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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 05 07 minutes planning board.pdfTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2014 - Enfield Community Building 1 PRESENT: Ann Chaffee, Dawn George, Steve Givin, Henry Hansteen, Calvin Rothermich ABSENT EXCUSED: Poney Carpenter, Dan Walker STAFF: Sue Thompson/Planning Board Recording Secretary, Vera-Howe-Strait/Councilperson Board Rep., Alan Teeter/Code Enforcement Dawn George called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Changes to minutes of April 7: Should read Fish and Rothermich Roads not Fisher Rothermich Roads. Ann Chaffee made a motion to accept the minutes with changes to the April 7, 2014 meeting. Motion seconded minutes passed unanimously. Chuck Bartosh, Clarity Connect, reported no changes on communication tower. He stated that if and when additional height on tower was added, the company needing the additional height would be paying for it. Clarity Connect is offering their service now and residents should go to their web site for additional information. He stated that 70% of the town has access to the service. Chuck Bartosh also reported that they had been having trouble with someone riding motorc ycles around the tower. They have put up camera’s to find out who has been doing the damage. Alan Teeter asked the committee for recommendations for the fee schedule for subdivision applications and site plan review applications. It was decided to wait u ntil the next meeting as Dan Walker had reported previously he had recommendations for the fees. New Business: Alan Teeter reported that the Grain Process Mill on Aiken road wants to put an addition on to their current building, the building will be under the size for application. He reported neighbors had been complaining of the noise from the mill. The Mill also has been working with the neighbors on the complaints. Vera Howe-Strait and Nancy Spero reported that the Comprehensive Plan Committee has had 3 meetings and gathering information on the Comprehensive Plan. No work had started as yet. Steve Givin reported he will be having surgery and asked to be excused for the June and July meetings. The Board wished him well and excused him from the meetings. Calvin Rothermich made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Steve Givin seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary