HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 10, 2024 Town of Enfield Regular Board Meeting Minutes1 Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meetfng Wednesday, January 10, 2024 6:30 PM In person at the Enfield Town Courthouse and Virtually via the Zoom Meetfng Platiorm Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Councilperson; Cassandra Hinkle, Robert Lynch; Virtual Attendance: Town Councilperson; Melissa Millspaugh, Jude Lemke (6:33 PM) Call to Order: Supervisor Redmond called the meetfng to order at 6:30 PM Privilege of the Floor: N/A Additfons and Changes to the Agenda: Councilperson Lynch would like to add a resolutfon advocatfng NYS senate/assembly support of legislatfon in regards to publicatfon/public notfce as well as two additfonal procedural resolutfons. A discussion item, whether there is any interest by this town board at a future meetfng urging NYS senate and Assemble Assembly to clarify the laws regarding Fire District Electfons. They will be added before the subdivision regulatfons discussion. Correspondence: A Town resident would like the town to consider a grant for ADU’s on propertfes which is being offered through a grant by NYS. This Dan Walker said this was brought up in a recent planning board meetfng. Dan Walker said ADU’s are not a problem it is whether or not it would be a third unit, this grant is not something that the Planning Board would be involved with. Monthly Reports: County Legislature - Randy Brown. He gave data on what the County tax rate would be. This is the first tfme in three years that the County has increased their tax rate with an increase from 0 % to a 2 % increase. When they had started the budget year, they had talked about cutting expenses, however, our fund balances are in good conditfons with a projected growth of ~7 million. He had proposed increased youth funding in rural communitfes. He would like the Town Board to let him know what the cost share is for youth services and what the county is providing. Councilperson Lynch mentfoned that at a committee meetfng last week, it was proposed suggested by some that assessments should be completed every three years. Randy confirmed that current protocol is yearly assessment reviews. Councilperson Lynch shared that Dan Klein is the new chair of the Legislature. Supervisor Redmond asked Randy about his recent meetfng with INHS – Randy’s meetfng with Mike Allinger, they shared that they are not working enough within the surrounding communitfes as they are focusing on city homes. Town Supervisors Report – Stephanie Redmond She had mostly been working on the bridge NY grant (Bostwick Rd), held deck the halls. She did outreach for the sustainability committee, she picked up more COVID tests from the county and they are available at the Town Clerks office, She attended the Kawanza Event at the ECC and Sandra Trutt ’s calling hours. Planning Board Report – Dan Walker The planning board did not have any new subdivision applicatfons last month and they spent the bulk of the last meetfng reviewing and updatfng the site plan regulatfons. They discussed ADU’s and requirements. In Enfield any property is allowed to have two dwelling units and they do not limit the number of dwellings on a parcel, however, if there are more than three than it does need to go before the Planning Board. In the site plan review regulatfons having a simply review process for ADU’s to make the process easier. They have one subdivision request on the agenda for February’s meetfng, which may need to come before the town board at some point. 2 Tompkins County Council of Govts – Robert Lynch There is no TCCOG report and they will be meetfng on the 4th Thursday in January. Code Enforcement Report – Alan Teeter 73 permits were issued in 2023, with an approximate improvement value of ~5 million. He attended the annual code enforcement meetfng last week. The county is stfll looking to take over the numbering of houses, which would happen in stages. Software sharing for permitting process, most towns use different software and they are talking about all municipalitfes using one software program, they will meet again in a year to discuss this further. He has had a couple of requests for housing numbers for the Breezy Meadows Subdivision. Enfield Fire company – Alan Teeter He is no longer Vice President or on the board of directors. Fire Calls for the past month totaled 35 calls. They will also be having trainings this month. The First Fire District commissioners had their first meetfng last night and they had a training last week with an attorney. They had their organizatfonal meetfng last night and they approved their officers and trainings for 7 members this next weekend. They approved Chicken BBQ’s and blood drives and they adopted the Fire Companies SOP’s and they will go through them to update as needed. Next month they will be talking about turning over all of the apparatus and the lease of the building. The new Fire District attorney is Mark Butler who will be working on moving forward with these items. Highway Superintendent Report – Buddy Rollins. N/A Consent Agenda: Audit Claims: Abstract #13 General Fund vouchers #299-315 dated January 10, 2024 in the amount of $24,416.25, Highway Fund vouchers #212-224 dated January 10, 2024 in the amount of #26, $44,254.62. Abstract #1 General Fund vouchers #1-12 dated January 10, 2024 in the amount of $61,338.59. Highway Fund vouchers #1-4 dated January 10, 2024 in the amount of $7,627.10. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Approval of Minutes November 8th, November 16th, and December 11th, 2023 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Abstain; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. New Business: Discussion: Presentatfon from the Sustainability Coordinator for Tompkins County regarding a county-wide RFP for electric vehicle charging as a service. Hailley D Delisle. This is a project that Tompkins County is modeling after Ulster County. She went over what it was and what the opportunitfes could be for Enfield. They meet monthly with Ulster County and they go over best practfces, etc. and Ulster County brought this up to them. Ulster county put out an RFP, they were looking for developers. There would be some upfront costs for EV charging statfons. Discussion: Supervisor Redmond shared that we had a presentatfon last year from Green Spot and they were going to cover all of the start up costs and stfll provide cost sharing with the Town. The town would not be committing to anything by being apart of this RFP’s. Councilperson Lynch expressed concern that you would need to stay with the vehicle while it charges untfl completed as Enfield does not have a lot of commercial space or an attractant. Supervisor Redmond mentfoned that the Town has been in design stages for a park and this might be a good locatfon, but it is currently undeveloped. Hailey suggested that it could be put into the proposal, however, it would be up to the developer. 3 The next step would be providing the exact addresses to Hailey and then are going to develop a plan of actfon. Supervisor Redmond suggested locatfons at the Enfield Town Hall, in the parking lot near the bus kiosk across from the Town Hall, and at the Highway Garage near the potentfal Town Park. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded to allow Supervisor Redmond to send an email to Hailey with the addresses of the three locatfons within Enfield. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Discussion: TextMyGov. We do not have ARPA funds left and she in nervous about using funds out of the contfngency fund. This will be Tabled untfl the budget meetfng this fall. Discussion: Courthouse railing repair. Supervisor Redmond shared the railing is in disrepair and needs to be fixed. She received a quote from Cooley’s Constructfon for $4,730 and she would like to proceed with fixing the railing. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Discussion: Supervisor Redmond suggests purchasing the AEDs from Cardiac Life for $3,185.60 out of ARPA Funds. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #1-2024 Authorizatfon for the Supervisor to Sign a Contract with Tompkins County Youth Services WHEREAS, Tompkins County Youth Services provides financial support for the youth summer camps run by the Enfield Community Council, therefore be it; RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor Redmond to sign a contract with Tompkins County Youth Services. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Set Audit Meetfng: Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded to hold the Town Audit meetfng on January 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. TOWN OF ENFIELD 2024 ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTIONS Resolutfon #2-2024 Town Board Meetfng Dates 4 RESOLVED, the regular meetfng of the Enfield Town Board shall be held monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, at the Enfield Town Courthouse, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #3-2024 Department Hours RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby establishes the work hours of the: • Highway Department to be from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday. • Town Clerk to be Mon. through Thurs. from 11 AM to 4 PM • Code Enforcement Office to be from 8:30AM to 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday and Wednesday from 5PM to 7PM, • Town Court to commence at 6:00 PM on Tuesdays unless it is a holiday. • The Court Clerk to be 4 PM to 8PM on Tuesdays unless it is a holiday. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #4-2024 Town Board Regular Meetfng Outline RESOLVED, the order for conductfng business at the regular Town Board meetfngs is as follows: Call Meetfng to Order Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker - including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose) Communicatfons County Legislator’s Report Supervisor’s Report Highway Superintendent Report Code Enforcement Report Enfield Fire District Planning Board Report Tompkins County Council of Governments Committee Reports: The following committee reports will be expected quarterly at March, June, September, and December Regular Town Board meetfngs (or more frequently as needed by the Board or Committees) Please come prepared to give the board a report on recent issues and concerns your committee is working on as well as upcoming items of importance to Enfield: Environmental Management Council- Peter Penniman Enfield Community Council- Cortney Bailey/Robert Lynch Tompkins County Youth Board- Lisa Monroe Food Pantry- Jean Owens Cayuga Lake Watershed IO- Stephanie Redmond/Becky Sims Tompkins Health Consortfum- Stephanie Redmond 5 Cemetery Committee- Cassandra Hinkle Water Protectfon Committee- Nancy Spero Consent Agenda* Business* Announcements Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) Adjournment RESOLVED, the order for conductfng any special meetfngs is as follows: Call Meetfng to Order Changes to the Agenda Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker - including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose) Consent Agenda* Business* Announcements Adjournment *Actfon Items Councilperson Lynch moved an amendment to begin each regular and special meetfng with the Pledge to the Flag. There was no second. The Amendment failed. Councilperson Lynch asked whether meetfng reports, formerly by the Fire Company, would ow be the Fire District. After consultatfon with Fire Commissioner Alan Teeter, it was agreed that the Fire District would present the report. Councilperson Lynch reported that the Fire District may appoint a liaison to the Town Board. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Supervisor Redmond moved an amendment to committee appointments, with the change of Ann Rider to Cortney Bailey for the ECC and the additfon of Becky Sims to the Cayuga Lake Watershed IO and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #5-2024 General Rules for Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment RESOLVED, in an effort to foster an orderly meetfng process, the following rules and guidelines will be used and enforced at all Town Board meetfngs: GENERAL GUIDE FOR PROCEDURE The Supervisor shall preside at meetfngs. In the Supervisor’s absence the Deputy Supervisor shall preside. The presiding officer may debate, move and take other actfon that may be taken by other members of the Board. Board members are not required to rise but must be recognized by the presiding officer before making motfons. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call him/her to order. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, according to the agreed upon purposes set forth in this resolutfon, they shall cease speaking untfl the questfon of order is determined by vote of the entfre board. If determined to be in order, they shall be permitted to proceed. The board commits to adhere to Resolutfon #2017-50, Town of Enfield Chooses Civility Resolutfon, in all discussions to achieve the purpose of fairness and reasonable discourse. For purposes of process, organizatfon, and legal requirements, parliamentary procedure will guide the Town Board in its work. There is no limit to the number of tfmes a member may speak on a questfon. Motfons to close or limit debate may be entertained but shall require a two-thirds vote. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT 6 The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meetfng or at such other tfme as a majority of the Board shall allow. • Speakers may stand at their seats if they are able. • Speakers must give their name, address and organizatfon, if any. • Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer. • Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes on a given topic. • Speakers may not yield any remaining tfme they may have to another speaker. • Board members may, with the permission of the Supervisor, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarificatfon or informatfon. • All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof. • Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested partfes or their representatfves may address the Board by written communicatfon at any tfme. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE: The foregoing procedures may be amended from tfme to tfme by a majority vote of the Board. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #6-2024 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby establishes the following bi-weekly pay dates for this year: January 12, 2024 January 26, 2024 February 9, 2024 February 23, 2024 March 8, 2024 March 22, 2024 April 5, 2024 April 19, 2024 May 3, 2024 May 17, 2024 May 31, 2024 June 14, 2024 June 28, 2024 July 12, 2024 July 26, 2024 August 9, 2024 August 23, 2024 September 6, 2024 September 20, 2024 October 4, 2024 October 18, 2024 November 1, 2024 November 15, 2024 November 29, 2024 December 13, 2024 December 27, 2024 January 10, 2025 7 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #7-2024 Paid Holidays RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby establishes the following paid holidays for employees. Town offices will be closed on these dates: January 1, 2024 New Year’s Day January 15, 2024 Martfn Luther King Day February 19, 2024 President’s Day May 27, 2024 Memorial Day June 19, 2024 Juneteenth July 4, 2024 Independence Day September 2, 2024 Labor Day October 14, 2024 Columbus Day /Indigenous People’s Day November 11, 2024 Veteran’s Day November 28, 2024 Thanksgiving Day November 29, 2024 Day After Thanksgiving December 25, 2024 Christmas Day (One) Floatfng Holiday Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #8-2024 Town E-Mail Accounts RESOLVED, the Town Board has official e-mail accounts for all Town employees and elected officials for use in their official capacitfes. These e-mail accounts will be connected to our official website domain, townofenfield.org. Ownership of and access to these communicatfons will be with the Town of Enfield. All employees and elected officials will set up accounts and use their account for Town business after it is set up for as long as they work for or serve the Town of Enfield. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #9-2024 Official Newspaper RESOLVED, The Ithaca Journal, a newspaper regularly published and having general circulatfon in the Town, is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the Town of Enfield and; RESOLVED, the Town will post all Public Notfces on the town website at www.townofenfield.org Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. 8 Councilperson Lynch commented that the Town has no choice but to select The Ithaca Journal, since New York State law requires publicatfon in a daily newspaper and that The Ithaca Journal is the only publicatfon that satfsfies the requirement. Lynch took note that he will offer a Resolutfon later in the meetfng that requests New York State to expand publicatfon opportunitfes to online news sources. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #10-2024 Code of Ethics RESOLVED, all Public Officials, appointees, and employees for the Town of Enfield are subject to the Code of Ethics as adopted by the Town which is written in the Policies and Procedures Manual in the Employee Handbook. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #11-2024 Records Access Officer RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk Mary Cornell, shall be appointed as the Town's Record Access Officer and; RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk will serve as the person who receives all FOIL requests. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #12-2024 Deputy Town Supervisor – salary at $5,150/year, paid monthly RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Supervisor to act for and in place of the Supervisor in his/her absence RESOLVED, the Town Supervisor appoints Greg Hutnik to fill this positfon Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #13-2024 Deputy Highway Superintendent – $1.00 differentfal to current hourly wage, paid bi-weekly RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Highway Superintendent to act for and in place of the Highway Superintendent in his absence, and further RESOLVED, the Highway Superintendent appoints Brandon McGee to fill this positfon. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #14-2024 Town Custodian– salary of $6313.00/year, paid monthly 9 RESOLVED, the Town Board appoints Pat Baker fill this positfon untfl further notfce. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #15-2024 Planning Board Clerk – no additfonal salary RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the Office of Planning Board Clerk to act as the secretary for the Planning Board, to keep minutes and schedule meetfngs and other support functfons the Board may need or require and; RESOLVED, the Town Clerk will complete or delegate these dutfes. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #16-2024 Code Enforcement Officer – salary at $32,096.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED, the Town Board appoints Alan Teeter to fill the positfon of Code Enforcement Officer. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #17-2024 Deputy Town Clerk – salary at $11,330.00/year, paid biweekly RESOLVED, the Town Clerk appoints Laura Norman Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #18-2024 Second Deputy Town Clerk $25 hr/paid bi-weekly/hrs to be determined RESOLVED, the Town Clerk appoints Alice Linton Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #19-2024 Tax Collector- salary at $2,573.00/year, paid biweekly RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the positfon of the Tax Collector and; RESOLVED, the Town Clerk will complete or delegate the dutfes the Tax Collector. 10 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #20-2024 Deputy Tax Collector- no additfonal salary RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the positfon of the Deputy Tax Collector and; RESOLVED, the Town Clerk appoints Laura Norman to this positfon Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #21-2024 Town Bookkeeper – salary at $15,450.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to designate a Town Bookkeeper, and further RESOLVED, the Supervisor is authorized to list the Bookkeeper on the Town Security Insurance Policy, and further RESOLVED, the Supervisor appoints Blixy Taetzsch to fill this positfon. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #22-2024 Court Clerk – salary at $15,000.00/year, paid biweekly RESOLVED, the Town Justfce appoints Angela Champion Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #23-2024 Establishing Positfon of Maintenance for Buildings and Grounds RESOLVED, the Town Board establishes the positfon of Enfield Buildings and Grounds Personnel – at $18.91 per hour/paid bi-weekly/hours to be determined RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to advertfse and fill this positfon. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #24-2024 Public Officials/Town Employees Pay Schedule RESOLVED, the following salaries and pay schedule for all Town Officials and employees, is approved for 2021: • Town Supervisor - $26,265.00/year; paid monthly • Town Councilpersons - $3782.00 each/year; paid quarterly • Town Clerk - $34,178.00/year; paid biweekly 11 • Town Justfce - $15,000.00/year; paid monthly • Highway Superintendent - $75,264.00/year; paid monthly • Motor Equipment Operator – Hiring rate - $23.00/ hour; after 60 days, rate will be increased to the working rate $24.00/hour. Pay rate may increase yearly with Town Board approval as requested by the Highway Superintendent. • Part tfme and seasonal Highway employees will have a hire rate of $20.00/hr. or as determined by the Highway Superintendent. • Merit Increases – An employee may receive a pay increase based upon the employee’s past performance. The merit increase will be granted at the discretfon of the Town Board. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #25-2024 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hostfng WHEREAS the Town of Enfield utflizes the town website for most communicatfons and informatfon presentatfon to the public, and; WHEREAS the Town of Enfield utflizes designated town email addresses for communicatfon with the public and within the offices of the Town, and; WHEREAS the Town of Enfield purchases and manages a hostfng service for website and email management and hostfng, and; RESOLVED, these tasks will be managed and delegated under the office of Town Board. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #26-2024 - Town Board Advisory Committee/Positfon Appointments RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby makes the following Advisory Committee/Positfon Appointments: Environmental Management Council- Stephanie Redmond Enfield Community Council- Ann Rider/ Councilperson Robert Lynch Tompkins County Youth Board- Lisa Monroe Food Pantry- Jean Owens Cayuga Lake Watershed IO- Stephanie Redmond Cemetery Committee- Councilperson Cassandra Hinkle and Councilperson Robert Lynch Water Protectfon Committee- Nancy Spero Town Historian- Susan Thompson Recreatfon Partnership- Councilperson Cassandra Hinkle Planning Board- Chair: Dan Walker; Ann Chaffee; Richard Teeter; Henry Hansteen; Mike Carpenter; Alternates: Greg Hutnik Tompkins County Council of Governments-Councilperson Robert Lynch, Alternate: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Ithaca Tompkins Transportatfon Council- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Greater Tompkins Area Health Insurance Consortfum- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Cayuga Lake Inter-Municipal Organizatfon- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. 12 Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #27-2024 Advisory Committee Appointments Resolved the Town Board makes the following appointments, to be renewed annually • Renewable Energy Advisory Committee- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Jude Lemke, Planning Board Chair Dan Walker; Residents: Mimi Mehaffey, Mike Carpenter, and Marcus Gingrich • Water Protectfon Committee - Stephanie Redmond, Nancy Spero, Harry Stewart, Alan Teeter, Becky Sims, Dan Walker, Marcie Finlay, Julie Schroeder, Jude Lemke, Tom Joyce, Briana Joan Binkerd-Dale, Sachem Samual George, Peter Penniman, Devon VanNoble • Park Committee - Greg Hutnik, Cassandra Hinkle, Eric Carter, Joseph Pharoah • Celebratfon Committee - Isabel Castfllo, Cassandra Hinkle, Stephanie Redmond, Deb Teeter, CM Makenzie, Ellen Woods, Carol Baker • Sustainability Committee – Stephanie Redmond, Cassandra Hinkle, Karen Friedeborn, John Friedeborn, Erik Hudson, Nancy Spero, Harry Eaton Stewart, Kathleen Pasetty, Martha Fischer [ Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Councilperson Lynch questfoned whether non-residents of the Town can be appointed to Advisory Committees consistent with Town policy. He noted that Sachem Samual George and Martha Fischer are not current residents, though he said he has no problem with either person serving. Supervisor Redmond stated that non-residents can be appointed to Advisory Committees. Councilperson Lynch also stated that he would prefer Advisory Committee meetfngs be public meetfngs open to any and all, though he recognized that the Board’s majority has not agreed with him on that point in the past and will not move an amendment to that effect this year. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Resolutfon #28-2024 284 Agreement: Councilperson Lynch moved supervisor Redmond seconded. Discussion: Councilperson Lynch had concerns of whether enough funds have been set aside under General Repairs to work on these projects that the Highway Supt had recommended. Councilperson Lynch also expressed concerns about two roads that were not on the Highway Superintendent’s list for Permanent Improvements. Van Ostrand Rd is a Road of Concern with the fast traffic that is being used on it and the fact that the State will not lower its speed limit untfl it is paved. suggested this is a road that should be on the Town’s radar. Lynch said the other road is Tucker Rd. He said Tucker Rd may not be able to handle the additfonal traffic expected from those living in houses to be built in the Breezy Meadows subdivision. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. ARPA Discussion: The additfon of allocated funds be added to the spreadsheet for the paving of the basketball court ($3.000) at the ECC and fixing the railing at the Town Courthouse ($4,730.00). Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. RESOLUTION #2024-__________ - General Submission Procedures for Town Board 13 Resolved, that in compliance with Section 103(e) of the New York Public Officers Law, and to provide Enfield residents sufficient opportunity to review and respond to pending Town Board business, it shall be the general policy and practice of this Town Board to provide that any proposed resolution, law, rule, regulation, policy or any amendment thereto, submitted by any member for intended action at a subsequent scheduled meeting, shall to the extent practicable be submitted to the Town Clerk sufficiently in advance so as to enable that matter’s posting on the Town website at least twenty-four hours in advance of the Board’s deliberations; and be it further Resolved, that in defining the phrase “to the extent practicable,” exceptions to the afore-stated advance-posting requirement may be made for resolutions of a routine procedural nature, matters carrying an emergency or otherwise urgent status, or matters where a submitting Board member’s exercise of due diligence could not have otherwise prepared the proposed resolution, law, rule, regulation or policy sufficiently in advance so as to comply with the requirement. Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Supervisor Redmond and councilperson Hinkle concurred that this resolutfon appears to be what we are already doing and did not think this needed to necessarily be added. Councilperson Lemke’s concern is that she is not sure what guidance is out there, she would like to be sure that we are not modifying a current law. Councilperson Lynch we can propose stricter rules. Councilperson Lemke would like to understand better and she is not prepared to vote in favor of this at this tfme. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Nay; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Abstain; Supervisor Redmond, Nay; Failed. RESOLUTION #2024-__________ 2024 Guidelines for Board Member Meeting Resolved, that it shall be the general policy of the Enfield Town Board to encourage and require personal attendance by Town Board members at Regular or Special Meetings of this Town Board; and be it further Resolved, however, that this Board will permit its members to appear at said meetings virtually in accordance with the procedures established under Town of Enfield Local Law #5 of 2022, adopted on September 14, 2022, and the related policy adopted therewith, along with Section 103-a of the New York State Public Officers Law, as said law states or as may be revised or amended by the York State Legislature during the current calendar year; and be it further Resolved, that a copy of the afore-referenced Local Law #5 of 2022 and its accompanying policy statement shall be posted conspicuously or otherwise made available for review by the public at the Office of the Town Clerk, and shall be posted conspicuously on the town website; and be it further Resolved, that any Town Board member’s request for virtual attendance at Board meetings shall be submitted to the Town Supervisor or Deputy Town Supervisor who will be serving as the presiding officer at said meeting, and that the requesting Board member’s compliance with the “extraordinary circumstances” requirement embodied in the referenced law or laws such as would permit his or her virtual attendance shall be determined by that presiding officer and affirmed publicly by that officer at the start of said meeting. Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Lynch said the law that we have approved is set to expire on July 1, 2024. What happened if they do not extend this law. Supervisor Redmond shared that it is out of the towns purview as this law was set by the state. Councilperson Lemke we can’t authorize things that they state law does not permit. One Lynch said one of his concerns and he does not want anyone to think he is pointfng a finger at any specific person. He has come into a meetfng and has not known how each person is attending, whether in person or virtually and no reason is given. How do we know that the discretfon of the presiding officer follows with the requirements of the law? He has put the resolutfon on the table and people can vote or oppose it. 14 Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Nay; Councilperson Lemke, Nay; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Nay; Supervisor Redmond, Nay; Failed. RESOLUTION #2024-29 A Resolutfon Advocatfng New York State Senate and Assembly Support of Legislatfon to Allow the Online Publicatfon of Public Notfces Whereas, the Town of Enfield currently designates the Ithaca Journal as its official newspaper pursuant to the definitfon of a Newspaper currently set forth in NYS General Constructfon Law Artfcle 2; and Whereas, small daily print newspapers across the United States and in New York State have seen significant reductfons in staffing and capacity to cover local news events, leading to lower subscriber numbers, and a lower volume of locally- relevant stories and features; and Whereas, research shows that most Americans consume news and informatfon though media and online sources, and that daily newspaper journals have decreased in readership; and Whereas, there is growing interest among Enfield Town Board members and Town officers to consider alternatfve optfons for official public notfce that reach a wider audience; and Whereas, this Town Board expresses its desire to increase access to public notfce and important public informatfon, which requires finding new ways to disseminate informatfon in both print and digital formats; and Whereas, New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan and Assemblymember Stephen Hawley have introduced proposed legislatfon in the New York State Legislature’s 2023-2024 Session, Senate Bill S00125 and Assembly Bill A02067, respectfvely, each that would satfsfy the requirement for which publicatfon of any fact by law to be published or advertfsed in a newspaper would be alternately satfsfied by publicatfon of the notfce in an online news publicatfon meetfng certain criteria; and Whereas, these bills would permit the Town to publish notfces with other local newspapers with an online presence, increasing access to public informatfon and supportfng more local journalism, and Whereas, enabling the Town of Enfield the opportunity to publish public notfces through online outlets would likely save the Town considerable resources and provide the Town Clerk added flexibility in scheduling those notfces’ publicatfon; and Whereas, on November 21, 2023, the Tompkins County Legislature unanimously adopted a Resolutfon urging the New York State Legislature to enact these bills or their equivalents for the reasons herein stated; now therefore be it Resolved, That the Enfield Town Board supports New York State Senate Bill S00125 and Assembly Bill A02067, or equivalent legislatfon accomplishing these bills’ stated purpose and encourages their passage by the Senate and Assembly and their subsequent signing by the Governor; and be it further Resolved, that a copy of this resolutfon be sent to New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, NYS Senate Bill S00125 Sponsor New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan, NYS Assembly Bill A02067 Sponsor New York State Assemblymember Stephen Hawley, New York State Assemblymember Anna Kelles, New York State Senator Lea Webb, the Associatfon of Towns of the State of New York, and the Hon. Daniel Klein, Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature. Councilperson Lynch moved and Supervisor Redmond seconded. Discussion: The NYS general constructfon law defines the official newspaper strictly. The only newspaper that serves this need is the Ithaca Journal. The Tompkins County Legislature on Nov 21,2023 adopted a similar resolutfon. This a bill that was New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan and Assemblymember Stephen Hawley have introduced proposed legislatfon in the New York State Legislature’s 2023-2024 15 Session submitted that would allow for the publicatfon of such legal notfces in an online media outlet instead of postfng in a public newsletter, that it could potentfally be posted in the Ithaca Voice, Tompkins Weekly, etc. This bill has been pre- filed for 2024. It may be good for our town to get behind this. This asks are state legislatures to move us into the 21st century. Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. Discussion topic: The Councilperson Lynch said the interpretatfon of the former legal counsel for the Fire district, was that each member of the public was only allowed to only vote for one candidate in the December Fire District Electfon. It could have easily been interpreted that voters could have had five votes for the five seats. He received many complaints regarding the lack of allowance of votes. Clarifiatfon needs to come from NYS. Lynch stated that Former Supervisor Ann Rider stated at last nights Fire Commissioners meetfng that the Fire Commission needs to address this issue. This may offer clarity to other Towns who may move to a Fire District. If the Town Board would like him to put something together and present at the February Meetfng he will do so. He will prepare something for the February meetfng. Subdivision regulatfons: Supervisor Redmond asked if any board members have any changes to the definitfons. Supervisor Redmond did not see anything that needed to be changed or added at this tfme. Councilperson Lynch had questfons. Notfng the numerous copies of regulatfons circulated, Lynch chose the revised document circulated by Planning Board Chair Dan Walker. Councilperson Lynch said his principal questfon tonight is “We can treat this two-ways” As an editorial exercise and review and make minor tweaks or we can take this as an opportunity to really address some of the questfons that came about with the Breezy Meadows Subdivision. At present, the minor subdivision goes up to 5 or more lots. It was noted that the Planning Board had recommended creatfon of a new category, a Minor Two-Lot Subdivision, subject to reduced regulatfon and Planning Board review. There was discussion of how often a subdivision could take place and Dan Walker confirmed only one subdivision of a parcel within a 12-month period. Councilperson Lynch-Do we take major subdivision and chop them into two categories, second, with review of larger major subdivisions, does it environmental review go to the Town Board, the third whether we embody in our subdivision regulatfons what can basically be described as a “right to water ”. Supervisor Redmond said she would be interested in seeing how he scripts right to water. Water regulatfon can change annually and it seems unfair/ununiform to use water as a measure, as we could have floods or draughts and this may not be something that subdivisions can monitor. Supervisor Redmond, we may have significant amount of climate refugees moving to our Town. We may be under pressure to make it so more people can move here and stfll have use of water. Supervisor Redmond asked Councilperson Lynch to share with her that he had drafted. He shared a copy of what he had drafted with both Councilperson Hinkle and Supervisor Redmond. Councilperson Lemke is not opposed to discussing this as it would be wise for the town to take a hard look at what steps other towns have taken in regards to water. She is not sure we should tackle this without guidance from others who have gone through this and can offer expertfse. Nancy Spero suggested considering both what the Planning Board has done as well as working with making changes. Becky Sims may be a good contact as this is her area of expertfse. Spero- don’t lose the hard work that the Planning Board has been in engaging in. Councilperson Lynch, with regard to Breezy Meadows, suggested that if the developer had to do it again, he may have subdivided the lots into smaller lots, which could have made several more parcels. Supervisor Redmond said perhaps we should look it as a density issue instead of subdivision issue. The Enfield creek is over our aquifer and we need to protect this resource. Supervisor Redmond-This brings up Zoning and may be something that we need to address. We could go the route Councilperson Lynch has proposed or you spend $$ and bring in public water, which will cause its own issues. Supervisor Redmond – We should adopt these subdivision regulatfons mainly as they are proposed, however, we stfll need to look at ways to protect our water ways and our water resources. Nancy Spero another way is designatfng critfcal areas over the aquifer areas. Dan Walker there are tools out there that have been suggested that we can use. If we are worried about high density development on farmland, etc. Towns are purchasing large propertfes and designatfng them as protected areas. Ellen Woods, she was just going to cosign what Supervisor Redmond said that municipal water is already something that Enfield Residents could benefit from. Does anyone remember the house on the corner of Enfield Center Rd that had to be taken down because of issues with water. Some of the parcels in the downtown area have parcels that are too small for wells/septfc. Supervisor Redmond cannot 16 move forward with the amendments that Councilperson Lynch had presented, however, we should revisit these as we go through the rest of this. Councilperson Lynch wanted to get some sense from the board on how to proceed for future meetfngs. Councilperson Lynch will send the planning board and the town supervisor his first 10 pages with his changes and the board will revisit it and go from there. Supervisor Redmond asked the town board members to review pages 10-12 for the next town board meetfng. Privilege of the Floor: Randy Brown – The Enfield Community Council Bldg. is in tax foreclosure and he plans to put a resolutfon forward to postpone moving forward with the foreclosure. If the County can even waive the one year of tax revenues, they cannot forgive the taxes that they have given others. He has been in touch with the Ithaca School District, which would consider forgiving the taxes and the Town of Enfield would need to pass a resolutfon to forgive the taxes. The property does belong to the ECC. To consider the tax issue, the towns would need to forgive the tax base. He needs to do something that would at least postpone it. This way he can explain to the legislature that the Town is interested in forgiving this portfon of the tax. Councilperson Lynch moved and Supervisor Redmond seconded to state that it is the sense of the Town Board to forgive the Enfield portfon of the tax owed by the Enfield Community Council for 2022 as a directfon to the Tompkins County Legislature when considering whether to refund taxes owed by the Council Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Millspaugh, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried. After the vote, Town Clerk Cornell stated that she hadn’t recalled receiving reimbursement from Tompkins County for the unpaid Enfield Community Council tax. Legislator Brown stated that Tompkins County should have reimbursed the Town so that the County could be the sole lien holder on the taxpayer. Clerk Cornell stated she would check into the matter. Ellen Woods – She wasn’t here earlier and wanted to share some EMS highlights and she gave a shoutout to the 7 members of the EVFC who will attend CFR training. She thanks the Town Board for purchasing AED’s. She has started to diversify the mannequins. The Fire Company will own the Mannequins. Anyone from the Town can contact the Fire Company for CPR training and the actual certfficatfon is for 1 hr. The County has advertfsed for the EMS responder positfon. Councilperson Lynch – He attended the Fire District Meetfng last night and what was not mentfoned by commissioner Teeter is that they unanimously elected Greg Stevenson as their Chair, and Jamie Stevens as the EVFC Fire Chief. Also, they also made an official change to legal counsel and they have retained Mark Butler, untfl now he was the legal counsel for the Fire Company and he will instead be the Fire District Legal Counsel. Just before Christmas Governor Hochul signed legislatfon which will eventually change the terms of town board members from odd years to even years. It will not affect the current terms. It is only in the next electfon cycle that a change will take place. Adjournment: Councilperson Hinkle motfoned to adjourn, adjourned at 9: 21 PM. Respectiully submitted, Mary Cornell Mary Cornell Town Clerk