HomeMy WebLinkAboutflood of 1935 enfield and surround area scrapbook historian collection (12)fwu ••i n.}ites, but several of and adults. Among it r u�,• [;,rutty of Mr, and Mrs burns, Mrs, Ralph Rosli iwr 84-year-old mother, (leorge Sharpe ai an nyli or Ida, Mr. and M u.. ,a � � ftjllpnho❑Ae. t, i (lint cnttaNps in their g. l,e,•n completely swept a' e* tw„ others were ruined. ar }sr•,ausa of the precarlo tbm of I'ayuga bake and tl darknesm' the boat was tfef tat•-y;.,,, sffr•r daybresk, when it bi cargo down the is fnls. U,laf by that time was in ihp- , « .ya" eo i boy moored at the Oki" � � � rnrnpr of the lake new Mrs. Burns, her three i•,n Five scent'v of the flood conditions throughout. h toss vf�hAw ut and a maid were taken t4 sections of the county. TWO upper p Sanitarium to recover r`a damage caused by the storm near Crlenside, while tl shook. tf lower photos were taken at Dryden shortly after Virl Creek went on a rampage. nesspp Valley Authority approaching a new tee tiro T.'rpeldent'a control over C I the Greatest Rainfall 8, The House rules ( the f arly Crops In City's History/ Is wsa called into session tc f ;Ago Its Inquiry into lobbying, Recorded at Bureau con, on the utilities bill - Suffer be - Suffer Most 4, The Senate neared ;and on a plan fora ;150,0(i0 tear The greatest rainfall In the his- tion, with Senator CIarl s From Floods tort' of the city was reported by the urging that It applied Cod United Staten Weather Bureau at log in all fields,not mere Cod Cornell University this morning. nection with the power 1 W% The total precipitation since 8 P. Senate Faces Decis {i While the crop damagp through- m. Saturday until 8 a. m. today A question before ti ?m`no i out Tomplcine County is expected was 8:12 inches. The greatest was whether to accept Ito be extremely heavy as the result amount fell laat night when a 'lt in I cloudburst which was reported to utilities control measure aldf on'a of the flood conditions throughout h8be occurred over this vicinity re- the House against Pre. by this section today, it Is the belief velYe wishes, or stick by .feet suited in a total of 5:48 inches for 7elhi that the greatest damage will be the 12-hour period ending this tafning the "death senti Una- confined to the low sections of the morning. ready approved by the S were county, according to early advices. The vote which is no is In Early crops and garden produce until tomorrow —will be will suffer the greatest from the Legislators the opinion of enemies of 's in- flood, according to representatives pulsory abolition of hold n he of the farm and home bureaus, al- Should the Senate stick I Indow though it waA impossible to make bill —as Senator Wheeler (man. a survey of the situation today. Face Another and other administration rowly, , In the low sections of the county —then the controversy w boat . where streams overflowed their conference of senators a ma- j banks, crops and produce were Floor Battle senatives. f and completely washed away, George i The lobbying inquiry :carry. Visnyei of 205 Washington Street, House rules committee w tverai who owned one of the largest pro- general activities for ar aq, duce gardens in this section was the utilities bill alter de Washington — OP) — Friends and a specific charge by Repr also one of the heaviest reclaimelosers.Hd foes of the Roosevelt power pro- Brewster (R-tile) that Th gardens, located on reclaimed swamp lands in the southwest sec- gram came to grips again today, coran, RFC attorney a' i tion of the city, were completely opening another week of desperate trust" man, threatened It washed away, together with stor- fighting on an issue laden with po- the Paasamaquoddy tid i age buildings and equipment, tential significance for the 1936 project in Blaine if Brew Heavy crop damage was suffered campaign, against the "death sente: by the farmers of the west portion These were the varied develop- t t of the county, who claim that if ments as the powerful forces be- ARCHITECT DF. gan their struggle anew. Hartford, Conn. —(M they save halt the produce, they 1. The Senate met to face a de- Keller, 92, dean of the ( will be fortunate. To the south olase�s�P1lR'f1}1 Institute of Architects, d the county, heavy damage was re-' for the state, called the Ported to crops in some sections,11 order to give all WpA aa the Gettysburg AiemMei While other farmers reported thatan Opportunityt Uri Garfield National l Mel o pre- . Cleveland, died hst nib their losses would not be extensive,selves before the "big Harry C. Morse, manager of the underway, _ Tompkins County Farm and Homeaderal plans, It is e,x_ that - Bureau, was on a tour of t'hemPloyment will be vis- county to ascertain the extent otd out in all cities and near don't t Crop damage and could not bet statap by early fall, y located, mot y, iT Marro Magnate's Avers Wedding Cost $13,25 LV !IAt14, . _-t- tr _i,..