HomeMy WebLinkAbout1821 NYS Legislature Enfield American Journal first page.pdfen enrolled, am rave
his stoic, or in, :t legal
t ,
hkrrt6- A �Or to d=Uiric the fetcn'of.I7yssrs in fisccard
tile major silt 27tem� shall '1'arnpkins,
Hy the 1Cd
pare either nowt officer
_"r s ud, (n1 I 1 uu--_
:. .
pr , ciliar and Ji.ctn .utiml, shall be }i;i id hJ the
lc 1, llai( aY tJt �.11d-
,•d h,• Ilrr J,n••,le>L tlll,tl ]e'f r (li I ,'a9 ltCl alt's-
ttcasun-r the ler.
t ,Cd pR Monday last. by \-ailmeroa tuDWnha
'.innaLon- '<i, '
fir+nr6 ruuuty ; hint -d.•[ rnnnatibif sttatl7,r
- -
entered (if record, in the office (if such -clerk,
on wdrnlut 01-01, r-tnoph,
- tifutr of 1SGIc Yurl.--,Cerrrfrzrrr's Vlfire.
rtrz-•.r, 4a eblb sal impre>rsire aenatm was . i'
,car or dlfirnp, ins the
- - - -
1:r be
v rCty the rel ;A1r f7'irncr •,nd6t oCour
a uatur l born, or na=-
nl such clerk shall Muse a crnifiu-Ite- ill such
-citify tlle1ttrcedin!; to a (rue copy nfaa-
f =n
Vrw-Y. rk, or of
election to be. givelt to each p rson so found to
original act ofthe•legWature of this state; an file
t citizenaer:ed`ns pert «r =nail erlr>
.rre of
(as the use may be,)
be electedas a rMegate,.within fifteen dais after
ill clog office. < ::
i %atteatirm w-ar'paO. to the rrumnsnt an
such defeitoinatiorl,andshallalsotratsmitacopy
J.V.-N.Y_>'rE8 Scc'r1'.
ateitranycrso,mideatyxrecft�taatidalthn't 4x
hold''witlfin this state;
ofsuch determination to tire
- :Albany, March 1S, 18`21.
t f
of ibis state there tm be fileJ and remain of rr-
thecuaticunnceo[peaeen .: The speech t%t
----^ ; ° •a
en enrolled, am rave
his stoic, or in, :t legal
t ,
hkrrt6- A �Or to d=Uiric the fetcn'of.I7yssrs in fisccard
tile major silt 27tem� shall '1'arnpkins,
Hy the 1Cd
pare either nowt officer
of veJthee
J P ' g'
County of pasted Altttrch IG,
poiltenai o7agenftimantom
r (peen or nou.a.0 b
place `
flee"erthe little and place where such election for.
Lee ore-f=voret with.the EviniegPod'of' '
in or militia ttutt ; or
r assessrti to conch on
delegates into be. Willi as is directed by- lawr to:,
be gicrn of the tipte-and place or�hoosmtr men,-
- - :. ,
BE.,L'r ErACTf n, by:the people bf, the state
Jdtit :wptacaiag Lo slid
rya ;Par ultenfsu tipetped an thE2Sd' lee:
yst and have .worked
cnmtautatioa thrrrfur, _
.bees of soar mbly,;_ and that the mspeetors and
. clerk of the said elrcu,iaf shalt severs ly Take;-
of.iYeto York, .reprrsenled in .S'enatP and rte-,
aemLl.. ,"Cltatfroin and utter dv assin of this
kig-6,to perW>n :.nho'deliver'ed'i'apeaFt:
hot i now nm x)1 actual
the oath directed to be taken hy'the inspectors.'
acti all�ttiaY pail of the timtia of Ul}'sse<, in llie
tfennr. OUbeboat;lhkrivbie6 elrsatec ih
of the town or Ward to
� and clerks of electious, in and by the act entitled.'
t ".a6 net ffirftegulatint elections,' rr which
coutit)rnf 1'tiroj nano,, lying within Mlle bounds--
Ims1 fo;llowilli- 7-tbat is to sav begi1,fing, nt the -
rot, he pays Is wilt be amat(et`a,ft:0
-lie, It the oec»rtenees wiilcb to a roeea,
and that t have not
i vote, al th'et eler.-
f either of rhe said inspectors is hertby aulhoris'-
ttorIIj.est i•orner of for numb,•r one in sacci t wn, .
ylaee in dtaly,.ifionl3 avavtialty lead"Coif
v declared, that if any
pet to a_lminrter; and that it shall be the duty.:.
thenci. :oath to the n lrthe;lst enure[ of L.t nunr
nlptudoftranr{nihty in that gwprer boli[
I to take the call) or at-
take the same, lie shall
of die proper authority of tilt several capes fit .
this state, to appoint inspectura of election under .
bet thirty=Icor; thence east to the north ase car,
iter of, comber third -nine; thonce. south to
such use, be ary-great obJect to seeureto'mj
t such election, until Ice
Ens ace, to -the same manner they• are rennet .
the ntartftrvest corner of InCtinfitier-lorry ; thence
thecuaticunnceo[peaeen .: The speech t%t
ed by a law for annual elections, it'least. twelve-
east to Cayuga bake; thetlea along said -lake
rapeet, of a pacific natare.. ti
rfrd. 'i hat tile- said elec-
riays before the time appointed .for holding the.
northerly to tit,- southeast cororr of the town or
I'rhe hou•e of eommoae wae:'taaudate� ,id
-br-rotrclnrtnl; suet-ihe----.--
election authorisrtl by this att.,
[evert thrncewi•st to Che. tllace of beeiunino.;
tions rrom all part ortheosvvtrr,urai0io
And or. tt urfher enacted, , That it- any' in. shall. be and -ts hereby erected -into w separate ration of the Qneen's clime, to the-tlta 3Ju
the ntann,•r prescribed` ,f - rgyr�•
s cefor of'thrsaid elections or either of` them Yotvn .:b the name of Ulvssra aril that the -fast
(Senators; that the said P i , y , a Motion connected: witk`idtailag,ttee,mat
by the inspectors of the shall wilfully omit orneglect to-rAbke teturus of towla iifteeting be held at rite house of John tllut• rgy,_tha minis tri ti n
the said electtoor within the times prescribed as tntin,in thc`vi laor,ofJack'sonvilte; infraid town. name°tn the tits try tilwAtail 7
lection, and the relurua ' ( of 91. t
ispectuty to the clerk's aforesaid, . or shall wilfully make or cause to be A,v!ln+at ja Oen a»acted ThnCsn much o: J y
,m cotmties, at the same f trade, anyer:-or in such rHu.Ms,'ori-ither ofthetn� tlie`reImaming +pari of` the town- of [Musses ly- nThe wittc.tess hors declared tfnrr3ate"lldtr,;•tc
uae.ner, a+ t1iir canvass and il'hny clerk of ant county shall tirilfilly cer- . ing-within the following, boundaries: that is to. continue all proteediode` ef„rafcst tbe_ @�lee'n: `J
tifv falsely, the resuh'araither of -rite- .- sa begtnnmg -at the northwest cnrtlrr bf lot
'+motors are by law di, i- . - - - Y = - o ca.tlermgh gai motive. ihat be ebdtad "iti6'i>!i 4
tions or shall wilful) make or cause tit be made number thin tour thence south tri the north •
the Sertidcates of the t y r y t pari -ion resyeerbigapeeuoiaryallaaoulit'tiztt
shall be .recorded by-_any,
as xerror forrsafd, or hal-tral wdf�tl}tJ+ ,l et deby r o ntti'[o' the soutUeast care rr of int number srtvtsaid lioe nty-sevenQ testy. Willett wtiethe dilly •propnntion, ao •thg
,aIll towns and counties, r'- tett thatm,oretrn ineaM'to'.fici jrocirs,—
,all be crnitied aril 6c - transmit the said traascnhts,withmthe times a.ore- thence north to -the northeast corner of lot num-. _ .--
Iry of 'this state, . at the said, sncb i»spretor or clerk, co Offending, slit ll ber rbirty-nine ; thence west to the place'of be- Acwun . Imm i5e_000taeat-tboagtr xaie /
ii✓ tSi3rtrt=r, as--crrtifi be liable to irdictmeut ane! conviction for a'' -tete -s_' pinning;.' shall be and is hereby erecter} into a -sr- ter, rgy'nnt6ing"oC the ero+ioer7 heide.atzZayl
. demeanor,in cnurt afcotn rtrt*r aricdidinrr : orate fawn br7ht-Warne of: i firltl anti tl>tt-
aorsarr now by las• re- - % P J ; a P et pe.k eya ng _ 'ill ummim, cue poise i '
ascribed and transmit- ":f npoti such conviction, shall be subject to itthe firsttoe'n jaceling Ire held at toe house of am,ing; ad t the,prince regent• deeJarod 6ti iatrr
,ra ir, as afores;iid.x;htl
fine not eccred;ngonr thousand dollars, or to = John Applegate: and, sit -clip remaining -part ui rn pians h a-t•If:aF-tbe heal_ tifttte army ae=%t6e1
Imprison rnent in the crunty" rr on not'eeceed -the totvo Of Ul saes shall be and remain a sc=
•Curd, :rad the tr so _ '. - P y ' art the lrrs[ehgV= -
•1 at the acme cin -_t b.,, ` m� se -
our year ; and -doll be disabled tobuld anjrparate town, by the name of Ithaca; and that .. - _ -->
the tint r Ginn r, and
of ice of honor, trust or profits under'tbeauthor the Grst-town meeting be lie] d.at the your[-huuse stn attempt bad been medeat 3tiaan,iountni
r published as i, pre- , ity of this fr rte : ti -I the said inspectors and m dlr vi;tage of Ithaca. wt- Boom-, who had acted as agent to T01y ib
, to tire election of sell- clerks oft tfions; clerks n` "cmmUes;-- and can--=- Art -d it farther enacted, That the super-- feet evident for -the R WX unnrtry.q•,attoi
asserst shall be liab!r for Ary other: final an ( _ ylsrtrs and o`-elseers of thepoor tithetowns of-
tarru t conduct ill relation to lbe gatd electrons =: Llvsses,"; Enfirld .,Ind Ithaca, s;lall truer tone
-[r d;:That if -it slate ap --- t-: - - a - -- I"rdat Iad a, it appeared. that -a recent -if=
or ""Iger Oftltent, to the penalties- preseriheJ to deer on the second Tuesday of May next, attire- P
: to t r n,adr. ac afore- - er - e..ition a am t ihewetivett ltsd=Jpeea avaeJ[a a
It.,ts r Lotrc6ven •,nil
strud Ir cases ill sort by the -- ac* far eegulatrttg - hodseof Edmamd Hopkins, in the toivu r { t.•`[ys p g iS .
r' rt opjs; and the sato Onr.:c'GS shall be 1iaid for ses, and apportion the money and pour belongins hard fighting Cor rtrz mete. -
r \•n Cnnrrn[idu, tl,rn, - _ - - - - -
'L•assrrcare -hv by rr-twirservreesattbesaid election, or -ii
of`-tothesaidrownofl}lys•esprevioustolhrdivision;. - - --- -- -
thrm,`.performed - under this`. anti to -the same _ agreeably to tl•e l.tst tax list, and that etch of the . A;\U'THEI;i. B 1NI�
lane,—that cheer slo-rN he amount aun ill like manner, as the are_now, di- d+i9 seri in n-latinit ? Y said towns thereafter shah maintain and so�il•or( t I+ill to incorpriratennotFirt bank, li"Pa
rented to be. aid' by law- far-sin.ilar services at their own oar and that it alsobr the duty of earl 1. the Assembly by a_ majorityoferktht votes- _r
I act thin if rt aceta) P a POM,
elections for set:arcs or members of ascrpitbly. res toners of colnuiml. schools ill the`said ton u thought the farmcts and mechanics of.
data majontr of . x1ndie it farlher rnncted, :That the delegates hereby ilirided,to meet with thesaid supervisors, -ba a!readv suffered sufficiently, frnfj fi desp
for va"r than, that sit t t be chnstn; shall meet in
rani nssecouvention, av Lite on s tid second Tuesday of May next, & make all . rice increase of banking ea{tttg7; abet: third
ef s shall err '...:: ,--, ;rml,-in the City ipf ilbani>; on rhe lair Tues- equitable-apporlioorient_�f -11 e4»aiir-ys- arising • would regntm-,ttYgir rrfson,ifo Induce H ted
nrrntlwtsh:dl be cnf d j-cen4uive tmm - rmm county to'give--hist/
e r„py of the• sa cer- tilt of _ingmt-neat, from whence they may, if either from the renis of sa!e.of the (:'usprl and-._ - �� g
i,v iter srcrrtan of tilt think pmper, adjourn to ntty other place; Sclnol Lot belonging fir the said tots•tl hereby - fir a still greatperteiision of the evil. As
r•id till'%, and theit, attendants and officers, shall : divided. engartion lair their tray- are liver re tdy_toiender credit xtmr itis .0
: yr- r, stn•rt;vc c i'.: el tmd attendance as the, Members of ,the lr disla- State Ofilrew- ork i`Pve no hesitation in s4”; that Mt. E
nil s'i ill -be b I"VIM ap d the like i
terea'to etre'i,aarrir- i circ are il!otved-bylaw;-theamunnt,`•rtf which %tSecrrinry's 0 ce gdeserve our thas frc tlp.p t
- cat e.of ht' duty, ill opposite
within l6ptr re pert- „_,_: _
shall'be certified Gytnr".presidrntnfthecmpven certify the recetlitit. to be a true en y of this art. Air._CRITTEp bEN 'V0TEI3
m.tnnrr a:a nutier for t Y P- e 1.*A V01L O,p' TfM BILL+1 .M ate. si
now by taw required' tion, and shall be paid 4y' -the irensnrrr;ot tltls ata grigilal ort otihe legislature of this state, on
r d; _state orf the. warrant of ttre..emriptroller ;. 4114) it S1er8 thisofftee. ''-: - loss to conceive, how be will'aceonnt to his �cr,
, trd, Th -it ;if ed a the i hail 6e the duty ofthr clerks of ijte senate seta t AIiCIItD' CA1fi'BF L, stltUPlitS for air oft In dtreet,OppO41t1ft1�'t,iTi
assembly to attend the laid convention ion til De Secreta repeatedly expressed sentiments on thifp'dib"
fv and der la: e a npd)rir opening thereof, and they, atitl clip setli•etaty of!: Albany; l4Iarcli 17, •1$LI. P - '�• - 14'4, venture td say, {hat there are ttoGtEtrfac
;;r a cont un n, it than[ ,this sCtte, shaft furnish the said eaavtI rirYn with '' ` ers,in Tutsi kips count ,-who,wooJ haul vol
is he r b} r commett.I - - ( -� i. , r ,,rr'-�1- "�—;r'..-----yT'-: P : Y
tIr r { ihte 1'Pers_to_rltetr ltoseesstnn,xi.sh std can :� . Lti71 j '�t _ forthe ratrbhshment of an -tit `rrlrankt6is sit
r,�ates to - - tion tray deem necessary, and the secreta .t On lilond•ty the 12th Inst.: bytl a rev.Htr, Sam- 1te t�5voi pg arc lilt__ y''Ls-Pelt r!e]s
f ( tit)
ttm:cnnreif[nun'sltallaiid'riliyprov'tie�ita".:.diitaipt.lllYllliA]IBanH9dNirO�Tlssft_12YS�7Ib -passagiri-0 lblllteifleerpo7litLti1Pi1(tsri!}j;it
�t nen
,cr rose of constrler ery,lor the use therwaf, the amount of which cwELL, all of Ilector. Bank,:
1114 stat,•, unit' mak,i f'- .4,.
'n,r•1;tlE c'htnV dFrm
shill be 'std nn-the.crfttfiritr'..ts the resulrn
"'..p' .• t.. president
thereof in like m%rmt4as`tbe, ootin eat ea en-
!, g P
- - _
- _--1'�..-
DIED, In CnVrrt, on cite 18th m5[:1VILL
. .
S AF-•-1•tesrra: Adana Akan: IJ.Aer;.l e1' i
Houghton, fault: Mort r nn,tr °.C:hiprnan, Com eft,
r niminer of makin
s •s of "h rn
t r-g-tv�.f, _
a now at lain_
IAlt114IN Ai6$ a alt •olution, :in
, s het•o t tha ret
131 ude.11, .CNI'PI FNQFN (:dicer, Ilrmmltig M-
< •s„.
frtrl Lr; it furtlr[r ennrferi' That the proceed-
' ii'
they 1st ear of his a e
Y g
rfren F_I•tr-Wre Fhxhrth, ("iem2i�or+rt. G -dell. Crete.. .
•:r ted; That the'nr:11 her
nags of tlresaid rnnvemron shell be file in the
g cry. narri S. tirrt:" r.}ttrrt,#t.M.1d; )tewft•v, Her'-
,hall r" tbe,Lt f a1
I :is" mil! •, tenni tprv.
office afihe accreta 'of.fhls state • and the de_
.. - ' - •,
f QST uhhshrd r
P by f}.1 V l lI •l'1'ISliti,
Kau rt)rUry R thklse, i(irkJ nil, bt (hire, $! Rn ►bi
:IoM teff . Palcbio, Larrlbrton,r Prt•rrilar6ast licca '- "
-, of this
trrrninafinn and prupnritions of the said cnnven-
rev,. ill 1-. 11 UISS 1'I -Y' ino feller'!b
V, hoot, W. It -t, .Kitts tetoinin,"3. C. %yeaq%r,
s(.rtr; and
fns lar vntos hr
tinn,shajflr. rnt7-reel of rreordrinrthe-sameofiice. ,,
. ,
,,ill YQldb; arta ✓ill. FI)11I�: S u7el'
IJ, tipenc r titibhan.,-wartw.an, C. Thoma.p,'w
shall rr-
,r deter at. -s, at i,
And that n shat) fpr tllP r1Ut tit the said cnnven-
; , Y; (".,;
Irl. to Lhe stone as then bulb alter:tt'ed
,,,itd•rup.on Therm+o, VevAhtyne, Vrnrk•rn�o4 Vas'•
J{ pone, Van Yb-ck„Vetoer, Wrpfanck, tPJlks
,n if 11iii:err, and mole
-ion, brsulfmrt.their loropnictl amandmet.ts to
• - ,
:. tnthe'Atn. Journal. •1'ri tvhich•is addi•.d
tFi}ii•m•. t1'rolirard;Y rt -.5,9 .. , r
plrkrrilrr,l in the x r 114
. ttf dertsfam cf the crir7 :ns nfth+s stair, entitled t
to tr,r tintlrr fhi9 act, togel'irr, or in `distinc[ '
. - - ' • a
-- 7 l i
�� R
iril'ti-iSe?n ilabceek, ,tiutzta: Hi+rtr+n Benj',,,
-71 v , Itorl i [-Cr+ilhr+, Dav��i•,11..
it:. r•Wi,r tak••rl hi 711 ":'.l)f,ipilelfinna,
a;nl th:,t ll 1»r.r tK rn-
,li in Iltrfh shall ReCln C]rlledlCnt: I'..-
-- wins : l 3r?
i f.Jt�
{.. i'rraY ff%lit)' (s3•e -
I)ow, WL ds, Danfettlll- Full,' Prrillrt:
- - -
!'ur ,1 1 nt •s, ,. t tit he
Arid that til, said cnnvrntion, titan! rrscrikutfhr
- - P
tone and manner, or holding an It firm for such •
LY ell Wi LET nidal
p+ i t . t+.,-Guw•urlJ++++w.--7
t f-, It, 1', Hart, Icemen Hicl4r, Hun i q Jct
1 Il,at Ill- I.'cli n fur
1 :d a 1r!f ala os
-. • f - {
_ sur car , Y-rnnllrirh O___ - samganddetermrn=:,
"lnnktng a painpble( or -,... pages I rice
sun, -hathtFs, iL•y.rr, hens;, Kseia, L.,ke. Lott
{t;,ntc•, ;•loftlua.00, N-ridinrb, 3.0etiori 3 P
•-r mrv.tirmral, sfi I 'for
,,,. ttidrtsoh. and all life rrsdatirxrs-necessary -{
nor shillilIg. For gale by tbc,publishtrr;
t)-turru, Yett.y;lt-gars, R mvtwe-1«w�t� ty
J•dll take plare,ult the
Iurr to__.- And. tba all sheriffs Wirers _onspec •
-it Arad..Je)as store. Lutilowville; Catnlil-.
Spaah racy, Tripp, Ot-b•r r, jTt(tf� aQ--3t
cr, T 8e
=Lure and_persam m anti al'i1V ttt}m this slate,
,r hand sl•dll on -;shall csprct lo'Tte election,
_& N:hrs untnnsbul• -h ; [)r '3.. ilalse s
- - -.,09-
p --
Mlefrotn Fort Ulu PriACC
a .av, and an file two
tt• f jr r5 r.l It
in card io'_br 1ue -„Ifo.;`
Serrhrll_txthes:uticonvenuofi; sort tll_rrgula=
Dr. 1. -l. lVillia ,Tstrksnrtsr lir
, ,
°°tht Journal olGr,, and by NlGpost-ride['9r
y, -„
C['ottt Cllpt Ktt6iraHa ote saLr::�`, -
y:.- stat, a It11or d to �-
❑or*new s�ttyYltrrc[o tcrerrise every ;rawer,
. - , . .._ _ ._ ,
;larth �Gflt 18x1
Ipin>, arrived �TSterd -from Port stn=
, _
Jnr. autlincrt) as is relation f9�anpai'tleetions -,
.. a
” ' - ,' ..
t - -• r- -
1 r IhCe, i1.Ut It fi BW Ana's - [bYlnlfi l0 11I '
- - -
.. -