HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 School reunion filesFiles donated to Enfield Town History February 8, 2023 by M.C. (Jack) Hubbell **files scanned and placed on Enfield Town Historian Laserfiche 1 Enfield, Tompkins County, NY School Reunion Enfield 1996, July 6. Enfield Grange, Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY • Pictures o Morey Clyde Jack Hubbell Historical display of School Events • Registration/address list • listing of pictures but no pictures in fold • Ithaca Journal July 8, 1996 Enfield's one room school houses have big place in ex -students hearts. Lauren Stanforth • Letter noting Florence Laue stated the grange ,will sponosr the rural school reunion in 1996 • 75 people attended reunion; other notes • cards and advertising for school reunion; advertising for historical afghan for the 175" celeberation of Enfield � k " V/ / 7, • Attendance list. 1996 rural chool reunion Amberg, Hilda f' ace Ballard, Charlotte Ticker Beardsley, Eunice Schroder Bock., Robert Bowers, Frederick Breen, Nancy Hubbell Brewer, Eleanor Stanton Calkins, John Dougherty, Patricia Hodge Drew, Charlotte Fox Drew, Wilfred Fenicchia, Ethel Whitaker Fisher, Donald Hetherington, Helen W'llis Hubbell, Bertha S n Soucie Hubbell, M.C. Hubbell, Richard Hurlbutt, Betty Nadge Kellogg, Catherine Teeter Knight, Marsha Hubbell Kohatus, Sharon S artout Laue, Harold • Lehmann, Lawrence Lehmann, Mary L velace Linton, Rhoda Lovelace, Doris Marvin, Kate Henderson Massimilla, Theresa S ith McIntyre, Barbara L ughlin Miller, Ruth A nold Reed, Jean R thermich Rothermich, Doris Lehmann Rumsey, Agusta S hilling Rumsey, Jay Rumsey, Mabel W itaker Salino, Carolyn Hubbell Schaber, Helena Stevenson, Richard Stout, Blanch San Soucie Swigart, Eleanor Miller Teeter, Alice W itaker Tompkins, Helen A nold Trenchard, Jean San Soucie Tucker, Donald Updike, Carl Viet, Miriam S anton Volbrecht, Evelyn Ticker Ward, Mary F eece . Warren, Charles Willett, Doris Ticker Willett, Lillian W :itak:er 0 • The 2Althaca Journal COUNTY Monday, July 8, 1996 -- Enfield's one -room • schoolhouses have big place in ex - students' hearts Enfield's first schoolhouse was built in 1809 and the other 6 were constructed near f arms so children could W school. In 1956, Enfield Eleme a�(�� ending the one_ Qq ntar School ' r w 9y� �0t� II Up�usr �� Jolip ANFQ �� fIi) \ I��S R� V l I le,, ENFIFIn �:, �Y�r41 brushed aWd'a John Ca�ki� IVh@� Oeppin u �lW ��tlwebs Guhhell a[ the g 4 to Ro iC( �I 'f� ' llcv reachedVrddy, 1 hilodi out apd shook but Calkins didn't glanced remember Hubbell until he oWtl at the handwrit- ing scribbled on Hubbell's name tag. "I haven't seen you ill 50 years, 'Calkins said. Calkins and his wife Betty traveled from Pennsylvania Saturday morning for the Enfield one- and two -room schoolhouse reunion. John Calkins, along with 6l1 other People. gathered to recall the cherished, and often times amusing, memories of their time spent in one of 17 Enfield schoolhouses. Blanch Stout, the event's organizer, showed the Calkins' a fuzzy black and white photo- graph of herself and John dur- ing Sunday school. "Oh t remember that coat," John Calkins laughed. Calkins' and Hubbell aside, a majority of reunion -goers still live in the Town of Enfield and see each other occasionally. Hubbell can't really get away from seeing I I of his other sisters, Toth lq dd� linr ►pother, Blanch TEoIII S grand - the Old 41 kq,14, II IG I IOo house �Ae reunion, a sch �IS " ' C her gave Stou�a Small pj�,re her grandmother had painted years ago — a rep - to of how, tightly knit the Enfield community was so years ago and still is today, People shared mental pic- tures with each other as well, of a time when teachers made $S a week, when boys and girls had separate cloak rooms and when children were sent to the tool shed for misbehaving. Although one teacher, who attended the reunion, doesn't remember her students as trou- blemakers. "t often think about what angels they were;' Helena Schaber said. Now there isn't much of a gap between teacher and stu- dent. Schaber, who taught at the Miner schoolhouse in 1934, Pointed across the table at a man who looked) only ten years her junior. "He was a student of mine," she said. Harold Laue remembered when his parents transferred him from the District Four to District Six school because the children fought too much. Sure eno tilhhpp upl dgip ht l i,, School,UIJ IIIS[ r)ay at fight w'lth his Laue got it a �r `l , of each undo r " Laue s. fight off bid underneath �ld'`We because we were sohsecarhool getting caught Enfield's rirst schoolhouse was built in 1809 and the other 16 were constructed near farms so children could walk to school. In 1956, some Enfield schools were consolidated with the Ithaca City School District and of Elementary School was built — ending the one - and two room schoolhouse era. Like most other students, Evelyn Volbrecht attended an Enfield school until eighth grade, when she transferred to Ithaca High School. Today rural students might be uncom- fortable attending a larger city high school, but imagine what it was like for children who spent most of their young life in a one -room school house. "It was awful, we were scared to death," Volbrecht said. Quarters might have been tight, but people who attended the reunion agreed that they learned more under one roof. "We learned a•lot from the ones (students) ahead of us," Laue said. The 2Althaca Journal COUNTY • Monday, July 8, 11996 Enfield's one -room schoolhouses have big place in ex= students' hearts Enfield's first schoolhouse was built in 1809 and the other 6 were constructed near farms so children could walk to school. In 1956, Enfield Elementary School was built — ending the one- and two-roo schoolhouse era. By LAUREN STANFORTH classmates — they' re his broth- enough, during his first day at lnunta/ Staff ers and sisters. the new school, Laue got in a ENFIELD — John Calkins In addition, Stout's grand- fight with his best friend. . brushed away a few cobwebs mother, Blanch Tucker, taught "We tore the shirts right off when stepping up to Roger in. the old Enfield school dis- of each other," Laue said. "We Hubbell at the Enfield Valley trig. At the reunion, a school- hid underneath the school Grange on Saturday. house teacher !gave Stout a because we were so scared of They reached out and shook small picture her grandmother gctdngcaught." hands, but Calkins didn't had painted years ago —arep� Enfield's first schoolhouse remember Hubbell until he resentation of how tightly knit was built in 1809 and the other &lanced down at the handwrit. the Enfield community was 50 16 were constructed near farms ing scribbled on Hubbell's years ago and still is today. so children could walk to name tag. "I haven't seen you People shared mental pic- school. In 1956, some Enfield in 50 years," Calkins said. tures with each other as well, of schools were consolidated with Calkins and his wife Betty a time when teachers made $S the Ithaca City School District traveled from Pennsylvania a week, when boys and girls and Enfield Elementary School Saturday morning for the had separate cloak rooms and was built — ending the one - Enfield one- and two -room when children were sent to the and two -room schoolhouse era. schoolhouse reunion. John tool shed for misbehaving. Like most other students, Calkins, along with 60 other Although one teacher, who Evelyn Volbrecht attended an people, gathered to recall the attended the reunion, doesn't Enfield school until eighth cherished, and often times remember her students as trou- grade, when she transferred to amusing, memories of their blemakers. "I often think Ithaca High School. Today time spent in one of 17 Enfield about what angels they were," rural students might be uncom- schoolhoases. Helena Schaber said. fortable attending a larger city Blanch Stout, the event's Now there isn't much of a high school, but imagine what organizer, showed the Calkins' a between teacher and sf 3 it was like for children who a fuzzy black and white photo- dent. Schaber, who taught at one -room school nt most of their house life in graph of herself and John dur- the Miller schoolhouse in 1934, "It was awful, we were ing Sunday school. "Oh I pointed across the table at a scared to death," Volbrecht remember that coat," John man who looked only ten years said Calkins laughed. her junior. "He was a student Calkins' and Hubbell aside, of mine," she sat{. Quarters might have been • a majority of reunion -goers SimHarold Lauel remembered tight, but people who attended live in the Town of Enfield and when his parents transferred the reunion agreed that they see each other occasionally. him from the District Four to learned more under one roof. Hubbell can't really get away District Six school because the "We learned a•lot from the from seeing f f of his other children fought too much. Sure ones (students) ahead of us," Laue said. 1 i BILL WARREN/Joumal Stet SCHOOLHOUSE REUNION: Blanch San Soucie Stout, left, and her speaks about his family's history Saturday at the Enfield one- and two - daughter -in-law Valerie Lovelace laugh as Stout's son Rob Lovelace mom schoolhouse reunion at the Enfield Valley Grange. • is 41 V n u,ri iuuu • • RURAL SCHOOL REUNION • JULY 6. 1996 11 a.m 'till ... ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE HALL ** Dish to share lunch., beverage furnished ?? do you recall the road you lived on when you went to school in Enfield? Please note same when you register, thanks. **Please bring a dish to share and own table service. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE, BLANCH SCHOOL DAYS, SCHOOL DAYS, GOOD OLD GOLDEN RULE DAYS. • TAUGHT TO THE TUNE OF A HICKORY STICK. a ENFIELD 1996 RURAL SCHOOL REUNION DOES IT SEEM POSSIBLE THAT HAS BEEN THREE YEAF.S SINCE WE GOT THIS PROGRAM STARTED? ENFIELD WILL BE 175 YEARS OLD AND WE WANT TO MAKE OUR FUNCTION MEMORABLE WITH NO CONFLICTS OF THE OTHER ACTIVITIES PLANNED THROUGH OUT THE YEAR WE WOULDN'T WANT TO MISS ANYTHING. GOT SOME GREAT NEWS, WE ARE NOW BEING SPONSORED BY ENFIELD VALLEY GRANGE. WE MUST THANK FLORENCE LAUE AND JACK HUBBELL FOR THEIR EFFORTS TO GET THIS ACCOMPLISHED. WE ALSO PICKED UP SOME HELPERS FROM THE GRANGE, ANA KASTENHUBER, ROGER HUBBELL AND BOB CARPENTER. ROGER HAS BEEN HELPING BEHIND THE SCENES, AS WELL AS BEV KRAFT, SHIRLEY HUBBELL AND JACK, WHO IS ALWAYS KEEPING HIS EYE OUT TO GET THINGS DONE. I REALLY APPRECIATE EVERYONE'S HELP, AND WE CAN'T FORGET RENEE AND ANDREW WHO I HOPE WILL BE MANNING THE REGISTRATION TABLE AGAIN THIS YEAR, WAIT TILL YOU SEE HOW MUCH THEY HAVE GROWN. I KNOW A LOT OF YOU WERE DISAPPOINTED WHEN WE DIDN'T HAVE A REUNION • LAST YEAR, '95. I GOT INVOLVED WITH MY 40TH REUNION FROM IHS AND JUST SEEMED TO GET TO BUSY, OH, I ALSO HAD THE RUMSEY REUNION AT MY HOME, THAT GREW TO ABOUT 50 PEOPLE. SUGGESTION RAS BEEN MADE, THAT SINCE THE MAIN EVENT FOR THE BIG DOINGS IS GOING TO BE OVER THE FOURTH, (THATS A RUMOR) AND I AM SURE YOU WILL BE AROUND FOR THAT, SO JUST STICK AROUND AND WE COULD HAVE OUR THING THE WEEKEND AFTER. SO GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT AND GET BACK TO ME. AS ALWAYS WE ARE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS AND HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU. I KNOW OLD MAN WINTER IS ROLLING IN BUT WE CAN LOOK FORWARD TO ENFIELD'S SPECIAL SUMMER AND BE READY TO CELEBRATE. BEST TO YOU ALL, akol-� BLANCH (SAN SOUCIE) STOUT 86 BLACK OAK RD TRUMANSBURG, NY 14886 607-273-2313, LEAVE A MESSAGE P.S. THE ABOVE LEITER WAS SENT OUT DEC OF '95, SINCE THEN WE HAVE PICKED A DATE OF JULY 6, 1996 TO HAVE OUR REUNION WITH THE USUAL DISH TO PASS LUNCH TO START AT 12:15, YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME EARLY TO VIEW THE DISPLAY JACK HUBBELL • HAS PLANNED. WE WILL MEET AT THE GRANGE AND HAVE USE OF THE COMMUNITY BUILDING FOR OVERFLOW. PAT DOUGHERTY WILL LEAD A SING ALONG AND THERE IS A CHANCE OF A GUEST SPEAKER, SEE YOU THERE) BLANCH FLCEIVED MAR 16 S3?6 RURAL SCHOOL REUNIO": • 1996 Mailing List Hilda Place Amberg 631 Black Oak Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Janice Fisher Baker P 0 Box 2,52 Watkins Glen, NY 14891 Charlotte Tucker Ballard 126 Seven Mile Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 Eunice Schroder Beardsley 46 N Van Dorn Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Frank and Betty Blake 126 Sears St Ithaca, NY 14850 Nancy Hubbell Breen 1 Slators Lane Newfield, DY 14867 Eleanor Stanton Brewer 11 Maple Ave West Danby, NY 14896 Winifred Bossard Brewster 1917 Slaterville Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Robert Bock 101 Rockwell Rd (Newfield, NY 14867 Shirley Tucker Boyd Reynoldsville Trumansburg, NY 14886 Kenny Burlew 207 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Kryle Burlew 2120 Dille St Lakeland, F1 33801 Norman Burlew 1185 Trumbulls Corners Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Ruth Whitaker Chapman 2855 County Rt 6 Alpine, NY 14805 Katherine Calkins Chase Bostwick Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Pat Hodge Dougherty 330 Sheffield Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 • Wilfred Drew 301 Sheffield Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 - Gertrude Schroder Emerson 5050 Elm St Ithaca, NY 14850 Donald Fisher 435 Black Oak Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Gary Fisher 329 Buck Hill Rd IS Trumansburg, NY 14886 Mr and Mrs Richard Fisher 39 Harvey Hill Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Mr and Mrs Hugh Galt 50 Van Dorn Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Dorothy Dodd Hall 1800 Junction Hwy Apt 6H KerriVi112, TX 78028-9370 Carolyn Schilling Hamilton 8 0 S Plain St Apt 802 Itnaca, NY 14850 Gary Harden 1012-Reynolds Rd Johnson City, NY L3790 Beth Harden Hieler 168 Kende 1 Ave Ithaca, NY 14850 Eleanor A. Hoffman 210 SabriIg Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Fran Steinberg Hopkins 468 Prospect Valley Rd Willsayville, NY 13864 Charles Hubbell 33 Harvey HILL Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 M.C. (Jack) Hubbell 134 Hubbell Or Ithaca, NY 14850 Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hubbell 4016 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Nellie Updike Hubbell 106 Hubbell Or Ithaca, NY 14850 Richard Hubbell 18 Rothermich Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Roger Hubbell 301 Enfield Center Rd W Ithaca, NY 14850 Carol Patterson Hunt 1087 Babcock Hollow Rd Cortland, NY 13045 Betty NageHuributt 10916 SW 86 Terr Ocala, FL 34481 0 A1rrd?<- Betty Nages Hurlbutt 10916 SW �6 Terr Ocala, FL 34481 Helen Willis Jackson 210 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 • Ruth Bowers Kouf 1915 Elmira Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Beverly Hornbrook Kraft 306 Epiield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Francis Teeter LaBomoard 1895 Mecklenburg Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Larry Lanning 1567 Mecklenburg Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 George Laue 58 Rush St Port JIfferson , NY i1776 Mr and Mrs Harold Laue 82 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Mr 6 Mrs Lawrence Lehmann 77 Waterburg Rd Trumansburg, NY L4886 Rhoda Linton 150 Porter Hill Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Robert Linton Podunk Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Phyllis Burlew Listar 38 East Shore Circle Ithaca, NY 14850 Ruth Lokken 214 Ithaca Rd Apt 4 Horseheads, NY 14845 Doris Lovelace 2504 N,ecklenbur Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Mr and Mrs Ralph Lovelace Jr 2100 Mecklenburg Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Aileen Stamp Marranca 221 S geneva St Ithaca, NY 14850 Nellie Rumsey McEver 102 Podunk Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Barbara Laughlin McIntyre 89 Schaffer Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Ruth Arnold Miller 216 Enfield Falls Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Betty Bedell Mix 38 Ithaca Rd Candor, NY 13743 Richard Oliver 208 Wood St Ithaca, NY 14850 • Helen Whitaker Nelson 1376 Taughannock Blvd Ithaca, NY 14850 Carl D Newhart 192 Griffin Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Don Patterson Black Dr RD#2 Marathon, NY 13760 Jean Rotharmich Read 327 Mt Pleasant Rd Fraevilla, NY 13068 Shirley Hornbrook Raitenauar 2100 Legrand Rd #22 Columbia, SC 29233 Ellen Waring Ricketson 430 Enfield Center Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Mr and Mrs Calvin Rothermich 319 Fish Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 David Rumsey 156 Sheffield Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Mr and Mrs Jay Rumsey 5040 Dis ton Or St Cloud, FL 34771 Mabel Whitaker Rumsey 2146 Mec.lenburg Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Roger Rumsey 182 Sheffield Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Carolyn Hubbell Salino Macklan �urg Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Helena Schaber 2068 Mecklenburg Rd Lot 79 Itnaca, NY 14850 Wanda Frealove Senwan 231 Coy Glenn Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Robert Scofield 2595 Mecklenburg Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Ethel Whitaker Senicchih 112 Fayette St Ithaca, NY 14850 Joann Purdy Sheffield 248 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Marguerite G Smith 4292 Krum Corners Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886 Jessie Blodgett Smithers 320 Enfield Main Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Howard Stamp 802 Hector St Ithaca, NY 14850 Richard Stevenson 115 W Haven d Ithaca, Nf 14850 • Mr and Mrs James Stoujhton 863 ayts Rd Ithaca, NY i4850 • Alice Whitaker Teater 44 Tee t r Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Jean SanSoucia rranchard 6352 Perry City Rd Trumansbur3, NY 14886 Donald Tucker 636 Trumbulls Cl. rners Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Harold Updike 2452 Brazilla Dr Apt 24 Clearwater, F1 34623 Miriam Stanton Viet 11 Maple ve West Danby, NY 14896 Joyce H Vargo Shaffer Rd Newfield, NY 14867 Evelyn Tucker Volbrecht 463 Valley Rd Brooktondale, NY 14617 Charles Warren 4125 Buck Hill Rd S Trumansbur3, NY 14886 Donald Warren P 0 Box Mecklenburg, NY 14863 Ralph Whitaker 16 Howard Hill Rd Candor, NY 13743 Doris Tucker Willett 328 Pinea Ave Endwell, NY 13762 Lillian Whitaker Willett 800 S Plain St Apt 303 Ithaca, NY 14a50 Roger Whitaker 8609 Lower Lake Rd Lodi, NY 14860 Doug Willis i98 Black Oak Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Ralph Willsey Jr Box 25 Dewitt, NY 13214 • 0 1996 u • 7 ENFIELD RURAL SCHOOL REUNION July 6, 1996 Attendance List Eunice Beardsley Renee Hoover Andrew Lovelace M. C.and Peggy Hubbell, Charles Warren Carl Updike Eleanor Stanton Brewer Miriam Stanton Viet Marcia Hubbell Knight Blanch San Soucie Stout Helen Arnold Tompkins Barbara Laughlin McIntyre Beddy Nadge Hurlbutt Bertha San Soucie Hubbell Mabel Whitaker Rumsey Alice Teeter Ethel Fenuachua Lillian Willitt Harold and Florence Laue Doris Lovelace Ruth Lovelace Doug and Jean San Soucie Trenchard Bob and Carolyn Hubbell Salino Dan and Kate Henderson Marvin Agusta Schilling Rumsey Jay Rumsey Mary Freese Ward Lauren Stanforth (Ithaca Journal) Bill Warren " Donald Tucker Doris Tucker Willett Wilma Fisher Hilda Place Amberg Dick and Norma Stevenson Pat Hodge Dougherty Brian and Jo Lovelace Marion Tim Marion Nancy Hubbell Breen Larry and Mary Lovelace Lehmann Robert and Beatie Bock Richard and Irene Dean Hubbell Wilfred and Charlotte Fox Drew Catherine Teeter Kellogg Rhoda Linton Arthur and Evelyn Tucker Volbrecht Charlotte Tucker Ballard Ruth Arnold Miller Eleanor Miller Swigart Doris Lehmann Rothermich John and Betty Calkins Helena Schaber Donald Fischer Robert, Valerie and Rochelle Lovelace Jean Rothermich Reed Frederick and Mary Bowers Theresa Massimilla Gary Fisher and wife Helen Jackson Sharon Swartout