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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Board Meeting Minutes 4.14.21_DraftDraft Minutes
Town of Enfield
Town Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
6:30 pm
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting
Present: Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Councilperson Jude Lemke, Town Councilperson Robert Lynch,
Town Councilperson James Ricks, Town Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Code Enforcer Alan Teeter, Town
Clerk Mary Cornell.
Absent: Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant excused.
Supervisor Redmond called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.
Privilege of the floor: Ed and Helen Hetherington led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marcus
Gingerich believed, there was an issue with the zoom invite for tonight’s meeting. He was able to connect using the link
on the Town website.
Additions and Removals from the Agenda: Supervisor Redmond asked if anyone had changes to the agenda.
Councilperson Lynch would like to introduce a resolution to create a new chair for the Cemetery Committee. Supervisor
Redmond would like to discuss the Beautification Committee if time permits.
Correspondence: No correspondence was received.
Consent Agenda: Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Lemke seconded to approve the consent agenda as
Audit Claims: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay:
General Fund Vouchers #73 to 96 dated April 14, 2021 in the amount of $21,692.86, and
Highway Fund Vouchers #49-65 dated April 14, 2021 in the amount of $20,475.85.
Town Supervisor’s Monthly report: Supervisor Redmond reports that she has been looking into options for the Salt
Barn. She has requested quotes from three companies to pour concrete in front of the community building, and has only
heard back from one company. She met with owners of several local businesses to discuss economic development. She
met with a rep from the Dollar General. Dollar General has a literacy grant that the Community Council is looking into
applying for, which would help fund the library. She met with a rep from HeatSmart Tompkins to discuss ways to lower
resident’s energy cost. She facilitated a special meeting regarding Town Clerk matters. She met with Cayuga Lake
Intermunicipal Organization, as the alternate Town Rep. She met with Excellus to discuss the Town’s Medicare and
Medical plans. She is working with Renovus community solar project. She sent out a Doodle poll for the renewable
energy committee to schedule a time to meet. She drafted new contracts for the Cemetery Burial coordinator and
Cemetery Maintenance. She drafted and edited new laws that will move forward the Comprehensive Plan Initiatives.
She performed daily and monthly duties of the Town Supervisor.
Town Clerks Monthly report: The Clerk’s office sold cemetery plots, issued dog licenses, collected funds for Building
Permits, and Culvert Permits. Received reimbursement for a Public Hearing Legal Ad and currently wrapping up the 2021
tax season.
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Highway Superintendents Monthly report: The highway department is cleaning roads, sweeping roads and ditching. We
have three or four culvert pipes that people have applied for and are working on site preparation for them. Performed
routine vehicle maintenance, which includes changing out equipment from the Winter to the Summer. CHIPS DOT,
information was received. We will receive ~$53,000 this year from all three categories combined. We got a little over
$22,000 back from the $30,000 that was kept from us last year. Those funds will be rolled over, we will get $223,000 in
CHIPS this year versus $148,000 that was received last year. For town clean this year we are using Teet’s and Sons. Clean
up will be the third week of May., and will be May 20-21, 1-5 pm, and May 22, 8-12. The Town Board is in agreement. It
will run the same as last year, it worked out really well. The disabled truck is at Auction International. Bidding will run
through this coming Monday evening. The current bid is at $2,025. This is good as $1,500 was expected.
Tompkins County Legislature Monthly report - Dave McKenna
He gave a monthly summary of actions taken by the Legislature and the Town Board had no comments.
Code Officer Monthly report - Alan Teeter
For the month of March eight building permits were issued, which included one new home and one demolition permit.
Three new houses are under construction and three more are planned for construction this summer. One complaint was
received and was a water issue that is in the process of being resolved. The State Annual Report to the Division of Codes
was submitted. He has almost completed annual training credits for the year with 3-4 hours left. Completed training
hours have mostly been on energy code. Additional trainings will be taken this week and will mostly be on the NY
Stretch Energy Code. If the board would like more information on NY Stretch Energy Code it can be provided after the
trainings have been completed.
Planning Board Monthly report – Dan Walker
Two items were on the Agenda for the month of March and were discussed.
Norbut Solar Farms on Applegate Rd was granted approval. The planning board is working on issuing/creating the Solar
Permit and will make to includes all necessary requirements.
Family Life Ministries proposed Radio Tower off of Enfield Center Road near Sheffield Road. Family Life Ministries
presented site plans. The planning board is comfortable with the project and a Public Hearing is set for the May 5th
meeting to review the project. Site plan law is clear that the tower needs to be approved but not the use of the radio
tower. Social aspect is not the purview of the planning board.
TCCOG Monthly report – Councilperson Robert Lynch
The Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) has not met since my last report to this Board on March 10th.
However, TCCOG will have a busy two weeks ahead. First, our newly-formed Broadband Committee will convene for its
kickoff session next Tuesday morning, April 20th, via zoom. TCCOG’s entire membership is then scheduled to meet two
days later, Thursday afternoon, April 22nd. An agenda for the Broadband kickoff meeting has just been received and
forwarded to Town Board members for their review. As you can observe, most of the introductory agenda items are
process related. We have to gain a full understanding as to how we will proceed and prioritize. I presume we’ll know
much more following next Tuesday’s session. I will state, however, that at first blush, one aspect of the County
Department of Planning and Sustainability’s memo, “Understanding on Sharing of Broadband Study Findings” strikes me
as a bit odd. I need to know more and hope to find answers at the April 20th meeting. Page two of the memo states:
“Sensitive or confidential information may be discussed in non-public meetings of the Tompkins County Legislature,
TCCOG broadband committee and county staff, but are not intended to be shared externally. These include:
Draft Minutes
-Details of the proposed network including:
• Proposed miles of new broadband infrastructure
• Maps of proposed broadband infrastructure
• Proposed infrastructure locations
• Proposed network architecture and technology specifications”
I question why any aspect of this study need be hidden from public view. I believe in transparency and will urge the
Broadband Committee keep as much of this study in the public view as possible. You’ll recall that last month the Enfield
Town Board joined other municipal boards in Tompkins County in supporting TCCOG’s efforts to secure a grant from the
Park Foundation to underwrite the study costs of investigating Community Choice Aggregation for municipalities within
our county. Ithaca Town Supervisor Rod Howe, TCCOG’s point person on Community Choice Aggregation, today
informed me the Park Foundation grant application was, indeed, submitted and timely received March 26th. Supervisor
Howe expects a decision by the Foundation in May.
Old Business:
Resolution #Tabled -2021 Bridge Reserve Account - Amended
WHEREAS, the town board did not use allocated the $30,000 in funds for bridge repairs contractual in the 2021 highway
fund budget, and
RESOLVED, at the town board authorize the town supervisor to transfer $30,000 from DA909 Unreserved Fund Balance
to the highway fund bridge reserve DA230A.
Supervisor Redmond asked to table this resolution as she needs to look into it further and review communications from
Superintendent Rollins. The Board was in agreement to table the resolution until the next Town Board meeting.
Resolution #55-2021 Move Funds to Equipment Contractual
WHEREAS, the Highway Department plans to purchase equipment in the coming year, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to transfer of $198,606 from Unallocated Fund DA599
to the highway fund line Equipment Contractual DA5130.2
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch Seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch Aye, Councilperson Ricks Aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Paving the Community Building driveway. Supervisor Redmond reached out for three quotes and has only heard back
from one company. JBW quote is $14,544. Of this amount $9,300 is just for the concrete, 6” deep with 60 yards total.
JBW only does slab pours and no excavation work, they would need to contract out. Superintendent Rollins says the
highway dept. can assist to help reduce costs. Superintendent Rollins recommends Conroy as they have done local work
with good reviews for large projects. Conroy’s is based in Mecklenburg. Supervisor Redmond is waiting for a quote from
Conroy and King Bro’s. The budget is $25,000 for the whole project and there may not be enough funds to pave the hill
this year. The first priority is the bottom of the driveway in front of the building. She will make sure that she accepts the
lowest bids. Supervisor Redmond will update everyone and send out a resolution for the May meeting.
Draft Minutes
New Business:
Budget Amendment #6-2021 Move funds for Highway Department
WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Highway Superintendent requested funds to be transferred to General Repairs Contractual,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to transfer $2,400 from Unallocated Fund DA599 to
line DA5110.4 General Repairs Contractual.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Redmond seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Salt Barn Options. The Town Board has viewed the four companies they received quotes from. Councilperson Lemke
created an Excel spreadsheet, Supervisor Redmond shared the document on her screen. Superintendent Rollins would
like a 9,000 ton capacity with a side entrance. Superintendent Rollins states that the highway department can assist with
site preparation. Councilperson Lynch would like to inquire if the Infrastructure bill may provide funds towards this
project if the bill passes. Councilperson Lemke believes we are running out of time and we should be more aggressive in
moving forward with plans and prospective financing. Consensus of the Board is to go with similar plans as presented by
Advanced Storage Technology (AST), and construct a wooden building with wood panels. The Board would like to
develop an RFP before the May meeting. Superintendent Rollins suggests that this project start after winter, so that less
sand would need to be moved for site preparations.
Resolution # 56-2021 Appointment to Chair Enfield Cemetery Committee
WHEREAS, the position of Chair of the Enfield Cemetery Committee is presently vacant, and
WHEREAS, Enfield resident Cassandra Hinkle has expressed her interest in chairing that committee, and
WHEREAS, Cassandra Hinkle has demonstrated her support for this community and has already volunteered her time
and efforts in numerous ways toward this Town’s betterment, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Enfield Town Board appoints Cassandra Hinkle to Chair the Enfield Cemetery Committee.
Councilperson Lynch moved and Councilperson Ricks seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Councilperson Lynch and Ricks state she will be a good addition. Supervisor Redmond asked Cemetery Chair Hinkle to
initiate a Cemetery clean-up day, per a request from Matt Lincoln.
Resolution #57-2021 Authorization to Renew Burial Coordinator Contract for 2021
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield utilizes the services of Matt Lincoln for the burial coordinator in town cemeteries,
therefore be it
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RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to renew and sign a contract for these services for 2021.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. The Town was pleased with the service that Matt
Lincoln provided last year and have opted to renew his contract for 2021.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Resolution #58-2021 Authorization to Renew Cemetery Maintenance Service Agreement for 2021
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield utilizes the services of Matt Lincoln for the Cemetery Maintenance in town cemeteries,
therefore be
RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to renew and sign a contract for these services for 2021.
Supervisor Redmond moved, Councilperson Lynch seconded. The Town was pleased with the service that Matt Lincoln
provided last year and have opted to renew his contract for 2022.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Proposed Town Laws – Supervisor Redmond proposes to have a Public Hearing to discuss these laws before the start of
the May Regular Board meeting. Supervisor Redmond states that this action is in The Comprehensive Plan and would
like to move forward. Former Supervisor McGee originally listed these laws last year and removed them and first put
before the voters the option to make the Positions of Town Highway Superintendent and Town Clerk appointed. This
was voted down in the last election. The next step is to move forward with proposing extending the Terms of office for
the Town Supervisor, Town Highway Superintendent, and Town Clerk.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Ricks seconded.
Councilperson Lemke feels that an informal meeting should take place prior to having a Public Hearing and suggests that
a white paper be sent to residents with pertinent information on the Proposed Town Laws. She feels that the timing is
not appropriate as she believes if the proposed laws pass at the General Election that they would take effect on January
1, 2022. Superintendent Rollins has asked for several years to extend the term of Highway Superintendent’s office to
four years. Councilperson Lynch agrees with Councilperson Lemke on the atrocious timing of these laws and also
believes that we should let them lay for now. Councilperson Lynch believes the people of the Town would like to take a
pause. The town residents were unhappy with the Public Hearing that happened last year when the Town put forth on
the ballet the change from Elected to Appointed for the Highway Superintendent and Clerk offices, and it was voted
down. Councilperson Lynch would like to hold off on further action until the May meeting. Councilperson Ricks spoke in
support of the proposed laws. Supervisor Redmond would like to gauge the public’s interest on the proposed laws at a
Public Hearing, she feels that it is important that the Town Board’s views remain neutral on the laws as to not sway
public opinion. The Board agreed to have an informal Town Hall discussion at the May Town Board Meeting.
HeatSmart Presentation – Lisa Marshall, Program Director HeatSmart Tompkins. She gave a presentation on heat pumps
for heating and cooling and reducing energy costs for your home. Grants are available for low income households. She
discussed incentives for the Town if we participate.
Draft Minutes
Resolution #59-2021 Town of Enfield participation in a community campaign to lower resident energy costs
WHEREAS, NYSERDA is currently offering generous incentives for low-to moderate income households for insulation and
air sealing, energy efficient heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters, and
WHEREAS, some of these incentives are time limited, and
WHEREAS, HeatSmart Tompkins is offering municipalities the opportunity to participate in a Campaign for Clean Heat to
provide information and coordinate resident sign-ups for these services, and
WHEREAS, the campaign offers residents free assessments for home energy improvements, and
WHEREAS, successful participation in this campaign will result in greater comfort and energy savings for participating
households and potential grant funding for the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield wishes to partner with HeatSmart Tompkins on this campaign, and
WHEREAS, the Campaign will include a Clean Heating and Cooling Webinar in early May that will be open to all residents,
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield wishes to help residents lower their energy costs, and to promote clean indoor and
outdoor air, now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Enfield Town Board hereby approves the Town participation in the HeatSmart
Tompkins Campaign for Clean Heat from April 15th through July 31, 2021.
Supervisor Redmond moved, Councilperson Lemke seconded. The Town Board believes this opportunity will benefit
members of our Town, especially lower income families.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Resolution #60-2021 Authorize Supervisor Redmond to Sign Tompkins County Youth Services Contract
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield qualifies for funding from the NYS Office for Children and Family Services Youth
Development Program; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield agrees to exchange these funds for an equivalent number of County tax dollars, thereby
easing the application, budgeting, contractual, and payment obligations, and; and
WHEREAS, youth programming is funded by the Town of Enfield through the Enfield Community Council; and
WHEREAS, the Enfield Community Council will prepare and submit, on time, 2021 year-end program reports and any
necessary expenditure reports to reflect actual spending to the Town Supervisor and required Tompkins County offices;
therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor Redmond to sign the 2021 contract with Tompkins County
Youth Services.
Supervisor Redmond moved, Councilperson Lynch seconded.
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Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Norbut Solar Farm Discussion. Supervisor Redmond invited Jonathan Stone to be a part of this discussion. The Town is
responsible for handling decommissioning, Community host agreement, pilot agreement and has some sway over the
dispute resolution plan. Councilperson Lemke would like to see a sample bond, Norbut Solar Farm does not currently
have a written bond to show at this time, Jonathan will look into finding sample language. The Town will have the
opportunity to review the bond before it would be issued in its entirety as well as viewing the building permit before it is
issued. Legal counsels for the Town and Norbut Solar Farm will meet to discuss the Towns concerns over accepting a
bond. Update on the IDA – It is in the discussion phase with plans to submit next week. Regarding the Dispute Resolution
plan Board members would like to have a couple of sentences added to the building permit to include authorizing Code-
Enforcement to investigate/enforce noise and glare complaints. This would be in addition to the current authority that is
already established for Code Enforcement to handle structure complaints.
Budget Amendment #7- 2021 Move funds for Highway Department
WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Highway Superintendent requested funds to be transferred to brush and weed personnel
services for temporary/seasonal employee, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to transfer $45,000.00 Unallocated Fund DA599 to
brush and weed personnel services DA5140.1.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Resolution #61-2021 Highway Employee Pay Increase
WHEREAS, Enfield Highway employees did not receive a pay increase in the 2021 budget, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town Board agrees to increase full time highway employee wages by 3% for the remainder of the year
beginning in the next pay period.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. Discussion followed. Councilperson Lemke says with
this pay increase we should look into a pay increase for the Town Court’s office.
Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Resolution #62-2021 Plow Truck
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent would like to purchase a new plow truck, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town Board gives the Highway Superintendent permission to order a new 10 Wheel Plow truck for 2022.
Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded. Brief discussion followed.
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Vote: Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Councilperson Ricks aye, Supervisor Redmond aye,
Councilperson Bryant excused, carried.
Supervisor Redmond suggested that the Beautification Committee find summer gardening help. Tasked with cleaning
the areas around Town signs and possibly creating a garden around the bus stop across from the Town Hall. The Board
was in agreement to look into this and request bids for review at the May meeting.
Privilege of the floor:
Marcus Gingerich – Agrees that sending a white paper to town residents with information on the local laws should
happen. He asked if Enfield could put into law the ability to recall a rouge elected official. He expressed concern over the
Norbut Solar project and asked that the Town use caution in accepting a bond. Councilperson Ricks mentioned that at
the beginning of the meeting insecticide use was mentioned. He had a conversation with local Indigenous people and
they asked that we keep the water clean and stop using insecticides. Councilperson Ricks good friend Ramsey Clark just
passed away at 94 yrs old. He shared that Ramsey had a saying “if you are having a problem on both sides that is
argumentative, think about what is best for the children.”
Councilperson Lynch moved to adjourn and Supervisor Redmond seconded, adjourned 10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Cornell
Enfield Town Clerk