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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 03 05 minutes planning board.pdfTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - March 5, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Ann Chaffee, Dawn George, Steve Givin, Henry Hansteen, Calvin
Rothermich, Dan Walker
STAFF: Sue Thompson/Planning Board Recording Secretary, Vera-Howe-Strait/Councilperson
Board Rep., Alan Teeter/Code Enforcement, Beth McGee/Councilperson/Chairperson
Comprehensive Plan Committee
Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Dan Walker introduced Poney Carpenter and Henry Hansteen, new members of the Planning Board.
Calvin Rothermich made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 4, 2013 meeting. Dawn
George seconded the motion. Minutes passed unanimously.
Comprehensive Planning Committee
Dan Walker announced that the Town Board has appointed a new Comprehensive Plan
Committee. They would like to have 2 – 3 Planning Board members on the committee. Poney
Carpenter asked if the committee would review or continue writing the comprehensive plan. Beth
McGee, chairperson of the new committee, responded that the Town Board would like more details
and future planning direction for the Town Board members to consult. The committee was put
together so that the two boards could continue with their usual town business. Vera Howe -Strait
stated that the Town Board appreciates all of the work done by the Planning Board but wants more
details placed in the plan. Poney Carpenter and Dan Walker volunteered as members for the new
committee. Henry Hansteen will volunteer for certain sections as they are worked on. Dan Walker
stated that he will report back to the Planning Board regarding the work done in the new committee.
Dan also reminded everyone that these committee meetings are open to the public.
Dawn George suggested that the vision of the Comprehensive Plan should be addressed at
the committee’s first meeting – purpose, audience, etc.
Planning Board Training
Dan Walker announced that the Planning Federation Conference will be held March 30 – April
1. There is also a Southern Tier Planning Conference in Corning April 2 – April 3. Dan Walker felt
that this conference addresses the needs for training for Planning Board members. Vera Howe -Strait
will ask the Town Board if they will pay the $40 fee for members to go to the conference.
Steve Givin announced that he attended the Planning Board training at TC3 in 2013. Dawn
George stated she receives Planning Board Training credit for attending the annual Agriculture
Summit in Tompkins County. She attended the summit in 2013 and 2014.
New York Planning Federation Web site - provides on-line training. New
York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (NYMIR) has free training available on line -
Dan Walker reminded the Board to please start using their town email addresses. Sue will
send messages to both addresses.
Alan Teeter reported he had no new site plan applications.
Dawn George made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Poney Carpenter seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary