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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10-2021 Draft Minutes Regular Town Board MeetingDRAFT MINUTES 02-10-2021
Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting
Wednesday February 10th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal
Meeting Link:
Call in Number: (646) 876- 9923 (landline or cell)
(For computer or smartphone)
For instructions for this meeting visit: Meeting ID: 826 8095 9507
Password: 14850
Present: Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Councilperson Robert Lynch,
Councilperson James Ricks, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Highway Superintendent Rollins, Code
Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter, VFC Chief Officer Glen Stevenson, Planning Boa rd Chair Daniel
Walker, Water Protection Committee Chairperson Nancy Spero, Water Protection Committee Member
Julie Schroeder, Steve Winkle NYSRW, Cornell Cooperative Extension - CEC (Clean Energies
Communities) Representative Terry Carroll
Regular Meeting
Call to Order: 6:35 pm
Privilege of the Floor: Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Melissa Millspough, Linda Stilwell,
Marcus Gingerich, Art Godin, Councilperson Robert Lynch
Correspondence: Letters of interest to the Town Board for the position of
Monthly Reports
County Legislator- Anne Koreman/Dave McKenna
Code Enforcement Report-Alan Teeter
Town Supervisor’s Report- Stephanie Redmond
Enfield Fire Company- Greg Stevenson/Denny Hubbell
Town Clerk Report- Ellen Woods
Planning Board Report- Dan Walker
Highway Superintendent Report- Highway Superintendent Rollins
Tompkins County Council of Govts- Robert Lynch
Seniors Annual Report: Pat Baker
DRAFT MINUTES 02-10-2021
Audit Claims: The Town board authorizes the Town supervisor to pay general fund
vouchers, 23 to 46 to forty six dated February 10th, 2021 for the amount of $27,582.84.
Highway fund vouchers, 20 to 40 dated February 10th, 2021 in the amount of
NYSERDA Presentation: Terry Carroll (Cornell Cooperative Extension)
powerpoint presentation explaining funding and participation in the Clean Energy
Communities program (CEC). Sustainable cost saving innovations such as solar, as
well as LED street lights and other cost saving municipal investments which make
budget and technical assistance more accessible.
Councilperson appointment:
Interested parties: Hannah Volpi, Ann Rider, Cassandra Hinkle, Jude Lemke
Moved By Supervisor Stephanie Redmond,
2nd by Councilperson Virginia Bryant
● Jude Lemke was appointed unanimously by the Enfield Town Board to the
position of Councilperson.
Enfield Water Resource Protection Committee:
● Water Well Survey:
Presented by Nancy Spero, Julie Schroeder, and Steve Winkley of New York State
Rural Water (NYSRW) - Free Water Testing, confidential online survey for homeowners
in Enfield, NY Tompkins County. Would like responses from the community by the end
of March 2021. hard copies of the survey and addressed envelopes are available at the
Town Hall and the Food Pantry.
Resolution #2021-31 Appointment to Interim Councilperson Jude Lemke
Resolution #2021-32 Haefele Modem/Router Upgrade in Town Hall
- amendment to strike "personnel committee" from Advisory Committee appointments
- amendment to Renewable Energy Committee
- 2nd amendment to Renewable Energy Committee
Resolution #2021-33 Final Resolution of appointments to Advisory Committees
- Town Bookkeeper resolution tabled
Resolution #2021- 34 Representative on Broadband Committee
Resolution #2021-35 A Resolution to modify the Pay Schedule for the Town Clerk and Deputy
Town Clerk
Resolution #2021-36 A Resolution in support of expanded local discretion in the fight against
Resolution #2021-37 A Resolution to Clarify Regulatory Compliance Responsibilities Affecting
Personnel in Enfield Town Government
Resolution #2021- 38 Deputy Clerk Mary Cornell/Operations Manual Resolution
Resolution #2021-39 Authorization for sale of HWY Dept surplus truck
DRAFT MINUTES 02-10-2021
Privilege of the Floor: Marcus Gingerich, Patricia Speno, Art Godin, Town Clerk Ellen
Robert Lynch acknowledges Cassandra Hinkle’s interest in Cemetery Committee
10:08 pm Motion to adjourn: Councilperson Robert Lynch
Second: Councilperson James Ricks
Resolution #2021-32 Haefele Modem/Router Upgrade in Town Hall
Whereas the modem and router in the Town Hall are outdated and ineffective and
Whereas Haefele is offering to rent and maintain a router/modem combo for $9.99/mo,
therefore be it
Resolved the Town Board authorizes the supervisor to enter into a contract on behalf of
the Town of Enfield with Haefele to provide the router/modem combo for the Town Hall
Resolution #2021-33 Advisory Committee Appointments
Resolved the Town Board makes the following appointments
● Beautification Committee- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Resident Hannah
Volpi and Resident Joe Dawson
● Finance Committee- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond; Councilperson Virginia
Bryant; Town Clerk Ellen Woods; Highway Superintendent Buddy Ro llins, Justice
Betty Pool, Resident Diane Armini. Resident Art Godin
● Renewable Energy Advisory Committee- Supervisor Stephanie Redmond,
Planning Board Chair Dan Walker; Residents: Mike Carpenter, Jude Lemke, and
Marcus Gingrich
Resolution #2021-___ Town Bookkeeper – salary at $12,000.00/year, paid bi-
Whereas, the Town Bookkeeper is be a highly qualified professional and valuable asset
to the town; now therefore be it
Resolved that the Town of Enfield will increase the Bookkeeper pay for 2021 from
$10,000/year to $12,000/year.
Resolution #2020-___ Authorizing the transfer of Funds to Equipment Reserve
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has requested that funds from the sales of
equipment through Auctions International be transferred to Equipment Reserve, now
therefore be it
DRAFT MINUTES 02-10-2021
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to transfer the
balance of $27,810.00 from Unreserved Fund Balance DA909 to the Equipment
Reserve Account DA231.