HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 12 2023 Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Regular Town Board Meetfng
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
6:30 pm
In-Person at the Enfield Courthouse and Virtually Via the Zoom Meetfng Platiorm
Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Town Councilpersons, Jude Lemke, James Ricks (6:38-8:44), Robert Lynch,
Cassandra Hinkle; Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Clerk Mary Cornell
Call to order: Supervisor Redmond called the meetfng to order at 6:30 pm
Privilege of the Floor: Councilperson Lynch spoke on the passing of one of Enfield’s oldest residents, LeRoy Wollney, and
the many contributfons that LeRoy brought to others and this community. Yesterday Tompkins County Chamber of
Commerce and Tompkins Community Bank presented Jean Owens Director of the Enfield Food Pantry their Hero of the
Month award. Councilperson Lynch discussed on ongoing tax matter impactfng the Enfield Community Council. The
Enfield Community Council’s current community center, a former church, previously had tax exemptfon status. ECC had
lost if the exemptfon for a period of one year (2021-2022) due to an administratfve oversight. They are seeking approval
from the County Legislature to support state legislatfon to refund replace their expense (land Tax) of ~$8,000. However, a
committee of the County Legislature declined April 6th to move the matter forward. Melissa Millspaugh introduced
herself as a candidate for Councilperson this Electfon year. James Ricks thanked ARE for the work that they did on his
petftfons and getting him the signatures that he needed. He spoke on infantfle death of children. He is concerned that
more black babies are dying then white babies and he thinks if these numbers were reversed then it may get more
attentfon. He could not get answers on why this is happening and if these numbers were reversed then we would have
an answer to this questfon. He has been watching programs on Planet Earth and water supply. Corporatfons are getting in
the way and the earth is trying to get us the resources that we need and people are getting in the way. He thinks that
Enfield should look into this more as Enfield is a relatfvely poor community. These types of things (tax incentfves) are not
made available to regular people, but when corporatfons like Norbut come into the community then they pay a lower
rate than the average person by offering subsidies. He also has issues with the American Indian Act and Cliff Halftown
getting awarded many acres of land and he wants to know why an agency is Washington DC decides who the leader is of
the tribe and why treatfes are not being honored.
Martha Fischer spoke as a representatfve of ARE and shared that they had a nice potluck on March 31 which was well
attended. They will be having them quarterly at the Enfield Community Center. They have a book group called Chapters
and is headed by Heather Stewart. The book group is a good way to educate ourselves on topics of racism and
disadvantages of people of color.
Additfons and Changes to the agenda: Resolutfon for a parks and recreatfon applicatfon will be added to New Business
after Discussion. Discussion of a resolutfon/local law optfng in to the tax exemptfon under real property law sectfon 487.
Councilperson Lynch will give a synopsis of his recent attendance at a NYSEG Governmental Stakeholder Roundtable (His
written report is on file with the Town Clerk’s Office.) Mr. Pinsky will be added after Anne Koreman, then Brandon Hoak,
and then Judy Hyman.
Correspondence: N/A
Monthly Reports
County Legislature - Anne Koreman. Update on grants from the county (Community Recovery Grants) one organizatfon
was unable to accept their award that opened funds to the agencies that had previously applied and they are narrowing
it down to the top 40 applicatfons that they are willing to consider. Enfield currently three applicatfons from Enfield are in
the top 40, the Enfield Community Council, Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, and the Town of Enfield (Radios). They are
hoping to have more informatfon by the end of April, the beginning of May. Anne and legislator Randy Brown met with
the Fire Company and the Enfield Community Council. She attended the Town of Enfield Planning Board’s Public Hearing
that was held on April 5 regarding the Breezy Meadows Subdivision project to hear comments from Town Residents. She
is glad to see Councilperson Ricks at the meetfng tonight and appreciates his comments about black mothers and babies
dying more than white babies. She stated that doctors don’t always give them proper pain medicatfon, or send them for
testfng as it is believed that they have a higher pain tolerance.
Discussion – Forming a Fire District. Bradley M. Pinsky – A Fire District is a separate municipal entfty and has many of the
same powers of a regular municipality. Benefits of a Fire District - only need to oversee one department which consists of
a board of five members and they are tasked with providing the best service that they can financially provide. A basic fire
engine has gone from ~$500,000 to ~$800,000 in the last three years. He shared that a 2% cap at the Town level can not
sustain the needs of the Fire Companies. When a fire district wants to make large purchases it has to go to public vote
and is subject to permissive referendum. It is about a 60-day process to go from a Fire Company to a Fire District. A
Public hearing needs to be held to create the fire district and then usually on the same night the board meets to form the
fire district. And then at the same meetfng the board moves to dissolve the fire protectfon district. Councilperson Lynch
asked for clarificatfon if the public can petftfon for this to be subject to permissive referendum. Mr. Pinsky said it could
not be put to referendum. Councilperson Lynch then asked if communitfes favor the creatfon of fire districts. Mr. Pinsky
Cayuga County just formed a fire district due to the issue of the tax cap. He was a fire chief in the past and believes that
firefighters seem to prefer to have a fire district. Councilperson Lynch shared that in 2007 the Town Board had tried to
move to a Fire District and it fizzled out. He expressed concern that the fire company may end up running itself. 2008
Assemblyman Sweeney created a number of laws that increased the amount of public partfcipatfon and informatfon
(audits, more hearings, etc.) he hopes that the public does partfcipate.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded to authorize Supervisor Redmond to work with Bradley
Pinsky and have him return to the May meetfng. Discussion: The first five commissioners are appointed for 5-year terms
(scaled) and then the second week of December one new fire commissioner will be elected. Councilperson Lynch asked
who would administer the electfon, the fire district or the local County Board of Electfons? Mr. Pinsky answered it can be
either, but it is usually the fire district. Lawyers will work closely with the Secretary of the fire district to run the electfon.
Any tfme during the year a special electfon can be held, the special electfon has very specific regulatfons on how it can be
run. Ellen Woods asked if a Fire District would interfere with an Ambulance District (A special improvement district).
Supervisor Redmond asked how they should choose interested individuals. Mr. Pinsky strongly suggests that it not be the
president of the Fire Company, but can be any other member of the Fire Company (excluding officers). Supervisor
Redmond shared with the Public that the Town will be looking for people interested in being fire commissioners.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Ricks,
Abstain; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried.
Town Clean-up Update: Judy Hyman – She wrote to Roy Barriere (Enfield Fire Company) and they are doing their clean-
up as part of an adopt a highway program. Cleaning up state roads is more complicated than cleaning up town roads. She
communicated with Barb Fry who has been coordinatfng the Bostwick Rd initfatfve. She was given contact informatfon
for Kathy Chapman to get bags. One item that has come up on Bostwick Rd is that she was strongly encouraged to apply
to make it an Adopt A Highway designatfon by next year. She is unaware of all the guidelines that are imposed. She
would like to meet with either Stephanie or another individual. Supervisor Redmond will work with the ECC to
coordinate a point person to meet with Judy and herself.
Discussion: Presentatfon by Brandon Hoak – Brandon and Kate are from Cornell University. They are the TC Pollinator
Pathway group. He shared what a pollinator pathway is. It is a public and private pestfcide-free pathway for insects and
birds. He shared his presentatfon with the board. Supervisor Redmond asked if they have any student volunteers that
could help assist with making a small flower garden by the current bus stop in the center of town.
Monthly Reports
Town Supervisor’s Report – Stephanie Redmond. She attended the EMC and the CLEO Meetfng. She communicated with
MRS Solutfons for the grant for radios (TCRF). Funding has come in for the Salt Barn Project. Enfield was awarded a
beautfficatfon grant that she had submitted. She met with the Chamber and they discussed ways that the Town and
Chamber can work together in additfon to the normal tasks of the office of Town Supervisor.
Town Clerk’s Report – Mary Cornell. In additfon to the normal dutfes of the Town Clerks’ office. Tax season has wrapped
up and the dog enumeratfon is steadily progressing.
Highway Superintendent Report – Buddy Rollins. They are doing winter cleanup and working on the seasonal part of
Enfield Center Rd West. They are doing normal maintenance on town roads.
Code Enforcement Report – Alan Teeter. He issued new building permits, and three solar permits. He issued certfficate
of occupancies and is working on resolving a couple of complaints. Councilperson Lynch asked where it stands with
Norbut. Alan answered that they are startfng to move equipment onto the premises. Councilperson Lynch asked if any of
the amendments to the Solar Law will apply to Norbut, Councilperson Lemke answered that there really wasn’t anything
that would apply with the changes that were made.
Volunteer Fire Company – Alan Teeter. There is a chicken BBQ on Sunday April 12, 2023. Ellen Woods - There will be two
upcoming Narcan trainings, one will be for town and fire company employees and the other will be opened to the public.
They offered a training on Autfsm rescue calls.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded to authorize use of the Town Courthouse for the Narcan
training on May 11, 2023. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Councilperson Ricks,
Abstain; Supervisor Redmond, Aye; Carried.
Planning Board Report – Dan Walker. We had a public hearing last week for the Breezy Meadows subdivision. There
were ~25 people in attendance. The planning board had received ~50 questfons that mainly concentrated around traffic
use and water quality. The Planning Board started the Environmental review and whether the water supply demands
would be of concern. The Town Board and Mr. Walker undertook an extended discussion about the Breezy Meadows
subdivision and partfcularly its potentfal impact on water supplies. Walker went over the well study of our aquifer. He
said there is no questfon that the water quality in the shale is unstable. But Chairman Walker expressed his opinion that
the sparse density of the proposed subdivision would mitfgate the risk to neighboring wells. He concluded that the lot
sizes proposed would provide enough area to protect other wells. Walker said the Planning Board will address any
additfonal concerns at the next Planning Board meetfng. On a second matter, the Planning Board, Walker said, dealt with
a subdivision request where the owners would like to put a total of 4 rental units on a 1.2 acre parcel. He has asked that
a more detailed site plan be provided by the next meetfng.
Tompkins County Council of Govts – Robert Lynch. The full report is on file with the Town Clerks’ Office.
Discussion: ARPA Funds. Supervisor Redmond has been working with Angel H. and Becky Sims on finding alternate
funding for the Bostwick Road project, as she had not realized we could not use matching ARPA funds for a federally
matching grant. After funds go to the ECC, the Enfield Fire Co, and Enfield Food Pantry, there will be excess funds
remaining, Supervisor Redmond Supervisor Redmond gave a list of her recommendatfons. Main street revitalizatfon of a
New Town Hall roof Cooley Constructfon quote at $46, 900, work in the clerk’s office (replacement of floor, paintfng,
removal of duct work) at $16,750. Paintfng the Town Courthouse, with a Cooley Constructfon Corp quote of $22,750.
Supervisor Redmond will send out the spreadsheet of requested ARPA items
Councilperson Lynch moved to authorize the Supervisor to draft the bid documents for repair/replacement of the roof
on the Town Hall. Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Cooley Constructfon Corp. has submitted an estfmate for
putting a new roof on the town hall. However due to the projected expense of the project, Board members concluded
the project would need to be bid.
Vote: Hinkle: Aye; Lemke: Aye; Lynch: Aye; Redmond: Aye. Carried
Consent Agenda:
Audit Claims: General Fund Vouchers #79-106, dated April 12, 2023, in the amount of $31,013.13.
Highway Fund Vouchers #45-67, dated April 12, 2023, in the amount of $35,620.42
Approval of Minutes: March 8, 2023 Meetfng minutes.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
WHEREAS the Tompkins County Municipal Parks and Trails Grant Program is accepting applications from municipalities
to fund up to $5,000 for parks and trails improvements, and
WHEREAS there is a need in Enfield for improved parks and trails, and
WHEREAS goal eight of the Economy and Community Goals of the Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan is to “Increase
the use of recreational areas within the Town,” and
WHEREAS youth from the community voiced their needs at the December 14 Town Board meeting for improved park
and outdoor recreation in the Town, and
WHEREAS the Enfield Community Center serves as Enfield’s only municipal park, and
WHEREAS the basketball court at the Enfield Community Center needs paving, and
WHEREAS funds from the Municipal Parks and Trails Grant Program can help finance a paved outdoor basketball court at
the Enfield Community Center, now Therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Enfield Town Board supports the submission of an application to the Tompkins County Municipal
Parks and Trails Grant Program, and
RESOLVED that if funds are awarded, the basketball court paving will be installed within six months of grant award.
_Mary Cornell_______________________________ __4-12-2023_____________
Enfield Town Clerk Date
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. Discussion. Councilperson Hinkle and Deputy
Supervisor Hutnik spoke on the proposed use of the funds and that the Town would need to fund $2,500 of the project
in conjunctfon with the grant if awarded., a brief discussion followed.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Councilperson Lemke proposed a resolutfon to Opt-In to the Artfcle 487 agreement. A brief discussion followed.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded to set a Public Hearing for May 10, 2023, at 6:30 pm.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Resolutfon #44-2023 Purchase of a Mini Excavator
Whereas, the Highway Superintendent has requested approval to purchase a mini excavator with rubber tracks, and
Whereas, the Highway Superintendent intends to sell or trade 2004 Gradall, therefore be it
Resolved, the Town Board approves the purchase of a mini excavator with rubber tracks for no more than $150,000 to be
funded out of Equipment Reserves DA230-B
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Councilperson Lemke asked
Superintendent Rollins why this item needs to be purchased. Superintendent Rollins shared that they have been
borrowing a mini excavator from a neighboring municipality. Councilperson Lynch asked why this was not asked for
during the budget season, why this equipment is not in the equipment purchases included in the 2019 capital plan. plan.
Superintendent Rollins replied that this equipment will allow for better work to be completed. And the Gradall
(Excavator) needs to be worked on, at a proposed cost in excess of ~$20,000. Councilperson Lemke recommends that we
sit down with Buddy and Blixy to create a more correct capital plan.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
RESOLUTION # 45-2023 A Resolutfon in support of State Legislatfon to provide “CHIPS-style” Funding Subsidies for
Municipalitfes that operate or contract with Public and Not-for-Profit EMS Services
Whereas, the availability of promptly-provided, professionally-staffed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) stands as a vital
need and an important priority for Enfield Town residents and for the Town Board that represents them; and
Whereas, trained, ambulance-equipped EMS providers include not only those commercial services that have traditfonally
served Enfield, but also municipally-operated providers that serve some of Tompkins County’s other municipalitfes,
providers that find themselves under increased financial pressure due to increasing costs and limited municipal
resources; and
Whereas, the increased demands imposed on Enfield’s dominant commercial EMS provider in recent years have
heightened the likelihood that this Town may need to draw upon an adjoining community’s municipally-operated,
ambulance-ready EMS service in the future; and
Whereas, Artfcle XVII §3 of the New York State Constftutfon states that, “The protectfon and promotfon of the health of
the inhabitants of the state are matters of public concern and provision therefor shall be made by the state and by such
of its subdivisions and in such manner, and by such means as the legislature shall from tfme to tfme
determine.”(emphasis added); and
Whereas, members of the New York State Legislature have introduced Assembly Bill A01091 and companion Senate Bill
S01852, each of which would establish a funding subsidy for not-for-profit Emergency Medical Service Agencies, a
funding mechanism similar to the “CHIPS-style” mechanism employed by New York State to provide subsidies for
municipal highway maintenance; and
Whereas, these bills, if adopted, could provide financial assistance to the Town of Enfield should it become necessary in
the future for this Town to operate such an Emergency Medical Service or to contract for such a service offered by a
qualifying municipal provider; and Whereas, Assembly Bill A01091 and Senate Bill S01852 have been endorsed by the
Tompkins County Legislature, the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) and by governing boards of various
Tompkins County municipalitfes, to which the Enfield Town Board now chooses to join their collectfve voice;
therefore, be it Resolved, that the Enfield Town Board fully supports Assembly Bill A01091 and companion Senate Bill
S01852, which would create a “CHIPS-style” state funding subsidy for municipalitfes that operate or contract with public
and not-for-profit EMS Agencies; and be it further Resolved, that copies of this resolutfon shall be forwarded to
Assemblymember Anna Kelles, Senator Lea Webb, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastfe, Senate Majority Leader Andrea
Stewart-Cousins, and Governor Kathy Hochul.
Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. Discussion: This would apply to rural ambulances and
would not apply to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Abstain; Carried.
Resolutfon #46-2023 Appoint of Melissa Millspaugh to the Recreatfon Committee
Whereas, resident Melissa Millspaugh has expressed interest in partfcipatfng in the Recreatfon Committee, Be it
Resolved the Town Board appoints Melissa Millspaugh to the Recreatfon Committee
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. No discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Resolutfon #47-2023 Authorizatfon for the Supervisor to Sign a Contract with Tompkins County Youth Services
WHEREAS, Tompkins County Youth Services provides financial support for the youth summer camps run by the Enfield
Community Council, therefore be it;
RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor Redmond to sign a contract with Tompkins County Youth
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. No discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Discussion: AOT Annual Meetfng Report – Tabled.
Privilege of the floor: Marcus Gingerich is there anything in the comprehensive plan that would give any leverage against
the large subdivision? With the equipment the capital plan that the bottom line is what is the cash flow at the end of
each year. He asked Councilperson Lynch why he had questfoned why not sell the piece of equipment.
Announcements - None
Adjournments – Councilperson Hinkle motfoned to adjourn, Adjourned at 10:00 pm
Respectiully Submitted,
Mary Cornell
Town Clerk