HomeMy WebLinkAboutflood of 1935 enfield and surround area scrapbook historian collection (11).1, 1. ..RSA ` a { e 1 vll- at- Me' he- gira ror- 'on. NSve scenes of the flood conditions throughout the rur'.1 rgO sections of the county. Two upper photos show t art- ',f , damn hotoscaused takenstorm a at shortly aftersVirr . Private veearl lint clot frost! Inlet at D1i,hligltt in Re- arolin;— ports Paralysis outbreak sponge m tiuti (,all — lSl Inveigh, N. C_tAI1 w1h alz (, t1 L(p era eases of Infantile Dar.11_1r reported Flood•Slnt•k rift R ! In x,,oh carr,una III. ..fir —moat r!i IU Illy' t.11y n[ rimm duce At.y 1•+pa were Are Retim. takes I.,dMY to prcreot the .Dread - or fhe. disasse. A private cabin-eru!aer we. A nwn Mr of publlo Kath,ring. In I.In'ned Into a rescue ah1D during the area in the east- Ih, sin later early morning hours central port of the Rate. "''here nit ('ay u[a Lake, bringing 11 flood' the dlssaee has been largr)Y con' cottager, bark to town, acted, were oao,..!5cd. ntrlckrn Mrs. I Jo1nl1Y owned by The boa , Sn ra B. Huck and H. M. Barnes, pot out from the Inlet about paid - 001t in response to an Soft from t;h.nwood Hotel, where a group of nolournera were marooned1e were Arriving at Glenwood, Y ,,,.his to make a lanOIDI theding. They tarned back ust aouthl west share nand, f of the Ithaca Yacht Club, picked up a distress elgnal from the searchlight of a Gruber mound at a dock, Responding, they found a wor- ried group of reserter. whose cot- tage. had been wrecked by the flood. Somebody pleaded with them to come and get "four bables" who were In danger. FamIII" Rescued They took on board not only the four babies, but several other chil- dren and adults. Among them were the family of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Burns, llre. Ralph Ro,6eliy and her 94-year-old mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Sharpe and their daughter Ida, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Rittenhouse. Two cottage. In their group bad been completely swept away, and two other. were ruined Because of the precarious condi- tion of Cayuga I®ke and the stormy darkness, the boat was tied up until after daybreak, when It brought It. heavy cargo down the lake. The Inlet III, that time was Impassable, so they moored At the southeast corner of the lake near Stewart Park. lira. Rurna, bar three children, and a maid were taken to Conklin Sanitarium to recover from the shock. w v /sa N lltlllTON O`J walIKN 1•In4— The ORlctal LOUIS--CARNERA FIGHT PICTURES and MICSF;Y MUCSr; CART003i STATE NEWS ITEMS Summer Policy —New Show Every Sot.—A'ed.—FrL WED AND THUR, "ORCHIDl4 TO YOU" owe It Creek went on a rampage. — reaseA, vanes Authority law, thu Approaching • aDproachinq a new teat of the the' Greater t Rainfall oresident's control over Congress. m'Early Crops Al. The House rubs committee - the In Cit s History Is wee called into session to organize "go : Its inquiry Into lobbying, pro and Recorded at Bureau eon' on the utilities bill. rho- Suffer Most 4. The Senate neared a decision and on a plan for a $150.000 Investlga- i near S. From Fl The greatest rainfall In the his- I fury of the city was reported by the tion, with Senator Clark (D-Mo) urging that it be applied to lobby- , United States Weather Bureau at Ing In all field.. not merely 1n con - Iona Cornell UM,ersity this morning. nection with the power fight. 'w The total precipitation since 8 P. Senate Faces Decision ! while the crop damage through- m. Saturday until 1 a. m. today A question before the Senate I lane lout Tompkins County I. expected was 9:12 inches. The greatest was whether to accept a milder in" be extremely heavy natM result amount fell last night when a control measure Dasxd bylof at felt° the flood condition. throughoutnuee cloudburst which was reported [o agsonet President Rooee-I �[on'e hA4e occurred over this vletn: re- .feef hta section today, It fa the ticket, suited in a total of 5:46 inches for �11.1,;,e,l vest's wtahea or stick by a bill con- Oelh1 that the greatest damaga w911 be the 12-hour period ending thin taining the "death sentence," &I - ,we" confined to the low aectione of the morning. ready approved by he Senate. wen county, according to ear1Y advlces. * The vote —which Is not expected ., in Early crops and garden produce! a until tomorrow —will be close. In i will suffer the greatest from the I t the opinion of enemle. of the com- a In- flood, according to representattveel g i s a o r s pulsory abolition of holding arms. n he of the farm and home bureaus, al- Should the Senate stick by Ito Own -A.l though It wad impossible to make bill—ae Senator Wheeler (D-Mont) -can, a surseY of he situation today. Face Another and other administration men hope In the low "alone of the county —then the controversy would go to ',wly ,oat where streams overflowed their conference of senators and repro- ma- banks, crops and produce were - Floor Battles senativea and completely waah,d away. George The lobbying tnqult7 by the ::cry Vlenyel of 205 Washington Street, �Houae rules committee will gointo "east who owned one of the largest pro. Beneral activities for and against'. ay. duce gardens In this section, was the utilities bill after delving into )� also one of the heavies[ IOMM,HiA R'ashittglon—(/�--Friends and a specific charge by Representative gardentote ]seated reclaimed of the Roosevelt Power pro- Brewster that Thomas Cor- mampa twarnD lands In the southwest sec- so gam came to gripe again today, RFC Goren, RFC attorney and "brain' aft rain Hon of the city, were completely opening another week of desperate trust" man, threatened to hold up' s washed away, together with ator• buildings fighting on an issue laden with Do- tential significance for the 1936 the Paveamaquoddy tidal power 1 age and equipment, project in Maine If Brewster voted Hoary crop damage was suffered campaign. against the "death sentence. - the w the by Donlon onion (county, These were the varied develop - �. Of he W Y, who that if went, as the powerful force, be- ARCHiTEOP DEAD they rave halt the produce, they rode [an their struggle anew. Wartford, Cone. —UN —George will be fortunate. To the south I The Senate met to face a de- Keller, 92, dean of the American e. the county, heavy damage was re•' for the stale, Institute of ArchYects, designer of posted to ,up, Ds in some cake d the order to give all WPA dro the Gettysburg Memorial and the teetfooei wblla other fymera reported theism opportunity to Garfield National Memorial In pre - their base, would not be eztenetve.aelvea before the "big r)dI �f!reland, died last night Harry C. MOrsa manager of the underway. - " Tompkins County Farm and Homeaderni plane, It fit gig- that Bureau was o "IT Is • ss. wYat e.Y bit the avtno. et "iM fain Mae* "TKIE GUISS K E y„ •Ile EDWARD ARNOLD CLAIRE DODD — Added Short Hit, — Charter Chase Comedy Freddy Martin and Rand Neen COMLCG WED. AND TI:UR. I'LL LOVE YOU ALWAYS" with Fancy Canyon—Goorge, Mgrph: n a tour of thetnnloyment will be vir- ey"D to esceend the extent old out In all cities and nealr� don't send m e aro0 damage and could not bet`ta t._,9�bY ...-1y fall. a m.t��J 'i located. w Magnate's Aver � Wedding Cost $13 25 At Mt \ &/Ium away � an