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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 11 06 minutes planning board.pdfTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - November 6, 2013 Enfield Community Building 1 PRESENT: Ann Chaffee, Steve Givin, Dawn George, Marie Vandemark, Dan Walker EXCUSED: Virginia Bryant, Calvin Rothermich STAFF: Vera Howe-Strait, Enfield Town Board Representative Alan Teeter, Building Code Enforcement Officer Sue Thompson/Planning Board Recording Secretary Dates/Project Reminders: Planning Board Meeting – December 4 Comprehensive Plan Subdivision changes (Nov 6) Updating the fee schedule for the subdivision application Communication Tower light costs (Oct 2 meeting) Marie Vandemark called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Steve Givin made the following changes to the October 2 minutes paragraph 5: All lights are on at night. Lights are red. The Towers are painted orange and white for daytime. Others changes: FFA should be FAA. Nancy Spero statement the word would have to reapply should be might have to reapply. Dawn George made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 2, 2013, meeting. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Minutes passed unanimously. Comprehensive Plan. The PB discussed the information on the Comprehensive Plan (CP) To Do List from Judy Hyman and Virginia Bryant. Dawn George reported that Debbie Teeter is sending the needed agriculture statistics to her for updating the agricultural section. Dawn George reported that Debbie Teeter informed her that the Town of Enfield needs to formally adopt the Right -To-Farm-Law. The reference to the law will be placed in the CP. Dawn will contact the Farm Bureau Legal Bureau for information regarding the adoption of the law. Public Utilities, Infrastructure – The group still needs information on roads that belong to the county which the town may plow. Dan Walker will submit update for public utilities section. Housing – Wording in reference to “community investment” needs to be reworded. There was discussion on the Better Housing of Tompkins County Windshield Survey results. It was felt that more explanation of the survey is needed from Better Housing. Steve Givin suggested Christine Carrerio and Ed Tubbs from Better Housing be contacted directly. Judy Hyman said she would contact them regarding the survey. Possible reference will be added to the CP for the Better Housing for Tompkins County Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012, where the reference to Enfield housing is made. ( Economic Development – Judy Hyman updated information using statistics submitted in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Report – Black Oak Wind Farm. Marie Vandemark stated that some of the statistics from the Agriculture section of CP can be used in the Economic Development section. Appendices - Dan Walker reported he will finish up-dating needed maps regarding town roads. Town of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - November 6, 2013 Enfield Community Building 2 New Business: Alan Teeter reported that there have been problems with subdivision approvals within towns of Tompkins County. The subdivisions are being recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office without approval of Planning Boards. The Tompkins County Clerk’s Office has to accept the documents as submitted. It was thought that the Assessment Office should also know about the subdivision regulations within the towns. Alan Teeter says he receives simple subdivisions/changes of the tax maps from Tompkins County. The Planning Board (PB) requested that Alan Teeter forward via e-mail, all tax map changes he receives from Tompkins County. Dan Walker made a motion that the following statement be added to the Subdivision Regulations in Section 103 Subdivision Definitions and or/ Section 204 Types of Subdivisions and Procedures. Simple one parcel to two parcel divisions does not need approval of the Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Steve Givin. Alan Teeter and Vera Howe-Strait will submit the motion to the Enfield Town Board for approval. Steve Givin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dan Walker seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary