HomeMy WebLinkAboutFisher familyWednesday, April 14, 2010 DONALD R. FISHER ARLENE F. FISHER BRIAN P. FISHER ENFIELD Donald R. Fisher, age 77, Arlene F. (Wellman) Fisher, age 74, and their son, Brian P. Fisher, age 55, of Coalinga, CA (formerly of Enfield) all passed away unexpectedly, on March 9, 2010 from inju- ries sustained- in an auto- mobile accident. Follow- ing their marriage on De- cember 20, . 1951; Don and Arlene raised their four, boys on the Enfield Dairy Farm that they op- erated for over 30 years. Don:also worked for Na- ftonal`� Cash Register of Ithaca and the Tompkins ruv Highway. Depart- ment . Arlene, as well as ;running ' a happy home and helping with the farm, was very active in her church and the local -quilting guild. The couple retired to Coalinga where they were quickly woven into the fabric of the community through hob- bies and volunteerism. Brian moved, from the Ithaca area, where he had been involved in banking, -to Coalinga in December 2008 to be close to fami- ly -He was always willing ' to give assistance to any 1 one in need, especially to his mother. Don and Ar- lene's additional sons are, Bradford (LuAnn) of Trumansburg and Wayne and William (Partner John) all of California. The couple is also .Sur- vived by six grandchil- dren and two great- grandchildren. A Memorial Service will begin at 1:00 pm on .Saturday, April24, 2010 z at the Cayutaville ' Church. The Fisher fami- ly will be preparing a me- mortal garden on ,the old farm property on Harvey - ,Hill Road. In lieu of flowers, the family. asks THE ITHACA JOURNAL i those who wish to re- member the Fisher family in the form of a contribu- tion to kindly consider this worthy cause. Please make check payable to Brad Fisher and rpail to: r 377 Harvey "i Hill Rd, Trumansburg, NY 14886. The family have entrust— ed local guidance to the Ness -Sibley 'Funeral Home, 23 South St., Trumansburg. 1-888-534- 5446. To view a compre- hensive obituary notice of Don, Arlene and Brian, kindly visit the fu- neral home's web -site at www.ness-sibley.com. Please sign the guest book at the thacajournaLcgm/abituaries