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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 06 05 minutes planning board.pdfTown of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2013 Enfield Community Building 1 PRESENT: Virginia Bryant, Ann Chaffee, Dawn George, Steve Givin, Calvin Rothermich, Marie Vandemark EXCUSED: Dan Walker STAFF: Sue Thompson/Planning Board Recording Secretary Vera Howe-Strait, Enfield Town Board Representative Alan Teeter/Building Code Enforcement Officer Public Hearing: Chairperson Virginia Bryant opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Site Plan Review for the Subdivision Application from David Thompson of Iradell Road. David Thompson reported that all the documentation needed for the subdivision has been submitted to Alan Teeter. Virginia Bryant asked for comments regarded the subdivision. No comments were given. Calvin Rothermich moved to close the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Virginia Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Calvin Rothermich made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 8, 2013, meeting. Dawn George seconded the motion. Minutes passed unanimously. Steven Given made a motion to accept the application for the Sub division property of David Thompson on Iradell Road. Calvin Rothermich seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Virginia Bryant introduced the application for the Site Plan Review of George VanValen of 110 N. VanDorn Road for his property on Hayts Road (4.5-2-3.8). The application is to build a 3 unit apartment building. The Health Department has approved the septic system, and the Highway Department has placed a culver pipe at the entrance from Hayts Road. Virginia Bryant stated that the Planning Board will have to submit a 239 Section Application (Section 239-L: Coordination of certain municipal zoning and planning actions; legislative intent and policy) regarding the George VanValen plan to Tompkins County Planning. The County will have 30 days to comment on the application. It was stated that the Planning Board has the right to accept or turn down the suggestions of the county. There was discussion on well depth, frontage, boundaries, size of building and area, drainage of properties. There was also discussion on how the Health Department protects not only the construction area but the neighboring property. Alan Teeter handed out a copy of the 239 law to the Planning Board. Virginia Bryant opened up the floor for comments regarding the George VanValen application. Randall Corey of 729 Hayts Road, a neighbor of the property, stated that the apartment building will open the area up for: more traffic, people who do not have a vested interest in the neighborhood, more noise, and less privacy. Randall Corey stated that George VanValen has been bringing in “fill” to raise the property level 3-4 feet higher than the property around him. His concern is the drainage from the filled property on to his property. He is also concerned with the content o f the “fill” and if it is environmentally safe. Town of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2013 Enfield Community Building 2 Russell Maracle of 713 Hayts Road, a neighbor of the property, stated they were also concerned about the increase of traffic, noise, less privacy, and impact of the value of their home. Virginia Bryant asked for other comments regarding the application. Calvin Rothermich commented that the increase traffic was already there due to the Hildendale Golf Course. Randall Corey commented that the increase difference was the golf course was only a few months during the year and the apartment house will be all year. Randall Corey also commented that the property was never offered to him or Russell Maracle. It was pointed out by the Planning Board members, that there is no law stating neighbors have to be offered property before selling the property to others. There was discussion on well depth, frontage, boundaries, size of building and area, drainage of properties. There was also discussion on how the Health Department protects not only the construction area but the neighboring property also. Calvin Rothermich made a motion for the Planning Board to send the George VanValen application to the County under the 239 Section Application law – Planning. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Alan Teeter, Code Enforcer, will send the application to the county. Virginia Bryant asked for a formal vote regarding the Clarity Connect Communication Tower. The first vote with the Planning Board was made via communication with e -mail. Dawn George made a motion to approve the project of Clarity Connect - Chuck Bartosch, Communication Tower at 1808 Mecklenburg Road. The project is a communication tower with the height 195 feet. It is also requested that lights be placed on the tower. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Virginia Bryant asked Judy Hyman of the Comprehensive Plan (CP) Survey Committee to present a report on the survey. Judy Hyman passed out copies of the results of the CP survey to the Planning Board. She reported there are still a few areas to be finished up. These areas are marked in yellow. The data is the same as in the November report. Judy Hyman passed out an Overview of the CP Survey results. For Appendix – Pages 1-6; Questions 1-18; Tables plus graphs. The number of residents still needs to be added. Pages 6-11; Questions 19-22; Tables with highest response in red in decreasing order; Pages 12 – 20; Questions 23-26; Summary overviews of free-form comments. Probably for Online Only – Pages 21 to end; Questions 23 – 26 plus open comments; full comments split and organized by topic . Judy Hyman reported all items being of a more personal nature and identification were removed to protect their privacy. It was suggested by Judy Hyman to place the results of survey on the town website and not to wait for the approval of the CP itself. Virginia Bryant will e-mail a pdf copy of the survey to the Planning Board and Town Board. All comments regarding the survey should be sent to Virginia Bryant. Virginia Bryant thanked Judy Hyman and the other members of the Survey committee for all their work. There was discussion regarding pictures to be placed in the Comprehensive Plan. Ann Chaffee suggested a request to the community to send in pictur es of Enfield both old and new to be added to the CP. Community members can send them either via e -mail or have them scanned at the Town of Enfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2013 Enfield Community Building 3 Town Clerks office. Virginia Bryant will write an article to be placed in the Community Newsletter requesting the pictures. Virginia asked for Comprehensive Plan Group Reports: Julie Schroder submitted the reported written by herself and Marie Vandemark for the Economic Development, Community Facilities & Programs group. Stephen Givin handed out the report for the Built Environment/Infrastructure (includes Housing, Utilities, Planning, Transportation) group. He stated he was not sure Dan Walker had finished the report regarding town roads, water and sewer. Virginia Bryant said she would check with Dan Walker on his results. Virginia Bryant handed out copies of the report for the Environment, Natural Resources group. Sue Thompson handed out copies of the report for the History and Town Overview, Demographics (census) group. Virginia Bryant reported she had two reports from the Agriculture, Land Use group. She will combine the two reports into one final report. Art Godin asked if the Agriculture group was coming to a close? Virginia Bryant answered yes that all the groups were now coming to a close with the submitting of the reports. Art Godin stated he was concerned about the draft of the reports as he felt they were not given enough time for the whole committee to review the reports. He was told that the Planning Board will write the final sections of the CP. Art felt the other committees had written the final version of each section but the Agriculture group did not get a chance to write the final version. He agreed that the CP should now move forward with the reports the Planning Board was given. Virginia Bryant st ated the CP is a draft and still has to go to a public hearing and then approved by the Enfield Town Board. Virginia Bryant reminded the Planning Board and community members that it was stated that a Planning Board member would chair each of the groups. Virginia Bryant requested all the reports sent to her. She will then put all the reports together to compose the new Comprehensive Plan. She will send a copy to the Planning Board when this is done. Calvin Rothermich made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary