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HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-10-2021 Regular Town-Board Meeting- Minutes DraftDRAFT MINUTES 03-10-2021
Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting
Wednesday March 10, 2021, 6:30p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal
For instructions for this meeting visit: -board-meetings
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 869 7378 5602 Password: 14850
Call in Number: (646) 876- 9923 (landline or cell)
Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson James Ricks,
Councilperson Jude Lemke, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Highway Superintendent Rollins, Code
Enforcement Officer Alan teeter, Planning Board Chair Daniel Walker, EVFC Fire Chief Greg
Stevenson, County Legislator Anne Koreman, Water Protection Committee Chair Nancy Spero,
Courtney Bailey, Lisa Monroe, Jean Owens
Excused: Councilperson Virginia Bryant
Call to Order: 6:30pm
Privilege of the Floor:
Ed Hetherington (Pledge of Allegiance), Councilperson Robert Lynch (remembering the 12/15/2020
passage of Thurston Shumway lifetime resident of Enfield at 102 years of age)
Additions and Changes to the agenda:
Town Employee CoVid Vaccination policy (Councilperson Robert Lynch)
Executive Session at end of meeting (Supervisor Stepahnie Redmond)
(no correspondence)
Quarterly Reports
Enfield Community Council: Courtney Bailey: ECC has closed on purchase of building at 162 Main
Enfield Road, library and maintenance considerations.
Tompkins County Youth Board- Lisa Monroe: Partners with the Youth services Board, CoVid
considerations, vitality checklist, summer camps, new staff.
Food Pantry- Jean Owens: Thanking the Town of Enfield for their continued support, annual inspection
from Food Bank - passed with flying colors, 2 grant applications were successful ($10,000.00, and 350
ham dinners for Easter), reducing workload with 40 volunteers (varying environmental conditions and
willing to lift 50# boxes, working through the pandemic).
Recommendations: Electric pallet jack @ $6,200.00 received $10,000.00, the community building’s Food
Pantry needs the parking lot leveled and paved.
Monthly Reports
Cayuga Lake Watershed IO - Supervisor Stephanie Redmond: Septic Survey until March 14,2021, one
million dollars in grants available to Tompkins County.
Tompkins Health Consortium- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond: CoVid Best management Committees,
Maintain Don’t Gain Challenge Recipes could be posted on our website
Cemetery Committee- Bob Lynch: Membership concerns, seeking a Chairperson, request mowing contract
in April 2021 (1st mow in May 2021), request to preserve wild roses in cemeteries.
Water Protection Committee- Nancy Spero: Meeting monthly, NYSRW (New York State Rural Water -
Representative Steve Winkley) Water Well Survey (hard copy available at the Town Hall & at the Food
Pantry & on-line) 130 responses to date, will be talking with Dan Walker Enfield Planning Board) and Alan
Teeter (Enfield Code Enforcement) regarding site plans and accommodating well water circumstances and
County Legislator- Anne Koreman: Septic Survey (March 14, 2021 deadline), CoVid allocation of
DRAFT MINUTES 03-10-2021
vaccinations March 17th 2021 opening up to government employees, targeting homebound, low income,
senior communities, 3 deaths in last month, those vaccinated can still pass the virus, free busses to
Binghamton for vaccinations. Jude Lemke (vaccinations in rehabs?) Councilperson Robert Lynch
(vaccine registry?), Councilperson James Ricks (incarcerated?)
“Organizations are pushing for vaccinations in NYState prisons.”
Reimagining Public Safety: videos, etc.. available online at Tompkins County website, forums and public
Cahoots Program: adding options for Mental Health workers and public
Town Supervisor’s Report- Stephanie Redmond: (Deputy Supervisor) Vouchers , Economic
Development, Fleet ID# (discount on Ford vehicles)
Volunteer Fire Company- Greg Stevenson : Internet?
Town Clerk Report- Ellen Woods: Resignation scheduled March 11, 2021submitted to NYS Secretary
of State Rosanna Rosano, Recommendation; Deputy Mary Cornell to the position of Town Clerk.
➔ Councilperson Robert Lynch moved to add a resolution to appoint a new Town Clerk to “new
business” immediately March 10, 2021
Code Enforcement Report- Alan Teeter: Internet connection?
Highway Superintendent Report: Superintendent Buddy Rollins: Incident with a fuse box for one
truck. Employees and equipment good routine summer prep & maintenance. Request a 2% pay raise
for Highway Department employees to help improve morale, hiring freeze is still in effect, request
budget for 2% raise? (Bookkeeping errors in pay) // Councilperson James Ricks requested information
regarding Teeter Road plans (not in the Capital Plan, work as needed performed; widening road and
ditching, cover is sand/salt mix) Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Seasonal roads? (Enfield Center Road
and Butternut Creek Road) Enfield employee CoVid vaccination policy for HWY Dept. employees March
14, 2021 (gov’t employees).
Councilperson Robert Lynch (voucher, 2% raise, fuse box, septic pumping at the HD site, HD part in
paving Community Bldg. parking lot) //
Planning Board Report- Dan Walker: Review of Norbut Solar Project, Public Hearing March 3, 2021,
Configurations changes (3 five megawatt arrays on separate tax parcels total of 15 megawatts and
decommissioning security, financial assurity, need owners position (out of the country at this time) owner
is developer and as well as investor, community host and PILOT agreement in process, IDA (Industrial
Development Agency has not finalized agreement ( (tentative 26% of PILOT for the town;
$4200.00/megawatt; boards final approval of application tentative) Special Meeting may be in order to
satisfy timeline.
Landlocked parcel 767 Hayts Road, driveway configuration does not meet requirements.
Family Life Radio Tower: Near Sheffield Road, 199’ tower, requires Foram Application (next month at
the April 7,2021 Planning Board Meeting. Jude Lemke: will this require a Public Hearing? Possibly.
Tompkins County Council of Govts- Bob Lynch: February 25, 2021; Food System Plan: Tompkins
County has 17 Food Pantries, recognized Jean Owens and the Enfield Food Pantry, best food of 17
Food Pantries.
Farmers (outside income for farmers), land use, food system infrastructure, conflicts with water quality
issues (open loop), food wastes, composting, competition with solar farms (food future vs. solar panels),
food production on public land.
Next meeting Thursday April 22, 2021.
Consent Agenda:
Audit Claims:
The Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers 47 through 71 dated
March 10, 2021 in the amount of $20,000.29.
The Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay Highway Department vouchers 38 through 48
dated March 10, 2021 in the amount of $13,115.19.
The Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay EVF Department vouchers 72 through 72
dated March 10, 2021 in the amount of $231,495.00? Or $221,495.00?
DRAFT MINUTES 03-10-2021
Approval of January 2021 and February 2021 Draft Minutes
*tabled until April 14, 2021 meeting
Old Business:
Resolution #2021- 40 Town Bookkeeper – salary at $12,000.00/year, paid bi-weekly
Budget Amendment #2021-1 Move Funds for Additional Bookkeeper Salary
New Business:
Resolution #2021- 44 carried Town of Enfield 2021 Bicentennial Proclamation added to
2021 Celebration
Solar Update: Renovus Solar - ground or rooftop solar array application?
Norbut Solar Farm Update: project downsized 15 megawatts (3, 5 megawatt solar arrays), further
action pending decommissioning agreement (bond vs. security note), IDA determinations pending.
Resolution #2021- 42 carried Appointment of Mary Cornell to Town Clerk
Resolution #2021- 43 carried Appointment of Mary Cornell to Tax Collector
Resolution #2021- 45 Bridge Reserve Account
Resolution #2021-__ Equipment Reserve Account (tabled until April 14, 2021)
Resolution #2021- 46 carried Establish Salt Barn Reserve Account
Resolution #2021-__ Bids for Paving the Community Building Driveway (tabled until April 14, 2021)
Budget Amendment #2021-2 carried Move Funds for Municipal Beautification
Budget Amendment #2021-3 carried Move Funds for Bicentennial Celebrations
Budget Amendment #2021-4 carried Move Funds for Deputy Town Clerk additional
January 2021 Hours
Resolution #2021- 47 carried Payment for Public Hearing Notice
Town Clerk Training: Paid out of Contractual
Privilege of the Floor:
County Legislator Anne Koreman: Borrowing Funds - NYS Association of Counties will be announcing
stimulus to local municipalities. Line items, Enfield may qualify for over $600,000.00.
Honorable Justice Betty Poole: Thanks the Democratic Committee for endorsing her again. Salaries, a 2%
raise for the Enfield Court amounts to $580.00 total per year for the Clerk and Town Justice.
Councilperson Jude Lemke: Suggests Benchmark study of all Enfield town positions.
Former Supervisor Beth McGee: Town Clerk position was not vacant when the Town Clerk position was filled
in resolution on this night of 03-10-2021 recommended consultation with the attorney.
DRAFT MINUTES 03-10-2021
Councilperson Robert Lynch: Requested a Special Meeting ASAP
Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Position on resignation and appointment
Jude Lemke: Posting Town Clerk position might be advised, consult with Town Attorney
Supervisor Stepahnie Redmond: Special meeting can be scheduled via email
Announcements: Special Meeting As Soon As possible regarding vacant Town Clerk position
Executive Session: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson James
Ricks, Councilperson Jude Lemke
Resolution #2021- 48 carried Private Investigator for pending litigation
Motion to adjourn Councilperson Robert Lynch 2nd: Councilperson James Ricks
Adjournment: 10:55pm