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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Town Board Meeting Minutes 4.3.21_DraftDraft Minutes 1 Town of Enfield Special Town Board Meeting Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal Saturday, April 3, 2021 12 pm Present: Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Jude Lemke, Town Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Clerk Mary Cornell. Absent: Town Councilperson James Ricks, excused. Supervisor Redmond called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm Privilege of the floor: Diane Aramini – I oppose the position of the second deputy clerk resolution. If this position is needed then the funds should come from the Town Clerks budget line and reduce the Town Clerks compensation. She thanks the town for their time. Additions or changes to the Agenda: Councilperson Lynch would like to make a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter of a particular person. Councilperson Lynch further motions to authorize and request Town Clerk Mary Cornell join the executive session. Councilperson Bryant and Councilperson Lemke are in agreement. Councilperson Lynch moved, Supervisor Redmond seconded. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Supervisor Redmond aye, Councilperson Ricks excused, carried. Correspondence: No correspondence. Executive session – 12:07 – 12:28 pm Resolution #52-2021 Town Hall Public Hours RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby establishes the Town Hall public hours of the Town Clerk to be Wed. 3-6 PM, Thurs. 3-6 PM, Fri. 3-6 PM, Sat. 9 AM - 12 PM Town Supervisor moved and Councilperson Bryant seconded. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Supervisor Redmond aye, Councilperson Ricks excused, carried. Draft Minutes 2 Resolution #53-2021 Deputy Town Clerk – salary at $10,000.00/year, paid bi-weekly WHEREAS, the Town Board has established the essential Office of Deputy Town Clerk to act with, for, and in place of the Town Clerk as directed by the Town Clerk, and; WHEREAS, the position of Deputy Town Clerk is an appointed position serving at the pleasure of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town of Enfield to provide adequate support for the Town Clerk in service to the Town of Enfield, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Clerk, Mary Cornell, appoints Laura Norman to fill this position with an annual salary of $10,000.00/ to be paid Bi-Weekly. Additionally be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Deputy Town Clerk, Laura Norman, to collect the taxes for the Town of Enfield and to complete fiduciary duties of the position of Tax Collector on behalf of the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, New York. Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Bryant seconded, discussion followed. Councilperson Lynch cannot support this appointment as he believes the Town should steer clear of nepotism. Regardless of Laura Normans qualifications she is the sister of Clerk Cornell. He recognizes that there are no laws against Clerk Cornell making this appointment. Councilpersons Lemke and Bryant recognize that they have no control over the Town Clerks appointment of the Deputy Clerk and will only supported this appointment as they have no say. Councilpersons Lemke and Bryant expressed concern over Clerk Cornell appointing her sister as her Deputy. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch nay, Supervisor Redmond aye, Councilperson Ricks excused, carried. Resolution #54-2021 Second Deputy Town Clerk – salary at $4,000.00 for the remainder of the year, paid bi-weekly WHEREAS, the Town Board has established the essential Office of Second Deputy Town Clerk to act with, for, and in place of the Town Clerk as directed by the Town Clerk, and; WHEREAS, the position of Second Deputy Town Clerk is an appointed position serving at the pleasure of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, and; WHEREAS, Town Law Section 30 allows the Town Clerk to appoint an additional Deputy; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town of Enfield to provide adequate support for the Town Clerk in service to the Town of Enfield, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Clerk, Mary Cornell, appoints Alice Linton to fill this position with an annual salary of $4,000.00 to be paid Bi-Weekly. Additionally be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Second Deputy Town Clerk, Alice Linton, to collect the taxes for the Town of Enfield and to complete fiduciary duties of the position of Tax Collector on behalf of the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, New York. Draft Minutes 3 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Bryant seconds, discussion followed. Councilperson Lynch does not believe this appointment needs to be made at this time and should be looked at again at the start of the next tax season. Supervisor Redmond feels that appointing Alice Linton will bring a wealth of experience and guidance to the Clerks office and appreciates her willingness to assist the town. Councilperson’s Lemke and Bryant agree that Alice with be a valuable addition to the Clerks Office this year. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch nay, Supervisor Redmond aye, Councilperson Ricks excused, carried. Budget Amendment #5-2021 Move Funds for Second Deputy Town Clerk WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board has appointed Alice Linton as a Second Deputy Town Clerk, and; WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board agreed to provide compensation of $4,000.00 for the second Deputy Clerk appointment, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes Supervisor Redmond to increase appropriated fund balance and increase line A1410.12 Personnel Services- Deputy Clerk by $4000.00 Supervisor Redmond moved and Councilperson Bryant seconded, discussion followed. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Lemke aye, Councilperson Lynch aye, Supervisor Redmond aye, Councilperson Ricks excused, carried. Adjournment – Councilperson Bryant moved and Councilperson Lynch seconded, adjourned 12:42 pm. Respectfully submitted, Mary Cornell Enfield Town Clerk