HomeMy WebLinkAboutrollison 9 (3) ITEM- V' TEACHERS- =- . The number of licensed- teachers- TEACHING AT THE SAME TIME employed 190 days or more during the year beginning July 1, 1945, and °ending. June- 30, 1946, was : men- ------------ women - ----- total-- --- NUMBER OF DAYS SCHOOL- - - - - - - :- - - SALARY PAIR WAS IN SESSION 65 E3 w�. � o•o o y v C mn�v 0 ami o m v _ - - 6 NAMES -OF TEACHERS _ - ro v y` p:d ami" chi ° N- ..... - - �LICEIrSE '� _° -q m.� - b u - <.... - Uo w v�.. v a°�U � o s c0 -..�oH cE ca _ , 733. �•�°� �3m -a-.o`�+��' m s. Z oo - .z v .. z E " �z'�� $ i �lQG — —- Schools employing --more than five teachers will rule a sheet similar to the above for additional names. = Has the oath :of allegiance for teaching in your district been taken by all teachers and filed with the .State Education Department? __ - Were teachers in mon schools paid at the rate of $1200 or more a year .as required by Cbapter 568 ofthe i ams of Ir143' -_ { ITElbf VI PUPIL- l OF AGE in the -district June 1946, boys �- 1_ Vumber of clgldren RR -01 BIR HTO 18 YEARS residing on -30, --- girls total _ j�2 (census of August 30, 1945, as amended): _ - 777� ':.;.. .� -_ .' ". Bin and - - Grades - Grades" 1-5" 7-8 Tot al preprimary -- = Boys -13 J 3 - 2 Number of pnptis registered =at any "time during the }ear Girls -- — — i — -_-- Total _--= --- 3 How many , of the above pupils were REGISTERED IN Boys --- - --- — — - OTHER, PUBLIC SCHOOLS of this State (outside of Girls -- --- _ T0__ dsfrlct) this year ;before -being registered in your schools? Total — -- _ Boys4 U:3_3 — - - - 4- fAga egate number of days' : attendance of all. pugils Girls — s _. Total _-----� 3 �li Boys-------- 5 Average daily attendance of all pupils (Divide item 4 by the session. Carry to two actual..number,, of days;school_was _ui Girls -decimal places.) — -- Total �2 f..� — 1-2 r The .#oiiowing data to be =filled out only by districts employing two or more teachers- - Number " Age egate - _ of pupils " - attendance = -' Pupils included in, above tables 21 -years- of age or over- at beginning of year... _ _ __ _ ----------- - ---_ (.... .. . _ ... l�ientally handicapped .. ..... ;.. _ - - • =--= - --- - - --- ------ -- . Pupils -in above tables in special classes Physically handicapped jr, -the follo«iiltg data exclude pupils "21 years of age or over and those in specialclasses= *Aggregate. days' attendance of: all pupils on religious, holidays :............. . . _.. .. - �Aggregate days attendance of - all pupils: -on -"days directly preceding religious holidays., _ _ . _ :."_ . _ _ _ - --•- Aggregatenumber of whole days absent for °'harvesting and 'planting and for work- in -?canning, establish- ments, 2greenhouses- for food production and milk plants ..................... ... _... _ _ . - _ .. _ .. _ :. _ --------- - ----- ---- -."Attach .a statement-giving:these data for each o£.the religious holidays and days preceding. i Applies to, pupils 14 years of "-age_Or over - ver_2Applies 2 Appliesto -pupils 16 years of. -age or Over. "", Grade Kgn Pse 1st 2d I 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th gTatai p unary - 1_3 -- 2 Girls .... - =3 - _- _ _ - - -- - -- — — -- - - i . -- -- - - — -- -- - - . -- �• Tota ---- - - — - -- ITEm VII-- ATTENDANCE --SERVICE i Did the attendance- supervisor visit your school during September and consult you concerning " checkup of census .and enrohnent? -_. _ Total visits during year_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' From the Teacher's Monthly Attendance Report for June give data for the following columns -numbered as on the report. Total -A - Total C 2 3_ 4 5 g --_ "A=NDANICE-PRIVATE -AND --PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS 1 How many private and parochial schools are maintained in your school district?-----___-- ----- - -- -2 Has --the name, location; name of principal, grades included and registration of each -school established this year been reported to the district superintendent of, schools and to the Education Department Bureau of Instructional Supervi- sion (Elementary) ?-------- - -- - ------- 3 Are records of attendance Rept in the -private and parochial schools of your school district as reauired by law? - - - ---------- ITEM --- -ITEM VIII — MISCELLANEOUS 1 .Does -district provide transportation --for resident pupils toyour own Does district --provide transportation for nonresident pupils?__- --------- Amount received by district for transporta- tion of nonresident -pupils_ Did your district provide transportation for academic pupils to an outside high school?- �---/ -2 Hove many times was the school inspected" byy=the district superintendent daring the year?------- 3 Has instruction been, given in physiology and hygiene, as required by, article 25 of the Education Law of 1910? 4 Has instruction been given in the humane- treatment of animals and birds in the elementary schools as required by article 26-B. of the .Education Law?l—S -- - 5- Ilas instruction been given in -physical training to all pupils over 8 years of age as required by article 26-A of the Law?.--_# S -- Education - -- 6 Has _instruction been given in patriotism arid, citizenship to all pupils over -8 .years of age as required -by article 26-c of the Education Law �S - 7. Has "instruction- been given in --the provisions of the Constitution of the --United States to pupils in the eighth and higher grades asrequiredby article 26-d of -the Education Law - - - 8 Is --each school provided:with a flag as required by article 27 of the Education Law? ---- -- 9 Has instruction been given in, correct use- and display of the flag? -5 10. Was Arbor= Day observed in your"district? % ----- -_ - 11 Give the number, of children of "school age m your district vaccinated__ -� _-. Unvaccinated-� _ ----- 12 Does your district -furnish free textbooks? _ -S If so, give amount paid this year_ 4a_ �� - --- ----_ _ a tf one .teacber follows another in the same position .names of both teachers and all the' other data required should be given for each, --both "names lw-ing. connected by a bracket to- show that they filled one teaching position. b All teachers who were not employed in the public schools of this State prior to August 1, 1921 and other -.new entrants are members of the stateretirementsystem and must contribute 4 per cent of their salaries,except substitutes who are not members of the system_ cIi Yeacher:was:employed- less than a full day; indicate number of boors taught and what proportion of .the full day this time represents. dDo-not report this -time for teachers who were: not on the teaching staff when scbool was closed on this --account. e -Include legal holidays (on which school was closed) occurring during a week when school was actuaIIy in session and for which teachers -were paid, - A legal holiday occurring during school weelr after school was opened in September, -is to be counted -provided that it is immediately preceded "ei immediately followed -by a day on which =school was regularly in session. {Ezciude-holidays on which there was norschooland days on which school was closed for teacher's attendance at district superintendents _ r` conferences and State Teachers Association meetings. _g This total should equal- the -number of different pupils `registered during the year as given under question 2 of preceding page. _