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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-2021-Town-Board-Organizational-Meeting- Draft MinutesDRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 1 Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Wednesday January 13th, 2021, 6:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal TOWN OF ENFIELD 2021 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Meeting Link: ​ Call in Number: (646) 876- 9923 (landline or cell)​ ​(For computer or smartphone) Meeting ID: ​842 4344 9140 ​Password: 14850 Regular Meeting Present: ​Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson James Ricks, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter, Planning Board Chairperson Daniel Walker, Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Bookkeeper Brian McIlroy, Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno, The Honorable Judge Betty Poole, County Legislator Anne Koreman, County Legislator Dave McKenna, A4TD Regional Coordinator Marlene Patrick Call to Order: 6:30 PM Privilege of the Floor​- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker- including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose (See General Guide for Procedure for information) Ann Rider Additions and Changes to the agenda: ​Consent Agenda to end due to Williamson Law internet issues at the Town Hall per Town Clerk Ellen Woods request. Supervisor Stephanie Redmond​ moved ​to approve the 2020 Minutes. Discussion:​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson James Ricks, Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote:​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks​ ABSTAIN​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE 1 Abstained 3 AYE’s Motion carried Correspondence: ​Diane Armine, re: Town Clerks Resolution. (read by Councilperson Robert Lynch) DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 2 Resolution​ # 2-2021​ Town Board Meeting Dates Supervisor Stephanie Redmond moved to amendment to include meetings held via zoom environment. Vote​: Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks​ Aye​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE amendment carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ to discuss the Town Board Meeting Dates 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Councilperson James Ricks It was agreed the meetings will be held once a month at 6:30 PM with special meetings as needed Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved to vote: Vote: ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks​ Aye​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution #2-2021 carried Monthly Reports County Legislator​- Anne Koreman/Dave McKenna Town Supervisor’s Report​- Stephanie Redmond Town Clerk Report​- Ellen Woods ●Town Clerk Ellen Woods introduced A4TD’s (Associates for Training and Development) Regional Coordinator Marlene Patrick. Marlene introduced the SCSEP (Senior Community Service Employment Program) and a partnership with the Town Clerk’s office. A4TD will appoint an intern to assist at the Town Hall with the Town Clerk. Code Enforcement Report​-Alan Teeter Enfield Fire Company​- Greg Stevenson/Denny Hubbell Planning Board Report​- Dan Walker Highway Superintendent Report​- Buddy Rollins Tompkins County Council of Govts​- Robert Lynch New Business Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 3-2021 ​Department Hours 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote:​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 3-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 4-2021​ Town Board Regular Meeting Outline 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 3 All AYE resolution # 4-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 5-2021​ General Rules for Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 5-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 6-2021​ Bi-Weekly Pay Periods 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 6-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 7-2021​ Paid Holidays ● Councilperson James Ricks amended resolution #7-2021 including “Juneteenth” (June 13th, a national holiday) 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on amendment:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE amendment carried ●Amended to include the Friday after Thanksgiving Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved to amend​ the resolution to include the Friday after Thanksgiving as a paid holiday. 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on amendment: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE amendment carried Vote on resolution #7-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE amended resolution #7-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 8-2021​ Town Email Accounts 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 8-2021 carried DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 4 Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 9-2021 ​Official Newspaper Ithaca Journal Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Vote on resolution # 9-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 9-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 10-2021 ​Code of Ethics 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 10-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 10-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 11-2021​ Records Access Officer 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 11-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 11-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 12-2021 ​Deputy Town Supervisor 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Vote on resolution # 12-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​NAY​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE 1 NAY 3 AYE’s resolution # 12-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 13-2021 ​Deputy Highway Superintendent 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution # 13-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 13-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 14-2021​ Community Building Custodian 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 14-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 14-2021 carried DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 5 Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 15-2021​ Planning Board Clerk – no additional salary 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 15-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 15-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution ​# 16-2021 ​Code Enforcement Officer 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 16-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 16-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 17-2021​ Court Clerk 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 17-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 17-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 18-2021​ Deputy Town Clerk 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Discussion: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution # 18-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 18-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ Resolution​ # 19-2021 ​ Tax Collector 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Discussion:​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution # 19-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 19-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 20-2021 ​Deputy Tax Collector 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 6 Vote on resolution # 20-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 20-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 21-2021 ​Establishing Position of Maintenance for Buildings and Grounds 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Vote on resolution # 21-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 21-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 22-2021​ Public Officials/Town Employees Pay Schedule 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote on resolution # 22-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson Virginia Bryant ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 22-2021 carried Resolution #_X__- 2021 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hosting Motion to table resolution 2nd ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Vote to table: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE ​(Councilperson Virginia Bryant​ ​not available) Quorum - All AYE resolution tabled Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 23-2021​ Year End Budget Modifications 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution # 23-2021: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE resolution # 23-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 24-2021 ​Town Board Advisory Committee/Position Appointments 2nd ​Councilperson Robert Lynch. Discussion:​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson James Ricks DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 7 -Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved to amendment​ to strike the Recreation Partnership 2nd ​Councilperson Robert Lynch. Vote to amendment: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye Amendment carried Vote to resolution: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye Amended resolution # 24-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 25-2021​ Authorize Funding and Attendance for Newly Elected Official Training 2nd ​Councilperson Robert Lynch Discussion:​ Councilperson James Ricks, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Vote on resolution: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye resolution # 25-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ ​resolution ​# 26- 2021 ​Budget Modification for Broadband Study 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE ​All Aye resolution # 26-2021 carried Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution ​# 27-2021​ Town Bookkeeper 2nd​ Councilperson James Ricks; vote: ​All AYE ​amendment carried Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved to amend the 12k​ salary to 10k. Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ amended​ resolution #27-2020 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on amended resolution:​ ​ ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks AYE​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All AYE amended​ ​resolution ​#27-2021​ carried Resolution #___-2021 Town Clerk Resolution (Motion denied) Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved​ resolution​ to support community wide vaccination against COVID-19 2nd​ Councilperson James Ricks DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 8 Discussion:​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson James Ricks, Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote on resolution: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE​, Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​NAY 2 AYE’s 1 NAY resolution denied Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved​ resolution​ # 28-2021​ Storage Cabinets for the Enfield Community Council 2nd ​Councilperson Robert Lynch. Vote to amendment: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye resolution # 28-2021 carried ●Hiring and purchasing freeze discussion: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond​ moved to table resolution... “Whereas necessary Highway work can be performed be it resolved to lift the 2020 Hiring and Purchasing Freeze.” 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye resolution tabled until Audit meeting January 19, 2021 Comp Plan Discussion: ​Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Personnel Committee Discussion Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved to table discussion​. 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote to table discussion: Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye discussion tabled ​until February 10, 2021 Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved​ resolution ​# 31-2021​ to fill the Town Board Councilperson Vacancy 2nd ​Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Vote: ​Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye resolution tabled DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 9 Consent Agenda​: Audit Claims: ​The Town Board Authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay General Fund Vouchers 1 to 20 dated January 13, 2021 in the amount of $62, 293.49. Highway Fund Vouchers 1 to 18 dated January 13, 2021 in the amount of $67,760.74 and Fire Department Vouchers 21 to 22 dated January 13, 2021 in the amount $101,034.00. Moved​ by Councilperson Robert Lynch 2nd ​Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Vote: ​ Councilperson Robert Lynch ​AYE​, Councilperson James Ricks ​AYE,​ Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​AYE All Aye Consent agenda carried Privilege of the Floor: ​Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Honorable Judge Betty Poole, Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Bookkeeper Brian McIlroy, Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno, Art Godin Announcements:​ 211, CoVid, taxes, Food Pantry, 284 posted on website Councilperson James Ricks ​moved to adjourn 2nd ​Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Adjournment: 9:22 PM DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 10 TOWN OF ENFIELD 2021 ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTIONS Resolution # 2-2021 Town Board Meeting Dates RESOLVED​, the regular meeting of the Enfield Town Board shall be held monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 Resolution # 3-2021 Department Hours RESOLVED​, the Town Board hereby establishes the work hours of the: • ​Highway Department to be from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday. ​• Town Clerk to be- ​Mon. 3PM to 6 PM, Tues. 3PM to 7 PM,. 9:30AM to 1:30 PM, Sat. 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM • ​Code Enforcement Office to be from 8:30AM to 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday and Wednesday from 5PM to 7PM, • ​Town Court to commence at 10:00 AM on Mondays unless it is a holiday. Resolution # 4-2021 Town Board Regular Meeting Outline RESOLVED​, the order for conducting business at the regular Town Board meetings is as follows: Call Meeting to Order Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker - including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose) Communications County Legislator’s Report Supervisor’s Report Town Clerk Report Highway Superintendent Report Code Enforcement Report Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Report Planning Board Report Tompkins County Council of Governments Committee Reports: The following committee reports will be expected quarterly at March, June, September, and December Regular Town Board meetings (or more frequently as needed by the Board or Committees) DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 11 Please come prepared to give the board a report on recent issues and concerns your committee is working on as well as upcoming items of importance to Enfield: Environmental Management Council​- Maureen Bolton Enfield Community Council​- Ann Rider/Virginia Bryant Tompkins County Youth Board​- Lisa Monroe Food Pantry​- Jean Owens Cayuga Lake Watershed IO​- Becky Sims Tompkins Health Consortium​- Ellen Woods Cemetery Committee​- Bob Lynch Water Protection Committee​- Nancy Spero Consent Agenda* Old Business* New Business* Announcements Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) Adjournment RESOLVED​, the order for conducting any special meetings is as follows: Call Meeting to Order Changes to the Agenda Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker - including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose) Consent Agenda* Old Business* New Business* Announcements Adjournment *Action Items DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 12 Resolution # 5-2021 General Rules for Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment RESOLVED​, in an effort to foster an orderly meeting process, the following rules and guidelines will be used and enforced at all Town Board meetings: GENERAL GUIDE FOR PROCEDURE The Supervisor shall preside at meetings. In the Supervisor’s absence the Deputy Supervisor shall preside. The presiding officer may debate, move and take other action that may be taken by other members of the Board. Board members are not required to rise but must be recognized by the presiding officer before making motions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call him/her to order. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, according to the agreed upon purposes set forth in this resolution, they shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined by vote of the entire board. If determined to be in order, they shall be permitted to proceed. The board commits to adhere to Resolution #2017-50, Town of Enfield Chooses Civility Resolution, in all discussions to achieve the purpose of fairness and reasonable discourse. For purposes of process, organization, and legal requirements, parliamentary procedure will guide the Town Board in its work. There is no limit to the number of times a member may speak on a question. Motions to close or limit debate may be entertained but shall require a two-thirds vote. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting or at such other time as a majority of the Board shall allow. • ​Speakers may stand at their seats if they are able. • ​Speakers must give their name, address and organization, if any. • ​Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer. • ​Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes on a given topic. • ​Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. ​• ​Board members may, with the permission of the Supervisor, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarification or information. • ​All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof. ​• Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communication at any time. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE​: The foregoing procedures may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the Board. DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 13 Resolution # 6-2021 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods RESOLVED​, the Town Board hereby establishes the following bi-weekly pay periods (ending at midnight) for this year: January 1, 2021 January 15, 2021 January 29, 2021 February 12, 2021 February 26, 2021 March 12, 2021 March 26, 2021 April 9, 2021 April 23, 2021 May 7, 2021 May 21, 2021 June 4, 2021 June 18, 2021 July 2, 2021 July 16, 2021 July 30, 2021 August 13, 2021 August 27, 2021 September 10, 2021 September 24, 2021 October 8, 2021 October 22, 2021 November 5, 2021 November 19, 2021 December 3, 2021 December 17, 2021 December 31, 2021 January 7, 2022 Checks are available the following Thursday. Payroll frequency is Bi-weekly. Resolution # 7-2021 Paid Holidays RESOLVED​, that the Town Board hereby establishes the following paid holidays for employees. Town offices will be closed on these dates: January 1, 2021 New Year’s Day January 18, 2021 Martin Luther King Day February 15, 2021 President’s Day May 31, 2021 Memorial Day July 4, 2021 Independence Day September 6, 2021 Labor Day October 11, 2021 Columbus Day /Indigenous People’s Day November 11, 2021 Veteran’s Day November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day December 25, 2021 Christmas Day (One) Floating Holiday DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 14 Resolution # 8-2021 Town EMail Accounts RESOLVED​, the Town Board has official email accounts for all Town employees and elected officials for use in their official capacities. These email accounts will be connected to our official website domain, Ownership of and access to these communications will be with the Town of Enfield. All employees and elected officials will set up accounts and use their account for Town business after it is set up for as long as they work for or serve the Town of Enfield. Resolution # 9-2021 Official Newspaper RESOLVED​, The Ithaca Journal, a newspaper regularly published and having general circulation in the Town, is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the Town of Enfield and; RESOLVED​, the Town will post all Public Notices on the town website at Resolution # 10-2021 Code of Ethics RESOLVED​, all Public Officials, appointees, and employees for the Town of Enfield are subject to the Code of Ethics as adopted by the Town which is written in the Policies and Procedures Manual in the Employee Handbook. Resolution # 11-2021 Records Access Officer RESOLVED​, that the Town Clerk Ellen Woods, shall be appointed as the Town's Record Access Officer and; RESOLVED​, that the Town Clerk will serve as the person who receives all FOIL requests. Resolution #____-2021 Deputy Town Supervisor – salary at $10,000/year, paid quarterly RESOLVED​, the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Supervisor to act for and in place of the Supervisor in his/her absence DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 15 Resolution # 12-2021 Deputy Highway Superintendent – $.75 differential to current hourly wage, paid bi-weekly RESOLVED​, the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Highway Superintendent to act for and in place of the highway Superintendent in his absence, and further RESOLVED​, the Highway Superintendent appoints Brandon McGee to fill this position. Resolution # 13-2021 Community Building Custodian– salary of $80.00/twice monthly, paid monthly RESOLVED​, the Town Board appoints Pat Baker fill this position until further notice. Resolution # 14-2021 Planning Board Clerk – no additional salary RESOLVED​, the Town Board establishes the Office of Planning Board Clerk to act as the secretary for the Planning Board, to keep minutes and schedule meetings and other support functions the Board may need or require and; RESOLVED​, the Town Clerk will complete or delegate these duties. Resolution # 15-2021 Code Enforcement Officer – salary at $29,950.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED​, the Town Board appoints Alan Teeter to fill the position of Code Enforcement Officer. Resolution # 16-2021 Court Clerk – salary at $12,000.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED​, the Town Justice appoints Tiffany Poole to fill this position. Resolution # 17-2021 Deputy Town Clerk – salary at $10,000.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED​, the Town Clerk appoints Patricia Speno Resolution # 18-2021 Tax Collector- salary at $2,000.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED​, the Town Board establishes the position of the Tax Collector and; RESOLVED​, the Town Clerk will complete or delegate the duties of the Tax Collector. DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 16 Resolution # 19-2021 Establishing Position of Maintenance for Buildings and Grounds RESOLVED​, the Town Board establishes the position of Enfield Buildings and Grounds Personnel – at $18.00 per hour/paid bi-weekly/hours to be determined RESOLVED​, the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to advertise and fill this position. Resolution # 20-2021 Deputy Tax Collector Resolution # 21-2021 Public Officials/Town Employees Pay Schedule RESOLVED​, the following salaries and pay schedule for all Town Officials and employees, is approved for 2021: • ​Town Supervisor - $24,000.00/year; paid monthly • ​Town Councilpersons - $3500.00 each/year; paid quarterly • ​Town Clerk - $22,000.00/year; paid monthly • ​Tax Collector – $2,000.00/year; paid monthly • ​Town Justice - $17,000.00/year; paid monthly • ​Highway Superintendent - $61,500.00/year; paid monthly • ​Machine Equipment Operator - Motor Equipment Operator – Hiring rate - $17.00/ hour; after 90 days, rate will be increased to the working rate $18.00/hour. Pay rate may increase yearly with Town Board approval as requested by the Highway Superintendent. • ​Part time and seasonal Highway employees will have a hire rate of $16.00/hr.-$20.00/hr. as determined by the Highway Superintendent. • ​Merit Increases – An employee may receive a pay increase based upon the employee’s past performance. The merit increase will be granted at the discretion of the Town Board. Resolution #__X__-2021 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hosting WHEREAS ​the Town of Enfield utilizes the town website for most communications and information presentation to the public, and; WHEREAS ​the Town of Enfield utilizes designated town email addresses for communication with the public and within the offices of the Town, and; WHEREAS ​the Town of Enfield purchases and manages a hosting service for website and email management and hosting, and; RESOLVED​, these tasks will be managed and delegated under the office of Town Board. DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 17 Resolution # 22-2021 – Year End Budget Modifications RESOLVED, ​the Town Board authorizes the bookkeeper to make all necessary year end budget modifications to facilitate the year end process Resolution # 24-2021 - Amended Town Board Advisory Committee/Position Appointments RESOLVED​, the Town Board hereby makes the following Advisory Committee/Position Appointments: Environmental Management Council- Maureen Bolton Enfield Community Council- Ann Rider/ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Tompkins County Youth Board- Lisa Monroe Food Pantry- Jean Owens Cayuga Lake Watershed IO- Becky Sims Cemetery Committee- Councilperson Robert Lynch Water Protection Committee- Nancy Spero Town Historian- Susan Thompson -Strike Recreation Partnership Planning Board- Chair: Dan Walker; Ann Chaffee; Richard Teeter; Henry Hansteen; Mike Carpenter; Alternates: Joe Dawson and Aaron Abb Tompkins County Council of Governments-Councilperson Robert Lynch, Alternate: Supervisor, Stephanie Redmond Ithaca Tompkins Transportation Council- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Greater Tompkins Area Health Insurance Consortium- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization- Becky Sims, Alternate: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Resolution # 25-2021 Attendance at Newly Elected Town Officials Training WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield values training opportunities for Town officials, and; WHEREAS​, new Town Board members James Ricks and Michael Miles will benefit from the Office of State Comptroller Newly Elected Town Official training, therefore be it RESOLVED ​that the Enfield Town Board authorizes attendance and funding for Councilpersons James Ricks and Michael Miles to attend the OSC training for Newly Elected DRAFT MINUTES Jan 13, 2021 18 Town Officials. ​Resolution # 26-2021 Budget Modification for Broadband Study WHEREAS​, On October 14, 2020 the Enfield Town Board unanimously approved a $5000 expenditure to be allocated to the Tompkins County Broadband Planning Study, therefore be it RESOLVED​, the Enfield Town Board adopts Budget Amendment #_____-2021 to decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account and increase ​A6497.4 Economic Development, Equipment and Capital Outlay Resolution # 27-2021 Town Bookkeeper – salary at $10,000.00/year, paid bi-weekly RESOLVED​, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to designate a Town Bookkeeper, and further RESOLVED​, the Supervisor is authorized to list the Bookkeeper on the Town Security Insurance Policy, and further RESOLVED​, the Supervisor appoints Brian Mckilroy to fill this position. Resolution # 28-2021 Storage Cabinets for the Enfield Community Council WHEREAS, ​black storage cabinets in the lower level of the community building is used by the​ Community Council as storage space for summer camp supplies, therefore be it RESOLVED​, the Town of Enfield will sell the cabinets to the Enfield Community Council to be moved to their new building for $1 each