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Of Flood Area
ith .Kest -
in Reconstruction;
Loss Now Placed at 25 Millions
►Matt' l'aUst ,5'/ulr 1''lau(l 'loll in Life Fixed at 40—State and
Nation Rush Help —Red Cross
Should el:s,lol► .1011(ilioit in Aids Many —Waters Receding —
Of Elelmildill(r�-111-i(i.f Defilit Transportation and Communi-
im paw An.d alrvl I'rw cation Systems Being Restored
me soh ai sous uo„.
6x TA• Associated Press {yet.«, rrr,ama In ...oe .•c- Relief for the stricken and restoration of the damage
Hued and storm liar -I n,•,,. I,.,m Ii d«nd ann scans done to Ithaca anti its envlronil as a rrault of Monday
todAv counted' 2,400 t.mnoia ruy rum.leas.
iR deed, at least six miss atl1O"a' ""`" '"' `^ morning floods occupied the attention of federal, state,
st a,s aO'l ro, bill e.thostr. city and county officials today.
Ing, 6,00o homeless and rum LmS rapidly Ithaca organized a disaster relief committee of the
runt millions of dollars in ante and federal aaenrl<. Red Cross with Prof. Hugh
emnbin. to abnulder lost of g C. Tiny as chairman. Tru-
poppPKy damage. rJRarinR away retch, and Is- mansh Urg and Myers people are organizing today, their 1l Upper New ark Statel hRhihlating alricken commnnl- chief problems of pressing importance being the preven.
accounted for moat of the it.. tion of pestilence.
easualtles, with 40 dead, I National Dbinster Relief m- Dan er from the floods hat passed everywhere except
Ave alleging, and 3,000 tem-' rector Robert F.. Bonds of the g
anti) homeless due to American Rod
Croa, ealaLiirh.a jn 1'rumansburg. The village is still marked by buildings
Aomb-� Property damage) nounr.l.,IOr atElmira
Elmiraed and A. au- which have been badly undermined. State Troopers
there wag estimated in ex-. able far food and clolhmg.Co. urge sightseers t0 refrain from coming into the stricken
The picture by town, Rod area until reconstruction is well Under way.
toat Ater' to11 Added since: Tranaportatlon conditions ere
i» the water', toll was that
( lie-. rc, dM, still on relief: fi at o improved. 'trains to the the village. Damage was ,sli-
t of fire which followed In wares 'reeding; city rmrer<d Fact over the Ixh)gh Vallley Rail- mated at isa.aoo.
three communities
. by file to nz Inches of mud: na- read will be operating by nlgh0. Barlp Camel Away
travel ay.rd•men Patrol .,rob.. Hu. aen•Ire is also partially r
inenlvania is Hit IHmmse "J'00,000 in city and elored are, wide detours, Lee],.- Alan seva'al bar fie and an eft -
Pennsylvania also felt tt1E gleuben County lose estimated at wanner Railroad and trains ern the occupied building in Marklenb'a
result of heavy rains as $4.500,000, 1,PItlgh'R Auburn branch will not were rallied away before a rngl
forshamtnn — ails uehan nR tomcat. Other bui td bras ,'ere
floods took Six IIPQS and a be mm�lna for revers) sail e. (]ally wr.cked while ere,oral art
and Chenanao Rivera rersdlnR:
CSUSed Qxtengl{'Q property Front Street, near river, still land, of Girl Found mobiles were carried off by
damage, but no casualties flooded: I,5.0 on relict or re- The body of Mi.. Aure Ford,, Sued wat<re of two "trey
as rivers overflowed,, in the telling private aid, Broome 22, of Sheldrake, was recovered in Livestock drowned.
Northeast section. County damage a"tlmated at the flat near Buttermilk Falls by Jules Rerinstein, mah.ger oe
# ToroR,In uhf.h a :,�p $5.000.000. CCC men and deputies .,,act the the Ithaca Theaters Inc., and Dr.
m,-n, to Watkins Glen — F.ngineera or. direction of Sheriff Frank C, Fill.. Barton F. Houenstnin Along with
i1e elor, '. Hmale dame go of $2,000,000; She was "wept to her death ebm- Leslie R. Piero .nd others ha
FP,-k it.,,, "rya L, >fon;aly kliied; relief worker" and CCC men day night when the car In which ttlive p.nana, 1nlured et lenat IOQI working to Ilea' away debris; 20 Rho was riding was torn from the forced their boat" through aotaa
janr Mf[ a%. homeleae. .[ate [coo ere on Ctaynga Take to era aide
F@Oxyfnd storm" took alz bvior in D patrolling street.; highway by rampaging Buttermilk reftager.. The Aeri n,[ein
Was[ern Canada ndfhl. , few day". mamunicatlon ]Ines still elf,- ''reek, was out earl
Y Monday mornI Died; fnrrnera from eurrnundloR cranks have revered rapidly and and has bran attire ettb othew R.vmnvpertion r'uahrd corn uumiflee nt@r lase lamu' t^r agnm aT'Wom hlnq ,al .1"", Food has buew IH milwnr �.Pl-- itelis{_u-w'$ Lr. daaiturr, rlerArir riaunirieal n...... inns, ,_�._ ._..,-. ,. - .. ken ac,_n
='Wille gone from;bomes
ee north would also add to as TM wer "AR tie i C- e n pc clad [n t r slow
Id meet. lower huoines sett[ow; terra s[ru<tlnu along Cayuga ea of but rnic.Pat airs cola
hundred receiving old: offlcl le at shore. he ghan- tree
[Geaerlor Herbert It, Lehman R a tweed Tau Confident thrt
De<aReally directing slot* mo,lue,, say Tompkins County damagend the city. fin, i#"
W�t1•e dtuatlon la 1 55,000,000. stain > measures
would he in
improving HlAhwpye Bad awlpg wr Lin anomeI der• err
era W ppinte" and re- Walton —Hu -Mesa block de -me! } t
-NtsM recedingatroyad h' Ir eat n highways are .tin ,- A[worteta Warned
r�Qay ttl0ir raDilt' for ra- 2.•..ltcl,etb are ro �r the sees ' �1l flrl?bYl�. ua'udtrt c , 4 _ _ a warned to observe
Four persons ware still missing Bath--Utihti.. restored; real- for man days. Glenxide. eYCherieaaution CA -a)( highways. i
And .1proslmately $port persona dents warned leaf n(Rht to beO'Connor Hennesesyye
development sonthea,t of Ith- resident of the Sacinga and LoaN
were homeless. Prepared to evacuate homes be p
dam at Walton bursts,A mass of coin. Several Banks of the Slate of New York,
M the debris was slowly being have been badly battered, sent the followIng telegram to the
commod and telephonic Coca- Hammondeport—Still isolated others are completely off their Itbaca Saving. and Loan Assocfa-
municatmic, were restored, a our- and milk and food started to foundations and creeks in the
Is, of the area Indicated damage) village by truck; dam barer last din:
A.. much hlgLar (ban had been night -ending •falsity hate changed their C-near.,
water tiro g new' stream of bringing damage to roads and I[ fords are needed to repair
firat estimated. ugh streets, or restore dw'elmn houses that >: Relief Workers Hot, Gepeva—Seneca Lake rising garden, may have Deco damaged. shouldering
and aeawall threatened; close Refugees from the dty's north, please the cost of removing watch keptwelt and south sides were elowi be advised that all the noneY'�
debris and hehablllta ingle-1 the tom- on outlet gates [o returning t their h y your sasoclatlon may need for the I
' rn unitlea the two governmental Seneca Sake. R o homes from the wick of rehabilitation in
unft, swans a full force of relief Truinadehurg—Hardest hit In emergency station extabli.hed In your
w,mker' Into Tompkins Count Cornell University's ntighburrord will be Dronlptiy
action in the 10- 00 damage uses Y't Drill HaIL advaneed thren h
t olrnty arty In Sou[L-Central yew mated at ii00,000. 9iz houses Most of those returning found
g y0ID ReendA-
York- • wrecked and one business block firs[ fioora ruined with alit and Sot. by- the Swinge and Lee,
i "I Am In constant touch with demolished; water" have re- molding furniture. Barite of the State of New- York
Pall Crago and health officials in ceded. Storm Rumor Dented "POP long or xhort time wodug
the fraud area and they allure me DClht—Relief workers sera
'let) looks debrta pe A rumor shout Ithaca at t ea you may require,*'
i much better," the and mud from cellar" and ra" that the P.-
Gcvernar .Rnd, first floor of homes. "biggest storm yet"
"Pubic Rater supply systems Danmdne And Arkport—awn was it Its way was emphatically
I tipt were damaged are clown _ tY heavy ralne; no seviona dam- defiled 63' the Weather Bureau.
IbA rowored, I am told, Y be age reported. City Water Department ofllceis
hlgheav works and our Other clues and village$ serl- report that flood emergency condi-
j rs are slliridg ." tions are about over. Service has
E :oDTh ell ova. and repair LrMgc"." nasty Affected tut now working The Governor aid
(hat the to Clear lip debris and repairbeen restored to the State Tuber-
' 'Afafe Tem Dolary Emergeny Re- wreaked homes and affects inDulOsis Sanitarium, the Odd Fel-
Hot Administration has Sent funds Cherie: OneontaIowa Home and Orphanage and to
I fat° the area to Moment, iand vicinity; Overlook Road where inalna had
tie Derw,lt communl-Bridge Choilers,
i =were°Virm< iD ¢enerany and give fhpn" Whitney Point, Marx- broken. The water at Van Atta'ai
lobs Le- Nlmmoneburg, Hroadacrea, DAM is lower,
t Rawe of the d 1-a ho lost Gnan, Sidney, Orford, Owego, Te$m made of the chy w'aterl
'1"Dllmlted !'And'' Plodpud Newark Valley, PRIY Proven that "tile
su qualify to
TAa Am<rran Had grata, sn-------'"'�------- thoroughly i pervlged by Hobert E. Bundy, no- R y aatla(actorY," the de-
tiowal dir[$.dor of Newspaper Editor partment announced,
last up headquarters) in bar Truck Truck Aids tillage
Welkin, Glen, where dun hit
Types His Obituary The Syracuse Truck and Equip -
alone wu satlmated to be ig,000,- ment Company is sending a large
Ia1, And Takes Own Life tour -wheel drive machine to Tru.
From the 11140 tnansllurg to assist In restoring the
""'a'- Rena gaained County - %II1ARe. It is capable of moving
dayaelb ¢ant eduaea woekthe In that he w Tenn, .1�.—Welt• dislodged buildings should it be
Mord that DMmitvd f with the g that he will, "no longer able needed for this
'unllrnitsd f4nda" are to work," Richard Farl walker, the truck wa, volunteered, Cce of
floor loft clear ll If work. The fill, 6e-Year-Old fix+oolRte editor o[ the A hot aim rapidly dried up tin
borne 1, tag Up debris wH( tee hat no ougR 1'Imas, typed out data Y the etaN wa gsdcai for his obitear " .mall Pools of Stagnant flood
(agamir¢, Y and shot hlmeelf w...sit left thrmtRhout the county
to deaf h in the newspaper office, while the Inc er
atwte "asfik 4parl meat Walker's
ear¢ wars prq(pg oHt• alum body w'ae t o u a d were appreciably¢ flooded Area,
.�1 gash D! the t at hlI yak yesterday, a smaller in sine
bullet wpund In the rl h this afternoon.
n hL [ ¢ t temple• McN<len bur Ypewr1M1. was the oolluar It lost Several ga.
,_ _. Y feeds_ *h- v,—,__ _