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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-14-2021 Special-Town-Board-Meeting-Minutes DraftDRAFT MINUTES
Town of Enfield
Special Town Board Meeting
Sunday March 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal
Meeting Link: (For computer or smartphone)
Meeting ID: 834 7279 8520
Password: 14850
Call in Number: (646)876-9923 (landline or cell)
For instructions for this meeting visit: or click on the “Chat” button in Zoom to find links to
meeting documents
Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson James Ricks,
Councilperson Jude Lemke, Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno, Appointed Town Clerk Mary Cornell
Excused: Councilperson Virginia Bryant
Call to Order: 6:31 pm
Privilege of the Floor:
Ed Hetherington led the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America and was in support
of the appointment of Mary Cornell to the position of Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, NY.
Former Town Supervisor Roy Barriere commended the quick action of the Town Board to
appoint Mary Cornell to the position of Town Clerk consistent with Town practices in the past -
other individuals have been elevated to town office without solicitation. He took a position on
the suggestion of posting a vacancy and solicitation for a qualified administrator of town
business. Mary Cornell is incumbent for the office and was “second runner up” in the previous
James Ricks echoes Roy Barriere’s support of Mary Cornell’s elevation to of fice. The
appointment was not consistent or typical according to his experience with former town
appointment practices.
Honorable Town Justice Betty Poole concurs with Roy Barriere’s eloquent endorsement of Mary
Cornell and agrees wholeheartedly. Adding that the Deputy Town Clerk is appointed to fulfill
the duties of the Town Clerk. Should the Town Clerk be unable to perform the duties, the
Deputy assumes the role of Town Clerk in the clerks absence. Mary Cornell has Ms. Poole’s
wholehearted support for her appointment to office.
The Honorable Justice Betty Poole added that Councilperson James Ricks has made great
progress in his position as Councilperson.
No Additions and Changes to the agenda No Correspondence
New Business:
Town Clerk Appointment:
Supervisor Stephanie Redmond restated the town attorney’s concerns regarding the initial appointment.
(Regular Town Board Meeting, Wednesday 03-10-2021)
The NYS AOT (Association of Towns) and the EOE (Equal Opportunity Employment) Commission recommend
best practices and an open process, posting and soliciting an appointed position, giving a month to interested
parties the opportunity to apply for the office. The office had not been vacated at the time of the
appointment on Wednesday and could easily be nullified in this event.
Therefore resolution # 2021-42 should be reaffirmed.
Mary Cornell is the only incumbent for the Office of Town Clerk 2022 - 2024 term in the November 2021
election and she has been endorsed by both parties. Mary has served well for the last 3 weeks as Deputy
Clerk performing financial and operational duties including office hours. The Supervisor supports the
reaffirmation of Mary Cornell’s appointment to Town Clerk.
A Resolution Appoint the Enfield Town Clerk
Whereas, Ellen Woods announced her resignation as Enfield Town Clerk at a duly -convened meeting
of this Town Board on March 10, 2021; and
Whereas, Clerk Woods has subsequently fulfilled that procedural requirement by filing her
resignation with the New York State Secretary of State;
Whereas, this Town Board provided sound and convincing reasons for appointing Mary Cornell to the
position of Enfield Town Clerk, and said Resolution was adopted with the unanimous consent of the
four voting members present; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Enfield Town Board hereby appoints Mary Corne ll to fill the now-vacant position of
Enfield Town Clerk, Ms. Cornell’s appointment made effective upon her taking the Oath of Office and
fulfilling any and all other procedural requirements applicable to Town Clerks under New York State
law, and that said appointment continue until Clerk Ellen Woods’ current term of office would
otherwise expire on December 31, 2021.
Councilperson Robert Lynch proposed an amended resolution #2021-49 for the appointment of Deputy Clerk
Mary Cornell to the office of Town Clerk.
2nd Supervisor Stephanie Redmond
Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno called the vote:
Councilperson Robert Lynch AYE, Councilperson James Ricks AYE, Councilperson Jude Lemke AYE, Supervisor
Stepahnie Redmond AYE
All Aye Resolution #2021-49 carried
Community Choice Aggregation letter:
Supervisor Stepahnie Redmond proposed the resolution to sign request for a Park Foundation Grant for
the Enfield CCA (Community Choice Aggregation)
2nd Jude Lemke
Vote on resolution 2021-50:
Councilperson Robert Lynch AYE, Councilperson James Ricks AYE, Councilperson Jude Lemke AYE,
Supervisor Stepahnie Redmond AYE
All Aye Resolution #2021-50 carried
Councilperson Robert Lynch proposed resolution #2021-51 for the appointment of Deputy Clerk Mary Cornell
to the office of Tax Collector
Vote on resolution 2021-50:
Councilperson Robert Lynch AYE, Councilperson James Ricks AYE, Councilperson Jude Lemke AYE, Supervisor
Stepahnie Redmond AYE
All Aye Resolution #2021-51 carried
Announcements: Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno welcomed Mary Cornell to office and congratulated
her on her appointment.
Councilperson James Ricks moved to adjourn
2nd Councilperson Jude Lemke Adjournment 6:29 pm