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397 #7 392 #8 225 #76 402 #10 402 469 #11 490 #2;12 4983 #13 Silo #14 298 635 #18 647 #17 629 #19 613 #20 331 #21 #22 298 #23 236 #24 #134 327 #49 6114 #44 4401 #43 #39 309 #42 285 #38 229 #41 #45 #26 49 #27 822 #30 809 #31 896 #28 863 #29 #152 #140 250 #37 2539 #01 2519 #03 83 - #04 82 - #05 #09 Favorite barn #16 52 55 54 53 51 50 58 59 60 61 66 62 63 71 77 70 76 69 75 68 74 73 67 72 42 34 35 43 36 44 37 45 47 39 46 38 703 Switzer #15 #25 521 #32 #33 420 Horse #34 219 #35 #36 #40 #47 46 #50 182 #51 04-#52 04-#53 #54 & #58 #57 #59 #56 #55 #60 106 #61 #62 146 #63 239 #64 400 #65 500 #66 164 #67 439 #112 106 #69 554 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 118 #75 319 #6 Strong Road 329 #77 457 #78 #79 458 #80 398 #81 235 #83 377 #82 173 #85 210 #84 307 #86 #87 #88 #89 111 #90 171 #91 103 #92 99 #93 59 #94 #46 #110 46 #96 #97 215 #99 112 #98 256 #100 283 #101 300 #102 464 #104 517 #103 466 #105 68 #106 Teeter’s Barn 738 #107 Newhart’s Lodge #108 Little Red School House #109 11 #95 #111 1025 #68 429 #113 407 #114 368 #115 360 #116 361 #117 #118 #119 226 #120 #121 #123 101 #122 169 #124 54 #125 282 #128 356 #127 356 #126 282 #129 210#130 #131 230 #132 272 #133 247 #48 Golf course #159 Johnny’s #136 #137 #138 #139 340 #142 #141 118 #143 312 #144 #145 #146 #147 #148 #149 #150 #151 SAGE #153 #154 #156 #155 #157 #159 Stone House #160 #135 #161