HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 12 2023 Public Hearing Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Town of Enfield
Public Hearing & Regular Town Board Meetfng
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
6:30 pm
In-Person at the Town of Enfield Courthouse and Via the Zoom meetfng platiorm
Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Town Councilpersons, Jude Lemke, Robert Lynch, and Cassandra Hinkle; Town
Clerk Mary Cornell, Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter.
Virtual Attendance: Highway Superintendent Barry “Buddy Rollins”
Excused: Councilperson James Ricks
Supervisor Redmond opened the Public Hearing at 6: 30 pm.
The supervisor explained the reasoning for the Local Law. This is a Local Law to override the Tax Levy Limit that the Board
traditfonally approved each year.
Public Comments: Ellen Woods thanked the Town Board for all they have done to create equitable wages for the Highway
Department and the Town Clerks Office.
Supervisor Redmond closed the Public Hearing at 6:45 pm.
Call to Order: Supervisor Redmond called the meetfng to order at 6:45 pm.
Privilege of the Floor: Ed & Helen Hetherington Led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jeff Jones - He is an AUCC Cultfvator in Adult Cannabis productfon. He truly believes in the true effectfveness of Cannabis
and the associated economic benefits for small businesses. He is aligned with the cannabis plant that he brought with
him tonight. NY small businesses were supposed to have a 3-year head start ahead of commercial business productfon.
Large corporatfons were allowed to purchase the full allocatfon of 10 permits and will be allowed to market their
products first. Supply and cash flow rule all businesses. Many small business ventures will not be successful, due to a lack
of cash flow, the small guys always get screwed. Cannabis is a highly regulated, high value crop industry. He wants the
future of this plant to have less sustainable development. Organic is not good enough. Go to the thelastpotiarm.com for
more informatfon. To voice your opinion, go to nysmallfarma.org. Commentfng on the regs can only be done once. He
has a letter that he will send to the Town Board.
Additfons and Changes to the Agenda: Move the personnel committee updates by Blixy. Supervisor Redmond would like
to send a letter to CLEO.
Correspondence: N/A
Updates/Recommendatfons from the Personnel Committee – Blixy Taetzsch discussed proposed Personnel Committee
changes in health and disability benefits for Town employees. She said: We are not taking anything away from anyone,
the Town will contfnue to pay 100% of individual enrollment and will pay 80% of offered Family Plans. New employees
would enroll in the Platfnum plan. If employees are not in need of the health insurance, then a stfpend would be offered.
We also looked at long-term and short-term disability. We talked about eligibility for retfree benefits and changing
eligibility from 25 years to 20 years. She did some tentatfve projectfons which could change. She is not sure all committee
members are in 100% agreement with the memo statement (This is off of the last meetfng consensus). Ellen Woods
thanked the committee for putting this together and offering some level of benefits at 20 hours a week. Speaking to the
20 years versus the 25 years this is in-line with what police and fire do and administratfve work should be more of a 25-
year term as there is less physical risk for individuals in those positfons. Supervisor Redmond thanked Blixy for putting
this proposal together. Ellen Woods, the clerk should be grandfathered into the plan that the Highway Department
currently has. Supervisor Redmond is going to forward the most recent comments from Highway Superintendent Rollins
to the Town Board. Supervisor Redmond read the recommendatfons from Superintendent Rollins to those present.
Councilperson Lynch asked when a decision need to be made on this. Councilperson Lemke – We should have a decision
made by the August meetfng. Blixy shared the financial model. She made some assumptfons to help determin e the
numbers. She assumed three additfonal employees added here. It will be based on the eligibility coverage for employees.
Councilperson Lemke – Today we have a PPO plan that is grandfathered and is frozen in tfme and cannot be changed.
Councilperson Lynch – Those individuals that are on the legacy program can stay on the plan, but if they want a family
plan then they need to enroll in the platfnum plan? Blixy Confirmed that was accurate. In the Platfnum plan they have
added new coverage that will not be covered in the legacy plan. Councilperson Lynch if an MEO in the highway dept quits
and a new employee is hired would they need to go on the new platfnum plan, Blixy confirmed that yes, they would
need to enroll in the platfnum plan. Blixy did several scenarios that can be run and assumptfons had to be made to come
up with the projectfons she had tonight. Blixy will work on policy language to present at the August board meetfng.
Councilperson Lynch thanked Blixy and the personnel committee for coming up with recommendatfons and he looks
forward to viewing the final recommendatfons at the August Meetfng.
Monthly Reports:
County Legislature – Anne Koreman/Randy Brown. The full report is on file with the Town Clerk’s Office. Councilperson
Lynch thanked Randy for passing a resolutfon against the proposed change to the electfon years, which was then sent to
Kathy Hochul. Councilperson Lynch - it has yet to be presented to the governor.
Town Supervisor’s Report – Stephanie Redmond. In additfon to the normal dutfes of the Town Supervisor, Supervisor
Redmond attended calls with other Town Supervisors, met with the Personnel Committee, and attended the Water
Protectfon committee meetfng. Councilperson Lynch said it was disappointfng that our restore NY grant applicatfon was
declined by the state. He inquired if this was the applicatfon that was submitted in January. Supervisor Redmond
confirmed that yes, it was.
Town Clerk Report – Mary Cornell. The Clerk’s office completed the normal dutfes of the Clerk’s office.
Highway Superintendent Report – Barry “Buddy” Rollins. They are doing summer work and have been working
diligently on Bostwick Rd. They close the road when they are working on it because they are cutting trees and the trees
can fall across the road and it is quicker than sitting and waitfng to go around the closed road. It is due to be paved
around July 21. He has added two additfonal roads to the 287 agreement. The Gradall sold for $17,900.00. It was
originally purchased for ~$14,000 and they put ~$10,000 into it. Councilperson Lynch asked where the additfonal funds
are coming from to support the increase in project costs. Superintendent Rollins shared that CHIPs funding was up this
year, which allows for additfonal projects to be completed. He also took additfonal funds from his budget to cover the
discrepancy. CHIPS total $244,000 these funds are to be used for the projects. Greg Hutnik would like to connect with
Superintendent Rollins on pavement company recommendatfons.
Code Enforcement Report – Alan Teeter. He issued 4 new permits and there is a total of 16 new homes that are
currently in the process of being built.
Volunteer Fire Company Report – Alan Teeter. A total of 22 calls for the month. Fire Company President Dennis Hubbell -
They received an AFG grant for $106,666. Sales people will be coming from Scotts and MSA packs to show what they can
offer and then they will make a choice of which manufacturer they will purchase from. The total grant was for a total of
$112,000. The contributfon from the Fire Company makes the total to $112,000. This will allow for the purchase of new
SCBA’s the current ones have had bottles replaced as they only have a 15-year life span and they are halfway through the
second set of bottles. They are hopeful to purchase 14 new SCBA units. Denny shared that working with the Government
has not been a pleasant experience. They did receive the new truck (Pumper) they went through training a few weeks
ago and it is currently in service. It has been out on two calls so far. Rescue training this month will be about patfent trust
and a writfng component. Councilperson Lynch asked what the current status is of the old pumper. Denny it is currently
with brokers. They have received one offer for ~$40,000 from an apparatus company. They are hoping that by going
through brokers they will receive an optfmal price for it. Councilperson Lynch would like to have the new Fire
commissioners have some input on selling this truck and asks that the Fire Company not close a deal before the
Commissioners are up and running. Denny shared seldom does a sale go through quickly and he does not foresee it
going anywhere before the New Fire Commissioners are chosen. Their first paramedic has joined the fire company who is
also an interior firefighter. They have been trying to build up their retentfon program and 641 is set up as a mobile
hospital and it will be used for trainings in the future. Ellen Woods - The County is stfll working on a BLS rescue plan and
they are stfll looking for locatfons. Lansing, Brooktondale and Enfield are being looked at for these locatfons. Supervisor
Redmond asked if there has been an attempt by NYS to send any firefighters to the Canadian Wildfires. ADS are contract
employees that do not work for the Canadian government. They are acceptfng Fire Fighters, but they are not acceptfng
medical personnel at this tfme. NYS has not asked for volunteers. Wildfires are different than grass fires and require
different skills/trainings.
Planning Board Report – Dan Walker. No planning board meetfng for July.
Tompkins County Council of Governments – Robert Lynch. They meet again on July 27th.
Consent Agenda:
General Fund Vouchers #153-175 dated July 12, 2023 in the amount of $23,280.57
Highway Fund Vouchers #108-123 dated July 12, 2023 in the amount of $18,189.70
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Approval of Minutes: June 14, 2023 & June 28, 2023.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Abstain; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye;
New Business:
WHEREAS, according to New York State’s Property Tax Cap legislation, if a town government decides to adopt a budget
with a property tax levy that exceeds the level set by the State, the town government must pass a local law to override
that cap, and;
WHEREAS, adopting said local law is not predictive of the final tax levy but will provide the Enfield Town Board flexibility
to exceed the Property Tax Cap if it is deemed necessary, and to ensure that any State recalculation of the applicable
limit will not make the Town inadvertently out of compliance, and;
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Enfield Town Board on July 12, 2023, to hear all persons interested in
proposed Local Law No.3 of 2023, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Local Law No. of 202 Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2024 is hereby adopted pursuant to
subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law Section 3-c, which expressly authorizes the Enfield Town Board to override the
tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by vote of sixty percent (60%) of the Enfield Town Board,
RESOLVED, further, that the Enfield Town Clerk shall publish in the official newspaper of the Town a notice of adoption
containing a synopsis of said local law and shall within twenty days file one certified copy in the Office of the County
Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Be it enacted by the Town Board of The Town of Enfield as follows:
Section 1. Legislative Intent: It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes
that may be levied by the Town of Enfield pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-C, and to allow the Town of Enfield to
adopt a budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31st, 2024 that requires a real
property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as defined by General Municipal Law §3-C.
Section 2. Authority: This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-C, which expressly
authorizes the Town Board to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by a vote of at least
60% of the Town Board.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. Discussion: Councilperson Lynch asked do we have to
pass this law tonight and do we know what the Tax Cap is? Supervisor Redmond stated that we do not have to pass it
tonight and we do not currently know what the tax cap is. Councilperson Lynch would not support overriding the tax cap
tonight, as two weeks ago he gave the Town Board a road map which they chose to ignore, Lynch alluding to his June 28th
Resolutfon, rejected by the Board, that would have drawn upon local sales tax receipts to reduce the Town tax levy.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Nay; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
RESOLUTION #67-2023 – Approval of July 2023 Budget Modifications
WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the 2023 budget based on updated estimates of revenues and expenditures in 2023,
WHEREAS, a detailed listing and description of each budget adjustment by Fund has been provided to the Town Board
for review as presented below, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Enfield Town Board approves the budget modifications as outlined below.
Current Increase/Modified
Account #Description Budget (Decrease)Budget
A1010.4 Town Board - Contractual 2,000.00$ 500.00$ 2,500.00$
A1320.4 Auditor - Contractaul 15,000.00$ 5,200.00$ 20,200.00$
A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance 36,050.00$ 250.00$ 36,300.00$
A1920.41 CLWIO Dues 600.00$ 230.00$ 830.00$
A6143.4 Food Assistance Programs -$ 45,000.00$ 45,000.00$
A7555.4 Beautification - Contractual 500.00$ 500.00$ 1,000.00$
A8020.2 Planning Board - Equpiment -$ 1,250.00$ 1,250.00$
A8020.4 Planning Board - Contractual 250.00$ 250.00$ 500.00$
A9730.7 BAN Interest -$ 21,250.00$ 21,250.00$
A9950.9 Interfund Transfers -$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$
A9710.6 Bond Principal 110,000.00$ (22,750.00)$ 87,250.00$
A1990.4 Contingent Account 25,144.00$ (8,180.00)$ 16,964.00$
Total Expenditure Adjustments 45,000.00$
A4089 Federal Aid - Other -$ 45,000.00$ 45,000.00$
Total Revenue Adjustments 45,000.00$
Description of Proposed Adjustments: These General Fund budget adjustments address spending in excess of the budget plan for a
number of areas. Town Board contractaul expenses include the AOT conference and a number of public hearing notices. The audit
contract cost increased over the prior year, plus the cost for actuarial services related to GASB reporting requirements are included
here. Insurance and Dues were slightly higher than the budget estimate. And funds were added for beautification, and a Planning
Board computer. Adjustments described thus far will be covered by contingency. There is also a recommended modification to
reflect both the ARPA funds and expenditure for the food pantry. And, lastly, there is a recommended reclassification of debt
service expense to reflect BAN intrest paid, and a small amount transfered to cover final project costs for the Salt Barn. More than
enough was budgeted in bond principal to cover these costs.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye;
Resolutfon #68-2023 Approval of New Member of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
WHEREAS, pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law §1402, and Town Law §176, only active members of a Volunteer
Fire Company are covered by the Volunteer Firefighter Benefit Law if injured or killed while performing services for the
Fire Company, and;
WHEREAS, members may only be considered active members if given final approval of the Enfield Town Board, and;
WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board wishes to honor and approve new volunteer firefighters to serve with the Enfield
Volunteer Fire Company and to satisfy legal and insurance requirements for the benefit of our volunteers, and;
WHEREAS, Alexis Comparetta, of the Town of Enfield, has completed all requirements for Membership, and has been
approved by vote of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company membership for a position as an active member;
WHEREAS, Alexis Comparetta is a resident of the Town of Enfield and a Volunteer, therefore be it
Current Increase/Modified
Account #Description Budget (Decrease)Budget
DA2665 Sale of Equipment 2,500.00$ 17,900.00$ 20,400.00$
DA2680 Insurance Recovery -$ 4,265.00$ 4,265.00$
DA3501 CHIPS 135,158.00$ 18,483.00$ 153,641.00$
DA3589.0 Pave NY 35,669.00$ (36.00)$ 35,633.00$
DA3589.2 Pave our Potholes -$ 23,755.00$ 23,755.00$
Total Revenue Adjustments 64,367.00$
DA5112.2 Improvements - CHIPS 135,158.00$ 18,483.00$ 153,641.00$
DA5112.3 Pave NY and Potholes 35,669.00$ 23,719.00$ 59,388.00$
DA5130.2 Machinery - Equipment 120,000.00$ 17,900.00$ 137,900.00$
DA5130.4 Machinery - Contractual 110,000.00$ 4,265.00$ 114,265.00$
DA9050.8 Unemployment Insurance 500.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,500.00$
DA9040.8 Workers Compensation 26,775.00$ (3,000.00)$ 23,775.00$
Total Expenditure Adjustments 64,367.00$
Description of Proposed Adjustments: The Highway Fund budget adjustment reflects funds received for the sale of equipment and
insurance recoveries, and allocates those monies for equipment purchases and contractual machinery repairs. In addition,
adjustments are recommended to both revenue and expense to reflect the amount funded in the state budget for highway
improvements and repairs. Finally, an increase in unemployment insurance costs will be funded by savings in workers compensation
insurance. Unemployment costs are higher than originally anticiapted due to a correction in the contribution percentage based on
payroll, which had not been properly updated in the past.
RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board hereby approves membership of Alexis Comparetta into the Enfield Volunteer Fire
Company, effective immediately.
Supervisor Remond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. Discussion: Denny Hubbell, she has come from the
community of 5 point. She is currently a paramedic for Bangs ambulance. She has a lot of interests within the Fire Dept.
excluding Fire Police.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye;
Discussion: 284 Agreement - Amended
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. Discussion: Councilperson Lynch - Getting an
explanatfon of why the changes are made would assist the Councilpersons in understanding why the changes are taking
place. Highway Superintendent Rollins explained that he received additfonal CHIPS funding which supported the
additfonal work on two town roads this year.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond, Aye;
Discussion: Fire District Commissioners
The following individuals applied:
Barry “Buddy” Rollins -
Geoffrey Hollister -
Larry Stfllwell -
Robyn Wishna -
Ellen Woods – She read her letter into the official record.
Roy Barriere -
Marcus Gingerich –
Jim Mathews –
Frank Podufalski –
Town Board members discussed among themselves and with members of the public the process for selectfng appointees
to the Board of Fire Commissioners and also the Fire District’s Treasurer. Councilperson Lynch asked if there are any
applicants in attendance who would like to introduce themselves? He asked if any of those interested in being a fire
commissioner would be interested in serving as a treasurer if they are not chosen as being a fire commissioner? There
was confusion as to if the treasurer is an elected positfon. The Town Board will check with Mr. Pinsky to see if this is
indeed an elected positfon. The first treasurer may not be a paid positfon as the commissioners would need budget for
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded to go in to Executfve Session to discuss a matter of
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
The Town Board entered into Executfve Session at 8:28 pm and returned at 8:51 pm
The Town Board has unofficially chosen the following individuals to be considered as the Fire Commissioners: Barry
“Buddy” Rollins, Geoffrey Hollister, Robyn Wishna, Marcus Gingerich, and Jim Mathews.
Letter to CLWEO. Supervisor Redmond - They are putting together a grant. They are working with many agencies to
collect all the data through the community science instftute. They are applying for funding and would like the town
board to send in a letter with their grant applicatfon. They are hoping to pinpoint locatfons that have issues and assist in
resolving the issues.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded to send a letter of support for CLWEO.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Privilege of the Floor: Several persons commented concerning the Town Board’s tentatfve selectfon of Fire
Commissioners. Ellen Woods - She is very disappointed that someone whom is being handsomely paid who has made
public statements adamantly against the Fire Department and their people who are not Chainsaw trained has been
chosen as a potentfal Fire Commissioner. Chris Willis echoed Ellen’s statements and further shared that the highway
superintendent is a paid positfon and their people get paid and now they will be regulatfng the Fire Company who pays
the same workman’s compensatfon as the Highway Department. Dennis Hubbell commented that the Highway
Superintendent’s selectfon as a Fire Commissioner, in his opinion, constftuted a conflict of interest.
Announcements: N/A
Adjournment: Councilperson Hinkle motfoned to adjourn, adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectiully Submitted,
Mary Cornell
Mary Cornell
Town Clerk