless otherwise provided in the By-laws. The order of business shall be: 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes of Lasting Meeting 3. Reports of Officers 4. Unfinished Business 5. New Business No. 2 All bills must be checked and approved by the Board before being paid. All checks shall be countersigned by the Chairman. No. 3 Applications for membership with exception of charter members must be recommended by two active members of the Club in good standing. Upon payment of dues, applicant will be placed on probation for one month. At the expira- tion of that time --if his conduct is satisfactory, he becomes a member in full standing with all privileges of the Club. All candidates applying for membership have to attend one meeting of the Enfield Dirt Diggers Club before they will be granted membership status; and All members must attend four meetings a year or they will be dropped from membership of the Club.* No. 4 Dues shall be $10.00 per year payable in advance and due in January. 'y Any member whose dues are not paid will not be allowed use of the track for practice. No. 5 Only active members shall be eligible to hold office in the Club. No. 6 All active members of the Club shall be members of the American Motorcycle Assoc,, a No. 7 A member may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member of the Club. However, charges must first be made in writing and the accused given a hearing before the Board and appropriate action taken on the findings. No. 8 Amendments to the adopted Constitution and By-laws may be added provided that such in no way supersede or contradict the Constitution and By-laws of the parent body --the American Motorcycle Association. No. 9 Committees shall be appointed as needed and serve only until need is fulfilled. *All Candidates... of the Club. voted on August 5, 1975. Irl