HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 09 03 Planning Board Minutes September 3 2014.pdfTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - September 3, 2014 - Enfield Community Building 1 PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Steve Givin, Henry Hansteen, Calvin Rothermich, Dan Walker ABSENT EXCUSED: Ann Chaffee, Dawn George, STAFF: Vera-Howe-Strait/Councilperson Board Rep., Sue Thompson/Planning Board Recording Secretary, Alan Teeter/Code Enforcement Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Calvin Rothermich made a motion to accept the August 6, 2014 meeting minutes. Poney Carpenter seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Alan Teeter reported that the reported issue of trailers on Fish Road vicinity has been addressed, and there are no longer any code violations. There was discussion and the motion below, was made by Dan Walker, seconded by Poney Carpenter regarding training options for Dawn George. Motion was approved unanimously. Dan Walker will present the resolution to the Town Board. Resolution to Opt out of Training Requirements for Planning Board. WHEREAS, Chapter 662 of the Laws of 2006 requires planning and zoning board of appeals members to complete four (4) hou rs of training annually unless the Town of Enfield opts out of the training requirement; and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature, recognizing that the mandated training provided for in Chapter 662 of the Laws of 2006 may not be appropriate for every municipality provided authority in the law for local governments to choose to opt out of the mandated training requirements established in Chapter 662 of the Laws of 2006; and WHEREAS, Chapter 662 of the Laws of 2006, provides that the Town of Enfield may , at any time, opt out of the provisions of Chapter 662 of the Laws of 2006 by passage of a Resolution providing such; and WHEREAS, Enfield Planning Board has excused Dawn George from 2014 Planning Board Meetings, due to medical reasons, the Planning Board recommends to the Enfield Town Board that Dawn George be excused of the training mandates of Chapter 662 of the Laws 2006, NYS for the year 2014. It is also noted that the Planning Board requests that Dawn George is to remain a member in good standing of the Planning Board. There was discussion on NY Planning Federation training web site. Poney Carpenter will check into training and report back to the group. The Planning Board was asked to review the subdivision regulations for any changes. Ann Rider, Town Supervisor would like to submit the subdivision regulations into a town law. Dan Walker suggested the group review the regulations at the next meeting. Dan Walker reported that there has been no changes in the environmental impart for the Black Oak Farm. Dan Walker also reported that has been discussion in the county regarding the process for road use regulations. Steve Givin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Calvin seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary