HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 8 2023 Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 6:30 pm
In-Person and Virtually Via the Zoom Meeting Platform
Attendance: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Councilpersons, Cassandra Hinkle, Robert Lynch; Town Clerk Mary Cornell.
Virtual Attendance: Councilperson Jude Lemke (6:58 pm)
Excused: Councilperson James Ricks.
Call to Order: Supervisor Redmond called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Privilege of the Floor: Ann Rider publicly thanked the Volunteers of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and is grateful
for the age ranges of the Volunteers. She brought to the Town Board’s attention the quality of the volunteers and their
willingness to always volunteer.
Tom Joyce gave a medical update for James Ricks. James had numerous small vessel strokes that may not necessarily
heal and could get worse. James is struggling with controlling his blood pressure. He is in good spirits and he does not
appear to have any lasting complications.
Robert Lynch gave a brief statement as a Councilperson. He focused on plans in the City of Ithaca to demolish the former
Joe’s Restaurant and replace it with a high-rise apartment house. Did you ever dine at Joes’ Restaurant in the City of
Ithaca, Councilperson Lynch asked. The citizens of Ithaca never took the opportunity at a recent Planning Board meeting
to give their opinion on that building being demolished and a multi-unit apartment building built in its place, Lynch said.
Councilperson Lynch tied the Joe’s Restaurant planned demolition to challenges facing an Enfield building. Two doors
down from where our meeting tonight is the Old Enfield Baptist Church, which is currently owned by a private citizen,
Lynch said. The building is deteriorating and some town residents would like the building torn down. Councilperson
Lynch would like to see someone purchase the building and fix it. He would like our future generation to point to the
historic landmarks in the town as part of our community.
Additions and Changes to the Agenda: Supervisor Redmond would like to move the Enfield Clean-Up Days discussion to
before old Business. Addition of a Resolution to assign American Rescue Plan funds to the Enfield Community Council,
and a resolution for the County ARPA funds redistribution. Executive Session to discuss a matter of personnel.
Correspondence: N/A
Discussion: Enfield clean-up Days. Judy Hyman - In the past a group of volunteers did a clean-up of Bostwick Rd ditches
and it looks better. Judy explained that she thought it might be nice for the Town to do a Town-wide ditch and road
clean-up. She is hopeful that the County will provide the bags and pick up the trash bags once they have been filled. Ed
& Helen Hetherington shared that the Fire Company cleaned ditches on some of the side roads, as well as rte. 327
Supervisor Redmond communicated with the Tompkins County Highway Dept and they are willing to provide trash
collection bags. The Town of Enfield Highway Department has proposed clean-up days for May 18-20. Supervisor
Redmond suggested coordinating with the Fire Company and others within the Town. Supervisor Redmond asked
Debbie Teeter and Ann Rider if they would coordinate with the Fire Company. Judy asked if the dates could be set by the
locate groups involved. Clerk Cornell will look into having an electronic sign-up sheet. The Town Ditch clean-up day will
be held May 6, 2023, starting at 8 am, a post will be added to the website in early April.
Quarterly Reports:
Environmental Management Council – Stephanie Redmond. They are seeking volunteers to produce the bi-weekly
newsletters. The Village of Groton and the Town of Ulysses are working on updating their comprehensive plans.
Enfield Community Council – Debbie Teeter/Ann Rider. Debbie Teeter - They just booked their 4th large event for the
year. The kitchen has been consistently booked. They have twice weekly fitness classes. The Rhubarb festival will be held
on May 20th, 37 people have signed up for the Chamber of Commerce event. 57 people attended the Cabin Fever Event
and they had almost 50 people at the Valentines Event. They currently have a full board and they may increase the total
board members by two. The quarterly newsletter is ongoing to rave review. The local quilters group is using the facility
and has completed the top of the ECC quilt. They are selling tickets for the quilt, see Ann Rider or Debbie Teeter for
more information. They sponsored Basketball again this year and it was held at Enfield Elementary School. The Enfield
Fire Company jointly sponsored and provided funds for the uniforms (donated funds are raised from the BBQ’s).
Tompkins County Youth Report – Lisa Monroe/Randy Brown. They are looking for additional Board members to help
meet quorum. They have funding available specifically for youth mental health services. There is a high need for
lifeguards in this area and the Ithaca YMCA is offering lifeguard certification for $50.00.
Food Pantry: Robert Lynch – Read the full report submitted by Food Pantry director Owens and the full report is on file
with the Town Clerks Office.
Cayuga Watershed IO – Stephanie Redmond. Rebecca Schneider gave a talk on ditch water runoff and ditching best
practices. They are working to move the water into bio-streams and ponds instead of directly into our water supply.
They next meet on March 22.
Tompkins Health Consortium – Stephanie Redmond. They did a presentation on no cost programs available through the
Consortium. They will offer a class on advance care planning on April 18th. In honor of national nutrition month, they are
having several food drives throughout the month. They have had public outreach on hypertension and cholesterol
awareness. More information can be found on their website.
Cemetery Committee – Cassandra Hinkle. The full report is on file with the Town Clerk’s Office. Councilperson Hinkle
moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded to hold the Cemetery clean-up on Saturday May 13, 2023 starting at 10:00
am. Contact Cassandra for more information.
Water Protection Committee – Stephanie Redmond. They are almost finalized with the water protection plan which will
then be submitted to NYS for approval. Once this approval has been received, they will submit the plan to the Town
Board for Final approval.
Monthly Reports
County Legislature – Randy Brown. The full report is on file with the Town Clerk’s Office. Councilperson Lynch shared
that a resolution would be presented later tonight which will assist in Randy’s request for Town Board input.
Councilperson Lynch inquired about the resolution in state legislation of support of climate change (562A). In January
2030 Code Enforcement officers will not be allowed to issue permits for fossil fuel ranges or furnaces in new homes.
Randy believes that climate change is important and the state is putting the cart before the horse as NYSEG can’t
support the current grid needs.
Town Supervisors report – Stephanie Redmond. She attended the planning board meeting, the water resource
meeting, and met with the Fire Company for their quarterly liaison meeting. She met with Art Cap solutions in additional
to the regular duties of the Office of Town Supervisor.
Town Clerk Report – Mary Cornell. Tax Season is wrapping up. Dog Enumeration will resume this weekend, residents
can expect to see enumerator P. Baker in the next several weeks.
Highway Superintendent Report – Buddy Rollins. The highway department has been completing normal winter projects
and has been able to start getting spring projects organized.
Code Enforcement Report – Alan Teeter. He issued one new building permit and will be approving two more in the next
few weeks. He completed his training and the Town earned 250 points. Training topics included - In 2030 NYS will no
longer allow fossil fueled heating/appliances and parts will not be available. They spoke of coverage when code
enforcement officers are on vacation/out of the office. There is a shortage of code enforcement officers and many cover
more than one municipality. Applegate Solar Farm is looking to apply for their building permit after experiencing a ~1
year delay. Alan will present a resolution next month for the Town to establish a permit for re-roofing. He will also have
an application available for review. Councilperson Lynch highly recommends that the Supervisor and Councilperson
Lemke confer to the legal obligations of the solar operator requirements with the changes in the Solar Law. Supervisor
Redmond has asked for Estimates as they showed a much lower cost estimate then they had previously given.
Councilperson Lynch will confer with Councilperson Lemke on Solar Law issues.
Volunteer Fire Company Report – Alan Teeter. 19 calls last month. March Trainings may include - truck checks, SCBA
training, rescue training, and either grass fire or ice water training. There will be a Chicken BBQ on March 12th. Narcan
trainings are in development more information will be provided to the Town Board as it becomes available.
Planning Board Report – Dan Walker. They did the preliminary site plan review for Breezy Meadows and they have set a
public hearing for the April 5, 2023. Dan attended FEMA’s consultation coordinator mapping meeting at the Tompkins
Co Public Library. This meeting was to update everyone on the mapping schedule. They are looking at a public open
house where the public can talk about the flood mapping in April or May, they will be sending documents to the town
and asked Dan to provide them with a location to view the maps, Dan provided them with the Town Hall’s address. The
maps are available on the FEMA website, he will provide Clerk Cornell with the link.
Tompkins County Council of Govts – Robert Lynch. The full report is on file with the Clerk’s Office. March 23, 2023 will
be the next TCCOG Meeting.
Consent Agenda:
Audit Claims: General Fund vouchers #57-78 dated March 8, 2023 in the amount of $129,964.92.
Highway Fund vouchers #26 - 44 dated March 8, 2023 in the amount of $37,669.05.
Fire Company vouchers #60 & 69 dated March 8, 2023 in the amount of $30,442.75.
Approval of Minutes: February 8, 2023
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. No discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Old Business:
Withdrawn - Resolution # - 2023 A Resolution to provide health insurance coverage eligible to the Office of Enfield
Town Clerk.
New Business
Presentation from Tompkins County Solid Waste about the Food Scraps Program
Jeremy Betterley - He has worked with the County for ~6 years and his area of focus is the Organics program which focus
on food scrap recycling. They have been collecting ~500 tons of compost donations each year. The product is sent to
Cayuga Compost and they have 17 collection sites throughout the county and Enfield would be a great addition to the
program. Supervisor Redmond had shared the documents/plans that were sent to her with the board via email. When
you sign up or come to one of the drop sites you can get a one-gallon kitchen caddy and compostable bag liners. All food
scraps, paper towels, napkins can be collected. Jeremy shared the draft plan via his computer screen. They would like to
take advantage of the Saturday Food Pantry hours for collection hours. Councilperson Lynch asked if it is true that State
Law requires large entities to recycle their food scraps.
Supervisor Redmond motioned and Councilperson Hinkle seconded to participate in the Food Scrap Recycling Program
and providing a location (land) for use by Tompkins County Solid Waste.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Review of Town Financials - Presentation by Bookkeeper Blixy Taetzsch.
The last outside audit had not taken place since 2018 and an unmodified audit report had not been given before.
Incorporating all of this information together the Town did receive a 2021 unmodified audit report which had been sent
to Town Board members via email. The auditors have started the 2022 audit. There were no comments or findings from
the audit. She suggested the Town board may want to hear from the auditors when they complete the 2022 audit.
Councilperson Lynch asked for Blixy’s input on the Salt Barn Bond. Blixy and Supervisor Redmond are looking into
providing an itemized report to the DEC, which is the same information that Supervisor Redmond had already sent last
summer. Blixy shared that all of the work has already been completed. Do we go to bonds or do we stay with bond
anticipation notes? Municipal solutions will provide the most recent recommendations and may provide the best advice
at this time. Until we receive the funds from the DEC the town is unable to look into long-term financing. The bands
expire in ~June 2023. To seek long-term financing Municipal Solutions will need as much lead time as possible.
Resolution # 38-2023 Approval of Final 2022 Budget Modifications
WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the 2022 budget based on the final results of revenues and expenditures in 2022,
WHEREAS, a detailed listing and description of each budget adjustment by Fund has been provided to the Town Board
for review as presented below, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Enfield Town Board approves the budget modifications as outlined below.
Current Increase/Modified
Account #Description Budget (Decrease)Budget
DA5112.4 EWR Expenditures 30,981.00$ 1.00$ 30,982.00$
DA5112.3 PAVE NY Expenditures 59,442.00$ (1.00)$ 59,441.00$
DA5130.2 Machinery - Equipment 210,457.45$ 14,795.00$ 225,252.45$
DA5130.4 Machinery - Contractual 95,000.00$ (6,270.00)$ 88,730.00$
DA5130.45 Diesel and Gas Fuel 75,000.00$ 340.00$ 75,340.00$
DA5140.1 Brush, Weed Removal - Personal Service 25,304.00$ 6,442.00$ 31,746.00$
DA5142.1 Snow Removal - Personal Service 57,850.00$ 24,960.00$ 82,810.00$
DA5110.1 General Repairs - Personal Service 149,700.00$ (31,402.00)$ 118,298.00$
DA9030.8 Social Security 17,500.00$ 1,210.00$ 18,710.00$
DA9060.81 Health Insurance 65,900.00$ (1,210.00)$ 64,690.00$
Total Expenditure Adjustments 8,865.00$
DA2665 Sale of Equipment 2,870.00$ 8,865.00$ 11,735.00$
Total Revenue Adjustments 8,865.00$
Description of Proposed Adjustments: These highway fund year-end adjusments cover overages in spending on equipment, fuel,
seasonal salaries, snow removal salaries, and social security. The salary overages really just reflect a change in the classification of
salaries, with savings in general repairs salaries covering these overages. In total, salaries did not exceed the original budget plan.
Funds from the sale of equipment, plus savings in machinery contractual costs covered the overages in equipment and fuel spending.
A minor overage in social security was covered by savings in health insurance.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Current Increase/Modified
Account #Description Budget (Decrease)Budget
A1220.13 Supervisor - Deputy Supervisor 5,000.00$ 1.00$ 1 5,001.00$
A1220.41 Supervisor - Contractual 1,500.00$ (1.00)$ 1 1,499.00$
A1320.4 Auditor - Contractual 15,000.00$ 4,200.00$ 19,200.00$
A1316.42 Bookkeeper - Contractual 400.00$ 15.00$ 2 415.00$
A1316.44 Bookkeeper - Payroll Fees 4,000.00$ (15.00)$ 2 3,985.00$
A1330.4 Tax Collector - Contractual 4,000.00$ 15.00$ 3 4,015.00$
A1410.11 Town Clerk - Personal Service 22,000.00$ 1.00$ 3 22,001.00$
A1410.12 Town Clerk - Deputy Personal Service 12,000.00$ 1.00$ 3 12,001.00$
A1410.4 Town Clerk - Contractual 4,300.00$ 70.00$ 3 4,370.00$
A1420.4 Attorney - Contractual 12,000.00$ 880.00$ 12,880.00$
A1620.2 Buildings - Equipment 300.00$ 7,300.00$ 7,600.00$
A1620.43 Buildings - Web/IT Services 7,000.00$ 530.00$ 3 7,530.00$
A1670.4 Central Print and Mail - Contractual 2,000.00$ (717.00)$ 3 1,283.00$
A3310.4 Traffic Control - Contractual 3,500.00$ 290.00$ 4 3,790.00$
A3010.4 Public Safety - Contractual 2,420.00$ (290.00)$ 4 2,130.00$
A3520.4 Dog Enumeration -$ 100.00$ 3 100.00$
A5132.4 Gargage - Contractual 3,500.00$ 710.00$ 5 4,210.00$
A5182.4 Street Lighting - Contractual 800.00$ 400.00$ 1,200.00$
A5010.2 Supt Highway - Equip 500.00$ (230.00)$ 5 270.00$
A5010.4 Supt Highway - Contractual 1,500.00$ (480.00)$ 5 1,020.00$
A7310.4 Youth Program - Contractual 52,305.00$ 877.00$ 53,182.00$
A7555.4 Beautification - Contractual 500.00$ 210.00$ 710.00$
A8020.4 Planning - Contractual 2,100.00$ 170.00$ 2,270.00$
A8810.4 Cemeteries - Mowing 8,000.00$ 100.00$ 6 8,100.00$
A8810.41 Cemeteries - Burial Coordinator 1,900.00$ (100.00)$ 6 1,800.00$
A9050.8 Unemployment 2,660.00$ 225.00$ 7 2,885.00$
A9060.81 Health Insurance 13,900.00$ (225.00)$ 7 13,675.00$
Total Expenditure Adjustments 14,037.00$
A2680 Insurance Recovery -$ 4,630.00$ 4,630.00$
A3005 Mortgage Tax 40,000.00$ 9,407.00$ 49,407.00$
Total Revenue Adjustments 14,037.00$
Description of Proposed Adjustments: These General Fund budget adjustments address final adjustments needed to cover spending
through the end of the 2022 budget year, incorporating accounts payable at 12/31. Many of the adjustments are minor, in some
cases due to rounding or other minor differences from the budget plan. You will notice that, where possible, savings in spending in
the same budget area are being used to cover these minor overages. These offsetting entries have been coded with the same
number to display offsetting amounts. The remaining adjustments are being covered by excess revenue in two areas - one
represents funds received to mitigate the cost of the asbestos removal in the court house, and the other is excess mortgage tax
revenue. Mortgage tax revenue exceeded the original budget in total by over $30,000, and we are only using a portion of that to
balance to cover the remaining budgetary needs.
Resolution# 39-2023 Appointment of Hearing Officer
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Discussion: Recycle Bin for Food Pantry
Councilperson Lynch explained the background on loading the boxboard from the Food Pantry on a consistent basis.
Councilperson Lynch had received some comments of concerns from Enfield residents. He would like to know how the
dumpster will be monitored, etc. Clerk Cornell shared that the dumpster will be emptied weekly and if there become
any issues with people dropping off trash that the dumpster can be locked. Casella is the service provider and they have
stated that they will still empty the dumpster even if trash is put in with the recycling. It will be charged as trash instead
of the recycling rate. The consensus of the board is to allow the dumpster and it can be readdressed if there are any
issues that arise.
Discussion: Purchase of building signs for the Town Hall and the Town Courthouse
Clerk Cornell shared that residents have complained of lack of signing on the Town Hall and the Town Courthouse. Clerk
Cornell had worked with Superintendent Rollins on designing and choosing the correct material, locations for the signs
that were presented at the meeting. The board is in agreement to purchase signs utilizing funds from the cont ingency
account to purchase the signs. Cost estimates are project the signs should be under $2,000.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor
Redmond, Aye; Carried.
RESOLUTION #2023-Tabled A Resolution to Assign American Rescue Plan Funds to the Enfield Community Council
Whereas, the Enfield Community Council (ECC) provides many valuable services to the Enfield Community, including its
sponsorship of youth programs, summer camp, and various community activities that benefit persons of all ages; and
Whereas, the Enfield Town Board provides recognition of these community benefits through its multi-year contract with
the ECC and allocates through that contract for 2023 an annual subsidy of $52,456 to assist in ECC’s programming; and
Whereas, the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftereffects have curtailed the Enfield Community Council’s ability to fulfill its
mission, have temporarily diminished participation in ECC activities, have restricted fundraising, and have imposed upon
the ECC financial hardship; and
Whereas, on February 27, 2023, the Enfield Community Council Board of Directors adopted a 2023 Budget projecting a
shortfall of revenues under expenses of nearly $20,000, a shortfall reflective of the ECC’s short-term financial challenges;
Whereas, in documentation received by this Town Board subsequent to the 2023 budget’s adoption, the ECC Board of
Directors has projected that not only will it incur a $20,000 financial shortfall in 2023, but also that a deficit of about half
that amount, or $10,000, will occur in 2024; and
Whereas, by its Directors’ statement, duly received by this Board, the Enfield Community Council has requested the
Town Board to, in its words, “award $30,000 in Covid Relief Funds to get us through the next two years when we will
become solvent; “and
Whereas, The Town of Enfield has received an award of federal funding under the American Rescue Plan (ARPA), the
Town’s unallocated balance of which stands sufficient to cover the ECC’s total $30,000 request; and
Whereas, allocation of the $30,000 requested by the ECC clearly comports with the federal government’s stated
intention under ARPA that funds be purposed, whenever possible, to provide post-pandemic relief; and
Whereas, this Town Board believes the ECC stands worthy of the Board’s assistance and that honoring the
organization’s request provides a fitting use of ARPA funds; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Enfield Town Board hereby assigns $30,000 from its allocation under the American Rescue Plan to the
Enfield Community Council for the purpose of covering the organization’s projected short-term, pandemic-created
losses for fiscal years 2023 and 2024, and that such allocation stands in addition to this Town’s funding to the Enfield
Community Council under its current contract.
Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. Discussion: ECC Funding
Deb Teeter from the ECC. She has been treasurer of a lot of organization’s and she has been on the ECC board in the
past and she came back on the board when she heard that they may be able to purchase a new building. The pandemic
put a kink in their plans. They are seeing now that they can pay their own way with rentals and events, they made what
they think is a very sound projection of events/rentals and the Rhubarb Festival has potential. When they are able to
increase rentals and events then she thinks they will be able to meet their budget on their own. She thinks the future is
bright and she thanks those that first started the community council savings. They could cover the deficit with reserves,
it would however, deplete their reserves. The Community Council now has nine members on their board and they have
a solid budget. Deb asked if there were any questions. Blixy asked what the monies would be used for, Deb answered for
a budget shortfall. Blixy shared that the lost revenue due to the pandemic may be a qualifying event and asked for more
detailed financial documents.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded to table this resolution until financial documents are
received and reviewed.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Resolution #40-2023 Personnel Committee Appointment
Resolved the Town Board makes the following appointments, to be renewed annually
• Personnel Committee- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Councilperson Jude Lemke; Town Clerk Mary Cornell;
Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Bookkeeper Blixy Taetzsch
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor
Redmond, Aye; Carried.
Town Clerk Health Insurance referral to Personnel Committee for review:
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Resolution #41-2023 A Resolution to Authorize Study toward Establishment of an Enfield Fire District
Whereas, on February 27, 2023, at a regularly-scheduled Quarterly Meeting between representatives of this Town
Board and the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC), discussion commenced regarding the possible creation under
New York State law of a “Fire District” to replace the current “Fire Protection District” under which the EVFC provides
fire protection services to the Town of Enfield; and
Whereas, the Enfield Town Board previously considered such a transition to a Fire District model of fire protection
governance and did so to the point of holding an Informational Public Hearing on August 24, 2007, but took no further
action thereafter; and
Whereas, this current Town Board believes circumstances may have changed during the intervening 16 years so as to
make it advisable for the Board to revisit the issue and consider the relative merits of having a Fire District system of
governance provide fire protection services in this Town; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Enfield Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to engage the services of legal counsel to
research the steps needed toward replacement of the current “Enfield Fire Protection District” with a “Fire Dis trict” to
serve this Town; and be it further
Resolved, that adoption of this Resolution in no way commits this Town Board to the afore-stated transition to a Fire
District, but merely seeks to inform this Town Board and its constituents of the legal requirements for said transition so
as to aid in their further deliberations.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
RESOLUTION #42-2023 A Resolution to seek Renewed Funding for Enfield Applicants under the Tompkins Community
Recovery Fund
Whereas, in October 2022, the Town of Enfield and several of its non-for-profit municipal organizations, including the
Enfield Community Council (ECC), submitted timely applications for funding under Tompkins County’s $6.5 Million
Community Recovery Fund; and
Whereas, among those applicants, the Enfield Community Council sought $206,000 from the Community Recovery Fund
to construct an addition to its Community Center to provide, in part, a mental health services wing; and the Town of
Enfield sought $26,591.53 to purchase communications radios for the Enfield Highway Department, and also $97,040.00
for a Main Street Revitalization of Municipal Buildings, the latter application to include replacement of the Enfield Town
Hall’s roof; and
Whereas, on December 5, 2022, the Tompkins County Legislature’s Community Recovery Fund Advisory Committee
recommended its apportionment of the Community Recovery Fund, but did not recommend any awards to the Town of
Enfield or to any Enfield-based applicant, yet did recommend $510,098 to Second Wind Cottages for construction of
campsite-type shelters for the homeless in Newfield; and
Whereas, the Town of Newfield in February 2023 imposed a one-year moratorium on new campgrounds within its town,
an action which prompted Second Wind Cottages to seek significant modification of its prior recommended application
by the Community Recovery Fund Advisory Committee; and
Whereas, on March 6, 2023, the Advisory Committee declined to approve Second Wind Cottages’ application
modification, leaving its proposal likely unbuildable in view of the Newfield moratorium and because of other factors;
Whereas, Tompkins County Legislator Randy Brown has indicated he will move at the County Legislature’s March 21,
2023 meeting to delete Second Wind Cottages’ funding application from those eligible for support under the Community
Recovery Fund; and
Whereas, Legislator Brown has further indicated to members of this Board that should the Legislature remove Second
Wind Cottages’ application from consideration, he will move in April as a member of the Advisory Committee to redirect
available Community Recovery funds to support funding for the Enfield Community Council’s October 2022 application
and/or for the Town of Enfield’s applications for communications radios and its Main Street Revitalization of Municipal
Buildings initiative; therefore be it
Resolved, that the Enfield Town Board hereby endorses the efforts of Tompkins County Legislator Randy Brown to seek
Community Recovery Fund support for these Enfield-based projects and encourages the full County Legislature to
approve this funding; and that it be further
Resolved, that the Clerk shall transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Hon. Shawna Black, Chairwoman of the Tompkins
County Legislature, to the Hon. Dan Klein, Chair of the Tompkins Community Recovery Fund Advisory Committee, and to
the Clerk of the Tompkins County Legislature for distribution to all legislators.
Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Hinkle seconded. Discussion: Councilperson Lynch moved to amend the
resolution with the addition of the last Resolved and Supervisor Redmond seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Annual Meeting Report:
Supervisor Redmond moved to postpone the discussion of the annual meeting and Councilperson Hinkle seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Aye; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Executive Session:
Supervisor Redmond moved to go into executive session to discuss a matter of personnel and Councilperson Hinkle
The Board entered Executive Session at 9:35 pm and returned from Executive Session at 10:10 pm.
Supervisor Redmond moved to send a letter to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and Councilperson Hinkle seconded.
No further discussion.
Vote: Councilperson Hinkle, Aye; Councilperson Lemke, Aye; Councilperson Lynch, Nay; Supervisor Redmond,
Aye; Carried.
Privilege of the Floor: N/A
Announcements: N/A
Adjournment: Supervisor Redmond moved to adjourn, adjourned 10:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Cornell
Mary Cornell
Town Clerk